A Queen

Chapter 1151 7 Zhongqishan Crystals

Chapter 1151

"You are wrong." Fen Sanye took a sip of tea, pursed his lips, and arched his eyebrows: "The so-called genius can be represented by two kinds of cups. One is when you give it the size of a teapot, it can keep adding water until Filling, another kind, is the size of this cup. Although it is small, it can always be filled with water, pour it into a larger pool or the ocean, and finally jump and merge with the ocean!"

"In fact, the geniuses most forces want may be the former kind. The sooner the teapot is filled, the better, but what Qishan Road wants is the latter kind...geniuses with a promising future and unlimited potential!"

"So if you look at the three thousand people competing in front of you, there are no less than a few hundred of them with extraordinary talent and strength. They are distracted at a young age and are at the level of kings. But that is caused by pouring a lot of water into the pot. , when it is full of water... it's over! Many geniuses are superior in time, and in the end they die in time... So there were so many classes in that year, so many geniuses were produced, some of them even became kings in a hundred years, and even kings in a hundred years. Perversions, it may not be them who achieve the greatest achievements in the end, and there is no one who is really attracted by Qishan Road...so far."

These words shocked many senior officials of Qishan Hall present. They still have the results of some elites who were born in the Qishan Road assessment and entered large group areas. Those with the highest bloodlines and the highest understanding may not necessarily be the most powerful. They are often those who have a steady stream of water. , quietly, people with extraordinary perseverance and character achieve the greatest achievements. Of course, people with a combination of blood, understanding, perseverance and character are absolutely in the lead...

After a long silence, they sighed that the road to Qishan was as difficult as reaching the blue sky.

"If the accuracy and purity of each one is so low, it's impossible that none of them can pass Qishan Road." Suddenly someone murmured, and when everyone saw it, it was the fat man.

He picked up a paper, waved it, and said with a wry smile: "Zero points, zero points... I think this person will destroy our Qishan Hall if he knows his name."

I dare not smash it in reality, but I must have smashed it thousands of times in my heart.

"It's so low... Show me the others." Mr. Fen just picked up the pile next to Yuli and smiled as he looked at it: "Isn't this okay..."

It’s less than sixty, brother, it’s okay!

"Where do you think this evaluation score comes from? It is based on the strength of the soul of the body and the strength of the body. Accuracy, the ratio of the soul power that can be activated during actual realization to the overall soul power. Purity, the strongest essence and blood occupying the body. The ratio of the total amount of essence and blood! The stronger the soul and the more vigorous the essence and blood, the score will be lowered. However, the soul level of these assessors is generally similar to the total amount of essence and blood. This result can also be considered by the public, that is Some cases are special and cannot be generalized." As he spoke, he picked up the two pieces of paper that Yuli was pressing. When he looked at them, his expression paused. He looked through them continuously, and then looked deeply at Yuli.

"A dragon is a dragon, and a phoenix is ​​a phoenix...that's how it's born."

Yuli heard the implication, and his expression became even weirder. Should he tell his boss that these two are actually phoenixes? Oh no, one of them is a Transformer.

But just when Mr. Fen was about to leave, someone suddenly came in and broke the news.

Regarding the North Sea on their border, and also about the Meteor Dragon Island.

The people in the Qishan Pavilion were surprised, but they were unconvinced. Anyway, there was nothing more important than the Qishan Road assessment. As for the matter of Meteor Dragon Island, let’s see how it develops in the future.

But the Jin Kui family and the North Sea Siren mentioned in it still made Mr. Fen couldn't help but laugh: "Jin Kui? That's a family from the Siamese region. This area is quite far. As for the North Sea Siren, ...We'd better send some people over there to keep an eye on it, and hope we don't have any unlucky examinees go there to retreat."

Of course not. Who would be smart enough to go to the dangerous North Sea?

Even those in the Northern Region are probably staying in the safe Fenchuan.


Of course, the Jin Kui family soon regretted that they had acted too grandly. Firstly, they could not find the culprit. Secondly, the matter about the Meteor Dragon Island seemed to have leaked out, causing many people to mention the Meteorite again. The legend of Dragon Island has also attracted many people to come here to hunt for treasures...

As I said before, when it comes to things like treasures, one would rather believe that they exist or not. These monks are not stingy with their energy and time at all, even if the Beihai is now controlled by a sea monster...

Damn it! There are still those fallen dragon blood rock crystal vein fragments in the sea!

Don't let Kraken and others take advantage!

The members of the Jinkui family openly painted portraits to find people, but privately secretly sent people to sneak into the water... But whether there were other smarter and more sensitive monks who did the same thing, Na Daili didn't know.

Because she is in retreat now.

The work of retreat is very heavy. Daili has already planned it before the retreat. The first step is of course the Qishan Crystal to stimulate the potential! She still has about three months to go, so she will spend one month absorbing seven Zhongqishan Crystals to raise her body's state to its highest level! This is her goal!

The second step is to absorb the dragon body crystal plate in its final state, break through the prince level in a perfect posture, and also repair the broken dragon body at the same time! This one also lasts a month!

The third step, the last month, is used to understand the abilities of controlling realms, clones, etc.!

After the three-step plan, Dai Li took out the first Zhongqishan Crystal. She had absorbed more than half of this Zhongqishan Crystal before, but it had not been completely absorbed, so it could not be considered a successful absorption. At this moment, she squeezed this crystal tightly. Block the Qishan crystal, close your eyes, and start to absorb...

She had already absorbed it, but now it took her less than three hours to...

As time passed, hissing, the last crystal flow poured into the body, penetrating into the body violently. It was originally a dark and refreshing feeling, but as the crystal flow increased, it gradually became full of irritation...

It was like sulfuric acid or other types of the strongest detergent, stimulating her flesh and blood to great pain, but Daili could also see little stains being forced out of her flesh and blood.

Make a sound! The first crystal breaks!

When Dai Li opened his eyes and looked at his body surface, he saw that a layer of light gray stains had appeared...

My body is twice as refreshing and more than half as pure as before!

As for her soul~~she felt that her soul was also purified.

"What a good thing!" Dai Li was a little excited. Is this the benefit of successfully absorbing a Zhongqishan Crystal? It’s so obvious!

No wonder the tone of Mr. Fen Sanye and the others were so solemn and profound at that time. These Qishan Crystals must be used to measure the assessor's improvement efficiency within three months.

This is a big deal.

When he thought that the benefits of the first level were so great, Dai Li became even more jealous of the first place reward in the Qishan Road assessment...

If you want to be the first, be the first!

She has never lost to anyone in her life, at least she ranks first in every competition!

"Second one, start!"

Hiss, hiss, the second one starts! However, she obviously found that her absorption speed was faster.


"Is it because my physique and soul have improved a little? By the way, Mr. Fen San said that the Qishan Crystal can stimulate potential, but the strength of the stimulation depends on the individual's potential. The first Zhongqishan Crystal stimulated some of my potential , which naturally speeds up my ability to absorb the second pill..."

Dai Li's calculation is completely correct, and if those in Qishan Pavilion know about her absorption efficiency and results, they will definitely think of what Sanye Fen mentioned before.

——A truly outstanding genius does not improve his strength based on a certain talent, but can infinitely increase his potential when he improves his strength!

Obviously, Daili is one of such geniuses!

Only such a genius can maximize the effectiveness of Qishan Crystal...

If the first Zhongqishan Crystal took three and a half days, then the second one took three days!

The third one took two and a half days!

The fourth one is less than two days away!

The fifth one a day!

Six hours for the sixth one!

The seventh one is an hour!

Time is decreasing sharply, which also means that the potential of Daili is constantly being tapped!

This huge sense of new trends that changes day by day makes her make earth-shaking progress every moment.

One month to absorb Qishan Crystal? In fact, it only took her less than twelve days!

At this moment, her body was covered with a layer of black stains, but she didn't have the time to deal with it now.

"After absorbing the seven Zhongqishan crystals early, how about trying the Daqishan crystal?"

Dai Lixin was a little greedy and had always been bold. After eating the delicious food of Zhongqishan Crystal, she came up with the idea of ​​Daqishan Crystal. She could do whatever she wanted. She immediately took out the Daqishan Crystal and started...

As soon as it is absorbed, hiss~

Severe pain, cracking, and soul screaming!


Dai Liwa spat out a mouthful of hot blood, a bloody hole popped out of his waist, and his palm exploded!

Snap! Daqishan Crystal fell to the ground.

"Boss, what's wrong!"

The Scorpion outside was frightened when he heard the noise. He was about to run in but was stopped by Dai Li: "It's okay, just keep guarding."

Scorpion had no choice but to continue to stay outside.

Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, Dai Li looked at the Daqishan Crystal on the ground with lingering fear. The terrifying power was at least a hundred times different from the Zhongqishan Crystal. She couldn't absorb it at all now.

At least the body and soul cannot keep up...

She had absorbed seven Zhongqishan Crystals, increasing her potential by at least three times...

"Huh, at least my physique can't keep up. I guess it's just around the waist." Dai Li reluctantly put away the Daqishan Crystal and didn't take the time to repair his broken right arm, because...

She looked at the dragon body contained inside the hollowed-out mountain behind her.

It's huge, very huge. If other people want to absorb it, I don't know how long it will take, but she is different.

She is a vampire, and she is born with a terrible ability to absorb blood. Moreover, she has absorbed the dragon bone and dragon tail, and also received part of the inheritance of the true dragon idea. She can be considered half a dragon after all. This dragon body does not have much influence on her. The repulsive force alone is enough to throw other people away to who knows where! R1152

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