A Queen

Chapter 1,180 Cutting off the River

Chapter 1180

The gap is too big.


The claws of the starry sky beast have reached the top of Dai Li's head.

towards her head...

Such a material attack... not even soul magic can stop it.

Dai Li's hand clasped Qianji on his waist, his lips pursed, and the vampire's blood-sucking state froze.

Absolute killing state.

The eldest prince's murderous attitude.

The dual cores with blood soul and blood core completely fused are rotating...

Open it.

Gulu...that dual core...is turned on.

The dam is tilted.

The blood energy... skyrocketed crazily!

Twenty thousand clouds of blood energy?


Forty thousand clouds in one second!

The breath... surges like crazy~~~wow~~

With her body as the core, the terrifying blood can directly expand on her body surface...the blood spreads, hissing~~

Half of the sky seemed to be invaded by the blood-threaded tear.


The sword is unsheathed.

Central Plains is a little red!

County 45?

After the dual-core explosion...70 counties!

A sudden increase of 25 counties!

Among the three thousand assessors, there are less than a hundred with strength reaching 25 counties!

As a result, this guy...


A sword of bloody light tore apart a thousand meters.

Why kilometers?

The starry sky beast five hundred meters away has been perfectly torn apart by a sword.

Defeat with one sword.

That sword light even killed Xiang Xu Liu without reservation!

Perfect level one control? The ultimate fire genius?

Under the absolute pressure of the Grand Prince...

Can you block it?


boom! ! ! !

The fire lion shield that was formed instantly was hit by a sword the moment it was formed!

At the moment of contact, the giant lion roared and opened its big mouth... wanting to bite the sword light~~

But its teeth are not very good...

Sonorous, broken!

The shattered shield light could not block the sword.

But Xu Liu, who was very powerful, took the opportunity to avoid it.

The response was quick.


Dai Li has come forward again!

The speed with which he dodges is not even as fast as the speed with which she rushes over!

At that moment, he flicked his right hand. An extremely hot fire condensed in the palm of his hand.

Like a blazing sun emerging from his hands...

It was a crimson-flamed moon-mounted ax, with its precious light emitting awe-inspiring light, reaching a faint purple light...

Purple-gold level attack magic weapon?

This absolute force is sharper than any defensive magic weapon. After all, it is an offensive weapon!

I didn't expect this seemingly low-key person to have such a powerful trump card.

You must know that even the rich young master like Feng Shaoling is not equipped with such an offensive magic weapon.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this guy is unable to control purple-gold-level offensive weapons. After all, offensive weapons are different from other equipment. The former have a spirit. Moreover, most of these spirits are very aggressive. A large part of it will bite back its owner. If you don't have enough soul power and strength to tame and suppress it, you will be killed before the weapon is even used.

So Feng Shaoling can't afford it. ...In fact, I just can’t afford it!

But Xu Liu can!

"Jun Zili, although my brother is not very good at Yi Dao, there is a saying that I think is right, masters duel. Often the outcome can be decided with just one sword... You and I can also decide the outcome with one move. How about that?"

"No matter how good it is, I don't want to waste time!"

It's time for a decisive battle!

These two are really straightforward!

Feng Yingxun and others, who had just been shocked by the explosion of the Daili Dual Core, heard that the two brutal parties were about to launch the strongest attack before they could calm down...

His expression was weird.

Damn it, what you just did is not a unique move?

The lethality has been increased to 70 counties, okay?

"This gentleman is so... perverted!" Feng Yingxun couldn't help but say such words.

Miss Cat: "What kind of crazy secret method can actually double the body's energy! Can we also consider the mental endurance of other cultivators!"

Xuan Baifeng: "You are all a bunch of idiots. The casual cultivators curse you!"

However, although they were shocked, they all felt that Dai Li's sudden attack-doubling god-level skill should be a one-time use...at least it would require a long time to cool down. It seems unwise to agree to a decisive battle with Xu Liu now.

But reality soon confused their faces with blood.

The Red Flame Yue Shangyue is very powerful, directly greatly increasing Xu Liu's attack power...

The so-called trick. It is a fierce fire killing technique that directly cooperates with the perfect level one Fire Mystery.

The huge beast does not condense, but only clings to the red flame moon ax.

Completely attached.

Perfect level of control will maximize the increase caused by this attachment, which is far beyond the comparison of others.

The fire was dazzling, like the staff raised by the sun god Apollo...


Come fire!

It was reflected in the eyes of Dai Li who faced him head-on without retreating or avoiding.

His short hair was slightly upturned, and he had a heroic spirit. Xu Liu seemed to see this man's...confidence!

Backhand, swipe ~ Thousand Machine Sword-shaped instantly transforms into a sickle, which is equivalent to the Red Flame Moon Yue in terms of shape and size!

Then take off your hand and hold the handle, rotate it, the circular sword will light up... leap up and down to slash!

Under the sickle, the blood surges, covering the sky with red...

This is a sickle of crazy blood and domineering, directly suppressing a blood-red river!

It was also a sword of cold cruelty and killing, and this sword directly cut off the river and divided the sea!

boom! ! !

There was no feeling of metal touch, only Qianji's leaping slash at the red flaming moon ax!

The top blood soldier attacks the purple-gold magic weapon!

King versus king!

The shimmer expanded within a breath, forming an energy storm!

The storm of blood energy and fire, using two people to attack the core... Hula~~~~

The second breath is to expand the entire warship, and then spread out...

Thirty miles range!

Several figures among them were covered...

80 county attack strength!

Should you persist or retreat?

At the core of the light, two people... face to face!

Who wins and who loses?

In the third breath, the blood, light and fire were instantly clear. The fire was all swallowed up directly!

A complete sea of ​​blood!

But such a sea of ​​blood. But a huge river cut off road was cut out!

At the end of the broken road, the blood was red, and Xu Liu stood in place like an old willow with entangled roots...

The crimson flame moonlight ax in my hand is as bright as the moon...

The swaying wind and blood rain, it was a sickle - Dai Li held it in his hand.

This scene made everyone dare not breathe.

The outcome may be decided in one breath...

After a moment, Xu Liu asked: "What is this move called?"

"Thousands of Machines No. 21"

"... Just a code name?"

"If you really want to name it, just cut off the rivers and rivers."

"Duanjiangchuan...is a good name. It's worthy of the name...The 21st...means the 21st move. Did you create it yourself?"

“So be it”

The numbness on Xu Liu's face finally turned into helplessness, very helpless.

"I have rarely encountered strong enemies in my life. When I participated in the Qishan Road assessment, I felt that life was too smooth and boring. I expected that there would be some people in the Qishan Road assessment who could make me more interesting... I didn't expect that the first one would be You... But you, like me, rose to the top by virtue of your own ability... It's good that I lost in your hands..."

If Feng Shaoling, a useless person like Feng Shaoling who was forcibly filled with treasures by the family forces, was killed using many secret treasures and secret methods... A proud and reserved person like Xu Liu would really want to die again.

Fortunately, it was Jun Zili, the monster who he had consciously threatened from the beginning.

Create your own 21-move combo, which can be used as a single attack. Can be killed in groups, combined...

So monstrous.

"I feel good about fighting you." Dai Li sighed lightly, flipped his wrist, and pointed at the opponent's sickle instead of hanging it in his hand.

Haha, chuckled.

The flames of the red flame moon in Xu Liu's hand suddenly extinguished the light.

Kartsa. Cracked.

Miss Cat covered her face, and Mi Lingbai's expression twitched, this is...

Crack! All the purple-gold level attack weapons were chopped into pieces!

Is that sickle an artifact?

How did they know that the Qianji in Dai Li's hand consumed nearly 2 million dragon scales. That dragon essence can fill a bucket, and Qianji itself is far ahead of other magic weapons for cultivating immortals. The sharpness is so incomparable that even a purple-gold level attack weapon... would still be broken by me!

Xu Liu had already closed his eyes.

From the top of the head to the feet...


The physical body instantly turned into glistening blood.

fall from the sky.

The strongest king among the 80 examiners... died!

The strongest strength ends in County 80.

A high-level triple lord.

He lost.

Holding the sickle, Dai Li turned around.

Seeing that none of Feng Yingxun and others could stick to their original positions.

All retreated.

However, the three people withdrew the smallest amount.

Just took a step back.

Dong Guo Ziyi, Xiao Bai, Snow Fish.

These three are the strongest, and the strongest strength they can exert can reach 70 counties.

This generation is very certain.

If you really want to fight, you can indeed fight her.

It's just that... no one dares to be an enemy of Dai Li.

That was the majesty that had just been cut across the river.

Majesty is forged in blood..

This is the truth.

"Everyone...do you want to continue?" Dai Li asked.


Fu Ruoshui smiled, "Master Jun, can your secret method of amplification... still last?"

This aura...isn't weak, damn!

Can you still hold on for a while?

"It can't last forever" someone's answer was very shameless and deceptive.

I can't do it all the time... I can only hold on for one day.

I can compete with you guys non-stop for a whole day~~

——If you can insist on pk all the time.

Haha, Fu Ruoshui directly strangled his thoughts of being an enemy to this person, and calmly withdrew some of the poisonous water that originally covered the sky... leaving Dai Li with a clear sky above his head.

"Animal!" Miss Cat also took several steps back.

As for Dongguo Ziyi, Xiao Bai and Xue Zhiyu, the three strongest...

Dongguo Ziyi smiled: "There are still four teleportation positions... don't be in a hurry."

It means... one of them belongs to the strongest. They can definitely be ranked high in terms of strength. They are not being mean. Why do they have to fight to the death with this pervert!

Three people under siege?

Xiao Bai's face was expressionless: "If you want to take action and compete for other teleportation positions... there must be a fight."

She is not afraid of strong or weak, and she must fight for what she wants!

This is the character of the Demon Palace people.

Snow Fish: "You can go now"

You can go...really~~

Um... want to leave? Dai Li touched his chin and looked at Dongguo Ziyi and the others with twinkling eyes. There was a fierce light in his eyes... (To be continued)


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