A Queen

Chapter 1,170 You have no value

Chapter 1170

Kill her at all costs!

There are six words: pressure, shock, poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, and righteousness!

Just six big characters!

And all the energy in the body is accumulated...mysterious!

What kind of mystery is he?

The mysteries of Confucianism that have reached the third level of perfection!

The mystery is integrated into the six characters!

After Xuan Ao merged into it, the pressure of these six characters skyrocketed, and the majestic light exploded... Xiahou Dun, who was nearby, suddenly felt the terrifying pressure, his body bones creaked, and he had to retreat again.

The surrounding ruins and the ground made creaking sounds, and the environment that had previously been indestructible to those below the monarch level was now cracking.

This move...

The people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion were shocked! An elder was overjoyed and laughed loudly: "Haha, Yu Shanliu actually integrated mysteries into my Confucianism and Taoism and broke through this realm! Amazing!"

"Then the gentleman will definitely lose!"

"Yu Shanliu, our Confucian and Taoist Pavilion is very satisfied with you!"

Of course he is satisfied. Firstly, Yu Shanliu's trump card is indeed powerful, and secondly... he wants to use this trump card to kill Jun Zili, whom the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion hates!

A gentleman is away from...danger!

The people in Taohuayuan were worried and looked at Dai Li.

On the big screen, the brilliance of those six words was too dazzling, forcing Dai Li's figure to be so small, it seemed like she was the only one left in the sky...

Such a powerful aura affected all the monks within a ten-kilometer radius, and the people in the fourth and fifth sections all looked towards the dividing line.

Over there... who is fighting fiercely?

"What a powerful aura. He is a second-level peak master." Ming Taihe, who was still looking for the third ring transmission position, wondered, and Hua Gulong and others who had also entered the third ring were also surprised.

As for other masters, there aren't many...

Because we have entered the third ring!

Logically speaking, the second ring is not enough for people of this level to fight fiercely.

At least the third ring should start.

The second ring is still weeding out the weak at the first level of the Sovereign Level... How can someone at the peak of the second level of the Sovereign Level be so desperate?

Could it be that strong men meet on a narrow road?

"Jun Zili. Be shattered under the light of my Confucianism and Taoism!" Yu Shanliu manipulated the six characters with both hands. In fact, his soul had been exhausted to the extreme. This was his strongest blow...



Six words blast!

Civilized suppression!

Jun Zili, die!

Give me two moves? This second move will kill you! Make you arrogant, make you crazy!

Many people felt that Daili could not give in to the second move, or even dodge it.

This move is too powerful, the power of 30 counties is perfect!

The strongest blow among the three!

Yu Shanliu has barely reached the peak of the second-level monarch level.

As for generation and separation...

Hook sword. The fingertips touch the hilt of the sword.

Sacrifice ten thousand clouds of blood energy, surge!

Draw your sword. The sword is gleaming with dragon scales.

The realm of absolute killing, open!

Draw the sword and do it in one go.

It seems to be no different from usual...!

The trump cards are still the same...

The blood power is two thousand clouds stronger, and the Qian Ji Dragon Scale is several percent stronger. The realm of killing became much deeper, and then...

Fusion sword power: Zhongyuan is a little red.

That terrifying sword penetrated the domineering power of the entire Central Plains world, and took away a little bit of the unrestrained redness of the sword.

Combined, it is a sword with all kinds of charm!

And the sword speed... was three or four times faster than the sword that killed Kun Lie before!

This is undoubtedly beyond everyone's estimate of Dai Li's strength. If you think about it carefully, she took action slowly before... Could it be intentional?

A flash of light and shadow!

The six-character characters were penetrated to the point of penetration!

Shock, pressure. Poems, books, etiquette. righteous!

One skewer after another is generally penetrated!

The Central Plains is ruined! Civilized suppression is nothing! break!

Not red at all! What do you mean to Shanliu! kill!

That overwhelming break finally turned into a slight one, poof!

Yu Shanliu's eyebrows are a little red.

But he didn't die because...


The protective magic weapon is broken!

The substitute puppet is broken!

His whole body was ablaze with essence and blood!

Blood Escape!

Very good, triple escape...Yu Shanliu is obviously much smarter and more thief than Kun Yan. Dai Li took a step forward and entered the fourth area.

One more step. Daili's pupil technique is locked...

Yu Shanliu, who escaped from the blood underground, instantly felt that his soul was locked...

not good! ! ! Must escape! I can't be killed here! Absolutely not!

Hiss, hiss, the essence and blood are burning again, burning crazily, trying to escape such shackles...

No one in the world could feel Yu Shanliu's fear and madness, nor could he feel his panic that everything was under the control of that person.

In this panic, he asked angrily underground: "Jun Zili, you are so cunning. You acted against Kun Lie before to deliberately show weakness and paralyze me!"

Dai Li raised his eyebrows: "Paralyzing you? Don't worry, you have no such value."

Yu Shanliu: "..."

Could this person be any meaner?


Dai Li's steps paused because...

The previous attack actually blew up two teleportation slots!

Moreover, these two teleportation positions are not far from Xiahou Dun...

God has been kind to me! good chance!

Xiahou Dun was so happy that he turned into a laser and wanted to escape into the teleportation position. Although the teleportation position has a transmission time and cannot be teleported in one second, there is also a layer of teleportation barrier to protect him. As long as he enters, he can sit back and relax and enter the third place. With three rings, it will be easy to hide from this evil star...

How could Dai Li allow this monkey to take advantage of him? Qian Ji flicked his hand and was about to kill this man...

Covered by a Tai Chi light seal.

Covering Xiahou Dun, the black and white yin and yang poles rotate...



The head flies up!

Like killing a chicken!

And the thick and mysterious Taiji Light Seal is slowly rotating. Back into a slender white palm.


The man stood on the wall of the ruins, standing alone, his clothes fluttering in the wind. There was no smile on her face, but she was indifferent, but her aura was... completely integrated with this ancient battlefield.

The spirit of military evil!

Killing spirit!

Everything was contained in her soul and bones, forming the ruins of heaven and earth, all in the tranquility of her eyes.

Quiet and far away, she has always been here.

"Looks like I came here in vain," she said.

"Come and see if I'm okay?" Dai Li smiled.

"Your prey has escaped, why don't you pursue it?"

"No need. There are points for defeating once, but less... Let's just think of it as letting your prey go out to hunt..."

Dai Li added lightly: "No matter how much he eats, it will all be mine in the end."

Very confident, confident to the point of overbearing.

Jing Jingyuan stroked his eyebrows with his fingers: "You also need evil spirit?"

"Well, it seems you need it too." Daili could see that Jingjing was far away absorbing the evil spirit in this second ring...

The absorption speed is very fast, no less than hers. I think the two of them coincided.

There is ambition towards evil spirits.

"That's it for the second ring. Let's go to the third ring. Don't waste time..." Jing Jing took a step further to the ground. "Famous Swordsmen and the others have already entered... The third ring is the strong one." "Controversy"

Most of the 500 elites are no match for them.

Killing chickens and dogs is obviously no fun.

Jing Jingyuan is already a little tired, and so is the thought of coming and leaving.

"Then go to the third ring"

Dai Li nodded and walked towards the third ring teleportation array with Jing Jingyuan, but suddenly his footsteps stopped. Turn around and look in several directions.

"Everyone, the two of us will leave first...if you are not in a hurry."

As soon as she said that, the figures of no less than three people...were revealed in the air.

Among them was a cat lady. Behind her was a middle-aged man with a cute smile on his face.

"You are indeed very powerful... Eye magicians are difficult to deal with... Your strength is at the third level..."

Daili raised his eyebrows and said, "No."

Triple...more than that.

Respond so readily?

Jing Jingyuan took a deep look at her.

"No?" Miss Cat pouted, "That's strange...I'm quite afraid of you...but never mind...although you haven't reached the third level, you don't seem to be my opponent. But at our level, in the second level It's actually quite embarrassing for Huan to take action... Jun Zili. Let's have a fight in the future."

Is this an invitation to fight?

The other person...is a masked young man with a hedgehog haircut. He is tall and thin, with a face covered obliquely and deep pupils. He looks like he is dressed as an assassin and has two green daggers on his waist.

That dagger is ghostly.

Just like his people, they appear clearly but seem to be translucent and hidden.

He was looking at Dai Li and also at Jing Jingyuan.

The eyes are a little deep.

Split cloud? Lan Yue Tower? Or some kind of casual cultivator?

Dai Li glanced at this person and then said to Miss Cat: "Okay"

The light of the teleportation array had already started, and the light covered the two of them. The young man suddenly said to Jing Jingyuan: "Your martial arts is very powerful... The third ring, a fight!"

I'm in a hurry, I want to fight in the third ring.

And this person's strength...

Jing Jingyuan looked calm and responded: "Okay"

After a while, she and Jun Zili disappeared.

The teleportation array is scrapped.

Miss Cat grinned: "Oh, Mi Lingbai, you are so shameless. Your own strength is nearly three levels, and you actually set your sights on a girl who is at the first level of the monarch... and this girl is so beautiful... You Are you sorry? Lan Yuelou’s face has been completely humiliated by you.”

"First level?" Mi Lingbai's face was expressionless.

"Her strength is no less than Jun Zili's"

"How can the person who asked the master of Qingyuan Building to teach him all his money but didn't open his mouth to close the door is just a first-level person! And the martial arts of Qingyuan lineage have always been able to defeat the strong with the weak, and cannot be measured by actual cultivation..."

After saying that, his person disappeared.

As soon as he left, Miss Cat became upset, scratched her head, and complained fiercely: "This Qishan Road assessment is so weird, one or two of the less famous ones are so sharp... It doesn't matter if Jun Zili is a pupil magician. .. Tai Chi, Yin and Yang martial arts have come out! I also learned martial arts from the Qingyuan lineage.. Crazy!"

The middle-aged man was helpless. He also found it difficult. This assessment was very evil...

Indeed evil.

"Who is that beauty? She killed Xiahou Dun instantly with just one move!"

"It seems that I have a good relationship with Junzili..."

After going back and forth, the people on the Chibi Plain dug out Jing Jingyuan's disciples.

Nanlin, this word came into their eyes again. (To be continued)



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