A Queen

Chapter 1,178 Ten VS Ten!

Chapter 1178

"Right, Mi Lingbai!"

Miss Cat seems to be very used to asking Mi Lingbai, just like Di Renjie is used to asking Yuan Fang.

Yuan Fang, how do you see?

Mi Lingbai had no expression on his face and glanced at Jing Jingyuan.

"Kill five people and everything will be solved"

Haha, it is indeed the most accurate solution.

20 people all laughed, laughed and laughed...


Take action all!

Dongguo Ziyi confronts Xiao Bai brazenly!

The famous sword faces Feng Yingxun!

Su Li faced Qiao Ningdong!

Snow Fish versus Miss Cat!

Cen Banlan versus Xu Liu!

Fu Ruoshui versus Hammer!

Ning Jingyuan faced Mi Lingbai!

Baili Fengxue faced Xu Yidao!

Gui Jianchou faced... the middle-aged man who was Miss Cat's entourage! Dai Li faced off against Xuan Baifeng...!

Ten battles instantly expanded the scope of the battle.

Surrounding this huge ancient warship...


If these ten battles are numbered, then Dongguo Ziyi and Xiao Bai are undoubtedly the fastest, numbered 1.

On battlefield No. 1, Dongguo Ziyi said something like this before taking action.

"I'm honored that Miss Xiao gave up Jingjingyuan, which is more suitable for you to fight, and chose to be here."

Xiao Bai is a martial arts killer who is good at close combat. If he fights Ning Jingyuan, he will not only give full play to their power, but also give them a lot of combat experience and insights.

However, Xiao Bai still chose Dongguo Ziyi.


"No need to be honored, just because you, Dongguo Ziyi, are not good at long-range attacks...your strongest point is also close combat!"

With one sentence, Dongguo Ziyi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

When the spring-breathing smile faded away... Xiao Bai, who was extremely fast, still turned into a black streamline, and flashed in front of him, pulling out daggers with his left and right hands...

Double line strangulation flow!


Dongguo Ziyi seemed to block it at close range!

Melee! His melee combat was actually so good... he blocked two daggers with the back of his hand!

Battlefield No. 2, Mingjian and Feng Yingxun had no dialogue. One was too noble and calm, and the other was too arrogant and restrained. They were not inferior to each other in their respective styles, so any words they said were nonsense, and when Mingjian broke out Before Xiao Bai Jian, anyone would feel that this battle was not equal, but now...

It's equal.

Feng Yingxun directly unleashed his extremely powerful general's aura and pressure!

The famous sword stood still, and the sword began to float.

Battlefield No. 3.

"Aha, I didn't expect that my opponent would be the beauty from Qinhuang Pavilion... I've heard of your reputation a long time ago. You are indeed very beautiful..."

Qiao Ningdong said with a smile.

Su Li smiled back: "My se is more beautiful."

"Then you have to see it!"

With Qiao Ningdong's fingertips, thousands of flowers bloom...

Flying flowers and flowing light kill the throat!

The piano and the harp are not in harmony with each other!

Murderous Se!

Battlefield No. 4!

Quack quack!

In the ice and snow, Miss Cat's body was like a shadow cat, but her hands were holding a golden stick.

The stick strikes with a clang!

The ice and snow were shattered, crystal clear, and the stick... arrived in front of the Snow Fish in the blink of an eye.

The cunning and speed of cats! But it still has the terrifying power of Behemoth!

By the way, in the East, she is indeed known as the violent cat princess!

The strength of this cat lady is at least 50~!

Very powerful!

In comparison, the Snow Fish, which is as clear and beautiful as ice and snow, undoubtedly looks more vulnerable...

"I don't like fighting with a beauty like you.

I can’t do it..."

However, her stick had already hit the head of Snow Fish...!

Battlefield No. 5!

The flying flowers are red, flying and charming.

This is a dream of a sea of ​​flowers. Cen Banlan finally frowned when she saw Xu Liu who was motionless.

Battlefield No. 6!

A huge hammer struck down!

Blast on a poisonous river that blocks out the sky and the sun...

In the middle of the Poison River is Poison Queen Fu Ruoshui!

Battlefield No. 7!

Um... Mi Lingbai had already arrived in front of Jingjing Yuan in the blink of an eye with the strength of the third level monarch and Lan Yuelou's exclusive assassination speed.

Crossed swords.

Sacrificial killing!

The glimmer of light rises, the neck feels cold, the blood solidifies...the vitality is locked!

Generally speaking, if the third level monarch is below the level of 35 counties, unless they are perverts with particularly extraordinary speed, they will obediently sacrifice their lives in front of Mi Lingbai's simple and direct assassination technique.

Assassination is actually an art.

Mi Lingbai is a very realistic artist.

He only wants your life.



With the long cutting sound, Mi Lingbai saw a mirror, a light mirror of Tai Chi rotation.

It reflected his face, and in the translucency, Jing Jingyuan's face could also be seen.

Battlefield No. 8!

Baili Fengxue and Xu Yidao... can there be any accidents?

Battlefield No. 9!

The middle-aged man said: "Who are you? I don't even know your name!"

Gui Jianchou: "You don't need to know"

The black light rises instantly!

Finally...Battlefield No. 10!

Xuan Baifeng: "I seem to be quite unlucky. Why am I the one who met you... Couldn't it have been someone else who has reached the third level of strength?"

Daili: "Because no one wants either of us, so we can only combine them passively."

With that said, Dai Li had already raised his sword and smiled: "Don't worry, my murder process is always quick, the ending is beautiful, and there are no side effects. It will definitely not leave any psychological shadow on you, nor will it affect your future... .”

Sounds like an abortion ad for a certain Oriental hospital...

Xuan Baifeng's expression was suffocated, and he smiled bitterly: "Don't take action yet...don't you want to know what's going on with our Freedom Alliance?"

"I'm not very interested, I'm in a hurry," Dai Li said quietly.

The sword light has risen...

"Wait a minute, our boss said you might be his most powerful opponent."

The sword suddenly froze.

Dai Li looked at Xuan Baifeng speechlessly. Many thoughts flashed through his mind at that moment, one of which was...

Who is this so-called boss? Seems...to see other people very clearly.

But the Freedom Alliance seems to have no background...

And just when Daili was surprised and suspicious...


The many fighting battlefields behind her erupted with violent movements, which seemed... unusual.

Dai Li suddenly turned his head and looked!

The nine battlefields are suddenly in chaos!

With a glance... Qiao Ningdong, Cen Banlan, Hammer, Baili Fengxue, Xu Yidao, and the middle-aged man have all died!

It was just three or four breaths in the opening scene... but all of these people were killed instantly?

If Dai Li could have paid attention to them two seconds earlier, she would have heard Su Li's singing sound continuing. Miss Cat's stick pierced the ice and snow sky, but it met the true meaning of Snow Fish's martial arts!

Different from Dai Li's absolute pure martial arts true meaning, her martial arts true meaning is full of the feeling of ice and snow, as if it is integrated with ice and snow magic.

It is said to be a martial arts spear, but it is actually a very beautiful ice and snow martial arts spear. With one spear...

50 County's killing power penetrated directly!

The clang met the stick!

Martial arts versus strength!

Pure violent attack method...

Sonorous~~The ice, snow, and Miss Cat’s pure force field all collapsed in an instant!


Jing Jingyuan's Tai Chi disc blocked Mi Lingbai's double blades!

Ten thousand body energy?

No, it is now fifteen thousand clouds!

Press Tai Chi with one hand, and... the true meaning of martial arts with the other hand, attack!


Triple versus triple!

40 counties versus 40 counties!

Both of them retreat at the same time!

A tie?

When they retreated, Ming Jian's sword met Feng Yingxun's sword!

One is a pure top swordsman, and the other is a swordsman with the domineering style of a general.

Whose sword is stronger?


Xiao Bai Jian appears again!

"The famous sword, Xiaobai Sword, even though it is powerful, is not omnipotent! It cannot weaken the gap between us... Open the king's field!"

The violent cat Lady Cat has a natural force field to crush her opponents. In the same way, the elite generals of Wang Pavilion can also form a powerful field after cultivating Wang Pavilion's skills to a certain level.

The king's field!

Arriving as a general and king, you can weaken the opponent's momentum and enhance your own strength in an instant!

To weaken the enemy and strengthen yourself, this is the tyranny of the general king field. You can understand that this is another realm. Although it is not as strong and controllable as the realm of killing, which is entirely generated by thoughts, it is still very powerful. .

At least based on Feng Yingxun's strong foundation of 40,000 primordial energy, his General King Field was so powerful that it directly broke more than half of the Xiaobai Sword!

The famous sword...is going to be defeated?

At that moment, Ming Jian only did one thing...

Heart-killing sword realm, absolutely heart-killing!

No regrets about swordsmanship, absolutely no regrets!

Six senses and divine knowledge, see through!

The absolutely heart-piercing Xiaobai Sword... kill!


Sword to sword! ! !

Wow~~~Ten thousand swords are smashed~~~

Ming Jian and Feng Yingxun retreated at the same time!

On the body...sword marks are dripping, blood is flying...

Not to mention a draw, the fear is injury anyway!

Suddenly, Fu Ruoshui's poisonous water overwhelmed him!

Group poison attack!

——What does this woman want to do?

And the fighting between Xiao Bai and Dong Guo Ziyi has reached its peak!

The lethal force of County 55 was cut, and all the surrounding buildings collapsed and shattered.

It was a king versus king battle!

Such a chaotic, fierce and fast battle is not the point. The point is the violent noise that just broke out, and it instantly defeated the 1VS1 fierce battle mode.

Because one person...in an extremely tyrannical manner instantly killed Cen Banlan and Qiao Ningdong who forced themselves away from the fight with Su Li, and then killed... Baili Fengxue.

Because Baili Fengxue suddenly broke out and killed Xu Yidao.

Very bizarre?

Mingjian and the others never thought that Baili Fengxue would hide so much strength. He hid his nearly second-level strength in such a way that even if he was distracted, he wouldn't be able to...

Maybe they could tell something from the fact that he came to the third ring, but they didn't think too much about it. After all... Baili Fengxue was really not a character here.

But he counterattacked and killed Xu Yidao...

But before everyone could react... Xu Yidao's brother broke out and quickly killed the three of them!

At this moment...Xu Liu was standing next to Xu Yidao's body, with a calm and composed expression. After seeing that the whole battle was frozen because of him, he raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Although my brother is very weak, you can kill him in front of me." He...I don't like him very much" R1152

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