A Queen

Chapter 1,152 Prince!

Chapter 1152

Putting his left hand on the edge, he touched the sealed dragon's blood that contained countless splatters. Daili's pupils turned blood red, and the unique fangs of the vampires were also exposed. The true blood-sucking state of the vampires... turned on!


Blood glowed under the palm, a melted halo emitted from the surface of the crystal plate, the crystal liquefied, and the blood threads inside seemed to be swimming...

It's like putting a hand on the water and making ripples...


The speed is getting faster and faster!

The edge of the dragon body crystal plate in front of me is shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Dai Li's broken palm is also reborn!

The blood energy in the body is running wildly, the flesh and blood cells are breathing, and the keel bones are rattling.

The most important thing is... the dual blood cores really moved!

"Blood soul, blood soul, there was not so much blood for you to absorb in the past. If you don't move with such a large treasure now, you will have no chance in the future." Maybe the idea of ​​​​replacement is too strong, maybe it is It had been really hungry for too long. Not long after Daili touched the crystal plate with his palm and began to absorb it, it woke up!

As crazy as Daili expected!


The double cores in her Dantian formed a vortex!

This vortex expanded rapidly and quickly enveloped her entire body. The absorption speed was dozens of times faster based on the palm of her hand!

Grrrrrrrrrr! The crystal plate melted rapidly, turning into a large amount of dragon blood, and a large amount of fire crystal energy was crazily drawn into her body...

not enough!

Dai Li suddenly felt that the blood that had been living in her abdomen and dependent on the blood core was really going to rise this time...

not enough. not enough!

She also grabbed her right hand!

Double again!

Hundred times absorption speed!

"I go,

horrible! "

Scorpion felt that Dai Li's soul and energy aura were increasing horribly, and the speed was... unbelievable!

"Fortunately, we set up a covering formation...but it seems like it's not peaceful outside either."

The strength of Scorpion's soul induction is not much worse than that of Daili. When it is guarding, it also widens the sensing range, so it can naturally feel the tense atmosphere of the North Sea. From time to time, there are people fighting on the sea...

Fortunately, it and Dai Li have jointly set up a soul concealment technique here. Unless they are high-level kings, it is really difficult to find them on the island.

Furthermore, once it is discovered, it jumps out. That is also the demonic state of the ancient scorpions, they are all demons. The Siren must be given some face.

——provided they don’t discover the descendants of the Immortal Kite...

"It's okay if you find out. This woman is a descendant of Xian Yuan. The North Sea Siren has to worry about the land monster clan no matter what. Is it just the boss who is more miserable?"

It is said that the boss is used to pretending to be a pig and eating tigers, and there is obviously a terrifying vampire behind him that he can rely on. I was stunned that I couldn't find the inheritance point, eh... (which means I don't know who her father is).

Daili didn't know that she was being sympathized with by her spiritual pet, she was just frantically plundering power!

Before the crisis comes...breakthrough!

I don't know how long it took, but the fiery red crystals of the crystal plate disappeared, exposing the complete and huge dragon body.

Bloodline Colossus rises!

The whirlpool rises!


But while he was devouring it, something happened that surprised Dai Li, because...

"It's strange, why is there so much blood hidden inside this dragon body...it's still golden blood..."

No matter what, the dragon body has been swallowed by her bloodline colossus!

The dragon's blood was instantly drawn away...and poured into the blood!

The dragon body enters the body!

Bloodlines. Dragon body, transformation begins!


One month later.

Inside the entrance of the cave, which has been covered by growing ivy, the Scorpion is lying on the ground roasting corn and eating it...

Biting, biting...suddenly!


The sound coming from the inner cave behind him made his eyes widen. He quickly ran into the inner cave,

What you see is...

After just one glance, the crystal clear body instantly turned red... braised scorpion.

Quickly, it covered its eyes with two pliers.

"Oh~~Boss, I didn't mean it! I'll be out right away!"

The scorpion swung its tail and slipped out in a flash.

Oh my god, the boss has such a good figure! ! !

Isn’t she a man? ! ! All right. In Scorpio's impression, the boss, whose basic attributes are female, has always been regarded as a man by him...

A man who is as gray as a man!

But if this extremely handsome man has a devilish figure and perfect appearance...

Dai Li didn't seem to notice that the little scorpion had come. She was wrapped in golden and blood-colored air.

Slender and straight legs, slender waist that can be grasped, flat belly...

Let women have the peak curves and dividing lines they dream of.

Without going into details...this is not a pornographic novel.

What should be focused on is the huge and domineering pure crystal dark red blood wings on her back, which are like carved from huge blood jade. There are dark golden liquid flowing on them to form patterns, which are dragon-shaped patterns. To put it simply, this It is a pair of blood wings that are so domineering that it makes people want to die.

In the Vampire Clan, those who can produce such blood wings must only be at the peak emperor level...

Oh, I'm talking about the first generation of emperors in ancient times, not the vampire emperors who came after them... Augustus in his previous life also failed to reach this level.

but now..

Dai Li opened his eyes, his blood-colored pupils were as bright as ever, with dark gold flowing and colored glaze overflowing with color. His glance was so profound that in the blink of an eye he could bring you into the cold and cruel blood-colored world, allowing you to see the noble and dazzling glory of the strong emperor.


She is already a prince.

She once reached the peak of her realm - the blood prince.

Now she has still achieved it. It didn't take her 500 years, but only ten years.

Moreover, this prince is more than a hundred times more powerful than the previous princes.

"Phew, I'm finally a prince. He can grow directly from 6,000 clouds to 20,000 clouds...and transform directly into a prince's pure blood." Dai Li touched his chin. The soul sinks into the body.

She should count her progress after this breakthrough.

Twenty thousand clouds of blood can't be said, it's a fundamental step forward!

Originally, she thought it could be enhanced to 12,000 clouds at most, but doubling it would be considered unbelievable. But I didn't expect it to be three times more...

This was the first time in the history of the Vampire Clan. She was surprised, but it was not traceable.

Mainly because..


Dai Li looked at the blood core in his dantian... No, it should be said that the blood core has been completely integrated with the blood core.

Blood core and blood soul finally merge into one.

At the moment of fusion, the bloodline colossus became completely solid and the bloodline evolved. Entering the pure blood of the pure prince, everything in the vampire family is turned upside down...

The power of the dual-core explosion is still there. And the duration has been increased to one day.

one day..

She used to be able to sustain critical attacks for three or four minutes and perform four or five dual-core critical attacks. What now?


Haha, is this still a critical attack secret method? This is completely a god-level passive state skill!

It needs to be harmonized by the system...but this skill is actually mastered by her now!

Just because it is blood!

It finally recognized her! Integrated into her body. I would rather call it her blood core! And for the soul contract!

It is like a god-level treasure in the game, and the effects it brings can be specifically introduced as follows.

1. The duration of the dual-core critical strike effect has been increased to one day!

2. The recovery speed after blood energy consumption is increased by twenty times! It can probably be understood that she can use skills of Seven Swords Under the Tianshan level at all times without worrying about her blood energy not being able to keep up... her consumption is equal to her recovery!

3. It dilutes the blood energy every hour to transform her vampire body and transform her blood. This effect is no less than that of drinking a bottle of pure dragon blood for her every day.

4. Blood is the core treasure of the Vampire clan and the foundation of inheritance. Her fusion of blood also means that she has grasped 80% of the possibility of becoming a giant of the blood clan, just like the fairy kite who counterattacked for love. At this moment, she is truly fearless of any high-level existence in terms of blood. Even if a real dragon appears in front of her, she can still maintain her elegance and dignity!

5, is also a very important point, related to the dragon body. As I said before, the dragon body conflicts with the vampire body. Because the dragon is arrogant, Daili's vampire body is also of noble blood, and no one obeys anyone. But now, Daili has broken through to the prince level, and has the dragon head, dragon body, dragon claws and dragon tail!


No, with Xue Po's approval, the advantage of the Vampire Clan was greatly increased, and they launched a counterattack!

The vampire body swallowed the dragon body!

That's why the blood wings behind Dai Li have dragon patterns sealed on them, because the dragon body has been devoured and fused...

At this moment, her physique was more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that Daili knows that this is not just its complete subsidiary attributes.

There remains to be inspired, if only she can advance herself to the point of its further recognition.

This is about the body and energy, but what about the soul?

"The soul is twenty times more powerful, comparable to the God-Emperor level"

Dai Li feels that this is her biggest improvement, because it allows her to exert her strength in all aspects to the greatest effect, especially the pupil technique. She is now very sure that her strength can withstand all monarchs, including the monarch level. Those people at the top! Including the banquet rules! .

Even if she herself is at an intermediate level of distraction...

This span seems too big.

"It seems that the immortal side is indeed a little weaker. Although I absorbed a large amount of fire rock crystals and raised the body's thunder element to 15,000 clouds... my methods are still not as powerful as the blood clan's ability."

Although her cultivation in the Immortal Way has progressed very quickly, it has only been a few months since she broke through the distraction, and now she has broken through the intermediate distraction, but it is still far behind the big strides in blood energy.

Dai Li smiled bitterly. The main reason was that the progress of the breakthrough prince this time was so unbelievable. It was a completely abnormal development, but it was also normal. After all, her vampire talent was too strong. Most of the advantages were on the vampire side. The immortal side seemed to be only four pieces. Fragments of the origin of Thunder Road..

It would be great if I got that fifth piece~~

Daili thought about Yanlu again.

"It's time to prepare to understand the realm of control, mysteries and even clones"

Dai Li calculated the time and found that there was still a month and a half left. (To be continued)


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