A Queen

Chapter 1,161 Go wash your neck

Chapter 1161

"There are very few. There have been so many times in the past, but few can resist the level of Prince Beigong and others..."

"After all, Prince Beigong is a real deep-sea dragon..."

However, there are too few people who can recognize Daili. Unless they are people who know her whereabouts in Beihai, or people who are too familiar with her, they will not be able to recognize her.

Because the gap in strength was so huge, the people in Nanlin didn't even think about it when they saw it. They just lamented that there were so many geniuses in the world, and each one was more powerful than the last.


As the person involved, Dai Li had no idea about the changes in the outside world. She ate, slept and practiced in the extradition residence, and then went fishing leisurely with Xu and Xu's subordinate.

After fishing, you have to eat fish...

Eat eat eat~~

A pig-like life.

So cool.

But today is different, because Ye Ziqing is out of quarantine!

Dai Li, who was fishing with his legs crossed and humming a tune, knew that Ye Ziqing had come out of seclusion when he saw the change of light in the yard. He felt a burst of joy, and with a shake of his hand, the fish that had just been hooked ran away immediately.

Xu glanced at her and shook his head: "Young man, you are not qualitative enough."

When the light fell to the ground, Ye Ziqing looked at Dai Li and asked with a dull expression: "Didn't you cause any trouble?"

"No...I went out this time to see a doctor. It was a safe journey." Dai Li smiled and pulled out a chair.

"Really...that's not annoying?" Ye Ziqing's second sentence made Xu look over.

Is causing trouble different from causing trouble?

"No..." Daili shook his head seriously again. "I am so good, but I have become very ugly, how can I offend people..."

Just right. The uncle came over and silently took out a photo stone to show to Xu. Xu looked at it thoughtfully and then showed it to Ye Ziqing.

"What is this?" Dai Li was curious and turned his head to take a look.


There is no more.

Family law to serve.


Taishou Cave, when Dai Li arrived. I found two sweet potatoes, Li Qing and Fan Li, watching a video together. When I saw Dai Li coming, I immediately said hello. Then Li Qing said: "Master, look... Jiejie, there are still such beauties in the world... Well, of course. In my opinion, the most beautiful one is you, Master, but I just think you are more suitable for a man's body, and then put this The beauty is married..."

"Although it is a good thing to be self-reliant, when it comes to issues like marriage, I still hope to work with outsiders instead of doing it all by myself."


What does it mean?

Li Qing's pig-head obviously had to spend some time digesting this sentence, but Fan Li and Jie understood it instantly and laughed.

With this boss, I won’t be afraid of having a big stone broken in my chest.

Dai Li took out the dragon blood rock crystal. It's not that she doesn't need it, but after she advanced to become a prince, the difficulty of promotion suddenly became more difficult. The effect of these dragon blood rock crystals on her is not as powerful as before, not to mention that there is not much dragon blood in them...

It is definitely enough for the people in the Vatican, not to mention the energy of the fire crystal, which is enough to make this group of people surge in strength again.

But it's not that it's overused, it's...

"Select the five hundred most elites and absorb them, and use all resources to raise their strength to above the monarch level. Then divide them into the following tasks."

This is the Demon Palace mission that Dai Li accepted.

"There are two hundred tasks in total, spread across many areas. With your overall coordination, I hope that after the Qishan Road assessment is completed, before I go to the large group area... I will increase my status in the Demon Palace to the lieutenant general level, and I will be able to enter the Demon Palace. The management of the three palaces”

"There are also 50,000 people to be divided into places where sub-dragon monsters gather to slaughter and collect dragon scales. The more dragon scales, the better..."

"Divide some of them to deal with these people... These are desperadoes who are relatively wealthy and on the run. I used the authority I can use now to find some information about them, and you can follow their traces... Don’t worry, just kill and seize the treasure. If you can’t use the treasure after searching for it, set up local points in some cities to exchange spiritual blood with those monks.”

"Exchanging spiritual blood must be put on the schedule... Li Qing, please arrange for us to set up a special organization to exchange spiritual blood for other treasures... This is the schedule, you can follow it up. Once you do it..."

Dai Li spent a short time planning a few steps, and slowly laid out his blueprint.

Li Qing and the other three nodded, but after a pause, Fan Li suddenly said: "Sir, our Vatican is famous."


Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then became suspicious: "Because of me?"

What about Beihai? It seems like her identity hasn’t been revealed yet,

"That's right. It's just an indirect fame... because over there in the Beihai... your image has attracted the admiration of too many monks, and many monks in Fenchuan have recognized that this ability seems to be somewhat similar to that of us in the Vatican. In addition, we We are indeed more powerful and domineering than ordinary monks in our daily attacks, so these people secretly feel that we are a branch of the same force, so they all want to join in."

A branch of a force, do you still think it is a vampire?

Are vampires so popular?

Dai Li suddenly realized that the rules and culture of this world are different from those of the Earth. The Earth is a peaceful world, and unnatural forces such as vampires only exist in the dark. Most people are afraid of this kind of power. After all, death is terrible, and Blood sucking is really not easy for people to accept.

But in this world, strength is paramount, and killing is common. In order to improve strength, there are all the above things, so sucking blood is nothing, not to mention there is no need to suck human blood, spiritual beasts have a lot of blood!

And there are no legal constraints...

The biggest benefit is that at higher levels, such as Fenchuan, the moral battle between good and evil has completely faded, and the only difference is strength and power...

Therefore, there is no psychological pressure at all when a vampire needs to suck blood.

Even if these people have to accept a certain degree of bloodline restrictions and obey their superiors, they don't feel bad. After all, there is no need to pretend to be a grandson if you want to join any force now. The strong and the weak are inferior, and the superiors and subordinates are inferior. This is a place like the Demon Palace where you can relax. , if you are weak, you have to be weak!

Just do whatever you are told!

So Daili always thought that people would dislike the Vatican... In fact, many people are racking their brains to get in!

Because the benefits are so good!

Fan Li explained the advantages analyzed by the monks who wanted to be supported one by one in a clear and logical manner. At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help complaining: "After I finished speaking, I felt that our place could compare with the Four Pavilions of Fenchuan." ..It makes me want to become like you."

This last sentence made Dai Li's eyes flash and he raised his eyebrows to look at him and Li Qing.

The two people's expressions immediately unified. Li Qing grinned and said: "Don't look at us like that. In fact, we have wanted to say it a long time ago... We really want to become a vampire. It doesn't matter if we have no descendants. Immortal cultivators don't do it." There are so many future generations..."

"Actually, we hesitated at first and thought about finding some girls to leave an offspring, but... we didn't find the ones we liked and found it boring, so we put it aside, so..."

Li Qing's tone was definitely sincere, but Dai Li touched his chin and said after listening: "So you want to tell me three key points. First, you want to find some girls... I have too much appetite, are you sure? Can your bodies handle it? Secondly, you two are still spinsters? Thirdly, are you two spinsters with big appetites really determined to become extinct?"

Li Qing and Fan Li really want to say - if it weren't for the fact that you are my boss, have incredible martial arts, are extremely beautiful and have known each other since childhood, I would really want to spit your blood to death!

"Okay, since you have such a sincere request, I will reluctantly agree to your request... Go wash your necks and wait for me to bite you."

Dai Li wants to bite him personally?

Of course, Li Qing and Li Qing knew that the biggest benefit would be if they were bitten by Dai Li himself, as they were the first generation blood descendants, so they were very excited and quickly went to wash their necks.


"You damn fat man, you even wear perfume...it smells like strawberry!"

When Li Qing came out, both Dai Li and Jie took a few steps back. Their sense of smell was too sensitive and the pressure was so great!

"I'm not afraid that you will dislike me, so I'm making myself smell good." Li Qing came up with a chubby face and put his hand on Bai Huahua's neck: "Come on!"

For some reason, the fat man was still pouting.

Dai Li looked at it and suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have agreed to these two "faxiao", at least he couldn't agree to this damn fat man...

..But let’s get together..

This time, Li Qing retreated.

"Oh my god, sir, can you change into a female body?"


"Men always feel weird about men being purple..."

Does that male vampire have to die?

However, Daili reluctantly agreed, and then changed into a woman...

This time it won’t work again!

"Oh my God, boss, you should become a man! You are so beautiful, I even have a nosebleed... Hurry, stop the bleeding!"


Dai Li slapped Li Qing to death, and then said with an expressionless face: "You're crazy, you're so fat and ugly, and you still have so many demands..." (Someone often said this to me, the author, 嘤嘤嘤嘤~ ~)

Fan Li: I'm not fat or ugly, really.

Snapped! Fan Li was also knocked unconscious.

Then Dai Li bit their arm directly, hugging for the first time, done!

Wiping his mouth, Dai Li kicked the two corpses on the ground and said, "Include them into the hundred elites, practice to the point of death, and pick some who can resist... You can consider recruiting them, we are going to do something Be formalized! Then go international! Finally, rule the entire universe!"

"Yes" Jie smiled once in a while.


The Vatican is sharpening its sword and going to the whole universe, and the final level of the Qishan Road test has finally begun.

This day, the sky is clear, the sky is blue, the grass is green...

When Dai Li and Ye Ziqing arrived, they found that the atmosphere in the whole place was relatively high, but the atmosphere of many elites on the examiners' side was relatively dim...(To be continued)


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