A Queen

Chapter 1142: Meet the parents!

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1142

That scene was a bit scary. Preview of the free novel "Nvfeng"

Everyone in the King's Pavilion stared wide-eyed.

Xie Ru and these people's eyes are about to vomit out.

What’s even scarier is yet to come.

Because the man in green clothes turned around,


Everyone: "..."

What are you doing!


At the corner, Daili, who was thrown against the wall by Ye Ziqing, subconsciously protected his chest: "What are you doing..."

"Is there something wrong with your waist?" Ye Ziqing raised his eyebrows.

"Uh... no," Dai Li answered quickly.

Ye Ziqing sneered: "Really?"

Then a hand suddenly pinched her waist.


Dai Li couldn't help but scream out in pain and the sound spread...

Everyone outside staggered.

Duan Qingyi had already come over, came to Dai Li's side, frowned: "Backlash?"

Ye Ziqing nodded: "Well, the Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail are assimilating her body, but they conflict with her original physique. The purification effect of this assessment will intensify the conflict...that's why her waist bones will break."

After saying that, she glanced at Dai Li coldly: "It's pitiful that someone still wants to hide it from us."

Dai Li was helpless and waved his hand: "Okay, I know I was wrong. I didn't expect the bones of this real dragon to be so powerful. It's because my own body can't keep up."

"No, I think it's precisely because you kept up with me that you refused to be assimilated by the dragon bone. Otherwise, you would be considered a dragon man now."

A chubby little dragon man with scales and two dragon horns?

Dai Li shuddered when he thought of that image.

A vampire is still domineering and handsome!

"I know...so I have to find a way to break through"

The position of prince is inevitable.

"No, another way is to find the dragon body and complete the outer dragon body so that the dragon claws and tail will not be unbalanced."

Both Luan Qingyi and Ye Ziqing knew that Dai Li had received part of the inheritance of the real dragon, and that the dragon's claws, tail and even the dragon's head were absorbed by her.

We've already reached this point. If we don't fully realize this opportunity, we'd be an idiot.

The problem is that some opportunities seem to have side effects.

"Hmm..." Dai Li touched his chin. "I can roughly sense where the dragon's body is going. It's far away from Fenchuan. It's close to the northern group area. I originally planned to go there if I didn't take the Qishan Road assessment, but it turned out that I was able to take part, so it was delayed. .”

"It's better to go. As for the coming and going time, you don't have to worry, it won't delay the assessment." Duan Qingyi's tone was very determined.

"Hey, do you know the time of the third level assessment?"

"According to past situations, there will be a long preparation time before the third level. Moreover, the Qishan Crystal was only sent three days ago. It is probably for us to absorb the Qishan Crystal and prepare for the best condition."

Just as Luan Qingyi finished speaking, Yu Li's voice came from outside.

"The third level of assessment will be in three months. All assessors should practice hard during these three months. After three months, three thousand of you will take the final level of assessment... which is also the simplest assessment."

Again the simplest. Can't you change the word?

"The last level, actual combat"


Actual combat!

This word actually hits the hearts of many people.

Damn it, I’ve finally waited for this level!

This is what all competitions value, strength is the key!

What potential, what talent, what background. They are all scum here!

Three months also made many people who were able to enter Fenchuan because of the Qishan Road assessment extremely happy and made a lot of money!

Three months of free stay. Then places like the Flame Mountain are enough for them to make rapid progress in cultivation, okay!

Both the assessors and the spectators are in a state of excitement and joy, but they don't know that three months later, it will also be the most cruel time to determine the strong and weak!


The second level was so simple and short. After the end, most people left in a hurry. Very few people stayed. Dai Li also planned to check the place he sensed and then set off... as soon as possible anyway.

One month is not a long time.

Just about to leave.

"Mr. Jun, please wait a moment."


Dai Li looked at Su Li walking over and asked with a smile: "How easy it is for you to avoid looking for me... Isn't it because you want to thank me for inviting me to dinner?"

"Can't please?"

"Okay...where to go?"

"Qinhuang Pavilion"


"Go see my uncle"

"Meeting the parents so soon?"


If you don’t have a bad mouth, will you die?

Although Dai Li's time was quite tight, Dai Li still nodded when he thought that Qin Zhige had invited him.

The two left quickly.

Behind him, Ye Yeqing and Luo Qingyi looked at each other, wondering what he was asking Dai Li for.

It happens to be this point.

But maybe there are benefits, after all, that person is not simple either.


Qinhuang Pavilion was very beautiful, the most beautiful place among the four pavilions, but Dai Li didn't have much time to look at it, because there was some pain in his waist, and Su Li seemed to feel it too.

"Your waist..."


Seeing that Dai Li didn't want to say anything more, Su Li stopped asking and just frowned slightly. With their cultivation and physique, how could they be in unbearable pain so easily? Could it be a cultivation problem? Or something went wrong in the previous test...


Qin Zhige is the most laid-back person in Qinhuang Pavilion, and perhaps the most laid-back person in Fenchuan. He doesn't care about anything, doesn't make trouble, and doesn't even go to Qishan Road for the assessment. He just grows flowers and talks about Qin every day...

Daili even thought that this person was too boring, so he came to chat with her.

But the sound of the piano is really nice.

Just a song. Dai Li walked into the pavilion.

Qin Zhige raised his eyes, glanced at it, and frowned slightly. Then he stretched out his arms and said, "If I hadn't invited you today, I'm afraid you wouldn't have come."

People who deserved to be happy before did indeed forget about it later.

Dai Li is slightly embarrassed: "I've been quite busy."

Su Li did not sit down when she was brought there. She just said goodbye and left, and Qin Zhige didn't stay with her either.

As soon as Su Li left, he looked deeply at Dai Li: "Don't you want to sit down?"

"Okay" Daili was about to sit down. Suddenly, he was gently dragged by a force, and the original pain in his waist was relieved a lot. After sitting down, she looked at Qin Zhige in surprise.

"You are the most stubborn person I have ever seen." Qin Zhige shook his head.

"Actually, it's okay...it's not that I can't bear it." Dai Li took a sip of tea.

"You can bear the pain, but you refuse to say that you are in pain. This is your stubbornness."

Dai Li was stunned. Then he smiled: "I just don't want to do anything that doesn't do any good."


"If I say I'm in pain, people who don't care about me don't have to say it. People who care about me will feel sad and then comfort me. I will definitely not be able to relieve the pain from the comfort of their sad hearts. No matter what the outcome is, it can't make me feel sad. Getting even the slightest benefit may even harm others, which is something no smart person would do.”

There was a pause. Dai Li smiled at Qin Zhige; "I know you won't do it either."

"You are still young, you can be willful sometimes."

"Not strong enough, not powerful enough. If I am willful, who will pay for me?"

Qin Zhige pushed a cup of tea in front of Dai Li with a finger: "Maybe it's because you don't want to cling to others, and the Demon Palace isn't enough to make you let down your guard... Sometimes you act like a child and get bullied and go home. It’s not a bad thing to cry to an adult.”

Perhaps this is the first time Daili has heard words like this since he came to this world, or in the two worlds.

how to say. Suddenly, there was some warmth and astringent feeling in her heart.

"I have passed that age... Besides, habits are a terrible thing, which makes me suddenly become dependent on others. I cry when I feel pain, I say when I feel sad, and I am willful when I like it. I can't do that."

"... Then try going to the left. For example, the person in front of you can still let you do whatever you want a few times."


Qin Zhige's sudden words made Dai Li almost unable to hold the cup. His eyes were full of surprise, and he uttered after a while: "Uh...are you trying to support me?"


Qin Zhige couldn't help but smile: "If I said that I just watched you fall in love, just like I watched Su Li fall in love, would you believe it?"

"I believe this." Dai Li flipped up his short hair and said with joy, "There are always a lot of people who like me."

Um? those people? People like Chu Xiuling flashed through Qin Zhige's mind.

Shake his head.

"It's not that kind of affinity," he explained with a smile.

"Which one? Is there a difference?" Daili wondered.

"It's like...the elders versus the younger ones..."

"Um...just three days ago, there was a man who looked like my father but turned out to be my uncle. Do you want to be recognized as my father?"


Qin Zhige really felt that he was very pleased with this junior. It was pleasing to the eye at first sight, very emerald. It was not unreasonable... Why did this speech make him so happy.

Dai Li just looked at Qin Nan, who had always been extremely elegant, calm and indifferent, with a smile on his face, and his beauty was almost...

"Don't laugh"


"They all say I'm a pervert, haven't you heard of it?"

As expected, Qin Zhige stopped laughing, which made Daili even more depressed. Oh, I am so rude to others?

As a normal person, I’m still not horny!

"I have to go" Dai Li felt that he couldn't stay long.

"So fast?"

"Otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp it..."

"You can't talk like that to your elders."

"It doesn't matter if you can't grasp it. I'm just afraid that I'll pounce, and if my waist is not good...then my pounce will be in vain."

Qin Zhige has found that he can't use his elder's name to suppress this person, because this person's rebellion is too obvious.

"Have you thought of a way to improve your waist? I..."

"...Maybe I need your help," Dai Li said when Qin Zhige was about to bring it up.

"You know I can help you..."

"It should be possible. Why have you been hanging out in Fenchuan for so long? I just want to ask you if you know that Fenchuan goes north, close to the northern group area. The appearance of the area looks like an island, and there are many strange things growing on it. A place full of flowers and exotic herbs..."

The generation is described based on the landscape where the true dragon's body fell.

Qin Zhige was actually surprised. He thought that Dai Li would ask him to help heal his waist and resolve his physical constraints...

"You are talking about Meteor Dragon Island. There are some legendary islands, but in the end it turned out to be just lies. It is quite ordinary." (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more new content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner "Add Friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)


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