A Queen

Chapter 1,147 Volcano, it’s all water

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1147

Dai Li finally saw the huge dragon body in the deepest part of Meteor Dragon Island.

Like a huge piece of blood-red amber, a thousand-meter-long dragon body is embedded in the beautiful red flame crystal...headless and tailless, entrenched in a mass, so majestic, so...

The dragon scales shine brightly.

And among the dragon blood rock crystals sealing the dragon's body, there are countless pieces of dragon's blood sputtering from the dragon's body...

The strong aura of spiritual blood made Dai Li's blood boil all over as a vampire. The terrifying blood caused her eyes to turn slightly red and her fangs to leak out.

It took her three seconds to suffocate and five seconds to recover, and then she said, "Xiao Xie, is your space big enough?"

"Well...God bless...it's just right."

"Very good, once this is done, I will provide you with free meals for a month."



However, with the dragon body in front of us and the huge mineral veins in front of us, another problem arises.

——To take it away, you must dig it out first!

Dig it out from the bottom of the Meteor Dragon Road!

"Boss, what should we do? If the two of us work together to dig, it will take a few days. Those people have come back long ago..."

Dai Li stared at the dragon body, his eyes flickering: "Who said it will take a few days? Do you know what the top mining method is?"


"Node blast!"

Scorpion doesn't understand. But when it watched Dai Li pull out his Thousand Machines and fly over the dragon for a while, it seemed to have an eye for insight. See through the weakest points of these crystal minerals, and then fall down again, holding the Thousand Machines in both hands...


A sword pierced into a crystal stone on the dragon's body,

Then,. Excavation?


Dai Li held the sword with both hands, took a deep breath, and suddenly moved his fingers on the hilt of the sword.

brush! Thousands of opportunities have changed, and thousands of swords have emerged! Attached to chains...

Brush brush brush. A sword pierced into all directions, and in a moment, an irregular but rectangular-like sword array was formed a hundred meters away from the periphery of the huge dragon body area.

A sword. One node, a thousand swords, a thousand nodes.

Scorpion is not stupid either, he understands now.

"Boss. Can a bloody soldier like you still explode like this?"

"You know why it's called Qian Ji Bu... ever-changing and unparalleled in function!"

Dai Li grinned and inserted the last sword into the node.

"Get out of the way. I will blast it with all my strength later. Once the whole piece connected to the dragon body is blasted out, you immediately put the dragon body away... But I think we have to make some preparations before blasting..."

Scorpion once again saw his master rubbing his chin and narrowing his eyes...

Don't look too treacherous like that.


At the moment on Meteor Dragon Island, those people were indeed searching everywhere for traces of Dai Li, but they got too few clues. The only useful thing they found was that they rushed to the place where a hundred people were killed.

A hundred people were found to have been burned. But there are no other traces...

Who knows that this person and the scorpion are both masters of the soul path, and they kill people and kill people at a professional level? How can they leave any traces...

The middle-aged man had a very ugly expression. The dark light flickered in his eyes... He suddenly narrowed his eyes: "It seems that this woman's injuries are not serious, otherwise how could we kill our people silently..."

"Captain, our people reported that the woman appeared on the island rashly and was injured and poisoned for some reason. She doesn't seem to be afraid of us. Could she be someone with some background?"

This is indeed worth considering. But... the middle-aged man waved his hand and sneered: "No matter what her background is. Obviously she didn't pass by by chance. She must have some knowledge of our affairs. She must be killed and silenced, otherwise there are so many people in Siam." How can such a big family allow our Jinkui family to occupy the body of this true dragon... No matter what, we have to find someone first. We must find her and kill her."

After a pause, he said again: "To be on the safe side, you two go back and check the situation inside the volcano. If there is anything unusual, immediately send out a fire owl warning to notify us."

It can be seen that this person is quite cautious and suspicious, and he is afraid of being sneaked into his hometown, although this possibility is very small.


The people separated, and soon the place returned to calm.

A woman's figure was revealed, her clothes had been changed, and her complexion was slightly rosier than before, but it was obvious that she had not returned to her full glory. At this moment, she looked at the volcano.


One, two...

Such a sound came from the ground, it was Dai Li and Mo Scorpion who were preparing...

But the two of them didn't stay together. The Scorpion was on the other side and Daili was on the other side.

When the word three comes out of Daili's mouth...

She elicited the blood energy in her body and unleashed a dual-core explosion!

Thousands of opportunities are implicated...


The thousand swords are all covered with blood light, and they are connected together along the blood chain to form a completely closed blood light group...


boom! ! !

Node blast!

Thousand blasts!

In an instant, the entire Meteor Dragon Island was rumbling. When Scorpion watched the node explode, the spar where the dragon's body was located began to shake.

The edges are cracked!

Rumble, it’s going to sink!

Still missing a little bit!

"Cut open what's not broken yet! Quick!"

One person and one scorpion took maximum action speed, frantically bombarding those who were tougher. The connection point failed to explode, and as they took action, the dragon body crystal plate began to shake far away.

At this moment, on Meteor Dragon Island...the expressions of those who were searching suddenly changed.

"Damn it!"

"go back!"

Swish, brush, brush!

Hundreds of people turned into the most powerful stream of light and flew in the direction of the volcano.

Race against time!

Daili is also racing against time!

"Break it for me!"

One punch!


The dragon body crystal plate finally completely separated from the situation of Meteor Dragon Island. At that moment, a big hole was opened in the island...


Lots of water!

"Boss, there is water below!"

"Hey. Then let's go under the water...someone is coming!"

The intensity of Daili's induction is so powerful, at this moment, I suddenly feel a chill in my soul...

The scorpion shared the talent, and it felt it too, so it immediately closed its pincers and swallowed the huge dragon body crystal plate!

A ray of light was shot towards it! Clearly trying to stop it!


Clang! ! !

Qian Ji and Scimitar attack!

As soon as they met, Dai Li smiled at the beautiful woman in front of him: "You came to me not long after we were separated. Do you miss me so much?"

The beauty didn't like this handsome and talkative man from the beginning, and her eyes narrowed when she heard this. Without saying a word, he attacked again, with a sharp scimitar. Every move is fatal, but I also want to get rid of generation and separation.

Naturally, her target is also the dragon body.

Of course, without the friendship and character of Dai Li and Ye Ziqing, the huge body of the real dragon would be enough to turn all their relatives against each other. What's more, the two people were not harmonious when they first met.

This is the second fight!

Fighting, very fierce fighting.

The attack power continued to increase, quickly reaching more than eleven counties.

Strong, very strong. Dai Li felt that the opponent was much stronger than before, so it was difficult to deal with it. Even with full firepower, he could only hold the opponent back.

At this moment, the Scorpion had just barely managed to swallow the Dragon Body Crystal Plate!

Once swallowed, the body immediately shrinks!

And the bottom of Meteor Dragon Island, which was originally made of dragon body crystal plates, was immediately broken by water power!

What an imbalance!

It's like a small hole in the ship's plank. A little water can open a big hole and destroy the entire ship. This is very possible on Meteor Dragon Island at this moment.


Terrifying waves of water sprayed from below!

This provoked Dai Li, who was just fighting fiercely, to shoot away at the same time.

at the same time. The mine entrance above suddenly rushed toward hundreds of monarch-level masters.

Facing such a violent force of water, these people were shocked, but what made their expressions change even more was the fact that they were under their feet.

They stepped on many talismans hidden under the ground, and then

It exploded!

Puff puff!

Large swaths of poisonous gas burst out from under your feet.

"Damn it, it's poisonous!"

"Get out of the way!"

Even a small amount of the poison can be enough to seriously injure these people instantly. The body becomes weak and the soul becomes sluggish.

I just didn't escape this terrible water power


A large number of people were rushed back into the mine tunnel by the water dragon. Only the other two hundred or so embarrassed people were left to dodge, resisting the poisonous gas they had just inhaled, and looking ahead.

I saw Dai Li and the woman.

"Damn it!"

"They did it!"

"Where's the dragon body~!"


Angry, extremely angry!

More than two hundred kings rushed towards Dai Li and the two of them, and Dai Li suddenly heard the voice transmission from the Scorpion: "Boss! Get away quickly, the bottom of the island is cracked, and the island is going to explode!"

The extinct volcano is the center of Meteor Dragon Island. Connected to the bottom, water from the sea pours in from below. The force is enough to destroy the entire island's veins and root points, and then crack the entire island.

If you had stayed at the bottom, you would have been buried alive by the entire collapsed boulder of the island!


The generation of understanding rushes into the huge waves that rush in.

That woman was actually the same age as her!

Of course, those two hundred or so monarchs all followed them, whether they were chasing them or escaping for their lives!

Rush down against the current!

Above, the entire Meteor Dragon Island was shaking violently, and then began to crack!

When the water force violently poured into the crater, the whole Meteor Dragon Island was buzzing and shaking violently. It seemed that you could hear the sound of scratching, scratching, scratching. In fact, you could feel the quietness of this island across the distant sea. The island that has been there for countless years is not peaceful at the moment

"Is this an extinct volcano coming back to life?"

"It looks like it is"

There are other sea monks nearby, as well as some cultivators on the island. At this moment, they feel the uneasy and terrifying power of nature from afar, and they can't help but feel amazed and nervous.

Of course, it’s just a few breaths

boom! ! !

The volcano finally erupted!


"What is that?"

"Erupted from a volcano"

Volcano, it's all water!

The volcano actually spewed water~!

Many masters who watched from afar were Spartans.

What makes them even more unbelievable is that

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

A violent and crisp sound came from the distance, boom! (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

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