A Queen

Chapter 1,148 Deep Sea Electric Eel, Siren! (RaineHawke and Shibi+)

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1148

Meteor Dragon Island is cracked!

With terrifying speed and powerful power

split! Completely cracked!

Then quickly sink into the water

For a moment, the sea surface surged to the sky.

"Something must have happened!"

"Meteor Dragon Island, Meteor Dragon Island"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Whisper, streak, streaks of light flying from a distance

But at this moment, there is a melee under the water of Meteor Dragon Island!

Dai Li and the woman who were originally fighting were attacked as a group by more than two hundred people. Naturally, they would not be stupid enough to attack each other again, so they immediately changed their attacks and slaughtered each other instead!


Large pieces of island fragments fell, and there were flaming red crystals among them.

It’s the dragon blood rock crystal spirit vein!

Even the smallest piece can be divided into thousands of dragon blood rock crystals!

Dai Li wanted to take it, but he didn't have the ability. It was too heavy and couldn't be put away. How could he carry it?

The same was true for the more than two hundred people, but the other party still allocated fifty people to lift one of the smaller pieces, which must have weighed tens of thousands of tons. These fifty monarchs turned out to be very difficult!

But what made Dai Li and the others stunned was that

The beauty waved her hand and almost all of the broken dragon blood rock crystal spirit veins were taken away by her!


Could this woman be a monster?

And it's a Warcraft with some special space talent like the Scorpion!

In shock, Dai Li suddenly found that there were fewer people attacking him because that group of people directly regarded this woman as their biggest enemy, and she was also the most likely to take away the dragon body.


This is the one who takes the blame!

But Daili is also happy. If they had acted faster, the dragon body crystal plate could have been easily taken away by this woman.

That crystal plate covers not only the dragon's body, but also the most essential tens of thousands of dragon blood rock crystals, almost all of which are dragon blood.

This is the big deal. The benefit this woman gets is at most one percent.

But just after a few fights, Daili's expression suddenly changed!

Her soul had sensed the terrifying and ferocious aura coming from the depths of the water. cold, sharp

"Boss. Run quickly, this sea monster is terrifying!"

The demon scorpion was shouting like this, Daili immediately screamed, and with a feint, he exploded at the fastest speed


I saw that Dai had fled. How could that woman stay and beat her? Besides, she knew that the real treasure had already been taken away by this guy, so

They fled one after another, but they still couldn't escape the waves of white flowers and water rising up from below, as well as the terrifying aura.

Everyone lowered their heads and looked, Siren?

Most sea monsters take the form of sea monsters underwater, but they are much smarter than ordinary sea monsters. They can also practice exercises and so on. They have the same autonomy as humans, rather than relying solely on their natural blood. Waiting to grow. In other words, they are the monsters in Journey to the West!

At this moment, this sea monster is swimming up from the depths of the sea, seemingly slowly. In fact, the speed is terrible.

Because Daili had just sensed its arrival while it was still tens of thousands of meters below, but within a few breaths, it had already popped up.

What head?

A huge snake head

But it doesn’t seem like it’s a snake

Looking carefully, Dai Li's face turned green!

! ! !

Deep sea electric eel!

That head is several times bigger than that of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Daili estimates that its body must be more than fifty meters long.

It’s the Deep Sea Electric Eel King!


The body of the deep-sea electric eel king is twisting in the water, and the skin is covered with lightning.

It's going to generate electricity!

Lots of electric hiss. It turned into the most dazzling light and spread across a kilometer diameter in an instant. It's like a huge thunder ball, covering all the people like Dai Li.

King level triple sea monster! It's still a scary electric eel.


I don’t know how many people died at that moment, but Dai Li escaped!

She arranged a layer of reverse electrode shield on the surface of her body, which instantly blocked a large amount of electrical energy, and only withstood less than one-fifth of the electrical energy. Her body could naturally withstand it, so


She has already broken out of the light ball!

"Boss, have you rushed out?"

"I came out, but the electric eel chased me and the woman chased me too! Damn it!"

"Escape to the east!!! Quick!"

The escape journey begins!


I don’t know how long I was on the run, but it must have been two days!

Day three!


When Dai Li finally jumped out of the water, he lay down on the beach very tiredly, panting violently.

Scorpion, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately ran over.

"Dumped it?"

"It's probably because I used up all the spiritual fire to escape, and now I don't have any strength at all."

Daili lay on his back, his chest rising and falling, his strong man's body was also weak, and he even couldn't hold up the illusion.

After breathing slowly for a while, he took another sip of wine and felt that his throat was not so dry before he had the strength to reach out and hold his forehead.

"I'm so exhausted, that woman is so scary!"

Aren't electric eels scarier?

Scorpion comforted her: "Although you are as weak as a dead dog now, at least you got rid of them. We got the treasure. Wait for you."

Before it finished speaking, it suddenly paused strangely, and then said quietly: "But are you sure you got rid of her?"


Dai Li reflexively opened his eyes and sat up suddenly.

What he saw was the woman coming out of the water.

The water soaked her body and her clothes were soaked. Revealing her exquisite and sexy figure, her long burgundy hair actually showed a bit of deep purple luster because it was soaked in water.

The two red lips on the pale face were tightly pursed. With an expressionless face, he walked out of the water step by step.

Dai Li couldn't help it anymore and rolled his eyes: "Girl, what grudge do I have against you to make you pursue me so hard?"

Didn’t I abandon you after you got pregnant?

"Asking knowingly" she paused and said something.

Well, for the treasure, of course.

If you change, you will leave yourself. She will also pursue her relentlessly, but

"Huh!" Dai Li exhaled: "You got a lot of dragon blood rock crystals. Why do you have to fight me to the death?"

"Practitioners, if you don't fight or grab, what's the point?" Her tone was very cold, and she turned the scimitar slightly. The light of the sword reflected Dai Li's paler face.

"It seems that you also have a hidden illness in your body."

She actually saw it.

Dai Li subconsciously touched his waist and smiled: "It seems that you are bound to win the dragon body. There is nothing wrong with it. In this case, just fight it. After all, it is all on it."

That finger pointed at the scorpion,


Is there anyone like you who betrays your spiritual pet?

Believe it or not, I took out the dragon body and gave it away to others!

Naturally, the woman knew this, so she only glanced at Dai Li before using her scimitar.


The Scorpion changes its body rapidly!


One person and one scorpion soon started fighting fiercely on the island. The mountains were broken and the forest was destroyed, but Dai Li lay on the beach and narrowed his eyes and took a nap?

In fact, I am recuperating. While holding on to the pain caused by the broken waist

But at this moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

What the hell is that?

A huge head emerged from the water below the beach.

Deep sea electric eel. This guy was staring at her with his dark blue and white snake eyes.

Dai Li was silent for a while and then said: "As an electric eel in the deep sea, wouldn't it be good for you to swim to such a surface?"

It is a demon after all. It spoke and spit out two words: "superficial"

Skin your sister!

As soon as they met, he was stunned by an electric eel demon, and Dai Li couldn't even breathe. Sneered: "You are so arrogant. If you have the ability, you can climb up and try it, but you are not a turtle."

Just finished speaking. The electric eel became smaller and transformed into a big man with a humanoid appearance, emerging from the water

"Actually, I was just joking, you better not come up," Dai Li said weakly, but he quickly climbed up while holding on to his waist!

Turn around and run!

"Xiaoxie, that woman, stop fighting, the monster is coming!"

Scorpion and the woman had already seen the arrival of the electric eel demon at this moment. Although they were surprised, they were not panicked. However, the latter I am talking about

The former's first reaction was: "Boss, I'm leaving first, you take the rear!"

"How dare you!! Let's go together"

When one person and one scorpion were preparing to escape, the woman strolled down and glanced at them: "The North Sea is their world. If you don't kill it, if it escapes, it will definitely die if it contacts other sea monsters."

"So what do you mean?" Dai Li raised his eyebrows.

"Join hands and kill it"

For the first time in his life, Daili felt that he was not domineering enough. This person in front of him

"Okay" Dai Li nodded, "Let's join forces"

"It's not our little scorpion. You and I are joining forces. As for you" she didn't even look at it, "I'm a useless person and go away."


Daili squatted silently on the beach drawing mushrooms.

Didn’t I just suddenly suffer from a recurrence of back problems and lose strength? Why are you so mean?

However, this woman did have two skills. After a few short battles with the Demon Scorpion, she was able to figure out its combat advantages. With her cooperation, she was evenly matched with the third-level King-level electric eel demon.

After fighting for a while, the electric eel demon was very intelligent and immediately felt that the man and beast in front of him was not easy to deal with and that he was suppressed by at least half of his strength on land. .

We must cut through the mess quickly!


The electric eel's lightning suddenly became intense, making the Scorpion and the woman unable to resist for a moment, and they took a few steps back. However, the electric eel immediately chased after them, especially targeting the Scorpion!

"Human, I only want this scorpion" he undoubtedly said to the woman.

"It's a pity, I want this scorpion too"

As the Scorpion in question, the Scorpion said it was very painful. Have you ever asked me how I feel?

The fight between the two sides heated up

On the other side, Dai Li, who was treated as a useless person by both the woman and the electric eel, suddenly sacrificed himself to the Bloodline Colossus!

Eye of the moment!

Shock, shoot, the sword of an instant!

Triple Eye Technique!

On the other side, the Scorpion also suddenly sacrificed the Scorpion Colossus!


The two superimposed soul attacks made the electric eel, who was used to the kind of fighting mode just now, unable to adapt and was hit!

The soul is weakened! dizziness! Shocked! (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

ps: Today is the first update of Hawke and Shibi from Jiuyuan. I still have nothing to do to take a leisurely stroll with the other two Heshibi this month~~

The latest chapter of a female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 1148: Deep Sea Electric Eel, Siren! (Heshibi+) address is

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