A Queen

Chapter 1,175 I am an out-and-out bad guy!

Chapter 1175

So...it must have been a big benefit.

And the richest one is undoubtedly Feng Shaoling...

They are much richer than Yu Shanliu and Song Peibai, so this six-person team can be established.

Phew~~Hua Gulong's knife cut through the air, cutting out an icy cold light...

Toward Daili's neck...

Is it the sword that kills Feng Shaoling or blocks the bone dragon?


The bone knife touched two fingers and got pinched!

With the crisp sound of the metal strike, Hua Gulong's expression changed, and his whole body suddenly twisted. The bone knife changed dramatically, and Feng Shaoling retreated hastily...

On the other side, Dai Li's thousand plans are out of the sheath!

The sword rises, the sword falls!

The sword light fell into Feng Shaoling's eyes... No! Is he going to be killed instantly again?


Whoosh, whoosh...

The flying swords on the left are flying one after another... and the sword is flying on the right!

Attack from both sides!

Shen Zhengqing and Shang Ruize took action!

Attack with two-winged swords! cross...

Block thousands of opportunities!

Clang~~Qianji's sword blade cut between the crossed swords and froze in an instant.


Feng Shaoling, Shen Zhengqing and Shang Ruize were all overjoyed.

Suddenly... Feng Shaoling saw a cruel smile on the corner of Dai Li's mouth...

This is..


Sword, cut off!

There are no obstacles to break!

Wow~~The wind shield on Feng Shaoling's chest was torn apart by a sword. The protective magic weapon on the body was broken again!


Feng Shaoling was hit by a sword and flew away. The blood on her body surged and her flesh and blood were separated.

The body was cut in half!

The first person, the richest employer...killed!

And Huagulong's bone knife...Gràcha!

It was pinched directly by two fingers!

In severe pain, Huagulong was also ruthless, and Shen Zhengqing and Shang Ruize, who were furious and panicked because of Feng Shaoling's murder, gave it a go!

Three people join forces!

Swords flying? The bone dragon transforms into a sword!

Daili was instantly surrounded by a thousand swords and a humanoid giant sword.

And in the second moment, she pressed the hilt of the sword with her fingertips and raised her eyes...

Eye surgery?

The three of them suddenly became nervous...


Thousands of opportunities are coming!


A large piece of the Thousand Machine Sword is whirling, terrifyingly whirling...

Thousand Machine Sword Network!

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

The swords of the three people were all blocked instantly!

Countless swords in the sky cut against the current...collision!

The light of the sword, the shadow of the sword, the cold light.

The three of them suddenly felt the pressure... The pressure of the encirclement was directly opened by the Thousand Machine Sword Net.

"No, she..." Before Hua Gu Long could form an effective reaction with the other two people, Song Peibai had already made the music more confusing...

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

The sword speed is doubled!

Peng! Cut off with a thousand knives! Shen Zhengqing vomited blood! fall from the sky!

The sword seals the ghost hero with blood!

Karma! Thousands of swords are shattered! Shang Ruize's body was torn apart and he died!

Two breaths ago, there were still three people holding on, but in the blink of an eye, they became alone...

Gah kaa kaa~~

All the bones were ground to pieces by the Thousand Machine Sword Network's rotation...

"No!" Hua Gulong...exploded!

Three people died...

There were six big seals pressed down on Dai Li's head!

A clichéd skill...

Dai Li just wanted to use the Thousand Machine Sword Net to smash these six characters...

Yu Shanliu made a seal with his fingers and said coldly: "What are you people waiting for... But don't forget, the six of us have already helped you take the lead and weaken her strength. If you don't take action now, When she is completely victorious... I want to see which of you can fight her with the help of her eye skills!"

"People in the Demon Palace are never kind."

These words definitely spoke to the hearts of the people around me.

Don't want to take action against Junzili?

How can it be!

Such a cutting-edge person is born to be everyone's enemy, not to mention that there is a plug-in like Eye Technique. If you can kill it early, kill it early to avoid being counterattacked later...

What's more, it was Jun Zili who took the initiative to invite them to fight. If they didn't take action, how could they mess around in the future?

What makes Yu Shanliu smarter than the other five is that he has already expected that the six of them will not be able to kill Jun Zili, and he also understands the dark side of these examiners' hearts - no one can tolerate a rising star weighing on him...especially It was Jun Zili, a young man who made them jealous from the beginning.

Envy, jealousy, greed... The momentum is already there, all he has to do is start it!

The whole crowd gathered around Jun Zili!

After a while, someone chuckled, "That's right. Since Mr. Jun has taken the initiative to invite me to come, if he doesn't fight, she will be disappointed."

It is estimated that few people would have thought that the first person to speak out would be Cha Yuankai.

A fellow member of the Demon Palace...he was actually the first to take down the throne!

Junzi Li's character is so bad!

Both Tranquility and Mingjian are a bit astringent...

But as soon as Che Yuankai stepped forward, others had no worries.

Damn it, even the Demon Palace’s own people have taken action, and they’re still so scared!

Doesn’t Che Yuankai represent the attitude of the Demon Palace?

Killing the gentleman and leaving...the Demon Palace will not care at all!

"Ha! Jun Zili, then I won't be polite!" Ming Taihe directly punched his fists, and the golden light surged.

On the other side, Jing Lingfan from Peach Blossom Spring also turned his eyes... and let out a fierce and majestic energy!

Feng Yingxun, who was born in the King's Pavilion, the strongest general in the Pavilion, had no expression on his face. He just looked at Ming Taihe, Jing Lingfan, and some others directly exposing their hostility...!

It's so direct...who made Junzili feel too threatened...it also aroused public outrage!

Even the people in their general palace have never behaved so arrogantly.

Some leaders are born to be welcomed by thousands of people, while some leaders are... hated by thousands of people!

There is no doubt that Jun Zili put herself in such a difficult situation...

Of course, the quickest ones to take action were Che Yuankai, who had already harbored hatred for Dai Li, and Ming Taihe and Jing Lingfan...

But the Mingtai River was directly blocked by one person.

Quiet and far away.

"It's you...well done!" Ming Taihe laughed and was about to fight with Jingjing Yuan...


A violent and terrifying burst of anger... Ming Taihe was stunned, and the others were also stunned, and turned around to look...

A blood sword... Qian Ji, bursting with sharp blood that was no less than three times more ferocious than before, and the dragon scales completely covered the sword pattern...

With one stroke of the sword, Yu Shanliu was torn apart directly, as if the protective magic weapon on his body was just a decoration.

The flesh and blood were chopped into pieces in an instant.

Song Peibai was so frightened that he subconsciously turned into a stream of light and flew towards Su Li...

Dragon Claw Giant Press Down!

boom! ! !

The paw prints on the ground pressed against the flesh.

As soon as the dragon claws dissipated, Che Yuankai and Jing Lingfan, who had already taken action, were confused for a moment, and a black shadow appeared in front of their eyes...

Why do they have the same dark shadow in front of them?

Because the speed is too fast~~

It was so fast that their vision and soul reactions could no longer keep up.

And when they caught the dark shadow in front of them, the sword had already arrived!

Of course, maybe that breath is what they feel most deeply.

Boom~~20,000 cloud blood energy, explode!

The energy aura of the body that almost turned over a book at once made both Dongguo Ziyi and Xiao Bai's expressions change drastically in an instant, let alone others?

Miss Cat, who was lurking in the dark, opened her eyes wide and burst out in recognition: "Fuck you, pervert! Half of the body's energy is hidden!"

That’s a lot of livestock!

Who wouldn't hide their strength...but that's strength, not body energy!

..It is quite wild to be able to hide one-third of the most basic body energy. Miss Cat asked herself that all the trump cards she hid were attack methods and special skills, so she only hid one-fifth of the body energy...

She felt trapped.

As a result, this guy was half hidden!


What a concept!

Previously, this guy could use 10,000 clouds of blood energy to explode with a physical attack power of 28, 29 or nearly 30 counties...

So with 20,000 clouds of blood energy, if the amplification technique and other abilities are not too frustrating, the attack power can be increased to at least 45 counties!

County 45..hehe~~

Che Yuankai is indeed a triple-level monarch. With this, he is already proud of being among the 3,000 assessors and ranking among the top 100.

But it is only comparable to the strongest attack power of 35 counties...

As for Jing Lingfan... the people in Taohuayuan know best... this guy's strongest strength... 40 counties, including his own bloodline, has exploded in all aspects...

Counties 35 and 40...

Their strongest attack power was not revealed in the first second of their shots. Why?

Because I don’t think it’s necessary!

Jun Zili's strongest strength is Jun 30, isn't it? He held 31 County to death. He had just gone through a group fight, so he should have been weaker. The two of them still took action together...

This kind of attack power is enough to kill her instantly!

The only question may be...who will Jun Zili's first kill be?

Breathed for a second.

Someone exploded the hidden blood energy of the body without any warning, and then... the realm of absolute killing, open!

The pressure of the vampire prince is unleashed! His power was completely overturned. From the beautiful young man who ate tomatoes before, he instantly counterattacked into a cold-blooded prince...

Then sweep it away with a sword!

45 County sword shadow is divided into two swords!

Thousand Machines No. 19 - Ping Zhongyuan!

Qian Ji No. 20 - A little red!


Chopping melons and vegetables!

Che Yuankai, die!

Jing Lingfan, die!

Both were killed! There is no room for negotiation at all...

All the head kills of the two of them were easily eaten by Jun Zili.

——There is no sound of swallowing or chewing.

The remaining blood flowed on the vast battlefield land.

The breathing of many assessors maintained a certain frequency at that moment.

Dongguo Ziyi smiled bitterly.

Xiao Bai took a deep breath.

Subconsciously looking at Daili...

Poker face.

Dai Li, who was wearing wooden clogs and had short hair flying, held Qianji in her right hand. There was no blood on the tip of the sword because all the blood had been absorbed. She just pressed the tip of the sword against the ground and glanced at many people coldly.

Qing De said: "You know I'm not stupid, but you still don't want to doubt that I've hidden my strength and deliberately lured you people to die. I don't care when I'm here, but I actually took the initiative... This is not me. The problem is that you are too stupid!~~"

"Do I have to tell you that I am short of points and that I need to attract some people to increase my points so that you will understand that I am an out-and-out bad guy?"

The first sentence is completely offending and cold and cruel, but the latter sentence is full of faint frivolity and coldness. R1152

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