A Queen

Chapter 1,177 The Little 0 Sword of the Famous Sword

Chapter 1177

The swords ring..A hundred swords and eagles cry!

One sword~~crash!

Directly exploded the mighty shadow of a hundred swords!

Thirty times the sword power...


Directly overthrowing Ye Rang's powerful and stretching sword wave in one fell swoop 1

Just one sword.

Thirty times... This is the power of Xiaobai Sword!

And it is a medium Small Hundred Sword. If it is superimposed fifty times, it will be a perfect Small Hundred Sword.

However, thirty times the superposition of sword energy is extremely terrifying, and it is one of the fundamental reasons why swordsmen stand out among many professionals.

Imagine that a swordsman who originally only had 10,000 Yun's sword power could only produce 10 or more swords with other special moves. However, when the Xiaojiu Sword exploded, it tripled the sword power!

The Dajiu Sword exploded! Nine times!

In fact, this is not bad, three times or nine times, plus other means of increase, it is not too exaggerated, it can only be regarded as a relatively high-quality skill point.

But Xiaobai Sword exploded! Thirty times!

The higher you go, the more terrifying it becomes, completely superimposed several times or even dozens of times.

Waiting for the skill points to be upgraded to Dawanjian or even Guizong Sword Power, and the skill point level reaches MAX, how terrifying will the power be?

Definitely not inferior to Dai Li's secret skill of blood energy body...

After all, kendo is a very scary way. If you have amazing talent in kendo, you can definitely achieve peak hegemony, even if you don't have an extraordinary physique or other talents...

You can become a god by specializing!

At this moment, the famous sword's attack power exploded to 30 counties or more!

It has already touched the threshold of the third level of the King level!

Then...Ye Rang, who had been suppressing the famous sword, was defeated in just one second!

There was a bloodstain on the neck...the sword fell to the ground with a clang!


Ye Rang is defeated!

And was killed with a sword.

I go! This man is a lieutenant general sword level pervert!

Hou Yan's eyes widened in disbelief, and all the swordsmen in the audience also held their breath.

In the hiding place, Baili Fengxue took a breath of cold air. Is this the strength of the famous sword?

This is...

He was too far gone.

"Xiao Bai Sword... the famous sword actually understood Xiao Bai Sword!!!"

If the difficulty of comprehending the Little Nine Swords is 1, then the difficulty of understanding the Big Nine Swords is 10, and the Little Hundred Swords... 100? ! It’s 1000!

Many sword masters failed to understand Xiaobai Sword!

Because this thing is not something that can be understood as you advance in the level of swordsmanship. Just like the artistic conception, although the outline that can be figured out is clearer, the difficulty is still quite incredible. There is no opportunity, no talent, no time... think about it. Don't even think about it!

As a result... Mingjian realized it.

"How long has she joined Jiange! How old is she! When did she realize it!"

A series of questions were overwhelmingly pressed on the people of the sword pavilion by the swordsmen in the audience.

People like Yue Shan were so happy that their balls ached.

So what, can we say we don’t know?

We don’t even know when she realized the Great Nine Swords... And we are still immersed in the joy of her not long ago showing off the skills of the Great Nine Swords... but she will soon become the Little Hundred Swords?

Haha, the people in Jiange are drunk.

That drunken expression made the people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion angry to death, and the people in the Jiangwang Pavilion were sour. As for the people in the Qinhuang Pavilion...it can be said that most of the female cultivators were immersed in joy...

The elders of Qinhuang Pavilion held their foreheads and sighed... Girls, can you be a bit promising... Our four pavilions are in a competitive relationship, okay~~

The Jiange Pavilion is full of talented people, and the Jiangwang Pavilion also has Hu Yanjue as the finale. If they, the Qinhuang Pavilion, just leave Zhongli late, who knows what will happen in the future...

Fortunately, there is also a Confucian and Taoist Pavilion.

Qinhuangge's eyes softened a lot when he looked at Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion...

Keep up the good work.. Give us the bottom~~

The people at Qishan Pavilion couldn't help but flip through the information.

"Accuracy 30, purity 30... This person's soul specialization is very terrifying. It is probably all above the kendo, so his kendo understanding is so powerful..." After all, the people in Qishan Hall are much more capable, and they gave some important information about famous swords in the blink of an eye. Found it...

Judging from the accuracy and purity, this person seems to be a more genius than Luan Qingyi and Daili.

But everyone knows not to look at it this way. This kind of information can only be considered based on the personal physical condition and soul strength of the person involved.

Obviously... the level of genius shown by the famous sword is enough to astonish the people in Qishan Pavilion.

"Famous sword..." In the crowd, Ye Ranjiang looked thoughtfully at the famous sword on the screen.

On the side of the Demon Palace, Bai Jin heard Gong Zangxue's voice transmission: "If I remember correctly... you seem to have gotten a kendo scroll, did you give it to him?"

"What do you think?"

"Oh, you are so generous~~"

"It's not that I'm being generous, but that person in your family is too generous. He gave her a roll a long time ago. Since she has two rolls... I can't keep this roll alone, but when it comes to this... she Didn’t I give you anything?”


Gong Zangxue was obviously disturbed. The man's Dao scrolls were obviously much more than they thought. The sword Dao scroll was given to Mingjian, the martial arts scroll was given to Jingjing Yuan, and the Le Dao scroll was given to Luan. Tsing Yi~~


None of my business!

"*, where is the person you chose now?" Emperor Ming suddenly asked Liu*.

"It's also in the third ring, but I didn't participate in this melee," Liu* said nonchalantly, then raised an eyebrow: "What, are you worried?"

"Of course.. Although our Yanyu Chonglou did not participate in the Qishan Road assessment with great fanfare, at least we cannot perform too poorly... Even if there is only one person, we must win the top five places."

Emperor Ming knew that organizations such as Huiyun had sent people to participate in the Qishan Road assessment. Now their most elite people should be in the third or fourth ring.

"Top five..." Liu* chuckled.

It may not be easy.

He underestimated some people.

But it’s harmless.


Ye Rang was defeated, Hou Yan would definitely die, and was directly killed by the famous sword...

The blood is floating, the wind is blowing, and the warship area in the third ring of Chibi Battlefield is a little quiet.

The damn ones are dead.

How many people are there now?

On the east side are Dongguo Ziyi, Xuan Baifeng, Hammer, Xiao Bai and famous swords.

On the south side are Xu Liu, Xu Zhiyu and Xu Yidao.

On the west side are Fu Ruoshui, Su Li, Feng Yingxun, and Jingjingyuan.

To the north are Cen Banlan and Qiao Ningdong in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, Baili Fengxue, and Guijianchou.

It is worth mentioning that the two people in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers came later. Maybe they had arrived a long time ago, but they were just a little far apart to watch the battle, while Daili was on the south side.

With just a click, the man inserted the Qianji Sword Shi Shiran into the ground, raised his eyes to look at the famous sword, and chuckled: "Not bad, little sword sword."

Mingjian still seemed to be unable to get used to being called such a name, so he glanced at her briefly and said, "I think it would be better if you didn't call me that.

Everyone can see that Ming Jian has a very different attitude towards Dai Li and Jing Jingyuan, especially towards the former.

That kind of closeness and helpless pampering is hard to understand.

Pampering...why do you feel like this!

Jun Zili will also be pampered?

What a scary feeling!

"Then I call you my dear little Jianjian?" Someone raised his eyebrows playfully and frivolously.

My dear little Jianjian... Ning Jingyuan lowered his eyes... and got goosebumps.

And Ming Jian... who is usually such a quiet and noble person, now his tone is slightly clear and soft, with a bit of the alluring feeling of sandy pearls.

He squinted his eyes and touched the sword with his fingertips.

"Maybe I should talk to Ye Ziqing about your education..."

Originally, Ye Ziqing was already the trump card in the hands of people like Mingjian and Jingjing Yuan, because they found that the only ones who could best restrain the dissolute aura of Dai Li Guzi were Ye Ziqing, Qianshan Muxue and Tsing Yi, the three gangsters. The royal sister of the deserted route.

But... Qianshan Muxue is too taciturn and is not easy to get close to ordinary people. In fact, even Qin Ji and others don't dare to talk to her, let alone people like Lin Jiangxue.

It's easy to talk in Tsing Yi, but the strength of restraint is not too strong, especially if someone adopts a gangster style... she can't help it.

Just one Ye Ziqing... can be called an all-around nirvana.

This is actually the first time for someone like Ming Jian to use this skill~~


Someone stroked his eyebrows and smiled, and that smile... made people startled.

"So Xiao Jianjian, in what capacity do you want to talk about my education? My family members?"

Family members..

This word immediately made Mingjian's expression freeze... and for a moment... he was embarrassed.

Such an embarrassing expression on the cold and restrained famous sword is definitely comparable to exposing the thighs of a dignified beauty like Zhongli Guiwan.

Others... do they know too much.

Jing Jingyuan: You've made progress...are you about to turn over? Not afraid of my cousin.

Snow Fish: Are the rogue skill points upgraded again?

Gui Jianchou: I took a photo and will show it to Ye Ziqing when I go back.

The doting Master Swordsman was teased by someone and fell silent, and the scene returned to a strange dead silence.

Dai Li glanced at the three people in front of him...

Suddenly his head turned: "Miss Cat...and this Mr. Assassin...are you tired of hiding?"

Miss Cat jumped out immediately, and on the other side, Mi Lingbai also showed up.

"Jun Zili! You lied to me!" Miss Cat said this right away as soon as she met him.

"Ah?" Dai Li was embarrassed, cheating?

"You clearly said you don't have a third level..." Miss Cat said, rolling her eyes.

Dongguo Ziyi and others sneered when they heard this, there is no third level? It’s so bad that such a little girl would lie to you!

"Sooner or later you will find out that I didn't lie to you...Miss Cat...but there are so many people here...there are quite a few triples."

How many people are there?

20 people!

There are forces from all sides.

Just five teleportation slots.

Fighting is inevitable...

Sonorous, Dai Li held his sword with both hands and smiled; "Now, we have to talk about who should belong to these five teleportation positions."

Why talk? Talk with force!

The biggest right to speak must belong to the hardest fist!

At this moment, Dai Li... was flying above the warship.

It seems that she is telling everyone that in order to obtain the teleportation position, she must first use her sword!

"No need to talk about it...whoever grabs it belongs to whoever grabs it," Miss Cat hummed, while looking at Mi Lingbai. R1152

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