A Queen

Chapter 1,143: I was given medicine at my door, my waist is bad!

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1143

"What legend?"

"As the name suggests, the Land of the Fallen Dragon later attracted many powerful people to hunt for treasures, but in the end they found nothing. There should be few people there now."

"Is there a map?"


Among them, Dai Li felt that he was right, but he still needed a map.

Goddess Qin is worthy of being a native of Fenchuan, and he took Dai away from his library...

It’s a library!

It’s not a study room!

The library, as the name suggests, is a storehouse of books.

One or two hundred books are hard to say.

Here... there are a lot of books, a lot of books. The bookshelf is a thousand meters high and has a cylindrical shape. There is a spiral floating ladder in the middle to connect this giant ring-shaped bookshelf. There is a square table below, and the floor is covered with soft and clean carpet. A snow-white blanket, with plants as clean and slightly mysterious as stars planted on the ceiling, with a bunch of jade bamboo on the left and right, and two ponds of small fish below.

However, this library is not closed. In fact, the low base of the circular bookshelf does not fall to the ground, but is suspended, revealing a long space with a wide crystal door connected to the outside, reflecting the A large rectangular floating rosewood balcony with a large number of exotic flowers and plants....

It is elegant and elegant yet has a leisurely and tranquil taste. Daili also sees nobility and erudition in Qin Nanshen. But it is not as rigorous as the banquet rules.

Dai Li walked behind Qin Zhige and stepped into this world...

Qin Zhige moved his hand, and the crystal door opened. The fresh air outside floats in with the faint fragrance of flowers.

"Why are you dazed...come here"

Qin Zhige's fingertips touched a little, and there was a pair of slippers under Dai Li's feet.

"Meteor Dragon Island is a remote place, and the maps are relatively rare and mostly incomplete... This one should be pretty good."

Scrolls floated out from the big bookshelf.

He picked one and handed it to Daili, who had put on a blanket.

"I think since you want to go here, you must know more about it. This book is an allusion to the Fallen Dragon Island. It is a biography written by a strong man who went there to hunt for treasures and returned. Take a look."

Book. The map and Qin Zhige were placed on the table while Dai Li sat on the chair.

"Um...then you..."

"See for yourself, I'll make you tea"


how to say. Dai Li felt that after he was unlucky at Qishan Pavilion, perhaps Fu Ji Tai had come.

Why do I feel that Qin is so gentle today~~

"Um, Senior Qin, you..."

"Senior? You didn't consider me a senior before, so why would you use this word now?" Goddess Qin looked back at her and chuckled.

"Okay...then I'll call you...Qin Zhige? By your first name? It seems very formal. The name is a bit difficult to pronounce."

"It's just a title. As long as you can call people, it doesn't matter what you call them."

"Then God Qin?"


Dai Li has already opened the map and the biography, and started reading...

And at this time. Su Li came to a place in Qinhuang Pavilion, and happened to meet Zhongli Guiwan on the way.

She was a little surprised, "Didn't you leave with that gentleman to your uncle's place? Why are you here..."

"Um...I feel a little unwell."

"Huh?" Zhongli Guiwan was worried at first. Then he suddenly smiled: "Is your waist bad?"


The biography that Dai Li read was actually a typical treasure hunting adventure story. The beginning was shocking, the process was vast, and the ending was absurd.

Not a hair on it.

A lot of powerful people who left in a mighty way later came back in a mighty way. After returning, most of them remained silent. Maybe they felt embarrassed about the fruitless adventure. However, Meteor Dragon Island was indeed very famous back then.

It is so famous that many people from large group areas come,

Qin Zhige had already placed a cup of tea next to Dai Li, and Dai Li immediately asked: "Hey. God, I read in the biography that there was a vision coming from the sky on the Meteor Dragon Island, and that's why it caused so much trouble. Few people go hunting for treasures, is this true or false?”

The things this strong man mentioned were vivid and vivid, but he had not personally seen the vision that year.

It was only by spreading rumors that he was lured away.

"It's groundless. Although there weren't many people who saw the vision with their own eyes back then, there were definitely a lot of them, including some strong ones. Legend has it that a dragon fell from the sky, burning its blood along the way, and finally fell into the sea...

It happened that only Meteor Dragon Island was burned to the ground. It was originally an unnamed island, but it was unanimously named Meteor Dragon Island at that time. A large number of people went there for adventure, but only found some bones-burning stones in the bare burning place. , there are no traces of the true spirit, so some people speculate that the body of the true dragon may have fallen into the sea..."

"Someone went into the sea?"



"They were all killed by the Kraken clan in the North Sea." After a pause, Qin Zhige sighed: "At that time, few people seemed to remember that this area belonged to the territory ruled by the Kraken clan. Going into the water was seeking death."

"Siren?" Dai Li touched his chin and picked up the tea, "Is there such a tribe? Is it a monster tribe?"

"The branch of the demon clan... Our traditional concept of the demon clan refers to land-based birds and flying beasts. This is the largest and most powerful race of the demon clan, and most of them are represented as demon clan, but there is indeed one among them. Sea monsters, most monsters are scary, so are sea monsters, especially in the sea..."

That's it... Dai Li sighed lightly. If there is no dragon body on the Meteor Dragon Island, it must be in the sea.

She was sure of this, after all, she had the memory of a real dragon, and also had the ability to sense the dragon's body such as the dragon's claws and tail...

However, the dragon body is the largest part of the true dragon's body, so it is not easy to obtain or absorb it...

Not to mention the Kraken.

Daili felt a little pain in his head. He unconsciously pressed his temples, took a sip of tea, and was suddenly stunned.

"This tea..."

"Quiet and calm," Qin Zhige said lightly. He glanced at Dai Li, who was frowning, and suddenly reached out his hand and patted Dai Li's shoulder gently.

This action made Dai Li stunned. He turned around and realized that Qin Zhige had been standing next to her for a long time. This seemed inappropriate, but now she realized that Qin Zhige was actually very tall. He was at least 1.85 meters tall and was standing next to her at the moment. Suddenly there was a sense of condescension.

Well, she rarely smelled fragrance on men.

So Dai Li stood up, picked up the book and map, and smiled: "My God. I took these...Thanks for your help, but I have to leave now."


As soon as Dai Li left and Qin Zhige had not finished drinking the cup of tea in his hand, Su Li came.

He was holding a bag of things in his hand. When he saw Dai Li about to leave, he was slightly startled. Then he met Qin Zhige's eyes, turned his eyes and smiled: "Uncle, I'm here to give it to you." It’s time to take the tonic..."

"Give it to me?" Qin Zhige's eyes were very playful.

"My waist doesn't hurt."

Generation away. Suli: "...."

Su Li waved his hand and stopped covering up. Chao Daili handed over a bag of medicine: "Since my uncle's back doesn't hurt, let's give it to those who have back pain. You failed me twice in the assessment. I originally planned to treat you to a meal." , but seeing that you looked very busy, I went to the pharmacy to get some medicine for you... as a thank you."

"Thank you for the gift of medicine... you are the only one in the world." Dai Li rolled his eyes and cursed, but he still accepted it.

"Who gave you back pain... But the pharmacist said it. If it is a hidden disease of the body, taking this medicine may not be of any use... The most important thing is to replenish the body. And avoid sexual intercourse..."



The next time I met Qingyi was in her exclusive annex in Fenchuan. Ye Ziqing was also there, and she asked as soon as she saw this guy coming back.

"Is there any harvest?"

"Yes...maps, books...and medicine"


Are medicines delivered to your door?

The two people in Qingyi and Qingyi were speechless. The only one who could do this was the Su Meiren who didn't take the usual path.

People who can do this kind of thing can only be replaced.

"Are you leaving now?"


Duan Qingyi nodded and took out a jade token: "This is the flying boat I use on daily basis. If you fly there, it will take about half a month, and the round trip will take a month. Using it can be reduced to two days."

“The past two days were enough?!!”



“It took two days to go back and forth, but it used to only take one day.”


Dai Li quickly grabbed the sapphire token, played with it, and sighed: "No wonder everyone likes to be friends with rich people...right, cousin?"

Ye Ziqing glanced at her: "You can consider getting married."

Cough, Qingyi coughed, and Daili's hands shook.

"Don't worry, I can't bear to leave you... Anyway, I will never get out of singles before you get married..."

Someone rushed towards the cousin... and stopped in front of a sword. He then hugged her arm and tilted it, making both Qingyi and Qingyi want to chase her away. They quickly stood up and patted their sleeves. Smile: "Then I'm leaving...don't miss me too much"

After Dai Li left, the smile on Luan Qingyi's face faded, she looked at Ye Ziqing, frowned and asked: "Over there at Qianshan Muxue..."

"Don't have any contact with her in the near future."



The sky and the earth are curling up, and the sky is boundless. While the three thousand assessors in Fenchuan are doing their best to practice in seclusion, someone is sitting on the deck of a certain exquisite and unique flying boat having breakfast...

It was the next day. At six or seven in the morning, the sun had just come out and the light began to cover the earth. Dai Li, who was eating fried eggs and drinking milk, was suddenly stunned. He grabbed the milk and ducked in front of the railing. He could vaguely see the front. There is a hazy outline in the sea of ​​clouds to the north.

"Mirage? Isn't that the Northern Territory?"

When it comes to northern group areas, most people in Fenchuan will think of them as small or medium-sized group areas, such as Wan Xue's. However, there are also large group areas in the north, but not many. Instead of the large group areas they mentioned, Whatnot, actually they are all in the same direction...

It is on the diagonal side from the northeast to the west, past the junction of the three seas of the northeast and west seas, that is the real place for large-scale groups, and also the place for the real strong people in this world of immortal cultivation. (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

ps: Thank you for so many people’s tips today. I’m pressed for time, so I won’t go through the records and tell who gave the tips. It seems that there is also He’s Bi, and I can’t add updates today... The latest updates are unstable and the status is not good. Recently Please forgive me and try to stabilize it as soon as possible. Of course, I will remember the rewards and other things~~I will add more when I need to~~



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