A Queen

Chapter 1,149 Immortal Kite

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! At that moment, the scorpion's poisonous tail hooked up, and Zuo Sohu grasped Qianji.


One sword!


The woman on the other side spins her scimitar in her hand

Swish, brush, brush!

Three attacks cross!

Undoubtedly, the scimitar is the strongest. After the three-fold teamwork,

Boom, the electric eel's body was hit hard, and dark blue blood burst out from its body.

But as soon as he turned around, he wanted to enter the water!

"Escape? It's too late!"

Someone is approaching!

Two people!

The woman's power has long been clear. She is stronger than Scorpion and Daili. At this moment, the scimitar in her hand is like a crescent moon, emitting ice-purple light, spinning under her palm, and the light and shadow are instantaneous.

So fast!

puff! !

Cut the electric eel's neck with one knife

After suppressing half of its strength, the electric eel demon can be regarded as the peak of the second-level monarch. However, it was seriously injured by Dai Li and Mo Scorpion's soul attack just now. At this moment, it is almost the same as most second-level monarchs.

The weakest time!


The moment the knife cuts

The other person, Dai Li, already held a spear in his hand.

The spear of martial arts, the attack of martial arts, the killing of martial arts!

The true meaning of triple martial arts!


puff! !

a spear,

Inserted into the heart. One knife cut through the throat.

The head is raised and the heart is broken!

Ang~~ The body of the electric eel demon emits violent trembling electric light. Fall down!

It quickly transformed into a huge body.

Perfect fit.

Double kill!


After killing the powerful electric eel demon that he thought was invincible, Dai Li sat down on the shoal and gasped for air.

"A triple-level monarch-level sea monster was actually killed by us?" She was a little unbelievable, but after thinking about it, it was because the sea monster wanted to die on its own. It was originally a deep sea demon species, but it came ashore. And after successfully being deceived by her pretended weakness, he actually ignored her.

Jie Jie!

"A low-level siren, whose IQ has not yet fully evolved," came the woman's cold voice. Let Dai Li suddenly come back to his senses.

By the way, there is another enemy here.

"You are very powerful," Dai Li praised, while quietly building up his momentum.

"I want the body of a dragon." She turned a deaf ear to Dai Li's praise.

"Looks like you have to fight again."

"With you?"

"Haha, your injury hasn't healed yet. You may not have more troubles than me, not to mention I still have Xiao Xie." Although Dai Li felt that the opponent's strength had increased a lot compared to before, he could still smell a little blood on his nose. There was a smell of gas and herbs, and it was obvious that the other party was still injured.

The woman looked back and forth between her and Scorpion. He spoke coolly from the corner of his mouth: "I told you, we have a long way to go."

"Do you know that the word "day will be long" cannot be used indiscriminately. Do you know what "day" means?" Someone sneered.

Perhaps the man who came out of Daili's illusion is too wretched. The expression he showed was too vulgar. The woman understood it instantly and her eyes turned cold.


Is this shameless? If I come up with other dirty jokes, you still have to... Dai Li curled his lips and was about to say something when he was suddenly surprised, because...

The beauty's face changed. His brows were forbearing and he shook his head.

Then a certain domineering side leaked. The beauty who looked like a queen and had a long future... fell down in a very weak and elegant posture.

Reverse generation, at that second, someone struggled in his heart - what should I do with a beautiful woman who just said I was shameless and threw herself into her arms?

A second passed and she caught it.

At that moment, Dai Li had the feeling that I had guessed the opening and the process, but even to my death could not guess the ending.

But a closer look revealed that the clothes around the other party's waist were completely black, exuding the smell of sour pus, and thick with black blood... Dai Li used the tip of his sword to open the gap in the fabric above her waist and saw that the poison had spread... on his palm. My heart is filled with darkness.

"Snake disease! The poison is so serious in the body, but you still have a stubborn mouth, and you have a long time to go. You still fight Electric Eel and Super Maria. I really think you are Seiya! Go! I have the brains to go to the bar!"

Dai Li's tone was even harsher, he almost stabbed her in the head with Thousand Machine Sword and scolded her for being stupid...

But she did raise her thousand weapons and aimed them at his head...

Now is a good opportunity...

"Forget it, it doesn't seem very authentic to kill like this. After all, she just took action and killed the electric eel together, right, Xiao Xie?"

"Come on, you just want her to look good."

"Nonsense, if you look like this, I will dismember you in a minute."


There is no cure for Yan Kang's terminal stage of cancer. He can only put away his sword and put away the electric eel corpse.

Looking at the surrounding sea area again, she really wanted to leave Beihai. The problem was that it was already very far away from the inland. If she used a flying boat, she could speed up the speed. The problem was that the matter of Meteor Dragon Island must be aroused now. She rashly used a flying boat to leave from Beihai. Flying back, isn't there three hundred taels of silver here? Besides, there must be some remnants of that group of people.

After some calculation, Dai Li still felt that it would be safer to hide in the sea area where there were fewer monks than to go back to the inland. After all, there were many monks in the inland. As long as one person pointed at your forehead and said that this person just got the treasure, nine out of a thousand people would be safe. Hundreds of people believe it.

There is no IQ at all, and he is completely barbaric who would rather believe what he has than what he has.

"Change to another island and take a break to practice"

Dai Li picked up the woman, carried her on his back, and left quickly with Xiao Xie

But she did predict correctly. After about an hour, many people came to the island.


"Who is it!!! Who killed my son!!"

The angry roar covers this area far, far away


Exquisite and chic but very ordinary and remote island. Dai Li threw the person into the cave he made at random, and asked Scorpion to help open the door. He squatted on the ground and cut open the woman's waist. The other party had indeed been bandaged and applied herbs, but due to the continuous fighting, the wound opened again, and the toxin recurred, which in turn aggravated the injury, causing the person to faint in a short time.

But this poison

"It's a very weird poison. It can't be driven away with Yuan force. It's really troublesome. Why don't you just throw it here?" Dai Li's muttered words made the scorpion wag its tail.

"I think it's best not to do it, because I feel like this woman actually has quite a lot of background."

"Why do you say that?"

"The aura on her body is a little different from that of humans, but she is not a demon. Anyway, it feels quite different, and boss, don't you think this person is so deeply poisoned, but she is still so strong, and she doesn't seem to be that old. Either the talent is too evil, or the background is very deep. If you suddenly die here, no matter how likely it is, it will still be troublesome if you are found."

"Yeah, it's a pity that it's too fierce." Dai Li didn't know this.

"I didn't kill you either, otherwise she could have killed you directly on the beach before. I guess it's because you helped her once in the beginning."

Hmm, this guy still has a bit of love, but his temper is too bad. His personality is too ruthless~ Dai Li touched his chin and raised his eyebrows: "Then just do your best."

Then she bent down, pulled and tore apart the person's clothes, and saw the green and black poisonous lines spreading on the snow-white skin, although the beauty was much reduced. but

“Damn it, you have such a good figure, how come you have so many breasts!”

"Hey. What kind of tattoo is this?"

While scrubbing his back, Dai Li saw a very beautiful purple-red tattoo on the right butterfly bone. The lines were very slender and intertwined with purple and red, like a kite, spreading from the butterfly bone to the left waist bone. The purple of the kite was enchanting and noble. It's just that at this moment, the black lines are spread all over, filling the kite's exquisite beauty with a bit of cold ferocity.

Dai Li couldn't recognize the tattoo, so he didn't think much about it. He quickly put on a clean top and pants, lifted up his top, exposed his waist, and let the Scorpion in.

"Look what kind of poison this is. I just saw it and I don't have any clue." The Scorpion is quite easy to use. It is at least somewhat knowledgeable, especially against monsters and poisons.

Scorpion didn't hesitate, touched the wound with pliers, and was surprised: "Hey, this is fairy kite poison."

"What fairy kite? Is it a kite? This woman does have a tattoo of a kite on her body, that's what it looks like." Dai Li drew a line with his fingertips and drew the approximate appearance of the previous kite.

"That's the kite. I didn't expect that the immortal kite would actually be passed down to future generations."

Scorpion shook his tail and explained the so-called fairy kite: "You know, our era was in ancient times. At that time, the human race was still the weakest, almost like ants. Except for other special beings hiding in the dark, the strongest one was undoubtedly It’s us monsters. Well, I’m also a monster. Don’t look at me like that. Just look at my IQ and you’ll know that I’m not an ordinary monster.”

"Getting back to the subject, the strongest among demons are undoubtedly true dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc., but some are more special, such as our scorpions."

"The weakest, that's why it's special?"

"I won't stop talking if you interrupt me again!!!"

"Okay, you continue"

"We Scorpions have special soul talents, and some are Luans, devil snakes, etc., for various special reasons, but among them there must be kites. At that time, we all called them fairy kites. The kites were only female, and there were no kites. Men are the beauties among demons, but they are relatively rare in number, and most of them have mild tempers. But don’t underestimate their strength. Every fairy kite will be extremely powerful when it reaches adulthood, and can probably be called you. Nowadays, it is the fairy level, so it is also called fairy kite. The kite is omnipotent in the five elements, but generally there is a certain emphasis. Some who are good at fire are fairy fire kites, and those who are good at water are fairy water kites. However, fairy kites are most famous for their emotions. , more abundant than other monsters, not as arrogant as Dragon Girl and Huang, nor like Luan Qingyuan, they prefer to be close to nature and humans."

Upon hearing this, Daili knew that something bloody was coming.

"There was an Immortal Yuan with an extremely noble bloodline who fell in love with the human race. As you knew at that time, the human race was the weakest and intermarriage between humans and monsters would dilute the bloodline of the demons. Besides, Yuan was considered a noble member of the demon clan. How could the clan tolerate these men from the human race marrying Xian Yuan, so they took action, and that man was killed. The Xian Yuan was desperate, painful, and full of resentment. Later, he somehow lost his bloodline and returned to his ancestors. What is atavism? Did you know?" (The novel "A Female Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add" Friends", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

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