A Queen

Chapter 1157: Coercion, Counterattack

Chapter 1157

What a ruthless display of power.

This time, Ma Wei brought out the inherent nature of bullying and fearing the hard in Jin Kui-en and others.

It can also be seen that the Treasury family is not top-notch among the Siamese group, otherwise it would not be so timid.

This has nothing to do with their family power, but with their family positioning in Siam...

Habits are terrible.

A person who was used to being a dwarf suddenly grew into a giant, and he still subconsciously looked up to others...

Dai Li saw through the opponent at a glance, but there was no smile on his face. He just slowly placed his right hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist.

"He blocked my way"

One word!

He's blocking my way! So kill!

Many people who were blocked and had to be checked before being allowed to enter and exit were heartbroken at this moment.

There is such a gap between people. We are blocked from the road and have to submit. In front of this woman, we are blocking the road. Anyone who blocks the road will be killed!

Jin Kui'en was also upset, very upset, but when he thought of the information from his subordinates,... his heart hardened again, and he suddenly said: "Your Excellency has space talent. I don't know which family or force he comes from. I have never heard of it before."

Testing, he was testing for the last time.

Dai Li suddenly realized, ah, this member of the Jinkui family deduced from the fact that she had let the demon scorpion take away the dragon blood rock crystal out of thin air before, and concluded that she might be the person who seized the treasure on the Meteor Dragon Island before. She originally thought that The beauty of Xian Yuan, now that she has regained her female body, the other party thinks she is her.

To put it simply, Dai Li put the blame on the beautiful Xian Yuan. But now the blame has been taken back again...


Who allowed you to see her whole body and then wrote a letter to tell you...

Okay, now that the negative has become the positive. Dai Li is not afraid either, but she can't admit it openly, otherwise it would be spread today that she obtained the treasure of Meteor Dragon Island or something...

But Daili didn't say anything.

Silence is the greatest counterattack, and with one look in her eyes...

He glanced at Jin Quinn indifferently and did not answer. That is to say, he didn't deny or nod, which made Jin Quinn unable to have a fit for a while. You can only choose to take action or not to take action.

Is this killing or not killing?


Jin Quinn suddenly gave a stern order: "Do it!"

Because he got the news that the young master is coming!

If there is no more achievements. He will be severely punished by the family, so he must be killed!

After receiving the news, the members of the Jinkui family were more than one breath slower than before in taking action at that moment. For a while, no one was the first to take action.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Jin Quinn was stunned for a moment, then roared: "What are you waiting for! Take action!"

oh? ah? oh oh!

Those people reacted and took action together, but they were no longer as ferocious as before.

The main thing is that when I see each other, I feel...

Do you really want to take action?

Others could see it clearly and secretly said: America is alluring and deceiving. You really didn’t deceive me!

Not wanting to take action against the people from the Jinkui family, Dai Li raised her eyebrows. She had already seen through these people just now. It's very easy to dodge these attacks instantly, but...

Her hands were folded and placed in front of her lower abdomen, her posture was reserved and noble, like a portrait of a nobleman frozen in the castle for thousands of years, at this moment. She blinked briefly.

There is a colossus in the sky.

Completely physical. Huge and elegant, with wings like dragon wings and a body like a unicorn.

It is blood, it is pure blood, it is a king, it is a pure blood king!

Statue of a pure blood king.

There is a sentence in the book of the Blood Clan: When the pure-blood king opens his eyes and looks at you, the reflection of the heaven and the earth will turn into one image, and all things will be dust.

The King's Statue is not necessarily owned by vampire emperors. It can only be awakened by vampires who have reached the peak of their bloodline and are even comparable to the first three generations of pure-blooded vampires. It has already awakened in Dai Li.

It opens its eyes.

The pressure from the king!

Pure-blood king statue, first skill point: Linwei.

The terrifying king's pressure came down from behind Dai Li, from behind this gorgeous woman!

King, come!


The sandstorm passed by silently, like the wind and the remaining clouds, and like a thunderbolt...

One breathed.

The team of monarchs from the Three Hundred Jinkui Family...

The flying ashes are annihilated.

No matter how powerful it is, the king's statue makes the kings fear from the bottom of their bones, coming from the humble bloodline.

Everyone in the audience could not help but surrender to their own humility under the eyes of the king.

And they suddenly realized that the woman who sacrificed the king's statue was much nobler than they imagined.

But I also feel...she should be so noble.

The people of the Jin Kui family were stunned. Jin Kui'en opened his eyes wide and didn't know what to say for a moment.

However, Daili's enthusiasm was waning. The Jinkui family made her very disappointed. Although they came from Siam, which was extremely powerful, their style was not good enough. They were originally prepared for a battle, but now they don't think about it anymore.

The opponent no longer has the will to fight.

A statue of a pure-blood king was enough to make them fear her.


Dai Li rolled his eyes inwardly. Although she also had people she was afraid of, she had more of the courage to make a desperate move, which obviously the Jinkui family members did not have.

In this case...

She turned around and left...

boom! ! !

In the sea area, just next to the harbor, a whirlpool suddenly exploded, and a huge black shadow surged out from the bottom.

That pressure, that strong sea smell, that domineering aura...

"The Kraken is coming!!" someone exclaimed in the crowd!

It is indeed coming.

Daili looked down at the sea below...


The water waves were pushed aside.


Huge sea monsters such as walruses, sea snakes, and sea lions revealed their true bodies and half of them emerged from the water. Their huge bodies and cold, bloody eyes made the human monks on the shore feel the Creator's harsh treatment of human beings in their flesh and blood.

Basically. Except for the fact that human beings are superior to most races in terms of spiritual intelligence, the average level in other aspects is far lower than that of other species.

This side is the Creator's way of balance.

Of course, the strong among them are never bound by balance.

Just like the passing of the sky. Just like the deep-sea electric eel king stepping on the giant sea lion's head.

He looked at Dai Li, and his eyes paused at the statue of the pure-blood king who was motionless behind Dai Li, but he still did not change his original coldness and murderous intent.

Revenge for the murder of his son must be avenged, otherwise where would his reputation as the Deep Sea Electric Eel King be?

The human monks were quiet here, and the Jinkui family had mixed feelings. First, they finally found their enemy, and the sea monster came. This man is bound to die, two. They couldn't do anything about this person, and if the Siren took action himself, cooperation might not be possible. The treasure hidden in this person... obviously will not belong to their Jinkui family.

In the silence, the Deep Sea Electric Eel King spoke.

"You were the one who killed my son?"

"No," Dai Li said calmly without changing his expression.

This was not a lie, because it was indeed not her who dealt the fatal blow at that time, but the beauty who was seriously injured and poisoned but still desperately trying to die.

Therefore, Daili's expression, eyes and even tone are very candid.

The Deep Sea Electric Eel King frowned. He would rather this person show all kinds of doubts, be surprised and then deny it, so that he can be more sure that this person is the one he is looking for.

After all, this is a normal human reaction.

But the other party was very cold and short, and didn't even bother to defend himself. This kind of reaction is the least likely...

And what those little sea beasts saw at that time was clearly his son chasing a not-so-looking man and a red-haired woman...

Obviously this is not the case with the person in front of me.

Although there are various disagreements in my heart. The Deep Sea Electric Eel King still feels that this person... is very possible!

Maybe it was a gut feeling, a gut feeling from my father.

"I said you are... you are..." The Deep Sea Electric Eel King was also outrageously overbearing, and he did not give Dai Li a chance to explain or refute at the moment. With just one word, the pressure is coming!

Deep Sea Electric Eel King, what level is this?

The pinnacle of the royal level!

The Overlord of the Deep Sea who is about to break through the Fusion Stage, if he reveals his true form underwater, he can even compete with the masters in the Fusion Stage!

It is this kind of overlord who directly overthrows his kingly power at Dynasty Li Hong!

Everyone in the vicinity was blown away!

There is only one person in the sky!

No. There is also a statue of a pure-blood king!

The overlord of the deep sea versus the pure-blood king!

A battle of pressure!

This is blood and strength. The battle of capital in all aspects including soul!


Emperor level peak vs.... Well, there is no need to compare this, the gap is too big.

The two of them didn't actually take action at all, and there was no comparison!

What about soul?

The soul of the Electric Eel King is majestic and magnificent.

Thunder and lightning.

And generation away...


When the cold soul energy that seemed to be full of blood and cruelty was released.

Everyone was shocked!

Even the Deep Sea Electric Eel King was shocked.

Imperial level!

Such a soul power is at least at the imperial level, this young man...a monster?

Boom, boom!

Two souls clash!

Undoubtedly, the soul of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King is larger, even several times more powerful, but... quantity does not represent quality, and volume does not represent connotation.

Peng! ! !

draw? No, not flat...

The biggest gap is bloodline.

This is a gap that cannot be counterattacked, a gap that makes the Deep Sea Electric Eel King unexpected and frightened!

The statue of the pure-blood king moved!

Second skill point: Taunt!

Coming from the high end of the bloodline, the mockery of the superior to the inferior, the mockery of looking down!

Merciless ridicule!


Out of anger, the Deep Sea Electric Eel King couldn't even control his own temperament, and the pressure of control suddenly shook.

at this time...

Fight back!

Daili poured all his soul power directly into the statue of the pure-blood king... and counterattacked without hesitation!

Overlord of the deep sea? The peak of the emperor level?

I'm not afraid of you!


Dai Li dodged and climbed onto the head of the statue of the pure-blood king, stepped on its head and pointed downwards...

The pressure of the pure-blooded prince, the pressure of the ancient nobles, the pressure of the dragon body...



The statue of the pure-blood king spreads its wings, lifts up its forelimbs...and then falls back down!


Taunting followed by trampling!

Double trample overlapping.


Karcha! The pressure of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King... opened a hole. (To be continued)



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