A Queen

Chapter 1,146 100 Cauldrons

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1146

If there are thousands of people, and they are all at the monarch level, Dai Li can consider going home and sleeping in detail. After all, the attack power of the opponent's attack together is enough to kill her instantly.

However, not all of them are at the monarch level, and surprisingly there are quite a few who are distracted, perhaps working in civil service.

..Of course, maybe they have been safe down here for too many years, and their vigilance is extremely low. After all, those people just said that they have been digging at the bottom for thousands of years to build such a huge project.

A group of people were chatting and laughing, munching melon seeds and other snacks on the table, and occasionally scolding those who were mining...

Secretly, Daili and Moxiao had quietly touched their kitchen.

The kitchen is very large, a flat-bottomed factory building with hundreds of large pots inside. Hundreds of kitchen staff are busy going back and forth. It's obviously almost meal time. (Don’t think that people who are cultivators don’t need to eat. In a place like this, if even this human instinct is deprived, then these people are not far from crazy).

"Xiao Xie, is your poison... easily discovered?"

"My toxin is different from other poisons, and it has mutated. Even if they have a special top-level poison testing magic weapon, they can't test poisons like mine if they haven't seen them before..."

That's true.

Dai Li touched his chin, "What about the strength of the toxin?"

"If it is not diluted, it can kill any more than 300 people here, but there are too many of them. If it is diluted, it can only cause coma."

"Then knock them out! Then the two of us will kill them!"

“Okay okay”

The demon scorpion immediately left Dai Li's side and ran to the nearest big pot. Because this guy's body was small, and he was born with no aura leakage, even the average fusion master thought it was an ordinary scorpion. , not to mention other people... not to mention they can't even see the Scorpion's body...

This guy's body is hanging on the edge of the pot,

The originally transparent crystal body immediately turned into pure black like a chameleon. There was no visible entity at all, and the scorpion tail had quietly reached towards the pot. Squeeze a drop of venom...

After running back and forth hundreds of times, I finally poisoned all the hundred cauldrons.

"nailed it.."

"Hmm, just waiting for them to eat..."

Soon the food in the hundred cauldrons was taken out of the pots one after another... and the chefs didn't come back either. Eating together directly outside... Many people flew out of the mine tunnel, and they seemed to be miners digging deep below. They came out in large numbers. A total of nearly three thousand people were eating together in the open space. The scene was quite spectacular, especially These people may have been underground for a long time, so don't be too rude when eating...

Eat and drink like crazy!

Dai Li nested in the kitchen and looked out the window, but Scorpion was already rummaging around in the kitchen to eat...

After a while....

Plop, plop, one by one fell down. The interval is less than a few seconds. Maybe someone realized within those few seconds that they might have been poisoned, but...

Thirty seconds later. Dai Li waved his hand and shouted to Scorpion: "Stop eating...you have to go out to work."


Dragging a piece of sausage, the Scorpion turned into a stream of light and followed Dai out of the kitchen.

Three thousand people lay on the tables in various positions, or fell directly to the ground.

Well, in this state, even if they were second-level monarchs, they would be massacred silently by these two people.

massacre. Unilateral massacre without resistance.

With one sword strike, more than a hundred people were killed.

Not too weak.

"Hey, boss. My poison is pretty easy to use. I can use it in the future..."

"Then it's because these people are too weak and not vigilant. You try to kill these people like Poison Snow Fish."

"I am not poisonous to your people"


One minute.

Three thousand people were killed.

Dai Li asked Scorpion to burn all the corpses, and he already rushed to the house next to the mine tunnel.

What you see is a pile of three-meter-high fiery red crystals.

Dragon blood rock crystal?

Dai Li had thought about what the dragon blood crystal looked like, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

The orange-red or golden-red crystal has streaks of blood trapped inside it. The bright red blood streaks are just like a piece of red and yellow jade, which is very beautiful.

"Is there dragon blood in this? It seems to be a fire rock crystal mine."

Fire rock crystal is a type of fire spiritual vein, but it is of a higher level. It is only born in the underground of volcanoes and is derived from the purest volcanic magma. The essence of it is fire rock crystal, but obviously it is not only Just fire rock crystal...

There is still dragon blood in it!

"Treasure! Boss! Just these fire crystals are worth more than twenty medium-sized fire spiritual veins. Not to mention it also contains dragon blood!!! What's mine is mine!"

He rushed directly to these dragon blood crystals and held them tightly until his forehead was covered with symbols like $$$ and!!!.

"Vulgar!" Dai Li raised his orchid finger and flicked its body, flicked it away, and said elegantly in a tone similar to that of the Virgin Mary...

"They should all be mine."

One person and one scorpion instantly fell into Grandet's madness when he saw a gold coin...

The huge fire energy of the fire rock crystal is not very attractive to Dai Li, but the dragon blood... is enough to make Dai Li crazy!

If you feel sleepy, give me a pillow! I am just waiting for the prince to have his spiritual blood breakthrough!

But Dai Li soon calmed down because a problem arose.

"It seems like these things can't be put away." She used various storage devices such as storage rings or belts to collect them, but they all ended in failure.

Holding a dragon blood rock crystal in his hand, Dai Li frowned: "This one is as big as your forehead and weighs a thousand kilograms. How can you take away so many of them? Put them on a flying boat? You have to leave now... that's right. It’s not appropriate to practice here.”

"It's too late, that group of people will come back who knows when," Mo Scorpion reminded from the side. "That team seems to be very strong. The two of us will win or lose together..."

"I know, not to mention those people who said before that the forces behind them will also send people to take over this place in the near future..."

Dai Li thought for a while. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he stared at Scorpion.

"What are you doing!" Scorpion used two pliers to protect his chest...

"Maybe it's just that it resists the aura of storage equipment... but your storage ability is innate... maybe it can be done."

Aha? Scorpion also reacted, "Yes! I'll try it!"

It immediately picked up a piece with pliers... put it away!


ha! Dai Li's eyebrows were dancing with joy, "Quick, quick, put it all away, and then let's go to the bottom of the mineral vein and take a look. The essence must be down there..."

Scorpio is also a money addict. Immediately, he quickly put away a thousand dragon blood rock crystals, and then one person and one scorpion rushed directly to the deep mine tunnel spreading downward...

Right now we've only scratched the surface. The veins of dragon blood rock crystals were found, so there were not many dragon blood rock crystals produced. Maybe only a few pieces were found after digging for a thousand meters, let alone at the front of the entrance of the mine tunnel. So neither Dai Li nor Mo Scorpion wasted any time...

If you want to go, go to the bottom! Find what's beneath the surface...

The air is getting thinner...

He didn't know how many meters he flew until Dai Li felt the extremely strong dragon's body aura...



She flew out of the passage and landed on the floor of the lowest passage. When she saw the three-meter-diameter pit in front of her...

At this moment, the bottom of the mine is no longer filled with dark soil and stones. Instead, there are dragon blood rock crystals sandwiched from time to time. If you look at the mountain wall, you can see dozens of dragon blood rock crystals at a glance. It's just a mine tunnel that has just been dug...

It is conceivable that if this force is given some more time... even if it is only one year, it will be enough for them to gain an extremely huge wealth!

This wealth is enough to revitalize or create a large family!

Daili took a deep breath. Looking at the pit in front of him that was stained with orange, red and gold, "They seem to have dug right up to here... and further down they should be the real dragon blood rock crystal spiritual veins..."

"Xiao Xie...dig!"

In fact, those people's pride is not unreasonable, because they have indeed spent thousands of years digging to the bottom. Of course, there may have been a long period of time before they were sure there was a vein here...

boom! Hundreds of scorpions' pliers replace hundreds of dragon claws...

Only half a meter of layer was excavated.

The hardness of this mine was beyond Dai Li's expectation, but despite persistence, high-frequency and high-intensity attacks still made the pit deeper and deeper. Suddenly, Dai Li felt as if his claws touched something...

Make a sound!


"Get away!"

Dai Li grabbed Scorpion and got out of the way. Just avoided that horrible blast of heat...

The energy of fire erosion!

The surrounding ores melted instantly...

And this gas is also extremely poisonous, the poison of fire corrosion. It's troublesome once it enters the body. Even a body like Dai Li has to shed layers of skin.

"What a terrifying temperature...Boss, is there a real mineral vein down there?"

There seemed to be light coming out from under the opening in front of me, a flame-like light.

"Well... be on guard, don't breathe, let's go down."

With a rush, the two people rushed down quickly. The world below was indeed a world of bright red, orange and yellow flames, but it was like a frozen flame. The mountain walls and the ground were all covered with colorful and clear dragon blood rock crystals!

"So many... so many~!" The scorpion crawled on the ground, wagging its tail...

"Go down there, I feel the presence of the dragon body"

Although the dragon blood crystal is considered a treasure to Dai Li, it is far less important than the dragon body.

Dai Li touched his waist, it seemed that the conflict was getting worse, and he bounced back and forth every time.

This spiritual vein seems to have been watered by dragon blood. Dai Li can imagine that the dragon body of the real dragon fell on the Meteor Dragon Island carrying most of the dragon blood. I don't know if the real dragon himself did it intentionally or if it was possessed by the dragon body. The dragon's power and dragon's flames completely buried the dragon's body into the deepest part of the island. Perhaps at that time, the Meteor Dragon Island was completely transformed. Anyway, at that time, the dragon's body was embedded in the deepest part, and the dragon's blood splashed. It shoots out, gushes out, and pours into the veins in the center of the island, connected to the extinct volcano. Over time, there are dragon blood rock crystal veins, and now these... (The novel "One Female Royal Emperor" will be published on the official WeChat platform There will be more fresh content on the website, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right to "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

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