A Queen

Chapter 1,160 Reaction

Chapter 1160

And Kim Kyu Ri’s expression~~

"Third Prince?" he asked.


"Someone told you that he is the third prince?"

Kim Kyu-ri looked at Kim Kyu-eun's expression...it was so colorful.

"Didn't you hear what Tai Shi Yuan called him just now?"


Beigong...Prince Beigong is the eldest prince...

Prince Beigong, who is not on the same side as the Third Prince... To put it simply, both the Deep Sea Electric Eel King and the Third Prince regard Prince Beigong as their enemy. Did you know?

No wonder the expression of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King just now... looked like that of a married woman.

Everyone in the audience transformed into the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain...


Dai Li feels at ease after entering Fenchuan. Anyway, she has made a great leap forward in strength now. The sky is high and the sea is vast just because of the leap of fish. And because of the Qishan Road assessment, Fenchuan, under the authority of the supervisory envoy, even if the population has increased so much. , but became more stable and calm, and the cultivation retreat was in order...

It's just that Dai Li didn't expect that as soon as he entered Fenchuan territory, he transformed back into Jun Zili's male appearance and saw someone.

A middle-aged man, he seems to be waiting here.

Dai Li remembers this person.

At that time in the Qinyuan, it was this middle-aged man who issued the order, ordering her and Huo Jiangli not to do anything...

He must be a subordinate of the first inspector, Xu.

He seemed relieved after seeing Dai Li, but he still had a stern look on his face and waved his hand: "Master, Master Xu invites you."

well. Being invited by the inspector to have tea or something... is really not a good thing.

I didn't do anything bad~~

Dai Li felt confused, but he still followed.

After all, with Xu’s strength and identity,

If you want to take action against her. Killing her in seconds, and the other party seems to know her whereabouts very clearly, so she must have something inside...

Fenchuan is a very ordinary place. It is an inconspicuous place in the holy land, but the scenery is excellent, with green grass, willows and peach blossoms. The blue sky and white clouds are beautiful and fragrant.

A conjoined pavilion and attic, not huge. It is very beautiful and elegant, with a pond surrounded by green willows and a peach forest with dancing peach blossoms...

Dai Li sat in the wine seat under the peach forest and looked at the person sitting opposite.

An old man.

"Are you Mr. Xu?"

"Yes" Xu's attitude towards Daili was not intense. Perhaps he has always been like this, as calm as water, as high and vast as this world.

For such a broad-minded and extraordinary senior, Daili always respected him, so he poured tea and said, "I wonder what senior wants from me?"

"Curiosity is also a response to someone's instructions."

Obviously the curiosity and the request are all because of one person...

"Ye Ziqing" Dai Li suddenly guessed.

There is no need to wear Tsing Yi. She has various ways to contact her, and she can also come forward as a trustee. It should be people like Yuli, not Xu.

Think about other people... Qianshan Muxue? It’s not like Qianshan said he would keep his distance from her and would not go back on his word.

Then it can only be the mysterious Ye Ziqing who is said to be behind the scenes in Fenchuan.

That is, her dear cousin.

"It was her...the news about Meteor Dragon Island reached Fenchuan. She asked me to pay more attention and brought you back today. And she herself had to retreat due to her cultivation."

There was a pause. Xu continued: "I thought she was hopeless in this life, but it turns out she still had an evil intention."


Xu's smile was like ripples on the water, and it came so naturally: "The eyes of this heart are you... As long as you are here and she is concerned, she will not completely fall into irreversible bloodthirsty and no situation, but love can temper ruthlessness." , this road is not a dead end for her, it can also be regarded as a road suitable for her."

Although it was a bit mysterious, Dai Li still understood it. He couldn't help but take a sip of tea and said softly: "I know that she has always been smarter than me and has always been good at controlling situations... Although it is a bit unreasonable, I still thank you, senior. Her care..."

Daili raised his cup and bowed respectfully: "In my capacity as Daili"

In this way, Daili settled down in Xu's extradition, and stayed there for several days. During these days, Fenchuan exploded, and a story spread widely in the streets and alleys.

I heard something happened over there in Beihai?

It was not like Fenchuan had never heard about Meteor Dragon Island at the beginning, but the Qishan Road assessment was important and most people failed to separate their attention points. However, they did not expect that the subsequent development would be so ups and downs.

The Jinkui family's treasure-hunting feud triggered a large-scale search!

The deep-sea electric eel king's revenge for killing his son triggered a large-scale revenge by the sea monster!

But the real owner never showed up, and the dragon blood crystal was also looming...

Until the port meeting a few days ago!

The Prince of Beigong, the mysterious beauty of the Demon Palace, and the eldest lady of the Xian Yuan Taishi clan, three small giants with status, background and strength met one after another at the junction port!

I heard that the young master of the Jinkui clan is not a big deal...

Because Prince Beigong’s status is too high, his strength is too strong, and his appearances are too few!

The same goes for Taishi Yuan, who is also a well-known figure in several large groups. The last one... is the legendary beauty of the Demon Palace who can make everyone in the audience hurt countless times with just one face.

Some people say that she is as beautiful as the blazing sun and has a domineering side.

Some people say that she is as beautiful as a peach and a plum, touching people's hearts.

Some people say she is as poisonous as a poppy, deadly.

Some people say, some people say, what nonsense!

Who believes it!

Most people in Fenchuan scoffed at the idea of ​​being so beautiful as to be evil, counterattacking the Deep Sea Electric Eel King, what the hell...

How can it be!

As time passed, a video, or maybe, a photo of the monks entering Fenchuan from the Beihai side spread like a plague.


Fenchuan is boiling!

The Northern Territory is also in a state of excitement!

In the video...well, let's use this word, in the video, the beauty has washed away the shame of many beauty n times. Red robes flying, black clothes reflecting the white snow, stepping on wooden clogs from the other side of the sea.

Scattered and indifferent, like a red plum blooming in a snow-white corner in winter. Cinnabar spots white snow.

This is the first scene, the first time I get hurt.

The second act is a little more intense.

He sacrificed the king's statue to slaughter three hundred kings in one second, and stepped on that terrifying king's statue to defeat the majesty of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King.

Like the demon emperor who burned the palace and embarked on a path of destruction and nirvana,

This is the second act, the second time I am hurt by my overbearing!

In the third act, she embraced the beautiful two-headed dragon horse. He quickly let go and said to the Jinkui clan and the sea monsters ruthlessly and almost provocatively: "If we are enemies, come to the Demon Palace to find me."

Is there any domineering side leakage! ..

Then, Prince Beigong handed over the token...

She refused...

Then, Prince Beigong said again, "If we are not enemies, maybe we are looking for you?"

She looked back and smiled.

"If you can find it..."

The demon enters the bones and blood.

Black~The domineering Hong Kong style instantly transforms into the president of an urban nightclub with pole dancing style...

Little apple, fire, fire, fire~!

The girl from the Demon Palace is like the top-notch red Fuji apple, instantly popular all over the country. With her changeable CEO style, tyrannical strength and a 360-degree aggressive face, she has hurt a lot of people. The hearts of men and women will completely sink after they are broken.

Come on, President! Come and ravage me!

Fenchuan and the Northern Group Territory were in a state of turmoil, and it just so happened that this was also the time when the third level assessment of Qishan was about to begin. Most of the assessors have passed the test, and each one of them is very satisfied and feels that today I have passed the test. Tomorrow I will be able to kill many people, set foot on Qishan Road to take the first place in the assessment, reach the pinnacle of life, and marry Bai Fumei or Gao Fushuai...

As a result, I watched a video passively or actively.

They all silently recited the Heart Purifying Mantra.

Including the four pavilions or the four major families or whoever...

Everyone has to be quiet.

What are Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai?

Are you comparable to Prince Beigong?

Are you comparable to Miss Taishi?

Comparing yourself to them is so infuriating!

Compared with the woman who was so much better that she broke the pressure of the Deep Sea Electric Eel King...

——You have to be whipped to death after you make someone mad.

If worst comes to worst...you might even fall in love with her after being whipped.

It’s a sin to look too good!

Okay, after the shock comes various discussions.

The point is not where the treasure on Meteor Dragon Island is, nor what kind of cooperation the Jinkui family has with the Electric Eel King. It's not what Prince Beigong or Miss Taishi are doing here, but...

What's that beauty's name?

Really from the Demon Palace?

What she was talking about with Prince Beigong...

Finally, the whole results are formed.

——A date?

for such a strong signal. This is the reaction of Mo Gong who was asked collectively.

——I’m busy, so I won’t make an appointment.

Privately, Duan Ze and others were puzzled, silently asking each other, is there such a person in our Demon Palace?

I don’t know...are you from the Third Hall?

Definitely...but we all know those people, is there another one secretly?

Or just received it?

But anyway, the other party said that they are from the Demon Palace, so there is no reason for them to refuse. Anyway, in the future, they can use the excuse "We have too many geniuses in the Demon Palace, how can we remember everyone, since she said yes, then that's it." To prevaricate...

But they can't recognize it. It doesn't mean that a high-level fairy like Chun Shisanniang can't recognize it. Just look at the video.


"Hey, I went to Beihai this time, and I hooked Prince Beigong on the coast next to Beihai..."

"I think we can let her go to the East China Sea and the West China Sea in the future. This can broaden the diplomatic relations of our Demon Palace... maybe we can unify the four seas in the future."

Hearing this, Yu Linglong beside her was silently drunk.

What a grand blueprint.

On the other side, Gong Zangxue stood up and left. Bai Jin looked at the crushed photo stone on the table and frowned: "Who are you, this is mine, okay, just break it... and you still don't apologize... you deserve it I have heart attacks and infarctions every day! Irregular menstruation!”

Jiangwang Pavilion. .

"As expected of the Demon Palace... the geniuses in the upper three halls are indeed terrifying. They are not at the same level as the people here. Even the elites from the lower five halls who participated in the assessment this time are incomparable."

"The elites of the Shangsan Palace are active in large groups. Naturally, their levels are different, just like people like Prince Beigong and Taishi Yuan... After this assessment, these juniors who can climb Qishan Road may be able to do so in the future. Compete with them” (To be continued)


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