A Queen

Chapter 1,141 Retribution!

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1141

"What does Shopkeeper Xiang want to say?"

"Actually, I just want to say that you are the only other woman I have seen who can make her submissive, besides Luan Qingyi and Qianshan Muxue."

"So you're telling me this just to make me understand that you are not among these people?" Ye Ziqing's words disrupted Xiangxi Palace's prepared draft.

She breathed again and smiled charmingly.

"I don't need her to give in. On the contrary, I just need her to show up when I want to eat and cook it for me."

When I think of those foods... Xiangxi Palace is a little drunk.

In fact, Daili's cooking skills are really not that good. She came from the bustling world of gourmet food in Earth 21. As a rich person, she has eaten and cooked countless delicious food. It is immeasurable in this fairy world...

Well, actually the food culture in this world is too backward.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that cultivators do not pay attention to this aspect, but unfortunately, the wealthy shopkeeper Xiangda in this world is very greedy, very greedy!

As for Xiangxi Palace's words, Ye Ziqing's expression remained calm...

After a moment, he replied.

“Just think about it”

To put it in layman’s terms, it means – you think beautifully!

Xiangxi Palace: "..."

She was now very sure that this person and that person must be the same family.

His mouth is so bad!

Another room.

Thousands of mountains and twilight snow soak into the pool. The eyes that were originally closed opened, and a clear voice came out of his mouth: "Miss Mo is so close, but did you think that I would retaliate in kind later?"

Mo Yao stood beside the wall of the pool where she was leaning. As soon as he lowered his head, he could see Qianshan Muxue's body under the water.

She did bow her head.

But all he saw was a cloud of mist.

"The girl from Qianshan is like the snow in the clouds and the sword in the fog, which I have never been able to understand, so why should I be afraid now..."

"That's because you can't see through it yourself, but if you see it... I will definitely see it back."

"Haha~~ That's up to you... But I think you'll have to get up anyway. It's time." Mo Yao's playful tone and eyes made Qianshan Muxue's eyes wet. The waves are quiet...

"Then it depends on your ability."


The water sounds!

Qianshan Muxue's body disappeared from the water at the same time. The light in Mo Yao's pupils rotates, and the strange soul technique is activated!

The air solidified, time stood still, and the floating water turned into mist in an instant.

Flowers in the mirror. The moon in the water.

See it?


The exquisitely beautiful calves were rotated, and a robe was put on, wrapping the delicate body of Zhong Lingtianxia. The toes were fixed, and Qianshan Muxue was already lightly combing her hair by the pool opposite, and her beautiful eyes were locked on Mo Yao opposite.

"Did you see it?"


"It's a pity...then it's your turn now"

Regarding Qianshan Muxue's calm words, Mo Yao's eyes narrowed slightly... "I'm already in the pool, Qianshan girl"

The people on the side...are phantoms.

Qianshan Muxue lowered her eyes and saw the person in the pool who had entered the water at some point. Raise your eyebrows,

“Very good illusion”

"You have to cooperate... Did you fall into the trap on purpose? Am I worthy of your deliberate paralysis?" Mo Yao's voice was also full of mysterious rhythm.

Under the control of the soul, she was king, at least in the past. Few people could afford her the ability to be treated as an equal.

"It's not intentional... I just don't want to see it." Qianshan Muxue wiped her hair with a towel and walked towards the door.

No fighting spirit?

Mo Yao smiled softly, but his face under the veil was unclear.

"A soul master will never regard other people as opponents, no matter how strong they are..."

"So?" Qianshan Muxue was adjusting her clothes slowly.

"But the tolerance for other soul masters is often very low, and they will destroy them at all costs."

Qianshan Duxue paused. His palm pressed against the door.

"You can try"

she went out.


After Yanlu came out of the pool, there was no sound of "teasing" from someone outside. This made him a little uncomfortable...

When I went out and took a look, I realized that he was asleep again.

Fell asleep again...


The thought of this person being talkative, lustful, and sleepy... simply occupied the highest level of his intolerance.

Is it really suitable to be a valet?

Gui Jianchou called out before Dai Li woke up, "Okay...it's my turn."

She stood up and stretched, "Well, you two can go."

Gui Jianchou also breathed a sigh of relief. Has this level been passed?

Just as Gui Jianchou opened the door...


After a few more pushes, he turned his face.

Daili: "Don't tell me this door can't be opened, I won't believe it!!!"

Yanlu: "..."

The three of them took turns trying...

Dai Li's expression darkened, and he looked at Gui Jianchou... Gui Jianchou was a little embarrassed, his extremely handsome face was slightly stained with a little crimson, and he said coldly: "I heard that bad luck has inertia..."

So you mean it was me?

Dai Li wanted to refute, but when he thought of his bad luck skill points that were frequently passively activated...

"Okay, I can only contact Yuran and the others to take a look..."

"This place is isolated from the soul"


So there is no way to transmit the message.

So...you two have to stay and wait for me to finish?

The three of them looked at each other.

Dai Li seemed to see the message in the seemingly calm eyes of these two people.


People really can't be too shameless...

Daili took a breath. Smile: "Then I'll trouble you two to wait here until the time is up. If they find that the three of us haven't gone out yet, they will definitely come looking for us..."

"As for me..." She pulled down her collar. Laugh: "I'm going to take off my clothes."

He also gave Gui Jianchou a meaningful look.

Gui Jianchou: I told you it’s none of my business! And what do you mean by that look in your eyes! Do you really think I want to stay here? What a joke!

Although Yanlu felt that these two people were weird, he didn't think too much about it. Maybe he didn't take it to heart, so he sat down naturally. When he saw that he was at ease, Gui Jianchou was also at ease.

Then it was someone's turn and he walked behind the screen naturally.


In fact, it is just a broken jar.

The left and right sides are just skins. I have worn bikinis tens of thousands of times before. I'm still afraid of you!

When she thought of this, she calmed down. Very calm.

In the first second, with a crash, the coat fell to the ground.

Yan Lu behind the screen saw Gui Jianchou's hands trembling across from him.

Tea spilled.

He was dumbfounded. People nowadays have such poor concentration. Just a man.

The next second, it was hard to imagine what had landed.

Anyway, the sound of clothes falling to the ground clearly reached her ears... She must have done it on purpose! Why don't you put your clothes away and leave them on the floor! It's your fault!

Yanlu watched Gui Jianchou's face getting redder and redder... He kept drinking tea, drinking tea fiercely...

His expression finally showed realization.

I see.

When Gui Jianchou saw the other person's expression of enlightenment, he was embarrassed. What did you think of! !


When Dai Li entered the water, he already had everything he needed.

Big breasts, perky butt and big legs.

Because the water seems to purify everything, her illusions and disguises all return to their original appearance in an instant.

For a moment, she was a little uncomfortable seeing her protruding breasts. She gestured with her palms and smiled.

Well, it's a little bigger.

very good.

But she soon became ill. Because the purple thread in the water penetrates from every pore, penetrates into cells, and covers the soul...

It felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained out all at once, and his bones and blood seemed to be soaked in acid water, making him numb.

Are they analyzing me?

Makes you sleepy...

"What is this thing for? What test requires this?"

Although Daili is suspicious. But he is also trying his best to wake himself up...

Don't sleep, otherwise someone will come in and fish you out later...

Do you want to be innocent anymore?


An hour. Pass!

The hall is already full of people. After all, with two people in a pool, it can be done in two and a half hours at most, but now it takes more than three hours.

"Is there anyone else who hasn't come?"

"It seems there is, Yu Ran and the others are waiting for someone."

"Who is it?"

"Seems to be.."

The expressions of Nan Lin and others were not calm, mainly because they already knew that Dai Li had not gone with Ming Jian...

Although it is a good thing, at least there is no need for a man and a woman to be together... The person who knows is Jiang Zi.

This is what those who don’t know are like this - it’s a waste for two male idols to have sex, and excellent resources should be allocated reasonably..

Yu Ran calculated the time and said, "It's almost time, and there are still three people who haven't come out yet."

"There might be something wrong, let's go check it out"

The person sent quickly informed.

"Report, the door is broken"


Everyone present was very energetic.


Yuli changed the formation of the test compartment again, and after opening the door, the three people finally walked out of the door.

Came to the hall.


One person has a weird expression, another person has a red face, and another person has a weak expression.

"It's the banquet of the East!"

"It's him!"

"And Jun Zili is also here..."

Everyone: What are you doing?

"You are so lucky... It was okay if the Qingchi Formation was broken before, but now the door is broken again... You must have been soaked in the water for a long time, how do you feel~~"

"It's okay, but my waist hurts a little."

Dai Li really felt pain in her back, because she had absorbed the dragon claws and tail, and the weakest part of her body, apart from her head, was naturally her waist.

But in the ears of others.


Yuli subconsciously looked at Lian Qingyi.

Qing Yi frowned.

Although I already knew from Yuli that Daili had moved next door, seeing these three people walking out together with my own eyes, it felt really...

My cousin is very calm.

Qianshan girl is also very calm.

"Okay, the test is over. Let's go back. The results of the second level will not be announced."


Not announced?

What a waste of an exam!

Despite all kinds of doubts and dissatisfaction, everyone still filed out of Qishan Pavilion.

Just when they walked out of the door, many people suddenly saw Ye Ziqing walking up to Dai Li who was holding her waist. When that person was surprised and about to laugh, a hand crossed her waist and led her directly in. around the corner. (The novel "A Female Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)


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