A Queen

Chapter 1,154 The floating mineral vein!

Chapter 1154


The group of sea monsters left in a mighty manner, leaving the Jin Kui family in uncertainty.

"Father, with the cooperation of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King, our various tasks in the North Sea will be much smoother. We will definitely be able to find those two people," a young man next to Jin Quinn sneered.

"Not necessarily." An old man shook his head, "This North Sea is not dominated by the Deep Sea Electric Eel King's family. The strongest one is undoubtedly the Beigong royal family of the North Sea. They rule the entire North Sea Kraken clan and are the well-deserved kings of this sea area. This Deep Sea Electric Eel King He’s just a minister.”

"Not necessarily. I heard people say that he has a very good relationship with the second prince of Beihai Siren. He is his close minister and is extremely powerful."

"That's why you need to be careful..." The old man said in a low voice: "Don't forget that there is a mysterious Prince Beigong in Beihai. That is the real prince of the Beihai Siren clan."

Prince Beigong, this is a well-known person in Siam.

He is someone far inferior to their young master...

Jin Kuien was silent for a while and said: "Most of the dragon blood crystals are at their place... It seems that cooperation is imperative, but some of them must have been taken away... Check it! Anyway, we didn't go with Nabei The conflict between the palace prince and the palace prince is fine. After all, it is only natural that the Deep Sea Electric Eel King wants to find the enemy who killed his son... Besides, the prince of the North Palace must be in the large group area, how could he be in the Beihai area..."

The North Sea is so big, but the inland areas and the northern group area are small areas. People like Prince Beigong are either staying in the Beigong deep in the North Sea, or they should be in the large group areas. How can they come back here!

"Convert most of your manpower to looking for people! Don't let anyone go!"


Dai Li didn't know that all the Jin Kui family members were already heading towards her, and the fainting woman didn't know either.

The Scorpion, who sometimes practices, sometimes eats, and sometimes watches, knows a little bit, but doesn't care...

The ones who know the most clearly are undoubtedly the most innocent monks with no background. They are full of complaints and suffering, but there are more monks going to Beihai...

Man, you are just a bitch!

This offense is another month.

One early morning, the Scorpion, which ranged from roasting corn to roasting chicken, suddenly jumped up from the ground, flew to the entrance of the cave and looked out. On the sea surface, you could vaguely see black spots coming from afar...

Although it is still a little far away from here, it is obviously aimed at their island.

I go! Finally arrived!

"Boss, boss, boss! They are finally here!"

When Dang Li heard Scorpion's cry, she opened her eyes and looked at a floating body.

This is a part of her body that was stripped off. There are two kinds of clones. One is the reflection of the original body, which inherits all the ability systems of the original body, but can only exert part of the original strength and is never as good as the original body. Moreover, progress is limited by the original body. It can only be regarded as a semi-independent clone.

The second is to separate the talent of the body independently, peel off part of it, and re-create an incarnation with complete talent. This is a completely independent body, just like two ways of cultivation, the first is better than the second Planting is much simpler and the benefits are faster, but the growth talent is not as good as the second type, because the second type is completely another self, but there is no upper limit on growth, and the talent seeds can be grown freely from the stripped talent seeds.

The second type is obviously extremely difficult, the process is more complicated and dangerous, and the success rate is extremely low. Almost 80% to 90% of all distractions choose the first type, leaving only 12% for ambition and confidence. Those who are satisfied choose the second option, but only 10 to 20% of them are successful... One can imagine how valuable and powerful the independently separated first clone is.

Dai Li chose the first option. After careful consideration, she decided to strip off the thunder path talent of her main body! Shaped into the first avatar of Thunder, mysterious,

Thunder spells, control and other abilities are all in the first clone.

And the real body is the blood-killing body..

Of course, it has just been successfully peeled off and is in the first stage of incarnation. It still needs to be warmed and maintained in the body for a period of time... More details are needed to be perfect...

But no matter what...

She succeeded.

When Scorpion saw this incarnation, his whole body became alert, "Incarnation? The incarnation of the first clone? Or was it separated independently? Did you succeed?!!!"

"Well, they say it's difficult...actually I think it's not bad." Dai Li nodded.

I don’t know if it’s because her soul is too strong, her body is too good, or something else, but she feels it’s pretty smooth...

Scorpion fell to the ground, twitching.

Those monarch-level kings who have spent hundreds of years unable to complete the first reflected incarnation of their true nature should really die.


But after all, everything was ready. Daili put away his avatar and put it in his Dantian to warm up. He stood up and walked out of the cave. His soul dispersed. Sure enough, he sensed that someone had landed outside.

It was Jin Kui's people.

But they obviously haven't noticed her existence yet...

"Go out and scare them away. If they don't leave... then be more ruthless."


Scorpion agreed readily.

By the way, although there are many people in this group, the strongest one is only at the peak of the second-level monarch level!

It can now take care of the opponent!

Dai Li was not worried at all about what happened to Scorpion. Who knew that after she shared his talent that day, his soul power increased tenfold, and he entered the second stage of growth, which was a huge leap in strength. Not to mention that he later absorbed A lot of dragon blood and fire rock essence...

So she turned around and looked at the woman lying on the ground.

Hmm, why does she feel that this woman's appearance has changed...

But his complexion has recovered.

After thinking for a moment, she lifted up her clothes and took a look. Well, the wound was completely healed and her skin was flawless.

"The Xian Yuan clan... is extraordinary." Dai Li chuckled, sitting on the ground eating tomatoes while looking outside.

On the beach...

The people of the Jinkui family were frightened by the demon scorpion that suddenly transformed into a giant body. The leader even couldn't bear the pressure of the demon scorpion and took several steps back.

"Human, this is my training cave, what are you doing here! Get away!"

The Scorpion is quite good at bluffing people, and coupled with the evil ancient aura, it directly shapes itself into a demon clan with strong bloodline.

You can’t mess with the demon clan!

The Jinkui family members were embarrassed, and the leader said awkwardly: "Sorry, Your Excellency, we are just here to search for some people, but I don't know that this is your cave."

He felt that he was no match for the Scorpion, so his tone was much softer.

In his heart, he was secretly cursing this land monster clan for what they were doing in Beihai! boring?

"Searching people? Do you still want to enter my cave to search?"

The scorpion's poisonous tail sways, and suddenly a sharp black poisonous needle will pop out, pointing at your leader.

Damn it, poisonous scorpion tail!

The leader immediately said: "Your Majesty, you misunderstood, we just came to take a look... However, we have received news before that these gangsters ran to this island. They may delay your cultivation in the future, so we still have to take a look nearby. , I promise not to delay your cultivation or invade the scope of your cave, is that okay?"

After a pause, he added: "We are the Jinkui clan in the Siamese domain. We have always had a friendly relationship with the demon clan. We absolutely respect you."

Now that we have reached this point, it is obvious that the people from the Jinkui clan have already narrowed down the search scope, otherwise they would not be so persistent...

Scorpion was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to kill these people directly or take a step back...

at this time!

boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a fierce sound of killing and fighting from the east side of their island!

Mo Scorpion and the Jin Kui clan were all surprised.

"Captain, there is news from the third detachment..."

I don’t know what the news is, but the team just left immediately.

They rushed towards the east together, as if they were in a hurry.

"Boss!" The Scorpion flew back into the cave, "They..."

Dai Li spread the roasted chicken with sauce, handed it to it, and stood up: "Let's go and take a look."

"Okay... then this woman..."

"Once we leave, they will definitely not search this island again... Is there anyone else?"


"Anyway, I have done everything I can for her. If she is still caught like this, her life will be bad..."

Even though he said that, Dai Li casually patted both sides of the cave entrance twice.

Then fly out!

To the east of Beihai, there was a chaotic battle at the moment, with a large number of monks rushing towards this side crazily.


Because there is a red fire crystal floating on the sea in the east sea.

Irregular, but with a volume of thousands of cubic meters, it is like a small mountain.

Completely red blood jade crystals, with streaks of dragon blood seeping into them, float on the water and are soaked by the water. The sunlight from the sky is shining, and the light is refracted like a bright blood moon reflected in the water. It is very beautiful.

What's this?

It is undoubtedly a vein of dragon blood rock crystal, but the problem is that this thing is incredibly heavy. Even a piece of fingernail will fall to the bottom of the deep sea. How can it float on the water with such a huge volume?

Nothing is impossible!

Because there are countless fiery red owl fish in the ground and next to this mineral vein. Each one is like a flame burning, pushing the mineral vein to the water surface with its body, and one after another is biting the dragon blood rock crystal mineral vein!

There are hundreds of millions of them!

The Flame Owlfish is a special monster in the sea. Because the sea is a sea after all, most of the creatures in it tend to be of the water type. Even worse, they are mostly wood type. Among them, the fire type is extremely rare. After all, the environment has a great impact, but it is also Not at all.

Among them, the Flame Owlfish is one of them, and it is a species with a very large population. The strength of an adult Flame Owlfish is at the Grandmaster level, while some elites are distracted, and there are also many powerful Lord-level ones. Because of the large number, it is also It is easy to produce some leaders, so this group can be regarded as a kind of danger that scares the monks in Beihai.

The flame owl fish, each half an arm long, slaps against the water surface, its flame-colored fish scales sparkle in the light, and it also shuttles on the sea surface... And the number is increasing rapidly... R1152

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