A Queen

Chapter 1,155 Ice and Fire Demon Horse

Chapter 1155

This scene is so spectacular.

What's even more spectacular is that a large number of monks are jealous of the dragon blood crystal. They want a piece of the pie, but they have to face hundreds of millions of flame owl fish.

They shoot fireballs from underwater, and monks cast spells in the sky...

Boom boom boom!

This is where the fierce fighting comes from.

Soon the Jin Kui family members arrived.

As soon as I saw the dragon blood crystal, I didn't say anything at all!


So there was a fight!

In the distance, Dai Li stood in the clouds, watching this scene, and chuckled: "The dragon blood crystal is quite large. Do you think we should go over and get a share of the pie? At least it can be used by the Vatican."

"No more..." Mo Scorpion hesitated, and then said to Dai Li at the same time: "How can one cup be enough?"

"If you want to take it, take it all!"

Always a bandit and never repented!

Although one person and one scorpion had already laid out the plans for the robbery and were about to take action, suddenly, Dai Li turned his head and looked at the bottom of the sea.

The monks who arrived here were also suppressed by the people from the Jinkui family, and the Flame Owl Fish below was still biting the dragon blood crystal.

There is more than just the owl fish on the bottom of the sea...

Suddenly there is ice!

The terrifying frost spreads up from the bottom!


The large fire owl fish retreated in fear. Ice and fire were in conflict with each other. It was obvious that there were terrifying creatures of the ice system coming below...

Sure enough, hundreds of miles of the sea were frozen!

In the dense cold air, the dragon blood rock crystal was also sealed on the water surface, and a large number of flame owl fish burned the ice cubes with flames. Trying to escape from the ice, and such terror never...


The ice layer automatically cracked a hole,

a horse. A dragon-like horse jumped out from the ice blue crystal under the water, and clicked, it stepped on the frozen ice. It was a two-meter-tall horse with a mane like snow and four hooves like unicorn legs. Behind it were two dragons of ice and fire. tail. It's all white, but look carefully. You can see the light blue ice scales, transforming into frost every minute and every second...Looking carefully, the other side is red scales transforming into flames every minute and second.

One side is frost, the other side is fire. Wonderful and handsome to the extreme!

It has two heads, two heads like a horse and a dragon, a pair of red pupils and a pair of blue pupils.

This is a monster that truly makes people feel noble and powerful...or rather, a monster!

As soon as it appeared, the atmosphere of the whole place solidified, and then boiled!

"Oh my god! What kind of monster is this?"

"It's not a monster! It's so powerful, it must be a sea monster!"

"A siren of ice and fire?"

The whole audience was shocked when the people from the Jinkui family suddenly took action!

Such a high-blooded monster appears. Obviously I came here for the Dragon Blood Rock Crystal. If I don’t take action now, when will I take action!

In fact, people from the Jinkui family would not dare to take action directly against the sea monster in Beihai. The problem is that they have just cooperated with a deep-sea electric eel king of the Kraken, and they know that there are no serious Kraken contacts in this area. Most of the people who are deep-sea electric eel kings will not easily fight against them, so why not? He will take action on this dragon blood flame crystal.

Therefore, they now have the confidence to take action. In addition, this horse that jumped out of the water is so rare and majestic. Obviously of noble blood, their first reaction was to capture him first. If he couldn't be captured, then let him go. If he could be captured... give it to the young master!

Therefore, the abacus of the Jinkui family is crackling, so they can take action very quickly...

However, the two-headed dragon horse is not a vegetarian. When a powerful enemy comes to kill, it will be trampled with all four hooves!


Ice and fire dual elements!

One layer is frozen for hundreds of miles, and the other layer is burning fire!

Heaven of ice and fire!

The combat power has directly reached the second level of the King level!


Ordinary monks really couldn't bear such a war, so they all retreated...

As they flew back outside, someone suddenly saw a person standing in the air on one side of the clouds.

One glance and I was stunned.

Everyone who saw it was stunned.

The next second, the person who stunned them took action.

Extend a hand.

Slender, fair, with elegant joints, like white porcelain.

Dragon Claw.

The giant dragon claw, from under the sky, penetrated the ice and fire, breaking through the chain attacks of everyone in the Jinkui clan, and directly covered it, and a dragon claw grabbed the large dragon blood rock crystal.

Everyone was stunned.

Eyes wide, he looked up.

The man raised his white porcelain jade hand, and with a wipe, the dragon blood rock crystal cracked and cracked out of the ice, and he was caught!

Grabbing for the sky.

The extremely heavy dragon blood rock crystal, which weighed at least 100,000 tons, was easily grabbed.

This power...

That dragon claw...

Incomparably domineering!

People from the Jin Kui family set their sights on the man in the sky.

Dazed, dazed, frightened, awe...

The dragon blood rock crystal suddenly disappeared.

This brought many people back to their senses, but seeing the man in the sky put away the dragon blood rock crystal veins, their first feeling was not to fight for it, but... she was leaving?

Even these people from the Jin Kui family feel the same way...

who is she?

Daili is indeed leaving, if the people in the Jinkui family don't want her to kill people and be stained with blood.

Obviously these people are a little slow to react, in that case...

Daili just turned to one side.



Suddenly there was a crisp sound that made Dai Li turn back, looking down at the...two-headed dragon horse on the ice below.

She looked at it thoughtfully and asked tentatively: "Ice sacrifice?~~~"

"It's me! It's me!"

The two-headed dragon horse immediately roared with joy!

Take to the sky!

One person and one horse disappeared quickly, not paying attention to the people here.

As soon as they left, everyone in the Jinkui family came to their senses, and the captain-level leaders all had pale expressions.

Trying their best to tell themselves that they are definitely not bewitched by the other's beauty, but are frightened by the other's aura and powerful strength...

But the superiors will definitely be severely punished.

After all, it was a large piece of dragon blood rock crystal and a high-blooded dragon horse.

The news here was quickly spread back. Especially the people present described the scene that day in a very charming and beautiful way, completely forgetting the dragon blood rock crystal, the Jin Kui clan or the two-headed dragon horse. In the end, only these words were left.

Beauty, stunning beauty, stunning and domineering beauty!

And that outrageously overbearing dragon claw!


Dai Li really didn't expect that he would meet the two-headed seahorse from the Ice Sacrifice period. How weak was this seahorse at that time?

Weaker than she was when she was younger.

Poorly weak.

Ten years later, she has changed drastically, and so has this seahorse...

The sky is high, the sea is vast, the sky is blue and the clouds are white. On a beach, Daili stood on the sand. I touched its head with my palm.

"We haven't seen each other for ten years."

"Yeah" Kaiba, no, Ryoma lowered his head, he still remembered being at the beach. This is the man who bids it farewell..

He has been wandering in the sea freely or alone for so many years since he was a child. This is probably the first person to make him feel like a family member.

"Aren't you over there in the Daxia waters? Why did you travel so far and come to the North Sea?" Dai Li asked in confusion.

"I entered the South China Sea along the waters of Daxia. Later I met a person in the South China Sea and was taken to the North Sea..."


Dai Li looked at Longma's body: "You have made great progress. Ten years ago, you were just an ordinary seahorse."

From a seahorse of ordinary blood to such a dragon horse... (Do you have the sense of sight of Echizen Ryoma?)

It can be called Silk's ultimate counterattack.

The demon scorpion next to him rolled his eyes: "What kind of ordinary seahorse? Can an ordinary seahorse evolve into a demon horse of ice and fire?"

Eh? Ice and fire horse?

Dai Li looked at Long Ma in surprise: "Demon Horse of Ice and Fire, what is that?"

"You must be a descendant of the ancient Ice and Fire Demon Horse. Otherwise, where would you have this Ice and Fire Dragon Horse body now? But what you are saying is that you were quite weak and ordinary before, so your bloodline should also be relatively thin. How come these years It’s become so powerful”

Scorpion is very familiar with him, and he has become closer to Ryoma after just chatting a few words. Now he is asking questions directly.

"I..." Ryoma tilted his head and said in a somewhat confused tone: "It must have something to do with that person feeding me every day."

"Something? What?"

"I don't know, it seems like there are a lot of gems and crystals... I eat too much, and I often transform. The changes are getting bigger and bigger, and my strength is getting stronger..."

I go! It must be a treasure that can help monsters evolve their bloodlines!

And feed it every day. This is a wealthy man!

Dai Li touched his chin, "Then your master treats you very well."

"He is not my master"

"What?" Dai Li and Mo Xiao were confused again, and then they heard a story similar to this.

——: A crazy rich man accidentally saw Ryoma who was being bullied by other sea beasts. After helping him, he asked Ryoma if he wanted to follow him. Ryoma didn't agree, so he found it every day and fed it treasures. He couldn't hide from it, so he was forced to do so. After three years of feeding, Ryoma had no choice but to follow the rich man to Beihai due to the guilt of eating someone else's soft tongue, and then he cycled through being fed every day for several years... thus successfully realizing the bloodline's counterattack.

Daili: "I should have gone with you back then."

Scorpion: "Damn it! Why can't I meet such a good person!"

Both of them beat their chests and knocked their feet on the ground..

Ryoma: "...."

But after all, Longma was a blessing in disguise, and he has been blessed ever since. Daili touched his chin with some emotion and said: "There are not many people who are willing to spend money on spiritual pets these days, especially people like you who have nothing to do in the beginning. Seahorse... Actually, look at this scorpion, if it wasn't helpless, I wouldn't have wanted it at the beginning..."

Scorpion and Ryoma: "..."

Is it really okay for you to do this in person?

But... Longma shook his head, looked at Dai Li and said, "If I hadn't remembered your scent, I really wouldn't have recognized you... you've changed so much."

"I should be the one to say this..."

Dai Li rolled his eyes at Long Ma; "But why did you come here again? This place is close to the human activity area. You look like this now. Are you not afraid of being abducted?"

Ryoma looked at Scorpion: Hasn't this person ever looked in the mirror? Don't know what you look like?

Scorpion silently responded: It seems not.

"I just sensed the energy of that crystal and ran out... I don't want to be fed by that person all the time. I feel bad" (To be continued)



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