A Queen

Chapter 1,159 3 Prince?

Chapter 1159

The Demon Palace, the tyrannical Demon Palace.

It runs rampant, so he is the only one who blocks the way of others.

He is overbearing and anyone who stands in his way will die!

Just two words, Demon Palace, released all aspects of Dai Li's unruliness and murderous violence.

The Jin Kui family members were also suppressed.

Damn it, the Demon Palace!

More difficult to deal with than a top-notch family!

Because they are not reasonable at all! If you feel dissatisfied, suddenly a transfer order will come directly to your door and slaughter your entire family!

There once was a strong man from the Demon Palace who got into great trouble in Siam and was finally surrounded. As a result, the Demon Palace sent people to slaughter all the people. Some defenders stood up and spoke. The Demon Palace, You guys are wrong. It's obviously your people who didn't do a good job...how can you kill someone without asking any questions...

The reaction of the Demon Palace is like this - it is up to us, the Demon Palace, to decide whether he is right or wrong, and it is none of your business!

Then... the Demon Palace rescued the person and brought him back. As expected, the investigation was clear. The next day, the person was skinned and cramped and hung on the torture platform to be exposed to the sun for a year. ., the bones were ground into whitewash and painted on the wall of shame in the palace where he lived, to warn the people of this palace that this was the punishment of the devil's palace.

He is ruthless both internally and externally.

Therefore, many people have never dared to mess with the Demon Palace.

Too wild, too cruel.

Now, the very ferocious-looking woman in front of me comes from the Demon Palace.

Paralysis, there is such a beauty among the demons in the Demon Palace!

The sky has no eyes!

Didn’t I say I had no background? It turns out you hid such a big killer!

Jin Kui En beat her chest inwardly until she vomited blood!

Damn it. I feel like I have been cheated by this woman!

Couldn't you have said that you were from the Demon Palace at the beginning?

If you knew that this person was from the Demon Palace,

Even if you beat him to death, you won't do anything!

Just imagine how high the status of this perverted woman who can use her coercion to equalize and even counterattack the Deep Sea Electric Eel King is in the Demon Palace!

It must be in the upper three halls! He is a powerful person!

Go to the third palace! That's a perverted concentration camp!

The people of the Jinkui clan were crying, and the sea monsters were also shocked. But not as violent as human monks...

After seeing that he had successfully pulled out Mo Gong's thigh again to show off, Dai Li raised his eyebrows with great satisfaction and turned to leave.



Is this prince still going to stand up for the North Sea Siren?

Dai Li looked at the rich prince.

Scorpion's voice suddenly came to his mind: "Boss, I just heard from those people that this person seems to be the third prince... I have heard in Beihai these days that the third prince is the backstage of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King... "

Eh? Dai Li frowned.

Subconsciously looking at Ryoma...

But suddenly he found a hand stretched out in front of him, with an extra token in his palm.

"Take it. No one can stop you in the North Sea."

One sentence.

Dai Li was stunned and looked at the third prince in front of him.

Tangled. There seems to be something wrong with the direction of this plot.

Others were also confused, something was indeed wrong.

Kim Quinn, King of Deep Sea Electric Eels...what do you two think?

The former looked at the latter in disbelief. The latter also looked shocked, and then his eyes were filled with uncertainty.


"Thank you, but I don't think so." Dai Li refused.

"You can take it to see Ryoma..."

"I may not need your token then...Prince"

I have strong self-confidence and can refuse directly.

The Third Prince was neither annoyed nor angry when he heard this. He smiled, took back the token, and was not embarrassed. He suddenly said: "If we are not enemies, maybe I will go to the Demon Palace to find you?"

As I said before...be enemies. Go to the Demon Palace...

What if we are not enemies?

This sentence seems...

Dai Li couldn't help but be startled when he saw the other party's cool Molan eyes, then curled his lips and smiled.

"If you can find it..."

After that smile. Turn around and fly into Fenchuan.


Many people were left feeling lost.

I have to say that this woman from the Demon Palace...is truly demon-like, exuding poppy-like charm.

It makes people want to stop.

It seems that the third prince also has something~~ Yes, many heroes in the world love beauty. In ancient times, scribes gave Qiu Peilan Zhi as a gift. This token...

"Prince. You are rich in gold, how could you come to a place like this..."

The North Sea is so huge. This is the area to the south, which is really inconspicuous in Beihai. The Beihai Palace is located in the large group area to the north. As a prince, it is indeed unlikely to appear in such a place, especially this...

In fact, what makes the Deep Sea Electric Eel King even more uneasy is that the prince seems to know this woman...

Even if we didn’t know each other before, obviously we really want to get to know each other now, if that’s the case~~

Respecting the Deep Sea Electric Eel King, the Third Prince did not look at him, but just lowered his eyes and played with the token in his hand.

For a moment, all the sea monsters heard a word without any emotion.

"You are not allowed to be her enemy in the future."

He turned around and glanced at the sirens.

"Be more obedient"

Yes Yes Yes..

All the sea monsters shrank in fear, and their fear was comparable to that of the pure-blood king statue that had just been transformed.

What a terrifying third prince!

This aura is clearly that of a domineering president who has maxed out his awesome skills, okay?

What about the soft-spoken and simple man with a simple smile? ! !

At that time, there were two lights on the left and right.

The light on the left comes from the teleportation array, and the light on the right comes from the sea.

The light on the right is faster, and it falls in this sky in the blink of an eye.

Several people from the Jinkui clan suddenly saw this man...

Couldn't help shouting.

"Sir, it's this woman!"

"It was her before!"

"is her!"


Jin Quinn didn't react, but the captain couldn't help shouting: "Sir, although the previous one also has space ability, she doesn't look like...actually, she is exactly the same as this woman."

"She was the one who stole the treasure...she must have killed the electric eel demon!"

Her burgundy wavy hair is gorgeous. Cold and indifferent...

It completely meets all the conditions!

is her!

This time, the blame for Dai Li's resistance instantly fell on this beauty.

The Deep Sea Electric Eel King also came to his senses, what, there really is such a person! I thought the woman in the Demon Palace just now was the murderer of my son!

It was really a mistake!

Then what did I do when I was so embarrassed and provoked the Demon Palace just now!

Are you seeking death?

At this moment, after landing, the woman didn't actually care about other people. She was just stunned when she saw the third prince. Seems surprised.

Obviously the third prince was also surprised.

When the two looked at each other...

"It's you! Stop!"

Jin Quinn reacted immediately! Shout loudly!


People from the Jinkui clan surrounded her!

The Kraken's men roared too!

Damn it, the real owner was finally caught!

Nothing will go wrong this time, right? 1

Someone walked out of the teleportation array on the left!

A cold and tall man. Not noble, but powerful.

This was clear when he heard Jin Kui'en's roar. He stepped forward with a cold and stern voice: "I want to see who stole the treasures of my Jin Kui clan. Come out and accept..."

Jin Kui En stepped forward: "Young Master, this woman is..."

"I know." Jin Kuili paused and stared coldly at this woman. The aura on his body surged... She was a low-level king!

King level!

This young man turned out to be king-level!

He faced him head on, overwhelming him with overwhelming momentum!

Come to her!

The woman had no expression on her face and didn't look at him. She just raised her left hand and pointed it at the Jin Kui clan members including him. A pattern of light appeared on her palm. Project it...

Kite, a huge kite, made of bright purple-red light.

The pressure is terrifying.

Jin Kuili's expression changed instantly. And Jin Quinn and others were Spartan again.

This is...

The woman had already looked at the third prince: "Beigong, you electric eel monsters in Beihai have a huge appetite, even I want to eat them."

The third prince was surprised when he heard this, then glanced at the livid deep-sea electric eel demon and smiled: "It's a blessing in disguise for you, isn't it... Your poison has been cured?"

"A blessing in disguise?" The woman raised her eyebrows, noncommittal. He turned around and asked, "Where does that lead to?"

She pointed in the direction of Fenchuan.

"That's Fenchuan." Jin Kuili's active and friendly tone made others feel puzzled.

Is this plot twisting again?

What about the tense situation just now?

"Fengchuan..." The woman thought for a moment, then flew directly into Fenchuan.

The third prince looked at her back for a while...and frowned slightly. I didn’t know what to think, but finally sighed quietly.

The next second, the third prince had turned into... a sea dragon, and flew out with the dragon horse...

In the blink of an eye, you are thousands of meters away and entering the sea!

That dragon's power, that pure dragon's power, dragon body, dragon scales, dragon head...

After a while, Jin Kuien wiped the sweat from his head and asked Jin Kuili: "Young Master, who was that just now...


"The eldest sister of the Taishi clan, Taishi Yuan... why is she here~~" Jin Kuili's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he suddenly seemed to understand.

By the way, it is said that the eldest sister of the Taishi Xianyuan clan has a hidden disease and is poisoned by blood. Maybe she got involved after knowing about the incident on Meteor Dragon Island. Now it seems that her poison has been cured... Then She must have gotten the real dragon's remains!

Reluctance, disappointment, and murderous intent all surged into Jin Kuili's heart for a moment, but soon, he smiled slightly.

"Maybe it's not without its benefits."

If it is the remains of a real dragon, he may not be able to absorb it. After all, they have conflicting blood, not to mention the gap between the human race and the dragon race. Now that Taishi Yuan has taken over it, if he makes some arrangements, the people of the Taishi clan may think that they owe them money. The love of the Kui clan...maybe there will be more benefits.

When he thought of this, Jin Kuili felt better.

But soon, his mood became bad again, because...

"You mean you just took action against the people in the upper three halls of the Demon Palace?"

"Young Master, at that time we didn't know that this person was from the Third Palace of the Demon Palace. This was a misunderstanding. But fortunately we cooperated with the Deep Sea Electric Eel King... He was also under the command of the Third Prince, and the Third Prince was with that woman just now It's obviously a bit pretentious, but as long as he's around, it shouldn't be a big deal."

After all, he knew someone above him, so Jin Quinn didn't look nervous. To be continued


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