A Queen

Chapter 1,174 6 people, 6 sweet potatoes!

Chapter 1174

this person...

In fact, people here are amazed at the first sight and recognize it at the second sight!

"she is!"

"Oh my God...she's not..."

When the people in the large group area looked at it, a large number of people stood up and turned towards this person...

Woohoo, several people flew out of their seats and came in front of her. Of course, from just the right distance, they bent down, bowed their heads, and saluted.

"I met Miss Taishi"

The hierarchy of strength and weakness comes out, the hierarchy from large groups.

Tai Shi Yuan turned to look at them and raised his eyebrows: "No courtesy."

A group of people straightened up, a little excited, a little happy, and very restrained. They wanted to ask Taishi Yuan why this distinguished person came here, but they felt it was too rude. Who didn't know that the first daughter of the Taishi clan never liked to talk to others. .

"Tai Shi Yuan...she is from the image before..." Kun Lie, who was originally in a depressed mood after the defeat, was staring straight ahead.

"Yes, young master... That's Taishi Yuan... The Taishi family is a super-blooded noble in Siam, with fairy blood... very powerful and noble... This Taishi Yuan is the apple of his eye." The eldest elder of the Kun family was very excited, and He looked at Kun Lie.

Chapter 1174

Kun Lie's expression changed rapidly... Fairy blood? Super blood noble? Siam...

How much power, how much power is that?

If you get such a woman...

At that moment, Kun Lie and Xie Ru both had the same ambition.

And, unconsciously, they all thought of the images of the North Sea they had seen before...

This Tai Shi Yuan is a character who can talk to Prince Beigong...and who is Prince Beigong!

One finger can crush their family... let alone them!

But deep down in his heart, any man longs for this kind of power and position!

If... if they get the favor of Tai Shi Yuan, will they be able to ascend to the Dragon Gate in one fell swoop and enter the upper class circle of Siam... be in the same circle as the Prince of Beigong...

Turn your hands to make clouds, turn your hands to make rain...

"Tai Shi Yuan... she is like this... where is that woman?"

At this moment, how many people thought again of the monster from the Demon Palace who rejected Prince Beigong?

Swish! The people of the Demon Palace once again felt the feeling of being in the spotlight...

"Taishi Yuan... I thought you had left Beihai... but you came here..." Emperor Ming seemed to recognize Tai Shi Yuan.

"Senior..." Taishi Yuan nodded and saluted Emperor Ming. From this salute, it can be seen that... She only treated Emperor Ming with the etiquette difference between her predecessors and her predecessors, and there was no difference in status.

You must know that Emperor Ming is in the combined stage...

This can only show that the status of the Taishi clan and her position in the Taishi clan are enough for her to close the strength gap between herself and Emperor Ming.

As for Emperor Ming's question, Taishi Yuan did not hide it: "I'm looking for someone."

"Looking for someone? I don't know who can make you go out personally... If you need help, just ask..." Emperor Ming was more polite to Tai Shi Yuan.

"Thank you..." Tai Shiyuan looked at the screen.

"I think... it shouldn't be difficult to find her." Her tone was thoughtful, as if she was suspicious of something...

on the screen?

Everyone subconsciously looked at the screen.

Um, is he one of those assessors?

"Is that Tai Shi Yuan?" Many people were a little stunned secretly. They originally thought that the people from the Four Pavilions and the four major families in Fenchuan were the most noble. For large groups, although they knew how powerful they were, they couldn't understand them deeply. Feel..

Now I see that the extremely proud large-scale strong men from before are all nodding and bowing to a woman who is about the same age as them. Even Emperor Ming is polite to her...

This is the gap.

The elders of the Four Pavilions have already started talking privately.

Tai Shi Yuan... Who should I look for for such a person?

Is it good or evil?

And Tai Shi Yuan suddenly raised his eyebrows,

He looked at one place and then walked straight over.

What she's heading towards is...

Zi Weiyang.

"Sister, do you know her?" Zi Junhou knew what was going on. When he saw the beautiful and distinguished Tai Shi Yuan coming over, he was not as excited as Kun Lie and others thought he was.

Just a slight feeling of uneasiness.

"A one-sided relationship" Zi Weiyang's expression was indifferent.

Well, Zi Junhou took the initiative to evacuate before Tai Shi Yuan arrived.

This kid is so naughty!

People like Kun Lie's eyes were straightened when Tai Shi Yuan appeared. They were extremely envious of Zi Junhou just now. Now that they saw him leaving on his own initiative, they felt better, but they couldn't help but laugh at the other party's cowardice...


Zi Weiyang's education is still okay...her brother is not stupid.

Shang Bie and Yi Ye* looked at each other, why did they have a bad premonition?

It was like the cheese they had carefully hidden and were reluctant to eat... was being watched.

Hmm... I'm being watched by a lot of people.


The Cheese Queen was already in the air, clasping the hilt of the sword with her right hand and tapping her thigh with her left index finger.

"Hey, no one?"

It came so quickly, are you being cautious now?

Feng Shaoling and others are indeed more cautious, mainly because they have been yelled at too many times, and now Jun Zili is obviously confident... They feel a little guilty.

But when Dai Li asked such a teasing question, the void was immediately filled.

"It's not that there is no one, I'm just wondering if Mr. Jun is so confident and arrogant that he is really ready to face many people?" Feng Shaoling sneered.

As expected, Feng Shaoling was the first to be unable to bear it.

Ming Taihe and others next to him all smiled when they saw this... The best whetstone is here...

Well, six whetstones, that's a lot, and each one is stiff enough. Together, it's not easy for even an average three-level master to deal with.

It should be possible to test what kind of strength this Jun Zili is.

Is it secretiveness or arrogance?

"The many people you mentioned...you don't know how many?"

Daili's eyes were smiling, and he passed by the five Bone-Hualong dragons beside him...

The five people took a step forward, their meaning self-evident.

It seems that glory and humiliation have been thrown aside...

Their disgust for Jun Zili... has made them desperate.

Anyway, just join forces and kill her!

"The six of us... I wonder if Mr. Jun is satisfied?" Yu Shanliu said, staring at Dai Li.

"Six people..." Dai Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu Hualong, Yu Shanliu, Song Peibai, Feng Shaoling, Shen Zhengqing and Shang Ruize one by one.

"I thought there would be more... It seems that there aren't that many people who hate me," Dai Li said lazily.

Haha~~Many people present laughed.

Huo Jiangli, E Hongyuan, and Xu Yidao all felt that this guy's eyes seemed to have looked at him, and the hostility that was about to show up shrank back at that moment.

Especially Huo Jiangli, who immediately loosened the scabbard he had just gripped. Che Yuankai next to him chuckled: "Jiang Li, you won't participate?"

"No," Huo Jiangli said indifferently.

"I don't think so... these six people are enough... Her strength is at least three levels." Che Yuankai was very confident about this.

"I hope so." Huo Jiangli looked at Xiao Bai subconsciously. Che Yuankai has always been jealous and lacks foresight... His subjective consciousness is stronger now. If Xiao Bai...

What does she think of Jun Zili?

Xiao Bai did not look at Jun Zili, but towards Dong Guo Ziyi.

Dongguo Ziyi smiled back.

Hostility? No, a fighter plane...

Obviously these two people seem to be rivals on the same level.

And E Hongyuan looked at the famous sword.

Mingtaihe looked towards Jingpingyuan...


When eighty people get together, there will definitely be no fighting, at least not at the beginning.

The opening battle was a battle between six and one.

Fortunately, several of these people were defeated at the hands of Dai Li and started to fight in groups in the name of seeking revenge, and others could not say anything...

Now, the six people are ready to make a move.

The breath began to rise.

Six paths of murderous intent were locked...faintly covering the surroundings of the warship.

Jingjing Yuan and Mingjian looked at each other, neither of them mentioned Yuanli...

And finally, when the wind blew the flag on the flagpole under Dai Li's feet and made a roaring sound... Hammer suddenly shouted: "Start!"

On the verge of breaking out!

It really happened!



The Bone Dragon folded his hands, and the bone knives in both arms began to change!

Yu Shanliu's six-character overprint!

Song Peibai flicked his fingers, and the piano came and the sound started playing!

Feng Shaoling formed a seal on his palm!

The art of wind whirlpool!

Shen Zhengqing and Shang Ruize were swordsmen and swordsmen respectively. At this moment, their Yuan Power exploded, and the sword energy and sword energy gathered together and soared into the sky...


Six people formed a six-pointed star attack formation in an instant!

And... all six of them are at the second level of the King level!

This made Jingjing Yuan and Ming Jian both look at each other.

Six second-level monarchs?

"Wow, you are really prepared...this must have been rehearsed," Hammer and Xuan Baifeng said.

The attacks of the six people...were not issued at the same time, but in sequence.

The long-distance attack technique is undoubtedly the first attack by Feng Shaoling's storm and Yu Shanliu's six-character overlapping seal!

The storm is coming!

Six-character overprint... Press down from above!

call out!

speed! The most famous thing about Daili is definitely her speed. No one present was surprised by her speed. They were just curious about how the six people would respond.

Breaking the void...


Where are people?

Who would be her first target!

With a swipe, Daili appeared in front of Feng Shaoling in an instant!

Sure enough, what she hated the most was Feng Shaoling!

Facing a powerful enemy whose strength far exceeded hers, Feng Shaoling's breath froze, but his eyes suddenly turned violent.

Brush, brush!

The Huagulong... burst out from behind Feng Shaoling!

Hula~~The whole body turns white..


All turned into bones!

Transformed into a bone sword general, the bone swords in both hands rotated, and the legs were also bone swords...


With a brazen leap, the speed was no less than twice as fast as before!

This guy is a bit stronger than he was in the second ring...is his trump card not revealed? still...

"It's absolutely impossible for him to break through so fast...what exactly..." Xu Yidao was very puzzled.

"Feng Shaoling gave this man some treasures...otherwise he wouldn't have progressed so fast, and he wouldn't have rashly clashed with Junzili again."

Xu Liu's analysis made Xu Yidao suddenly clear.

After fighting with this man for many years, he was sure that Hua Gulong was actually not that wild. He knew that Junzili was not easy to mess with but still joined forces with Feng Shaoling...R1152

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