A Queen

Chapter 1,172 Ancient warships declare war!

Chapter 1172

Forget about the dead ones, the dead ones still failed...

This Chi Ling's mouth is really as mean as that Junzi Li's.

Soon a group of defeated people with pale and weak faces appeared, including Xiahou Dun, Kun Lie and others...

Of course, Xia Houdun is not the only elite of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion who is quite famous. There are also some monks who are as famous as Xu Yidao and Xie Ru. The only thing missing may be background. They were selected from various regions. Each of them has quite a lot of strength, and the worst ones are at the first level of the King level. After these people were refreshed, they all looked embarrassed, but when they saw so many people dying nearby... many of them were similar to or even better than themselves. Some characters' expressions were suddenly surprised...and seemed to relax a little.

One hundred, two hundred...

More and more people were kicked out, and a pile quickly formed on the ground.

This is the second time that...dead people have been refreshed.

Baili Fengjiang, Xue Qiange and Juexuege are naturally among them. The only exception may be that Baili Fengxue has not come out.

Maybe he's hiding...

"Only the second refresh has eliminated people like Xiahou Dun. The elimination rate here is too high."

"Even Kun Lie was killed, what's so strange about the others... More than 400 people died in total, and now there are probably more than 500 inside."

"The main reason is that there are still some assessors in the first and second rings who have not been killed... They are probably hiding."

People outside could see clearly, and they knew to some extent who killed these people.

"Whoever has the highest points ranking will definitely kill more."

Hu Yanjue still ranks first on the Chibi Ranking with 2,500 points, but Yanlu and others are hot on his heels. This gap...is getting smaller and smaller.

The top ten has surprisingly changed four places, among which... Dongguo Ziyi and Xiangxi Palace, as well as Wan Ai Danlin and Ren Yinyin have already entered the top ten!

This is the list that has been updated for the first time at this moment. How many times has it been replaced before?

The competition...

Very intense.

At least 70 names have changed in the entire list!

"The point difference is so small! It's only a dozen or a few dozen points. I'm sure the names of these people will have to be changed during the third refresh."

"Indeed. The competition is too fierce. But the Grand Masters should have been almost eliminated. There are already 150 people in the third ring."

In the third ring, Dai Li also heard Chi Ling's voice after entering. He knew the general situation of battlefield killings, but he didn't expect Sekirei to add another sentence at the end.

"It's been an hour, and only 150 people have entered the third ring, and only 20 people have entered the fourth ring... You guys really let me down! It's so bad! It's worse than any other session! If it goes at this speed. Two After an hour, none of you can enter the fifth ring! Let alone the sixth ring."

disappointment. Contemptuous and cold, this is the attitude Sekirei gave to 150 people, including Dairi.

Dai Li, who was not in a hurry at first, suddenly became confused and pursed his lips: "It seems that this Chi Ling is very demanding on time. It seems that it is especially difficult to enter after the fifth ring... Originally I wanted to let Feng Shaoling go. All these people were killed in the third ring..."

That's right, the reason why she didn't hesitate to waste time was to prepare to kill all her enemies within the three rings of the third level assessment. Let the ranking of these people be minimized so that they will not receive any benefits. Although it will cost some rankings, I personally think this is a good deal.

I just didn't expect Sekirei to remind them of these assessors...

Hating iron but not steel?

Rather, it's a warning.

It seems... if this continues, even if they decide the first place, they still won't be able to satisfy this person... maybe everyone will be selected to Qishan Road.

This is not good.

The purpose of Daili is Qishan Road, but killing Feng Shaoling will not affect the third ring.

Because only fifty people can enter the fourth ring, it must be very difficult. People like Feng Shaoling are not strong enough to enter so quickly.

So now she doesn't have to race against time to find their traces,

But you can start...

She opened and clenched her palms, and the ring told her that her points were 600 points, ranking 165~~

Compare the rankings below.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes.


As soon as her voice fell, she flew up.

It is not impossible to fly in the Chibi battlefield, but most of those flying at high altitudes are extremely powerful, because this will completely expose their position.

At this moment, Dai Li... and his terrifying speed flew towards the center point of the fourth ring, which is also the largest building...

An ancient warship, several kilometers long, with a towering flagpole, she stood on the flagpole...

As soon as the pupil technique was activated, he quickly found five teleportation positions on the battlefield.


There was more than she imagined.

Smiling, she looked towards the distant third ring of Chibi battlefield.

At that time, everyone in the various areas of the third ring battlefield had not yet started killing, because they had just been listening to the voice of Chi Ling, so after Chi Ling had just finished speaking those words, they were still deep in thought and planning, but it was Suddenly, I heard the sound traveling through the sky again...it seemed to cover the entire third ring space.

"The warship is in the middle of the third section of the third ring. Junzili is here. Anyone who wants to kill me, come here!"

"The five teleportation positions are here. If you want to move in, come here!"

"I'll only wait for you for ten minutes...don't wait until the expiration date!"

The three paragraphs are clear, light, rhythmic, and extremely clear...

Into everyone’s ears!

Shocked, stunned, angry!

How dare she... is she crazy!

Restless, the entire third ring was in a state of restlessness, even if the previous Chi Ling scorned them, the examiners, it could not arouse their anger.

Feng Shaoling: "You are so audacious, Jun Zili, someone will kill you!"

Ye Rang: "It seems I have to go"

Qiao Ningdong: "Ah ha, I took the initiative to start a battle post... There are still five teleportation slots. It's really a lunatic act... But I like it."

Yu Shanliu: "What a madman did, but I can't just sit back and wait for death..."

Most of the third-level examiners were furious at Dai Li's declaration of war and angry at her bravery. Angry for her madness, even more angry for her lawlessness!

"Wow, this gentleman is so arrogant..." The two hammers who had just entered the third ring couldn't help but be surprised, especially Xuan Baifeng, who raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It seems that I have to go and meet each other for a while... "

Elsewhere, Ming Jian laughs silently, has it started?

"That's fine. You'll save yourself the trouble of looking for someone..." Jing Jingyuan twisted his wrist.

So...go to the warship!

Killing. There it is!

In the third ring, 150 people...how many people... moved!

In a ruins, light surged up and down in the dilapidated house. A sword emitting a terrifying black light...

For a moment... the black light was released like a fusion!


A radius of ten miles was scattered into dust.

Many people were shocked and looked in this direction. But nothing else was gained.

The two nearest monks have arrived!

Looking towards the ruins that had been reduced to dust, I saw a man walking out.

Take action!

Both of them exploded!

The swords are stacked...


One sword pass. Black light passed.

The sword tore apart and the head fell to the ground.

Clang, the sword is sheathed.

"It turned out that I was still invincible. Once I broke through, I could instantly kill the first level monarch... That person was right... This swordsmanship is indeed unparalleled in the world..."

The man didn't even look at the body on the ground. Just looking at the location of the ancient warship in the distance.

A slight smile appeared on his extremely handsome face.

"Central warship? Fortunately, we can catch up..."

If Dai Li were here, he would see that this person was the arrogant young man he once was.

Ghost sword is sad.

As soon as Gui Jianchou left, he reached a place three miles away from here. Lou Lanting slowly watched an incoming enemy turn into a pool of blood with his hands behind his back. He smiled faintly, and the green light flickered on his fingertips...

"She never does anything that she is not sure of. If she dares to declare war like this, she is at least three levels of strength... I have one more opponent..."

Loulan Ting... is an enemy or a friend, it is never clear.

Yi Rudaili has always been very wary of him.


In the center of the warship, the towering flagpole and the flying bloody flag.

Dai Li sat on the top of a medium-sized wooden flagpole, with his left leg bent against the flagpole and his right leg on the sitting leg. There were wooden clogs on his feet. His slender and soft waist was slightly bent, and he held a bright red persimmon in one hand. As she ate, the long sword on her waist seemed to have been forgotten by her. She ate the persimmon seriously while looking into the distance with blurred eyes... She didn't know whether she was dozing off or waiting for someone.

Anyway, after the first person arrived, her eyes became clearer and she looked at him, with the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

"Welcome...Dongguo Ziyi"

Calling him by his first name... seems to have no other meaning than the battlefield.

Dongguo Ziyi smiled: "Young Master is so charming that Ziyi cannot miss it."

After just taking a look from a distance, it was still hard to deny that Jun Zili was indeed worthy of the reputation of a stunning young master.

Beauty is a weapon, and Jun Zili's weapon is obviously very strong.

"Not participating personally?" Dai Li smiled.

"I think it's not the right time yet." Dongguo Ziyi shook his head, with his hands behind his back. His green shirt was still swaying as before.

Very strong, but still cautious and restrained... This kind of person is quite difficult to deal with.

"Okay... My goal is not you... at least not now." Dai Li raised his eyes.

"somebody is coming"

There are many people.

They came together.

This is rare, after all, few people will be in groups in the Chibi battlefield, because they are all opponents.

Dongguo Ziyi's eyesight was naturally good. When his eyes fell on these people, his smile became more and more like a spring breeze.

"I don't know which of these people are your targets..."

"What if I say both?"

Forehead? Dongguo Ziyi was stunned.

In shock, people were already approaching.

Thousands of meters away, beyond the warship.

Feng Shaoling's face was expressionless, not showing any anger or murderous intent, only darkness. (To be continued)R466

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