A Queen

Chapter 1,162 Chibi Battlefield

Chapter 1162

"What are you doing? This is..."

Dai Li asked inexplicably, and Tang Junyi replied: "Because their eyes and hearts were raped by a perverted woman from the Demon Palace!"

Then Dai Li instantly felt Cousin Ye's soft and delicate pinch with two fingers~~

And the distant look of Miss Qianshan Muxue...

The girl's indifferent and bright glance.

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan had a meaningful look after their conversation ended...

Daili: "...."

What did she do wrong?


Dai Li discovered that the number of monks present today had doubled compared with the previous three months, and many of them had unknown auras and mysterious behaviors...

"Who are these people? Why are there suddenly so many..."

"Most of the people who appeared in that sea area were affected by the incident in the North Sea. They are from the northern group area and some sea area monks. There are also people who are leisurely traveling in the large group areas. Because the things over there have ended, they are again We didn't get any benefits, and we lost face by leaving like that. It just so happened that our Qishan Road assessment only lasted a few days, so they all came over... They said they wanted to see the excitement... Even so, they also mentioned our Qishan Road again and again. The road test failed... but we in Fenchuan did earn a lot of money from the entry fee..."

Large group domain... Daili noticed this word, and could hear that the people in the medium-sized group domain and even Fenchuan locals were in awe, dissatisfaction and inferiority complex towards these noble and powerful guests.

For people in large group domains. Dai Li didn't pay much attention, but he knew in his heart that most of these people were probably the same as the Jin Kui family members, who were full of superiority towards weak forces and people from a group background...

There are countless famous geniuses in large groups. It is normal to not pay much attention to the Qishan Road assessment.

After all, the Qishan Road assessment is from the southern area, that is, it was passed down from ancient times in southern Xinjiang. Its influence has weakened over time, and its reputation is still mediocre...

Of course, not everyone makes people in large group areas look down upon. Forces based in large group areas like Demon Palace or Yanyu Chonglou are naturally respected by them, and the Four Pavilions are not weak either. Plus Qishan Pavilion...

Those who are looked down upon are mostly small groups and fringe casual cultivators.

But after all, he was looked down upon.

These people just want to let those who take part in the assessment have a good reputation. Let people in large groups grow their eyes~~

Therefore, when seed players like Hu Yanjue appeared, the cheers of the supporters became even more intense.

Dang Dang Dang! The bell of Qishan Pavilion rang, the people from Qishan Pavilion came out, and the examiners gathered.

There was a group of examiners surrounding him. Dai Li drifted with the tide, and finally ended up beside Luan Qingyi.

"It's really lively..." Dai Li, who was munching tomatoes secretly, shook his head and sighed.

"Of course it's lively...but this kind of liveliness only belongs to the strong."

"And these strong men must be very strong in order to make people in large groups cheer." Duan Qingyi said softly, paused, and said quietly: "For example, Prince Beigong, who can make people cheer in large groups." Elite people who can stir up troubles"

"Hey, is that person that powerful?" Dai Li was surprised.

"The four seas in the southeast, northwest, and west are just like our four seas in the four directions. The sea areas they rule are even wider. The biological circle level is almost parallel to the large seas. There are countless resources on the seabed, and most races are also commanded by the royal family of the four seas. Among them How strong is Prince Beigong, the eldest prince of the Beihai royal family, who is also given the name "Beihai Palace"? At least he must be a genius who can overpower countless elites of the sea clan in Beihai! To put it simply, Prince Beigong and the others belong to a large group. The elites in the field, and we... are still working hard." Duan Qingyi said softly, while glancing at the many onlookers around.

"But there are a lot of people here who are ready to wait for the assessment to end. People who perform well are selected into large groups... to give them a chance to rise to the top, so even if they are not selected into Qishan Road, as long as they perform well, they can still flourish. , included in your Demon Palace, Yanyu Chonglou or other forces from afar, when sending their disciples to participate in the assessment, they are not selecting elites to join..."

Dai Li nodded, she believed this, "I just heard what you said, isn't it still difficult to enter a large group area, does it have to be led by someone?"



After the three thousand assessors gathered together, it was clear that among the nearly one million people watching from the outside, there were not many, but a group of experts occupying a large area.

"The third level, three thousand people... not many people... but I don't see many powerful ones," a middle-aged man said carelessly.

"There aren't many. Among them, there are even Grandmaster-level ones, Jiejie. In our large group area, if anyone can participate in the secret realm assessment competition, the participants must be at least King-level..."

"No...this Qishan Road test is just mediocre."

This kind of contempt and arrogance is obvious, and the other party does not hide it at all, but not everyone is like this, it seems that there are a few kind...

"You can't say that. Most of these examiners are relatively young. I think there are still a few good ones... By the way, is the girl in blue clothes the one from Qinghuang..."

"It seems like she's wearing Tsing Yi. I've heard some people say it before... but she rarely goes out of Qinghuang, so she's not seen much. Instead, she often comes to small places like the south..."

"Who is that pretty boy next to her?"

While these people were having a careless discussion, in private, Liu Hongxiu looked at those people with disdain and sneered: "A bunch of sweet potatoes!"

After a pause, his eyes glanced at some low-key and indifferent people in the crowd...

It seems that his master is not very confident about him. In other words, this master is so clever that he even let some people in despite being monitored and obstructed by the enemies...

Are you paying attention to the Qishan Road assessment?

No, is the Qishan Road assessment worthy of the attention of such a cold and arrogant person?

You must know that the previous winners of the assessment were all described by her as crabs crawling out of the gravel. They were always only different in size, but they were always just a meal.

Haha, would the hunter at the top also condescend to pay attention to the Qishan Road assessment?

Even if you are a little worried about the treasures that cheap little prey possesses, there is no need~~

"It can only be because she knows that this assessment is a little different..." Liu Hongxiu thought thoughtfully.

He didn't seem prepared enough. .

People from the Qishan Hall have announced that the final level of the Qishan Road assessment is about to begin.

But what kind of assessment it is depends on Chi Ling...

In fact, since the second level test, many big guys have been secretly trying to figure out what method the Sekiling will use to test these three thousand people. After all, the first level was a bit unexpected, and the second level, if it is said to be Qishan Hall's own creation, Claiming is also impossible, so how to handle this third level?


Sekirei's gigantic face appeared.

His style has always been simple and crude, and he did not have an opening statement. He simply said: "The third level of the Qishan Road assessment, the Chibi battlefield, whether you can be selected depends on the comprehensive evaluation of the battlefield..."

Then, he opened the Chibi battlefield.

Just like the first level mode, the surface of the earth has changed, and it is still a reshaped world that looks like the real power of heaven and earth...,

However, what is different from the first level is that this time the Chibi battlefield is reshaped with Chibi as the core. The huge Qishan main hall had to be put away, and most people had to retreat to make room for the increasingly larger ones. area.

at last..

Countless tall ruins, countless corpses, countless blood, countless blackened flags with fluttering sleeves, countless tombstones, white ghosts wandering and howling, corpse insects crawling on the ground...

This is an extremely majestic battlefield full of bloody temperament.

The core Red Cliff stands in the center, which is circular and has seven rings in total, covering a total area of ​​30,000 acres.

This is the Chibi battlefield.

Seems simple...but...

The spatial condensation of each ring is different, and many people on the periphery can clearly feel that the air flow speeds in the seven ring spaces are not at the same level at all.

The first ring from the outside to the inside is okay, no different from the outside, but starting from the fifth ring... the air has been distorted, and as for the seventh ring... you can't see the trajectory of the air flow at all, it's like a completely solidified solid space.

Horrible, terrible.

Everyone is looking at this battlefield, and the three thousand assessors are probably thinking about how to do this battlefield...it is completely different from the previous arena.

Qishan Pavilion arranged it, and then two people went on stage to fight or something...

Now that a battlefield has been set up, is it going to be a direct fight?

A brawl or a fight between two sides?

The assessors made various speculations, but Chi Ling spoke up.

"There are seven rings of space in the Chibi battlefield, and a rounding system is adopted. The seventh ring allows 3,000 people, and the sixth ring contains 500 people. Therefore, they are 200 people, 50 people, 10 people, and 2 people respectively. The last ring can only carry 1 people!"

Everyone is listening to Chi Ling's voice, and they are also figuring out the rules of this third level of assessment...

Carry system is undoubtedly the most eye-catching word.

But Sekirei's last words were the most shocking.

"As for the other rules in the battlefield, you can figure it out on your own, and you can find out how to carry out the positions yourself. I can only tell you that the only ironclad rule in this assessment is to kill! Kill everyone else, and you will definitely be the winner!"

What a kill!

The anger is high and the murderous intention is clear!

Although everyone was cursing at Chi Ling's urinary words, they were also crazy about the word "kill"!

"Go in, take your Chibi Ring, go in and kill~~~"

Sekirei's voice seemed to be possessed of magic, tempting everyone present to become possessed... walking towards the magnificent battlefield~~

One by one, they turned into white light and blended in.

In the blink of an eye, you enter the huge first ring space.

Daili didn't lag behind either. He followed behind. With a sway of his body, he found himself in the ancient and decadent ruins.

The annular membrane barrier in the sixth ring seems very far away... (To be continued)


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