A Queen

Chapter 1,150 Universal Antidote

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ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1150

"The small universe explodes, the bloodline is perfect, and the bloodline talent is as high as that of the ancestor of the kite?"

"That's right, that's right, so that Immortal Kite was so powerful that it fought all the way and killed many big bosses of the demon clan, which made even the strongest demon clan such as the Dragon Clan have to intervene. But once this happened Xian Yuan was too strong, and the big boss who took action was too ruthless. The logic was untenable.

Secondly, she has returned to her ancestors after all, and her bloodline is so noble that there is nothing to say. The demon clan has always been protective of shortcomings, especially the bloodline. I wish there were more super new talents like this. It seems that this girl has a 100% chance of becoming a giant of the demon clan. Sexuality, to put it bluntly, means that Yuan and the human race are allowed to freely intermarry. The demon clan will not interfere, but they must ensure that the bloodline is good. Any bloodline that does not meet the standards will not be recognized as the bloodline of the Xianyuan clan. This was at that time I heard what the elders in the clan said about it, but I didn’t see the follow-up.”

"You will be exterminated"

"The clan has not been exterminated!!! Still, still, there is still me!"

Okay, okay, Dai Li patted the scorpion's head to comfort it, while looking at the woman on the ground, he narrowed his eyes: "So this woman is probably a descendant of the Immortal Kite clan, but what about the kite poison?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention that this kite poison is actually rare. Probably because the human race and the demon race are two species after all. When their blood lines collide, a kind of poison will be produced. What did Pang Tong call poison at that time? "

"Human poison? Or monster poison?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Anyway, it's almost the same as when you absorb dragon claws and dragon tails, causing your physiques to clash. It's just that what you caused is a physical problem, while hers is a combination of physical constitution and bloodline. The chance of poisoning in the bloodline of Xian Yuan's descendants is not Small, but most of them are difficult to give birth to and will die at birth. I didn’t expect this one to grow so big and not only grow up but also become so beautiful. The probability is really low."

In fact, Scorpion is also quite sexy.

"No wonder this woman endured the poison and chased me for the dragon body. She probably wanted to use dragon blood and dragon body to solve her kite poison."

Only then did Dai Li suddenly realize. Touching his chin, "Okay, having said all that, do you have the ability to help her detoxify?"


""Then why are you talking so much?

"But you have"

"What? Me?"

The scorpion swung its tail.

"No need to tremble, we also know that you must be of the blood of the Vampires among the seven races in the wilderness, but do you know what the Vampires are called among all the races in the world?"

"Said" is it a vampire?

"Universal antidote"

After instantly understanding what this guy meant, Dai Li felt paralyzed. He secretly cursed that Tang Seng was the universal antidote. No wonder the zombie king wanted to chase me and bite him as soon as he saw me!

It seems that being a vampire is somewhat risky.

Narrowing his eyes, he stared at Scorpion: "You mean you want me to use my traditional virtue of being helpful to others and suck out the poisonous blood in her body?"

"Right, right"

"Have you ever thought that I might be poisoned?"

"Will vampires be poisoned by blood? Haha~~" Demon Scorpion looked down upon Dai Li unceremoniously, "Your blood is the best blood in the world. It is full of energy and aura, and you are not afraid of most blood poisons in your bloodline." (Understood Come on, this guy’s body is really strong~~)

"You also know that most of me have been poisoned before!" But it seems that I have never been poisoned by blood poison.

"Then do you smoke or not?"


Although there is a small risk. But Scorpion is so sure, and given that this girl has a good background, there will indeed be some trouble if she dies in front of you. Of course, the most important thing is

She hasn't sucked human blood for a long time, and this girl's blood smells very good.

Possessing the terrifying spirituality of the Yuan clan. It also has the aura of human race


Dai Li took a hold of the woman's neck, which was as slender as a white swan, and lifted her wine-red hair away with his fingers. He looked at the slender blood vessels and without much hesitation, bit it down.

Soon I found the blood containing the blood poison.


"Oh, don't smoke too much, or you'll turn into a mummy."

Gulu gulu gulu

Someone who hadn't sucked blood for many years spent a lot of effort before throwing him down and pressing him directly against the wall next to him. He was holding his heart with one hand. There was still blood at the corner of his mouth, and his breath was fluctuating.

Anyway, some of the blood clan's violent spirit has been revealed.

"This woman's blood spirituality is too strong. I have to go into seclusion. Xiao Xie, it may not be peaceful outside recently. I can only rely on you."

"Okay, you go in, hey, I'll give you this dragon body!"


After Daili entered the inner cave and quickly retreated, Beihai was extremely unstable at this moment.

Mainly because the people of the Jinkui family learned that the base on Meteor Dragon Island was destroyed by others, and that all the benefits, including the thousand dragon blood rock crystals dug out, were shamelessly taken away. Crazy!

A large number of masters were teleported from Siam through various teleportation arrays in the northern group area, not to mention the teleportation crystals consumed, since those people came with a bang anyway!

On the other side, some monks practicing in the North Sea were also inexplicably being chased by the Kraken clan. At first, they didn’t know it and thought it was their own bad luck. Later, they found out that someone had killed the deep-sea electric eel monster, which is not weak among the Kraken. Wang's son was killed

By the way, the status of this Deep Sea Electric Eel Demon King is not low among the North Sea Kraken Clan. It is equivalent to a first- and second-grade official position. That is a proper official of the border!

Grass mud horse!

It's not enough to kill ordinary monsters. You have to fight the monsters. Not only the monsters, but also the second-generation official among the monsters!

But as a human monk who has been suppressed by the Kraken clan in the North Sea. Many people couldn't help but silently like it when they were angry - you are so fierce, man!

The situation in Beihai suddenly became tense, the storm was turbulent, and there were sirens and humans every day. Even the people in the interior of Fenchuan and the Northern Region heard about the PK between the Human Race and the Human Race.

At this moment, Fenchuan didn't care about anything else, and the Qishan Pavilion was still busy.

In a huge studio, Yu Ran and others were doing statistical work on the second level assessment test.

"These are the 100 most accurate lists. This is the 200 list. This is the purity."

The arrangement is orderly, but Yu Ran and the others don't know its specific function.

But it doesn't stop them from complaining.

"I'll go. This Kun Yan's accuracy is only twice!"

"I'm only one degree old! I thought he was quite good before, but why is the accuracy so bad? It seems to be between one and a hundred. Accuracy and purity."


"By the way, have you ever seen the results of those famous geniuses? Tell me, so I can compare the differences between them. Otherwise, if these people's scores are so low, I would think there is something wrong with our testing methods."

Indeed, in the assessment with scores between one and one hundred, most people selected from tens of billions of people scored one, two, one or two, which would be embarrassing to say the least. Even the Olympic Ultimate Edition is not that perverted.

When Yu Ran heard the complaints from these people, he took out a piece of paper, took a look at it, and said: "Xie Ru, four degrees of accuracy. Three degrees of purity."

"Hey, Xie Ru is so young, no wonder Xu Yidao is only four or four, but he is better than Xie Ru.

"I have it too. I'll go with Ran Lao! This kid is so hidden! The accuracy is six! The purity is also six! Ha, now it's interesting. The Ran family is going to counterattack."

"It's still early. Has the Kun family forgotten? Let me read it to you. Kun Lie, accuracy seven, purity eight! Still above Ran Lao, the Kun family has the most future among the four families. Especially it seems to be marrying with the Xie family. "

"Haha, Kun family? You are all too naive." Yu Ran glanced at another piece of paper in his hand. Xu Liu's name was silently stamped, and the results below were clearly nine and nine.

These four families really do the same thing. Each of their children is more scheming than the other, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, so don't be too playful.

But soon the topic of the four families turned to Jiuge, especially the Fourth Pavilion.

"It's still not comparable to the Four Pavilions. Do you know what Hu Yanjue's score is?"

"That's what you said"

"Twenty and twenty"


There was silence.

And Yuli narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two pieces of paper in his hand, twenty, thirty? So what should he do with the thirty and twenty pieces in his hand?

And this signature is in Tsing Yi.

As for the other

Yuli glanced at the results above and raised his eyebrows, twenty, thirty.

It's Jun Zili's.

This result is very abnormal.

Very perverted!

But how can I follow the young lady and the other way around? It’s really

The husband sings and the wife follows? I thought of this word inexplicably, and then I left myself Spartan.

It happened that Third Master came to inspect the work. Yu Ran, who had taken a break and had a cup of tea, immediately seized the opportunity and asked: "Third Master, what does this precision and purity mean? All the scores are very low, not even sixty points." One made us not even want to see it."

Indeed, they didn't even look at it later.

Master Fen glanced at her, and Yu Ran quickly gave him her tea.

"Precision is for the soul, such as your understanding and control of various mysteries, etc."

"What about purity?"

"It's physical and bloodline."

"Is this thing useful for testing? Isn't it already included in the data we have on hand before?"

"It's different." Mr. Fen shook his head and said with a smile: "In the past, it was just a child's trick. The test this time is ten times more accurate than before, and it is also more timely. After all, three years have passed since the previous test. Excellent geniuses can make great progress within three years. How can previous tests be accurate?"

Yu Li, who came over, smiled when he heard the words: "But if accuracy and purity represent understanding and bloodline, then there shouldn't be much progress, even for those elite geniuses." (The novel "One Female Emperor" will be released on the official WeChat platform There will be more fresh content on the website, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right to "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

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