A Queen

Chapter 1,145 Wine-Red Woman, Extinct Volcano

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It's a pity that no one is here!

The person was already moving forward like an afterimage, very close at hand. Daili's left shoulder was opposite her right shoulder. She had already picked out the scimitar in her hand and raised it to the back of Daili's head... and the sword pierced the air. Daili used his left hand to restrain the opponent's arm, and the moment he pushed her away, he backhanded everything!


The two afterimages tore apart.

There are two more afterimages, each separated by three meters from the other.

As soon as they met each other, before he could see the opponent's face clearly, the scimitar and the tip of Qianji attacked!

Clang! ! !

Starlight sputtered and the afterimage disappeared again.

The speed this time...

Each one is ten times stronger than before!

In an instant, the opponent's scimitar was placed across Dai Li's neck, and the sword was pressed down by her two fingers.

At that moment, she had already cut the scimitar!

The most naked murderous intention? No, there is no murderous intention, only the accustomed calm...

But at that moment, she was unable to cut off Dai Li's neck, because Dai Li's palms were already pressing on her waist and abdomen.

Pressed on the wound.

As soon as she pressed it, the woman's body shivered because of the pain, and the trajectory of the scimitar deviated, clatter!

Dai Li choked the person with her backhand. When the other person still used the scimitar to cut a bloody mark on her shoulder, her hand also felt sticky with blood.

Two fight. All bleeding.


"It's not a good thing for a woman to be so strong, girl."

"Your Majesty, don't you have no grace at all?"

"I think your strength in your heyday was definitely not weak.

But after being poisoned and unable to use any of your energy, you still want to kill me...why bother?"

"Your sword is on my neck. How can I bear it?"

"Sometimes when an arrow is on the string, it may not fire..."

"With an arrow on the string, there must be murderous intentions. You can have murderous intentions, why can't I?" The other party's condition was worse than before, but there was no trace of weakness on his slightly blood-stained face.

Strong and cold as a stone.

The iron-blooded woman who is related to Gong Zangxue?

It doesn't look like it from the outside.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and then began to look at the other party.

Dress plainly. But the details are low-key and exquisite, and the feet are wearing long boots. The overall robe is loose, but it can outline the thrilling and exquisite curves, especially when she is strangled in front of her chest at this moment, the curve of the waist...

All right. As a woman, it seems not good for her to be slutty and obscene.

But no matter how good the figure is, it still needs a face to lead the way. Looking at the other person's face again... the facial features are very deep, a bit like a mixed race, the hair is wine red, the long hair is slightly wavy, and the luster flows, like A bottle of fine red wine flowed in her hair...

Especially the pair of brown-red amber pupils are very different from others.

Someone who is cold and radiant?

The temperament is very unique.

I have to lament that the average appearance in this world is not low, and perhaps a large part of it is driven up by people like the person in front of me, Qianshan Muxue, even Ye Ziqing, Mingjian and the others.

certainly. Including herself.

She would never be modest about this.

After looking at it twice, swipe!

Someone suddenly loosened his palm and hooked his wrist. The sword was sheathed with a clang, and he let go of this nobody.

Is this for peace?

"Are you sure?" The other party turned a blind eye to the black blood gushing out of his waist, and only slightly covered Dai Li's body with amber-colored brown gold.

"Hmm, it was just for fun."

The woman glanced at her, blinked slightly, and softened her tone slightly: "One day, your Excellency will realize that your decision at this moment is very wise."

From death at your hands?

Is that what you mean?

Really confident.

Dai Li curled his lips lightly. He smiled evilly: "It's just because I never take action against women who are too good-looking."

"Unless you want to kill me"

Cruel and perverse. Uncertain, good and evil... The woman quickly added another impression word.


The woman obviously doesn't like Dai Li very much. In fact, she is a very picky and mean person.

"If the consequences of killing you far outweigh the benefits, I might not want to kill you."

"But since you helped me once before, I don't mind reminding you that these people seem to be subordinates of a certain force stationed in the Fallen Dragon Road. Now that they are killed by you, there will definitely be a reaction from them... .So, we have a long way to go.”

"I don't mind reminding you, girl, that in their eyes you are no different from me, and you are too good-looking, and you are so weak now. If you don't find a place to recuperate... it will be miserable if you are caught."

This is the only person who can use threats and curses as words of love and praise the enemy who just fought with swords.

But the woman didn't look back and left.

Obviously he doesn't like Dai Li very much.


"It hurts. Before we even found the dragon body, we encountered a strong enemy... But luckily she was seriously injured... This is a good thing."

In fact, when it comes to treasure hunting or something, if Dai Li is not a good-looking person or an acquaintance who is particularly intoxicated, she will not be stingy with her viciousness.

Just like before, she burned the corpses of the hundred people to nothing, and then left the place quickly.

However, she soon discovered that every place on the island seemed to be the same to her, because as long as she stepped on this land, her sense of the dragon's body was so strong that it gave her a feeling like first love.

"Isn't the dragon body hidden under this island, or buried under the island?"

Dai Li was puzzled, wondering if he should dig a hole in the land...

So stupid!

If there is a dragon body walking underground, it must be buried extremely deep. Otherwise, how could so many strong men not sense the existence of the dragon body back then?

So digging is impossible. A large-scale bombardment of the island would cause too much noise and consume a lot of time...

"Either go into the water, or find the weakest strata on the island or..."

Daili's eyes suddenly drifted. Falling on the highest point of the island,

An extinct volcano.


It may be difficult for most people to imagine that there are volcanoes on the island in the sea, but the heaven and earth are so omnipotent. At this moment, Dai Li is standing on the edge of the only extinct volcano crater on Meteor Dragon Island that has been silent for who knows how many years.

Looking down, I saw a dark crater below...

I calmly felt the presence of the dragon body...

"Reliable, it's right here!"

Extinct volcanoes are connected to the ground. If the dragon's body was under the island, it would obviously be able to sense her clearly through the crater...

Never hesitated. Dai Li flew directly down the crater...


The further down, the tighter Daili's brows furrowed. It wasn't that the air under the crater was bad, but that there was some smell in the air...

"Boss. I smell human flesh." The Scorpion, who had been able to relax and sleep these days, said something to the point when he woke up.

"Well, it seems that the rumors are not credible... There is still someone smart who is not worried about Meteor Dragon Island. They should be the companions of the previous wave of people... Xiao Xie, it seems that we will be busy later."

"Can I eat after I'm busy? I haven't had breakfast yet."

"...Don't think that I will cook it for you!"

ten minutes later...

One person and one scorpion silently landed at the bottom of the volcano along the inner wall.

The bottom of the volcano is very huge. It is conical after all. However, the bottom is not completely closed. It is connected to the core veins below and then leads to the sea below.

Dai Li looked at the fire lamps attached to the inner wall of the vent in front and raised his eyebrows. Just as I was about to go in, suddenly...

somebody is coming!

Scorpion talent sharing!

The stealth talent shared by the two allows them to hide perfectly...

Blah, blah!

A large number of men in black ran out of the inner passage. Astonishingly, they are all at the monarch level!

There are three to four hundred people...

A tall middle-aged man with a stern and awe-inspiring face said coldly: "Just now, the lives of a hundred of our people were annihilated. They were obviously killed... It's probably the woman who came to the island that they surveyed before. Damn it, now we have to bring her back to me...If we can’t bring her back, we have to kill her completely. We can’t leak our affairs to anyone, do you hear me!”


"Let's go!"


The middle-aged man levitated. He said to the few people standing quietly next to him: "Keep this place safe and don't let suspicious people enter... Our work is about to be successful. We must not make any mistakes."


Swish, brush, streaks of light burst out...

As soon as they left, the four people who stayed behind dropped their original respectful expressions. One man laughed and said, "Once the dragon blood rock crystals we dug up this time are seen by the family adults who come here... .The reward will definitely be huge”

"Nonsense! The family has been working here for thousands of years, and finally dug out the surface. It seems that they can get the entire gemstone vein underneath, and maybe even get the body of the real dragon. The harvest will be huge...of course there will be a heavy reward."

"It's a pity that dragon blood crystals only cost one thousand yuan now. You can't use storage rings to collect them. You can only take them out one by one. It's really troublesome."

"No, it's quite heavy."

"It's just that we can't absorb it... the dragon blood contained in it is really..."

"Shh, don't say this. Have you forgotten those people who were killed after stealing dragon blood crystals?"

Several people were happy and complaining at the same time, but they soon silenced themselves under someone's low voice, and walked inside one by one.

Daili and Moxiao felt their hearts burning when they heard this.

Dragon blood rock crystal, dug out the surface?

Dragon blood is very useful to both of them!

"Boss, you can have this!"

"You want to rob? That's too bad! We are cultural people...but how poisonous is your poison? Can you poison them all to death?"


Being literate is terrible.


The station of this group was indeed very large, so large that Dai Li was amazed and silently praised the generosity of the forces behind it.

Dai Li followed the four people through the passage at the bottom of the volcano that extended in all directions. He was shocked to see nearly a thousand people in front of him using various tools and magic weapons to dig the mine tunnels. On the other side, there were many armed personnel similar to supervisors on guard. The number must be at least a thousand. (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)



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