A Queen

Chapter 1,158 If we are enemies...

Chapter 1158

The sea lion beneath him... Ang~~ roared and twisted in fear and pain.

The other sea monsters retreated in defeat, covering their ears...

Blah blah blah!

A large number of sea monsters had no choice but to reveal their true bodies, and the water in front of the harbor was suddenly filled up. However, after these sea monsters transformed into their true bodies, they all dived underwater in fear.

Fear, so fearful!

This is completely an irresistible force in blood!

Everyone in the audience was in shock.

One person...this woman...single-handedly made all the sea monsters here fear?

She even defeated the king-level pressure of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King!

How can this be!

Who is she?

This thought flashed through the Deep Sea Electric Eel King's mind for a moment, but the biggest difference between him and Jin Quinn is... knowing that this woman has a strong bloodline and unknown origin, it would be of no benefit to conflict with her, which is the most unwise!

However,...he still made a completely different choice.

One hundred people were killed.

This is the safest!

This decision is very consistent with his overlord status and his decisiveness. In fact, Dai Li would have done the same thing.



The Deep Sea Electric Eel King raised his hand.


A long and thick lightning whip flicked with his palm, and a thunderbolt struck!

Coercion is not everything.

Strength is the most supreme!

One strike from the Deep Sea Electric Eel King will kill you! Because this is a royal level attack!

Can it be blocked?

In fact, Dai Li's body has flashed!

Run away!

You're an idiot if you don't run away!

That's incredibly fast.

The reaction seemed to have been predicted. When the Deep Sea Electric Eel King raised his hand, this guy had already rushed towards the entrance of Fenchuan!

The members of the Jin Kui family who originally blocked the entrance had no time to stop them at this moment. Can't stop it!

So, the electric whip struck behind her, and her people... were already in front of the entrance, and could enter the interior in the blink of an eye.

Once inland, the Deep Sea Electric Eel King is absolutely beyond his reach. Why?

Territorial rules!

The North Sea has the rules of the North Sea, and the inland has the rules of the inland. The overlord of Beihai came to Fenchuan to kill people... Have you asked Fenchuan's supervisor?

Have you ever asked about Sige and Qishan Pavilion in Fenchuan?

These are the rules of the land and you must abide by them. Unless you are strong enough to follow this rule.

Obviously the Deep Sea Electric Eel King has not yet reached this level, and when he saw that Dai Li was about to charge into his inner power, he became anxious!

Damn it, how could this woman react so quickly!

Run away, run away... After provoking the Deep Sea Electric Eel King... she's going to run away!

Just when everyone had this idea.

She even turned around and said something to the Deep Sea Electric Eel King.




Dai Li's body paused. It's like being blocked by an invisible wall. Of course it's not Fenchuan's protective barrier, which has already been opened, but...


Daili's face turned green!

Depend on it! What's going on!


That powerful electric whip struck hard!

Dead! ! !

Dai Li's sudden weirdness made the Deep Sea Electric Eel King feel like he was in trouble!

She is dead!

Snapped! ! !

The electric shock was violent, the lightning was violent...

Dai Li was speechless as he looked at the lightning in front of him that was invisibly blocked by a terrifying force.

The Deep Sea Electric Eel King was also stunned, and the others were even more at a loss. This is...

"Who is it! Get out of here!"

Obviously it can't be Dai Li's doing, so...

A horse comes.

A two-headed dragon horse jumped out of the water. Running patter patter.

Ah, this is...

Dai Li was surprised and puzzled when he saw Long Ma. Was this the dragon and horse that did it just now?

But it shouldn’t be...it doesn’t seem to have such ability, so...

There was one more person beside Ryoma.

Very ordinary brocade clothes, but they are in two cool and cool colors, white and dark blue, with dragons embroidered on them.

Dragon of the Sea.

With a jade crown and black hair, there is no other decoration except a jade pendant hanging on her waist.

There are noble and clear blue eyes on the face. With thin pursed lips.

There is also a looming black scar between his eyebrows, which ruins the clear and handsome face. Added a bit of restrained coldness.

A very strange person, giving people a wonderful temperament where ice and fire meet.

Anyway, from the perspective of Dai Li, who has always been very accurate in seeing people, has the ability to see people with eye skills, and has a doctorate in psychology, her first impression of this person was that of a dragon bound in the hell of ice and fire.

Noble, powerful, restrained, gentle, subtly cruel, but also... faintly painful.

Dai Li felt that this feeling was a bit inexplicable. After all, it was just someone he saw for the first time...

And this person...

Obviously he doesn't care about everyone here. Even the Deep Sea Electric Eel King can't let him take a look. This kind of non-sharp and indifferent indifference is somewhat the same as Dai Li's bones.

He stood in front of Dai Li.

Watching Daili, always watching...

For some reason, Dai Li felt that there was something strange in this man's eyes.

Surprised? then what...

Anyway, she felt it was unnatural. She always felt that this person...


This man is the crazy tycoon!

No wonder...it's understandable, rich people all have strange problems...

What kind of skill is it to look at people without blinking or speaking? Let me go!

Kill you with your eyes?

But it doesn't seem to be very fierce. What is the look in the eyes of an ex-girlfriend like a reunion after a long absence, a momentary encounter, or a sudden encounter with an ex-girlfriend!

By the way, can you remove this barrier first?

In the eyes of others, it is a person who appears inexplicably and is noble and extraordinary. The clear-tempered super male god and the equally domineering queen looked at each other silently...

The sea breeze is blowing, there is a fishy smell, and the hair is floating. With a light fragrance, the sky is empty, reflected in the deep blue eyes, and burnt into the blood-colored glass pupils.

Each has a shadow of the other.

This picture is not only beautiful, but almost dreamy.

——If you add the tall two-headed dragon and horse beside you, and the background of countless sea monsters fearing and countless humans stunned.

Dai Li complained a lot in his heart, and Ryoma next to the man couldn't help it anymore and touched the man's arm with his head.

His eyes paused. The glimmer in his eyes was like a pool of lake water, slightly swaying.

Chaodaili curled his lips.

This is a laugh. Just laugh! ! ! !

The man who smiles so well made me instantly feel guilty for my previous complaints...!

Although Dai Li was suspicious in his heart, he still had a good impression of this rich man because of Long Ma (definitely not because this person was very cool and handsome! She was definitely not such a superficial person!)

So she raised her eyebrows. It’s so meaningful that you can say: “I have admired you for a long time~~”

The ending sound lengthened... but she didn't know what to call him instead for a while, so she made up for it with a cadence.

"Legend has it that your Excellency came to the rescue when there was injustice and fed the lonely seahorse for free without asking for anything in return."

What the hell kind of title is this? Let me go!

Moreover, with your aggressive face and domineering queen aura, you can say such things in a serious manner, which is a very different style!

The man was a little surprised and raised his palm slightly. His hand was very beautiful.

He landed on the head of the two-headed seahorse, stroked the horse's mane, and said in a low voice: "It's not that I don't ask for anything in return..."

After a slight pause, he said: "In fact, I have been trying to lure it to stay with me... but it seems to have failed. In comparison... he likes you more."

When he mentioned you, he raised his eyes and looked at Daili. It seems to be somewhat cautious.

"Miss Yu, I have admired you for a long time..."

As a trench, it has a good temperament. Being able to stop acting like a domineering CEO and instead adopt the style of farming and cultivating... Daili's favorable impression of him increased silently. After getting rid of her ambition to be taken care of, she raised her eyebrows and turned to look at the two-headed dragon horse: "Are you bringing him to meet his parents?"

This person is also a sea monster... It seems that Daili has thought of some possibilities...

When he heard this, the two-headed seahorse, who was still a little excited at first, was suddenly stunned.

The male god was thoughtful.

Why do you think this sentence sounds so strange?

And the other side. The expressions of those sirens~~

Well, the Deep Sea Electric Eel King, who has been ignored for a long time, has actually been looking at this person. At that time, I felt a lot of disbelief, shock and anxiety...and then I took a deep breath.

Kneel down.

All the sirens knelt.


The siren in the North Sea is called the Prince, which must be a male member of the royal family.

The human monks gasped and stared blankly at the slender figure in the sky.

Is this the prince of Beihai?

I don't know which number it is...

Anyway, shouldn't these extremely noble existences be deep in the Beihai Palace? Otherwise, they are in a large group area. How could they come to such a place?

Dai Li closed his eyes, hehe, he was indeed a member of the Beihai royal family, but he didn't know which prince he was.

Could this be the third prince?

Jin Kui En was overjoyed. If this was the Third Prince, they could get to him through the Deep Sea Electric Eel King and contact the power of the North Sea Siren Clan...

"So you are the prince... Then I am relieved..." Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she was not too worried about Long Ma before, but compared to following her, the rich man was undoubtedly more suitable for him, so she also Did not mention.

See you again now..

"I should have stayed longer after seeing you, but if I did, it would be harder to say goodbye...so..."

Dai Li took a step forward, and Long Ma seemed to sense it and lowered his head.

Two slender white arms lightly hugged Ryoma's neck.

This is a hug.

Light and meaningful friendship and warmth.

Such a woman actually has such a side?

"One day I will be able to talk to you without any scruples...Goodbye." The man next to Ryoma looked at Dai Li again after hearing this.

Goodbye, that's a promise.

Not hope.

Ryoma suddenly choked up because he suddenly understood that this decade was not as lucky as him...

Must have suffered something.

So he answered.


After three seconds, she withdrew her hand and turned to glance at the Deep Sea Electric Eel King and the Jin Kui family.

For a second, the original soft and gentle gesture disappeared.

She said calmly: "If you are an enemy, come to the Demon Palace to find me." To be continued


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