A Queen

Chapter 1,171 Some people say you are a woman

Chapter 1171

Nanlin, this place has long been unfamiliar to those watching the battle. After all, whether it is the famous sword, Ye Ziqing, or Jingjingyuan, who later became famous quietly and kept a low profile, they all come from this most barren area in the world.

What's more, Qianshan Muxue, a person who is difficult to ignore, also comes from this place.

Junzili's relationship with Nanlin was so good that he even had a vague feeling that she and Nanlin were related.

In this way...how many elites have come out of that small place in the Nanlin lineage!

"Nan Lin... is very weird."

Many masters are thoughtful, but Mr. Fen from Qishan Pavilion has a more obscure look. He also knows a lot about the origin of Qishan Road...it is left over from Southern Xinjiang, and Nanlin belongs to that side of Southern Xinjiang...could it be that this Is this why Qishan Road is so special?

It's impossible. It's not like Nanlin has never participated in it before. They're not all cannon fodder.

"There are countless secrets in the world, and Qishan Road in Southern Xinjiang is one of them... I still can't see through it." Fen Sanye chinned silently, secretly thinking that maybe only when the Qishan Road assessment results come out, will he know what is special about this year.

But no matter what, Ning Jingyuan, who had made a low-key debut as the owner of Qingyuan Tower, is now completely famous, and it has also made the people of Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion transfer their hatred to Nanlin, so Tang Junyi and others suffered from the other party's cold hostility.

Regarding this unsafe situation, Lin Jiangxue said expressionlessly: "Being hated is a manifestation of self-worth."

"Haha, before I came to Fenchuan, I never thought that I would be so hated by people from the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, one of the four pavilions." Guique shook his head and sighed.

This sigh... contains some schadenfreude.

Everyone feels happy.

A sense of glory... Generations give them a sense of glory... But it seems that there is more than one generation.

"Look, there's a famous sword on it! Look at her light spot...she met Xu Yidao!"

Xu Yidao, the genius of the Xu family, after being completely defeated by Dai Li...

Met a famous sword.

One of the teleportation points in the third section of the second ring is located in a swamp. The swamp is not big, but not small either. Above it, there are two people hanging in the air at the moment.

There is a sword on the left and a sword on the right.

Looking at each other from a distance.

Across many different distances, ranging from 1,000 meters to 10,000 meters, there are many assessors watching from a distance. Are they watching the battle or preparing to become fishermen?

Let's see who wins and who loses between these two, and how strong they can be...,

"Famous sword, I have heard of your name since you entered the sword pavilion." Xu Yidao's hand pressed on the handle of his waist.


Is it the tremor of wanting to fight?

Xu Yidao stared at the swordsman in white who was more beautiful than most beauties in front of him.

With such grace and color, she made him stunned at the first sight, and he was reminded of her at the second sight.

The man wearing the same black and red clothes who travels in the same style is so handsome and handsome, but it makes people hate him so much.

Even more helpless.

Therefore, such an association made Xu Yidao, who should have been open-minded and expressed some admiration when he saw Mingjian, quickly ignited hostility, and did not wait for Mingjian to speak... In fact, Mingjian had no intention of speaking.

He added again.

"But you only joined Jiange in recent years. The time is too short... It's a pity."

The famous sword, which had maintained the cool and elegant demeanor of a nobleman since the encounter, finally reacted at this moment.

"Draw out the knife," she said.

Is it because she dislikes what Xu Yidao said before was all nonsense, or is she already aloof and aloof and doesn't like to talk by nature?

Xu Yidao once again felt the arrogance and coercion that he always produced with Na Jun, and he took a deep breath.

His thumb had already opened the handle of the knife a little, and the sword energy was about to explode.

"Look at the knife!"

brush! !

Take the knife out of its sheath!

The top sword technique from the Xu family, the first sword drawing technique of "One Sword Technique\

,"The sword is unsheathed, and the sword is in full force!

One knife!

The sword energy turns into sword light!

The body is knifed!

This is Xu Yidao's strongest sword, and it is also his breakthrough sword after being defeated by Dai Li.

Mysterious integration, full strength explosion!

The most profound lesson he learned from Daili was...

Never look down on others.

What's more, it's this famous sword that has always been valued by Jiange but is obscure!

So...the strongest knife will kill you!

When masters fight, the winner can often be determined in an instant... It's a bit like the artistic conception of ancient dragon martial arts.

One sword after another passes by in an instant, one victory and one loss are all over the world.

This is the meaning of martial arts!

Anyway, Xu Yidao's sword has such a sword-man spirit.

Righteous and sharp....

The pinnacle of the first level of the monarch level!

The power of ten counties!

As for the famous sword that has always been valued by the sword pavilion but is now dormant and has made no great achievements...


A sword comes out!

The light and shadow passed by in an instant...

Cut metal texture.

The wind was blowing slowly, without any sharp edge, and the famous sword passed Xu Yidao calmly and silently as the breaths of many spectators and assessors tightened.

Pass by.

The sword behind her dissipated...

The light of the knife... was divided into countless thin flowing silk threads...

Like light thread...

Xu Yidao's eyes widened... After a moment, he saw a line of blood on his wrist, which was very shallow.

"You are not enough to make me pity"

The famous sword has already stepped into the teleportation array.

The scene was a little quiet for a moment. Xu Yidao didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression changed unpredictably, "Why don't you kill me? I...should still have some value in being killed."

He said with a wry smile.

"I'll leave you to kill the Kun family and the Xie family." Ming Jian's answer was so rough and powerful.

Xu Yidao was stunned, and then suddenly asked: "Is it because Jun Zili?"

Silence and no answer.

Obviously the default.

Extremely willful!

Xu Yidao was speechless and choked out a sentence: "Then you have a really good relationship with Jun Zili... It's a little hard for me to understand that someone like her..."

How can one love rival have any affection for another love rival?

"I won't let you know whether she's okay or not." Mingjian seems to have...a little more patience when it comes to this kind of issue.

This surprised many nearby assessors.

And below...

Mingjian glanced at Xu Yidao lightly: "You have no such value."


Someone has already sprayed!

This is really someone’s style!

Xu Yidao: "..."

My heart is already broken, you know?


"Boss, don't take action! Just kill this famous sword... Although she is not weak, she is only at the second level of the King level. Let's..." The voice was a little childish, a male voice.

Mingjian and Xu Yidao both looked over.

Under the wall of a ruined building, a short man carrying a big black hammer was talking anxiously to a tall, muscular man. The man had his hands on his chest and looked at the teleportation array Xiexie. After seeing the famous sword in the room, he didn't bother to raise his eyebrows and smiled: "She just used the Dajiu Sword, and the sword follows the sword's intention, and the sword's intention follows the sword's realm, perfectly integrated... But It’s not that simple...Am I right, Famous Sword... Young Master?”

Although this man's tone was quite praising, his eyes were a little frivolous... He seemed to be testing something...

Indeed, if Mingjian's appearance wasn't too aloof and noble, as long as it was a little softer, people would think it was a girl's body.

Just like a gentleman is under suspicion.

Mingjian looked at this person, his eyes seemed to be thinking for a moment, and after a while, he responded: "I don't know you."

do not know?

It's really direct.

"I, Xuan Baifeng." He knocked on his chest and pointed at the little dwarf... "He, the hammer!"

"As for our origins... we should not belong to any force or party. If you really want to know... you can think of us as members of the Free Alliance."

Free Alliance.

What's this?

Xuan Baifeng seemed to have guessed that Mingjian didn't know, and said with a smile: "Anyway, you know that the boss of our Freedom Alliance said that you may not be a man..."

These words were absolutely shocking. Xu Yidao raised his head in disbelief, then subconsciously looked at the famous sword. After looking at it, he shook his head.

Impossible, famous swordsman...woman?


Mingjian gently turned his eyes downward and said calmly: "It's a good alliance."

Not angry or upset.

Xuan Baifeng was surprised and watched the famous sword being teleported away.

"Hey, I dare say that what the boss said may be right, she is probably not a man." Xuan Baifeng repeated, and Hammer glared at him: "In your eyes, good-looking men are all women, right? "

"Just like Jun Zili, she should also be a woman."

"Yes, otherwise it would be too much of a waste of natural resources...to look like that..." Xuan Baifeng's words followed his previous words and reached the ears of everyone in Chibi Plain without missing a beat.

At this moment, the people in Chibi Plain were in a state of agitation, especially the people in the Sword Pavilion. They were retorting and yelling at each other, how could the famous sword be a woman!

She is a male god!

Jun Zili is also a male god!

It's all ours!

Female cultivators...not just the female cultivators in Jiange, are all in the subversive agitation of the end of the world.

But after all, it was an unreliable speculation, and few people believed it. Maybe more people were still shocked by the famous sword's swordsmanship.

"Dajiu Sword... He is already a small sword general. How long has it been since he joined the sword pavilion..."

"The new talents... are just like Jun Zili who joined the Demon Palace. They are terrible new talents..."

Although it's still a little bit worse now.

But Jiange's vision was recognized by a large group of experts.

It's the people in Nanlin who feel that Dai Li has won the bid by lying down.

The word "Free Alliance" was also mentioned by people in the Chibi Plain.

"Freedom Alliance, what kind of force is this? Who is the boss?"

"Who is this Xuan Baifeng!"

"Who is he?"

A group of complaining female cultivators immediately started killing each other, so... they found the names of this man and that hammer on the Red Cliff List.

No. 152 and 151.

This one is already ranked high.

It's further ahead than Daili.

Daili is at 180, Mingjian and Jingjingyuan are almost the same as Daili.

Now, they are all entering the third ring!

The third ring...

After a while, Sekirei appeared again, with magnificent energy!

"An hour passed, the second refresh occurred, and the dead who failed exited!" R1152

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