A Queen

Chapter 1,144 I really don’t want a hero to save the beauty

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1144

Of course, because it is further north, most people in the northern group area regard themselves as the strongest place, and the north is indeed the place that benefits the most. At least it has the strongest connection with large group areas. There is no doubt that ...

The South was abandoned.

Wilderness, desolation, weakness, and barrenness are the impressions people in the three regions have of the south. At this moment, the generation from the weakest and weakest place in the south is moving towards the northern region...

Oh no, it's the Meteor Dragon Island between the Northern Group Territory and Fenchuan.

Across the sea of ​​10,000 meters, Dai Li saw a medium-sized pure natural island sitting on the sea, with exotic flowers and plants, lush green, like a tropical rain forest.

A very vibrant island.

Dai Li glanced at it and was stunned, then quickly took out the map, and with a few marks on it, the topography of the Meteor Dragon Island recorded by the mapper appeared, a dark patch...

"This is the island... Jiejie, the island that was originally burned has now turned into this."

Dai Li couldn't help but sigh at the magic of nature. While controlling the flying boat to fly over Meteor Dragon Island, she activated the dragon's claws and tail to sense the location of the dragon's body. It was strange. No matter where she flew on the island, the intensity of the induction was the same. the same..

"There is no difference on the horizontal plane? What about the vertical plane?" Dai Li controlled the airship to slowly descend.

really. The induction intensity has been enhanced!

But as soon as she reached an altitude of three thousand meters, she felt that some of her back attributes were passively activated again!

Crack! We promised that it would be off the beaten path and no one would come?

What about the ordinary island we agreed on?

What are the assassination corps below, each with aura that reaches the level of monarch, doing?

Fierce fighting!

A fierce fighting battle!

But what she saw was one running away and the other chasing.

Or a powerful black-clad army of hundreds of people was chasing one person.

The average king-level black army...

Dai Li was speechless and glanced around. Looking at the besieged person again, he raised an eyebrow after just one glance.

a woman.

At that moment, Dai Li's first reaction was...to change his face!

Brush and instantly transform into a powerful muscular man.

It's not that she is timid, but treasure hunting has to be done quietly. If someone discovers it, it doesn't matter. Kill them!

But I am also afraid that there will be mistakes!

Therefore, disguise is the safest way...even if something slips through the net, don't be afraid.

So Dai Li's face changed in a second, and the legion and the woman who were fighting at the peak below also noticed Dai Li's arrival at this moment.

They all looked at each other.

The woman seemed a little surprised when she saw Feizhou...but the black-clad legionnaire instantly met Dai Li's eyes...

Face to face. Dai Li, a muscular man, put on a sinister look on his face and smiled: "Sorry, I passed by the soy sauce guy... I'll just leave."

If it wasn't necessary, she and this group of people wouldn't necessarily take action. Although according to the bloody plot of ordinary TV series or novels, this wave of people seems to...

"Leave? Since you're here, there's no need to leave. No. 7, go up and kill her!"

One of the men in black said something coldly.


No. 7 took the order and ejected instantly!

As soon as he took action, he opened his eyes of insight and scanned him and the black-clad legions below.

I was immediately convinced that this legion was not a killer legion like Liyun, because the killer legion did not have such unified techniques and combat methods, but this man was ruthless and deadly, so he was a dead soldier under a certain force?

Most of them are at the first-level monarch level. Maybe the one in the lead is a second-level monarch.

The news is not good.

This means that this Meteor Dragon Island may have been targeted by someone...


a slap!


This first-level monarch-level dead soldier was beaten into minced flesh in mid-air.

"I told you that if you pass by, you will force me to take action... I really don't want a hero to save a beauty..."

After saying that, Dai Li jumped onto the railing of the flying boat. Her strong figure was very upright and flamboyant... She grinned at the woman below. Showing his big white teeth.

"Hi, beauty, may I help you?"

These words were too arrogant. The woman frowned and looked at the black-clad army in front of her. She seemed to weigh the situation for a moment, and then said decisively: "If you can help me, I will be grateful."

Hmm, the sound is nice. Just very cold and arrogant.

Dai Li noticed that she was covering her waist and abdomen with one hand...blood was flowing everywhere.

The blood is black.

He was seriously injured and poisoned!

Pretty smart.

Dai Li curled his lips and stepped out of the flying boat...

This gesture is undoubtedly for a fight!

Hehe, he also said that he was passing by to make soy sauce! Is there anyone who can switch from soy sauce to a fight so easily?

The men in black sneered and waved their hands, and the people below them instantly gave away a third of their...

Come on!

In the first second, they rushed forward.

In the second second, Dai Li hooked his right hand, and Feizhou turned into a bullet and put it into the ring. His fingertips hooked the sword hilt, and his left hand was empty, hissing...

In the third second, dive down~!


A straight dive!

Face to face with those thirty monarchs...

Up and down...

The air was crushed and twisted by the forces pushing up and down.

Does murderous intent come from top down or from bottom up...

The fourth second!


Thousands of opportunities are out of the sheath...the roar of the dragon is coming!

A sword swing! Throw seven swords!

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!


There is one sword wing for every seven swords, thousands of sword wings, and tens of thousands of swords!

Form a terrifying Thousand Machine Sword Network!

Wow, press it down!

This scene is very gorgeous, gorgeous to the extreme. To that woman, it was the Heavenly Sword Wings and Heavenly Sword Net falling from the sky!

Seconds seconds! !

Thirty people were instantly killed by twenty...

Flesh-and-blood defense or whatever, it is not the enemy of Long Mang at all!

"No! This person is very strong!" The leader of the black army realized it in an instant. What a shame for them to choose such a cruel master...

That sword is very scary, and this man's swordsmanship is also very scary...fast, ruthless and sharp!

If I had known, I would have let her go just now!

But since it has been provoked...


Of the sixty remaining, ten were left, and the remaining fifty...


All the cannons fired, kill!

One, two, three, four, five!

The fifth second...backhand Qianji hook, but no sword?

She's still falling, but...

Press with your left hand.

Square array wheel!

boom! ! !

Thunder formation mass killing!

The most orthodox and violent group killing...


The ground appears as a circular sky. Five hundred meters in diameter and thirty meters deep. Thirty charred black and numb corpses and twenty seriously injured people had not yet been able to stand firm on the ground by the thunder, but... ghosts were twisted on the ground. You can see long, long shadows on the ground, angular and twisted, like crisscrossing lightning...


A flash of shadow passed by, and a chill went down his neck.

"Damn it!"

The strongest person in the black army was undoubtedly the second-level monarch. His face was very ugly at the moment. When Dai Li killed ninety people with unparalleled consistency...

It was difficult for him to maintain his composure, and when Dai Li's Thousand Machine Dagger slashed across the ninetieth person, he finally took action!

"it's here!"

Damn bastard, no matter how powerful you are. No matter how powerful my skills are, my strength is only at the peak of the First Level Lord level, and there is still a gap between me and me. As long as you capture your trajectory, then...

Second level monarch!

His magic is about to be unleashed...

Suddenly I saw a pair of blood pupils suspended in mid-air!

——Eye of the moment.

Photograph, shock!

Soul Interruption!

The soul thought that was originally controlling the magic was severely damaged...the magic was annihilated!

The collective soul is weakened and the defense is weakened!

Dual nuclear explosion!

A little red!

The strongest sword! Eleven counties!


The strongest man in the black army fell to the ground.

The second-level monarch...even though it was the weakest kind...was just killed in seconds?

The other nine people all changed their expressions, turned around and fled...

Nine directions.


Hou Yi shot an arrow?

Nine arrows... Explosion, explosion, explosion!

When the body of the 100th person exploded, the time was frozen at the twelfth second.

Killing a hundred-man monarch-level legion in twelve seconds...Although it is the weakest hundred-man-lord-level legion...

Extremely horrifying. If placed in a large group area, it can cause violent vibrations. In other places... myth!

This is a myth..

"Sure enough, you still have to pay attention to the rhythm when killing,...the rhythm is good today." Dai Li turned his palms. She put away the long bow and turned it into a long sword, but sighed in her heart, if her waist didn't hurt, seven seconds would be enough.

The woman behind her looked at it from beginning to end, her eyes were slightly broken, maybe she was surprised, but her expression was still very calm.

She noticed that this man's sword had not yet been put away...


The sword rested on her neck.

"Kill them all?" she asked.

Dai Li saw this woman not even blinking an eyebrow, secretly thinking that she was so determined, and she was even more curious about her origins, but she didn't ask.

Maybe no need to ask...

"Instead of worrying about whether you will cause me trouble in the future, girl, I would rather kill you while you are seriously injured and poisoned. What do you think?"

A hero saves a beauty? Not everyone can save him. For example, the person in front of him... seems to be a very dangerous person, or... the other person is an enemy on this island.

"It's a pity that I can't give you better advice...but I can remind you that I am sure to kill you before your grades kill me."

This woman spoke in a nonchalant manner, with that deep-seated murderous intent hidden deep in her bones.

"Really? The person who was chased so embarrassingly just now doesn't seem like someone who has the confidence to say such a thing."

"Did I say that my embarrassment comes from these minions?"

Hey? Here we go!

So I am the big one after killing these minions?

It is still said that there are other powerful opponents on the island, but this woman's strength is still above the second level of the monarch level.

——If she is not pretending to be mysterious or arrogant.

She doesn't feel like such a person.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and slowly drew the sword down along the opponent's beautiful collarbone. It didn't hurt at all, but it was definitely very provocative...

"I want to see how you kill me..."

Just said this!

The sword cuts across! If the person is still there, even his shoulders and neck will be broken! Destroy the flower with a ruthless hand? (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)



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