A Queen

Chapter 1,153 Cooperation

Chapter 1153


Scorpion was waiting outside, continuing to eat corn, when he suddenly saw another person in front of him.

It was Dai Li who was wearing clothes (she had no clothes before).

"Boss! Hello!"

Scorpion was overjoyed, but as soon as he saw Dai Li... the redness that had faded quickly spread to his body.

Dai Li glanced lazily at the bonfire in front of it, "You've roasted yourself even though you're roasting corn. Do you want to be so embarrassed?"

You still talk about me!

"It's not you yet!"


Dai Li didn't ask any more questions because he was pressed for time. He turned around and glanced at the sleeping beauty, "She's not awake yet?"

"Well, she hasn't woken up yet. I checked and the poison is indeed gone, but she seems to have undergone some changes because of it... Anyway, it's a good thing. Didn't you see that all her injuries healed automatically? It will definitely not take long. When I wake up... maybe I can make a breakthrough like you... Oh, by the way, how much progress have you made!"

Scorpion became excited, "I just feel that your soul is much stronger, and I don't know the rest yet!"

"How powerful...let me try"

Moving his neck, Daili stretched out his right hand and lightly drew it with his index finger...


The domineering power of the dragon's claws and the sharpness of the vampires are revealed on this finger.


The hard wall has a mark that is ten meters deep, as if it had been cut directly by Qianji...

Scorpion was silent, "You didn't use any force just now, like a dragon claw, right?"

"No. I just scratched it casually." Dai Li smiled.


When a person's physique is strong enough, she can blast through the stars with one hand without any energy support!

Daili has not been exaggerated to this extent.

But obviously it is a small case to blast this mountain.

"Why don't you try it on me with your pliers? I'm not sure about my own body defense," Dai Li suggested.

Scorpion suddenly squirmed, "This is not good..."

"What? It's not like we haven't spanked before, you're such a prude!"

"No... Mainly because I suddenly felt that you had turned into a woman, and I couldn't do anything about it."


In the end, Scorpion took action. And it’s the most powerful poisonous scorpion tail attack!

prick! !

Stung on Dai Li's palm!

Catch the poisonous scorpion tail with your bare hands! Scorpion's expression changed, but...

It can't be penetrated!

I go!

"Give me some venom. Your most powerful venom. Let me see if my physique can resist it."

"Really or not, my toxins are very powerful!"

"bring it on!"


As expected, the venom shot out...and landed on the palm...hissing, emitting a strong corrosive gas.


Scorpion glared: "Isn't it just that you absorbed a dragon body? Why did your defense suddenly become so much stronger!"

Um? Dai Li was quite satisfied with the effect, but he was also quite confused: "I think maybe it's because you are too weak."

"You!!!" Scorpion silently squatted aside and ate corn...

But he still said: "It's not that I'm weak, it's that your current physique is too abnormal. You can handle it even at the king level, not to mention the king level!"

King level... This is not necessarily the case. Dai Li touched his chin: "But resisting the king level can only guarantee that you will not be beaten to death by some lower king levels... If you want to do it, you can be the kind that can resist and kill. I still I need to retreat for a while... Is this island still peaceful recently?"

She had to make sure that the Scorpion and this woman would not be killed while she was in seclusion.

"It's not peaceful... It seems that the family we tricked before is trying to arrest you... They haven't seen me, but they have your portrait."


"It's that ugly portrait of that man. Anyway, they won't be able to recognize you like you are now."

That's true, Dai Li nodded. "anything else?"

"There are many of them, and they seem to be very powerful. They have all come to Beihai. Now they have blocked the border between the inland and the northern region and the Beihai. They are not only searching for us, but also for those... dragon blood crystals. There are many now Everyone knows about the Meteor Dragon Island. I wonder if there is a traitor within them or something. The matter of the Dragon Blood Crystal is known, so now many people go to the waters under the Meteor Dragon Island to look for the Dragon Blood Crystal. Ore veins, but this angered the North Sea Siren... By the way, the North Sea Siren is also looking for us... saying that we killed the son of one of their bosses... that unlucky electric eel."

Dai Li understood and was not surprised. He just said: "If this is the case, it will be safer for us to stay here. Frequent changes of place will undoubtedly attract more attention... Anyway, they don't recognize you, and they can't recognize my image either. It’s this woman who is more troublesome...take care of her carefully, and call me if anything happens..."

"Okay." Demon Scorpion knew from Dai Li's expression that she was not worried about the Jinkui family and the Beihai Siren.

Sure enough, you are more confident after improving your strength!

But when he walked in, Dai Li suddenly said: "Don't just sit idle. Don't you still have a thousand dragon blood crystals there? Absorb them! Otherwise they will be too weak...

"Although I am very grateful for your generosity, boss, can you dislike me so much?"

"I don't mind it... To be honest... I still have some fire crystal essence left in it that I haven't absorbed. You can take it."

"You do not want?"

"I am not from the fire element, but from the thunder path. I have absorbed a lot of fire rock crystals before, and I was integrated into the thunder path. Although the power has increased a lot, it is not good for the fire element to be too strong, so I will give it to you to use. ..Just leave one third for me.”

"Okay, but you can share your soul talent. Your soul power has improved so much. Share it with me once. I can get a lot of benefits from it!"


One person and one scorpion decided on their respective strength improvement plans during the conversation, and in the sea outside...

It was on an island that was roughly far away from them.

The atmosphere among the Jinkui clan is not good.

"Still haven't found the man and woman."

"I wonder where they are hiding!"

"It seems that one of them knows soul magic, which weakened our collective soul at that time... If he has such ability, it will not be difficult to cover up our search."

"Damn it, are we going to let these two people take away our thousands of years of hard work and take the true dragon's relic as their own?"

"The man and the woman don't seem to be in the same group. They have fought before. However, the woman is very powerful. She is only seriously injured, but she has the ability to take the dragon blood crystal out of thin air. She seems to have space talent..."

"One soul talent, one space talent...hehe~!"

Jin Kui'en's face was very gloomy. Maybe he was a little worried about the difficulties and origins of these two people, but he was unwilling to give up...

"No matter, since the identity of the other party has not been exposed, they must either have no background or it is inconvenient to disclose. This time, they are the result of our Jinkui family's hard work. Even if we argue in the future, we will have reasons... not to mention that our Jinkui family also has Not weak! As long as it’s not those top aristocratic families and super powerful forces, we have nothing to fear!”

"Go ahead and expand the search area, including some small islands... I think the other party who can steal the true dragon's relics silently must be cunning and bold, and may even hide it in the North Sea... and Often in the places we think are the most unlikely... we will continue to send people to Beihai, and we must not let anyone go! We must collect dragon blood rock crystals for the young master... He will return in the near future, and the head of the family mentioned to him before He values ​​the dragon blood crystal very much. If the dragon blood crystal is taken away by others, not only will our family lose face, but it will also hinder the great cause of the young master!"

"Also, for those damn people who want to compete with us for the Dragon Blood Rock Crystal, I will kill them all... Strictly monitor people traveling to and from the inland and northern areas, unless they are troublesome and cannot be messed with Yes, the others would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

Just as these iron-blooded orders were issued one by one, a person suddenly came from outside.

"Sir, there are people from the North Sea Kraken outside."


What are they doing!

Soon Jin Quinn saw a group of North Sea Kraken standing on the beach.

The leader was the Deep Sea Electric Eel King. He transformed into a blue-haired middle-aged man with a scar on his face. He looked very domineering and fierce. He stood there with a large number of sea monsters behind him.

The people of the Jin Kui family do not want to compete with the Beihai Kraken, not only because the home field of the battle is unfavorable, but also because of the strength of the opponent and the terror of the monster clan.

"Your Majesty, I wonder why you came to me?"

"My son was killed by you human monks. According to my subordinates, people from your family have also seen my son among them. But is this happening?"

Damn it, it’s none of our family’s business~! It's your son who has a big appetite and wants to devour our people!

"Your Majesty has misunderstood. People in our family have indeed seen your son, but they did not take action. They just saw him chasing another man and a woman... who are also enemies of our Jinkui family. I think it must be them. I killed your son."

Regarding this point, the Deep Sea Electric Eel King does not deny it. He has also investigated it... So why is he here today...

"You humans are cunning. Maybe you have hidden yourself among humans. Since you are also searching for them, if you give me news when the time comes, there will be a heavy reward!"

It turns out to be cooperation!

Jin Kui En and others breathed a sigh of relief, but then they thought and immediately said: "That's natural, but can Your Majesty also do our Jin Kui family a favor?"

"It must be part of the mineral veins that fell after the collapse of Meteor Dragon Island!"

"Yes." Jin Quinn and others actually felt a little bit in their hearts. The Beihai Siren also knew about this, so these mineral veins must...

"Most of them have been acquired by my people in Beihai"

This undoubtedly gave the Jinkui family a severe slap in the face.

Damn, that’s what I’m afraid of!

"But that is a fire-type mineral vein, and it is not of much use to our sea monster clan. After all, we don't have many fire-type monster clan. If you want it, either help me find those damn men and women, or exchange it for other treasures... I'll wait. Your news" (to be continued)



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