A Queen

Chapter 1,173 Eighty people are coming, stand up!

Chapter 1173

How many people are around him?

Gu Hualong, Yu Shanliu, and Song Peibai are already familiar to each other, and there are two new faces added to the mix.

Standing next to Feng Shaoling, she seems to be following him...

The elite controlled by the Wind King family?

It's almost as expected.

"I know the four of you, and the names of the other two are unknown." Dai Li ate tomatoes and smiled softly.

Regarding Dai Li's calmness, Feng Shaoling and the other four people suddenly thought, inexplicably thinking that this person really has three levels of strength?

But considering that this person has always had a urinary personality and is lawless to begin with, she won't be afraid of them if there are many of them but they are few, but it has nothing to do with her strength.

"Shen Zhengqing"

"Shang Ruize"

The two men with sharp aura and bright eyes announced their names one after another, but said nothing else.

Obviously among these people... Feng Shaoling has the highest status, and it seems that he is the one who single-handedly led to this cooperation.

Small group of six?

Want to surround and kill Dai Li?

Su Li looked at Song Peibai.

The other party transmitted the message.

"Su Li, this person is hostile to our four pavilions. If we don't kill him now, he will be a big problem in the future."

"But it will only take six of me to take action, and you won't be implicated..."

"Just watch, she is completely defeated."

It was hard for Su Li to understand how a man who had been scolded by her face to face...and even scolded so many times that his face broke apart...was still a man, could say such things to her in such a tone as if nothing had happened...

Six people besiege one person. If they lose, they will be completely defeated?

She felt baffled, and felt that her three views had been refreshed by this man...

In fact, her three views have been refreshed countless times by Jun Zili.

Brushed into two extremes.

One is dignified and gentle on the outside, but on the inside he is arrogant, stupid and self-righteous.

One is frivolous and idle on the surface, but on the inside he is noble, wise, persistent and brave.

No wonder Zhongli said there is a difference only when there is comparison..

Su Li unconsciously looked at Dai Li... It seemed that this person was much better than she thought before... (If Song Peibai knew that his voice transmission would have such an enlightening effect, he would probably faint in the toilet from crying)

Dai Li saw that these two new talents were both at the second level of monarch... Feng Shaoling was able to control these two people, probably not only because of his own status...

Touching her chin, she said meaningfully: "You are welcome, and... a few others are also welcome."

in addition?

Someone else has arrived! Dongguo Ziyi glanced at...

One thousand three hundred meters away, on the top of the wall, stood a handsome man with a kingly bearing and arrogance.

"The King's Pavilion is filled with heroic honors"

Not far to his right, there were two people with long swords on their backs... One was E Hongyuan, and the other had ordinary features. Everything was ordinary, except that the sword was simple and made, and the scabbard was full of... Wonderful shimmer...

"Jian Ge Geng Qing Mou"

It has been several years since he reached the level of the Little Swordsman, a powerful swordsman, and now, he is here too.

If we include Song Peibai and Yu Shanliu, will the four pavilions be included?

No, Song Peibai doesn’t seem to be able to represent the Four Pavilions.

Suli can represent it.

She Shiran sat on a stone and watched quietly, as if she was already ready to watch the show.

Four pavilions are coming, where are the four great families?

It seems that many people have been killed. Whether it is the eldest son of the Kun family or the eldest son of the Xie family, they have been slaughtered by someone. Now...

It was the eldest son of the Xu family who came.

Xu Yidao followed him, coming calmly, standing calmly, and reacted calmly when he met the gaze of his predecessor Daili.

That look seems to say...hello.

Haha, Dai Li glanced at him briefly,

I felt a little funny in my heart.

"Hahaha!" Ming Taihe's fiery laughter came.

Whoosh! Landing like a cannonball, he walked towards Dongguo Ziyi, smiling at Dai Li: "Jun Zili, I came here specially this time to see how you died."

What he said was direct enough, but he wasn't without aim.

Whoosh, whoosh, streaks of light came from all directions...


Landing one by one!

Occupy each side!

Who is coming?

Jing Lingfan from the Peach Blossom Land, he lightly clenched his fist and looked at Dai Li coldly.

"Jun Zili, you are the most courageous person I have ever seen... but you are also the least confident."

Shang Li is not here at the moment, and he does not hide his hostility and contempt for Dai Li.

"Haha, you don't overestimate your capabilities... Your Excellency Junzili seems to have never had such emotions..." The appearance of Fu Ruoshui added a touch of beauty to the masculinity of the men here.

Complementing each other with Suli...

Many men present could not help but look at this famous and powerful beauty.

She is toxic.

"Before talking about others...can't you first consider whether you are like this?" Youyou's vegetarian voice sounded like snow.

The Snow Fish in robes was suspended in the sky, looking at Fu Ruoshui across from him from a distance.

The wind blows, and the poison and snow are ready to move.

"Is the eldest princess speaking for someone? Or is she here to help her..." Fu Ruoshui smiled and looked back and forth between Dai Li and Xue Zhiyu.

Damn, this woman is really...

Dai Li touched his chin and smiled bitterly. He subconsciously looked at Xue Zhiyu, met her faint eyes, and heard her say...

"I don't think it's our turn to collect the corpses... After all, the people from the Demon Palace have already arrived."

The appearance of Che Yuankai, Xiao Bai, and Huo Jiangli relieved the murderous atmosphere of Feng Shaoling and the others.

The people from the Demon Palace... came so quickly.


"Miss Xue is joking, we Demon Palace people have always been independent and self-reliant, not to mention that Junzi Li never likes outsiders like us to interfere... Even if he collects the corpse, we don't need it." Che Yuankai had already stated his position before Xiao Bai and the other two could say anything. After explaining it, Xiao Bai frowned slightly.

Xiao Bai, this short-haired woman with bright black and white, looks very delicate, like a dark elf. At the moment, she is wearing trousers and boots, with only a black vest on her upper body, revealing her long and white arms... There are two A silver armguard with a demonic wolf head.

There are two short swords on the waist.

She stood on a pillar and glanced at Che Yuankai, her face expressionless.

And Huo Jiangli... seemed to turn a blind eye to this.

"Oh, people from Peach Blossom Spring and Demon Palace are here..." Xuan Baifeng and Hammer slowly appeared.

These two people are obviously not known to anyone. The Free Alliance...the assessors don't know it clearly internally, but...these two people are not weak in strength, and they suddenly appeared so arrogantly that Dai Li couldn't help but look at them.

These two people are...

Xuan Baifeng was very sensitive. After noticing Dai Li's gaze, he smiled: "I recognize you~~ Jun Zili"

"Should I feel honored?" Dai Li always felt that these two people were a bit strange, as if... not afraid at all, too careless.

"If you want to...you should feel honored, because our boss is very interested in you."

"Who is your boss?" Not only Daili, but others are also quite curious.

These two people are not weak, their boss... is definitely not a nobody, he can be considered a strong opponent.

"He... you will know when you enter the fourth ring... Anyway, he said you are..." Before Xuan Baifeng could finish his words, there was an indifferent voice.

"Looks like we're late"

"No, I think I came just in time...although I have to interrupt our Mr. Jun to chat with someone."

Famous sword....

The sword was pure and elegant, and she and Ning Jing were far away in the other two directions, forming a triangle with Dai Li.

It was the two of them who were having a conversation just now.

The appearance of Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan pushed the atmosphere to a climax, and many people thought of the rumors about these three people.

Golden triangle!

There are already a lot of people at this moment.

Counting those anonymous assessors...

Within a radius of five miles, 80 assessors~!

It's halfway there and still more.

Just remember these people in your heart with just one thought.

There are more than she imagined. It seems that her strength is quite weak, otherwise she would not be regarded as prey by so many hunters...

Rushing like a duck.

The warship is huge, majestic and vast, and 80 assessors are facing each other from a distance, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit...

Dai Li finally finished eating the tomato, wiped his mouth, folded his hands on his legs, and looked like a picture.

"They're all here...the teleportation position...is right under my feet...five of them, one for each person. Obviously only five of us eighty people can take the position, so..."

She stood up, lowered her left hand to her left leg, and her right hand... fell on the hilt of the Thousand Machine Sword, and glanced...

The wind was blowing, diluting her voice and making it drift away.

"Those who want to kill me can come forward."

Pour into the sky.

Everyone felt the...infinite killing intent!


Hundreds of thousands of people in Chibi Plain were shocked!

Because of the gathering of powerful examiners, because of the arrogant declaration of war, and because of the madness of one person.

What is she going to do? Challenge all assessors?

No, the basic strength of the eighty assessors in the third ring must be at least level one! Grab a handful!

There are several doubles in this handful!

Did she know that as soon as she said this, all the doppelgangers would come out and start a group fight?

How arrogant!

"Haha, young man, you have courage!" But there are also experts laughing like this!

For example, Emperor Ming was originally optimistic about people like Dai Li.

The person opposite Bao Zifeng also raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Courage is commendable, but I don't know how strong it is."

Baozi was very excited: "Anyway, my son-in-law will never do anything he's not sure about..."

cut! Virtue! I don’t know how many people there are, but maybe your son-in-law is one of them!

When the whole place was agitated and noisy...

Someone noticed a light coming from the north!

Phew, a stream of light fell to the ground, landing in front of the large screen, standing there brightly, looking up at the screen as if there was no one else around.

This person... really made everyone here change their gaze for an instant, and all topics came to an abrupt end.

Wine-red hair, beauty that is neither cold nor hot, dignified and elegant in the ultimate sexy, but also revealing the coldness and chill in the indifference to others.

There is a very delicate and extraordinary scimitar on her waist. It has no halo, but has the power to twist the air. Anyone who looks at the knife for a few times will feel dizzy after just three breaths..R1152

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