A Queen

Chapter 1,181: Enough of the flesh payment

Chapter 1181

Ms. Cat and others have no doubt that this person intends to kill them all~~

Just like the previous massacre~~

For points, and for...

"Zi Li, go in...it's more fun to teleport by yourself." Ming Jian called out softly, clear and crisp, which instantly broke the eerie atmosphere that was about to break out, and also made a certain beautiful young man who was showing off his fierce look just now tremble. He was stunned for a second.

He turned around and looked at the famous sword, thoughtfully...

"Did you just say...?"

Mingjian glanced at her silently, with picturesque features and pure eyes, and asked inexplicably: "Is there a question?"

"No..." someone grinned, "I just think it sounds nice if you call me Zi Li..."

The eyebrows are curved, really not much different from her daughter’s family.

Famous Sword made a fool of himself for a moment, his expression was awkward one second, then he was embarrassed the next second, and then he was expressionless for the third second, looking like a gentleman from a famous family.

Gao Lengyan said: "You heard wrong"

Everyone~~~they actually heard it.

Zili~~It also has a slight tail tone~~It is really nice to hear, gentle and clear~~It is like the deep pools and clear springs in the mountains...

But why is Mao a male god calling another male god! ! !

Legend has it that Mingjian and Junzili have been best friends for a long time~~


My heart is so tired and I can’t love anymore~~

"I knew she must be a woman...this voice..." Xuan Baifeng muttered in the corner, biting the corner of his clothes.

With the sound of Zili, the chilling atmosphere changed in a second. Someone really didn't like Ming Jian and Jing Jing Yuan to help them get everything done...so...

"Then I'm leaving... You continue~~" Dai Li waved his hand, took a step, and ducked towards one of the teleportation positions.

Dongguo Ziyi and others breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

The pressure was so great that they almost stopped at the third ring... given their strength. It can definitely be ranked in the top fifty...

If they were tricked and killed by Daili here, then this Qishan Road assessment would probably become a shadow in their lives.

However, just when they were breathing a sigh of relief...

The stream of light suddenly paused.


Not leaving?

Jun Zili stopped there, looking somewhere as if he remembered something. .

Where is the Snow Fish...

Someone was looking at her from a distance...when Snow Fish's brows gradually furrowed and her lips straightened...

She suddenly smiled, that smile. It's so brilliant that it can make you look down.

"Snow Fish... I remember you used to bully me every day when I was weak."

Is this an attempt to settle an old score?

Too small-minded! By the way, isn't the Snow Fish one of yours?

Is there still any grudge between you?

Outside Chibi Plain. The people in the Wanxue Dynasty were a little stupid. Why did these two young ancestors start to have sex? What about the gay friendship they agreed on? Are you a copycat version of gay friends?

Snow Fish's expression was silent. He glanced at her: "Tiantian...? You think too much. I never waste time on this."

Wasn't it because I used my strength to threaten him several times in the beginning...

"Then it's true that you cursed me for being bitten by a scorpion," Dai Li sneered.

"That scorpion is so demanding. He won't bite me, but he is interested in you. What can I do..." Snow Fish remained calm.

"Haha~~You still shout every day to pick up the body for me..."

"I'm collecting corpses, not whipping them. Why are you anxious? Besides, it's not my turn to collect corpses..."

"Forget it about collecting the bodies. You still want to collect money!"

"You gave it?"

The two people spoke in tandem without taking a breath, and their dark characters were exposed in the blink of an eye, especially Yuzhiyu...the one with such a mouth makes people's balls hurt, and the one who is calm The dark and cool character is shocking.

but. The bickering was instantly halted by a faint look from Snow Fish... Have you ever given that?

Okay, it seems that Junzili is a bit at a loss here.

Mingjian and Jingjing looked at each other from a distance... It's rare to find someone who can defeat this guy verbally...

Gui Jianchou: Women nowadays are like tigers.

quite a while. Daili's body disappeared.

Snow Fish was very impressed, and his body immediately flashed back. But it was blocked...

One hand grabbed her belt and pulled.

So close, someone was leaning against her ear...

Soft voice, charming expression...

In full view of everyone... he said in a low voice: "Then you forcefully move into the room next to mine and come to me every night to have long conversations, even during the day, which makes me feel exhausted after practicing... I Even physical compensation is enough."

Obviously not responding, but still lowering his voice...

You are so scheming!

Meme, good meme.

Snow Fish's expression changed rapidly, his body stiffened, and he bit his teeth: "That's obviously..."

Someone quickly added: "Actually, I don't close the door every night..."

Snow Fish: "..."

What kind of human being is this?

She really wanted to poke her eyes out and hold on to the wall to get out...

Dongguo Ziyi and others: "...."

Do they know something they shouldn't know? It feels like they will be killed and silenced.

With the Snow Fish's blood tank empty and nothing to say, and in the eyes of others with extreme admiration, a certain person stepped into the teleportation array feeling refreshed, his revenge was avenged, his eyebrows were crooked and he was smiling.

After a while, she disappeared.

"Haha~~ I originally suspected that this Junzili was a woman... but now it seems not~~" Xuan Baifeng finally felt relieved and walked out from behind the ruins with a smile.

Then Xue Zhiyu gently pressed his temple with one hand, and pointed at him with the fingertips of the other hand.

Ice and Snow Spear...


He stabbed this man to death.

Gui Jianchou: This is the real version of not dying, right?

Jing Jing glanced at Gui Jianchou from afar: "What a harvest just now?"

Gui Jianchou: "Not bad...but if you continue to fight, I think my gains will be greater."

"Then just watch."

Ning Jingyuan and Famous Sword both took a step forward, and suddenly faced off against three powerful enemies including Miss Cat!

The four teleportation positions... are bound to fight!

And somewhere in the shadow, Geng Qingmou's body was revealed again.

Mingjian looked over.

He appeared from the beginning but soon became invisible... This senior of Jiange was obviously a little wary of Dai Li's strength, so he made some preparations...

He saw through it himself. Or is it so that Liu Bangbang has already been wary of Dai Li?

Anyway, Mingjian thinks...this person is a bit tricky.

Jing Jingyuan also saw this person and narrowed his eyes: "Yours or mine?"

"My guess...swordsmen are more interesting to swordsmen," Ming Jian said lightly.

And the Snow Fish trio will definitely not take action against the two of them...their strength levels are not equal, so they will not waste time.

Besides, there are four free positions, so...

Do these three people still need to fight?

He rushed directly to the teleportation position!

The last teleportation slot is left!

So their opponents...are people like Miss Cat, Mi Lingbai and Geng Qingmu...

There is only one teleportation bit!


Chibi Plain.

The atmosphere can range from sunny and snowy to sparkling and chaotic.


It is roughly divided into three cores.

1. Three of the four major aristocratic families were blinded and were tricked by Xu Liu and the Xu family. The number one position is stronger than a thousand-year-old iceberg.

2. Xu Liu, who had deceived the three major aristocratic families and the Four Pavilions, was deceived by the even more deceitful gentleman.

3. The deceitful Jun Zili once again teased the noble and famous Princess Wan Xue, who was known to be cold-hearted.

So now comes the problem.

1. How deep did Junzili dig his hole?

2. Junzili's legendary unlocked door, has Princess Wanxue ever entered it?

These two questions are at the core.

The people of Wanxue Dynasty have been looking at the people of Demon Palace with cold eyes...

The people in the Demon Palace had goosebumps all over their bodies.

It is said that people from the Wanxue Dynasty follow the domineering style of Emperor Wanxue and do not give face to any enemy... Now it seems that it is true.

This look is so sharp.

Chun Shisanniang sighed: "It is not good if the diplomatic relations are too good...it can easily lead to political conflicts..."

Yu Linglong was drunk. Who was it that told Jun Zili to sacrifice his beauty to conquer the universe?

certainly. Those who are in an absolutely low-pressure period are definitely the three major aristocratic families, the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion... and the Feng Wang family.

Their silence...is a dangerous state of continuous blood loss after falling into a pit.

So their silence is oppressive, dead.

And on the other side...

Zi Weiyang turned her head and saw Tai Shi Yuan's expression...she was stunned.

This expression is...

"You are right..." Tai Shiyuan said.


"She is really bad"

"Haha...it's a good thing you haven't learned anything before."

"No. I think I've learned the lesson..."

Tai Shi Yuan looked away, lowered his eyes... and sneered.

Zi Weiyang smiled... So she was very successful in being black? It's not a bad thing, she's just telling the truth...even if it's just...a revenge for the guy's usual teasing. (Master Jun, how many people have you teased?)

And just then...

"Hey. The picture above has changed!"

"No, I still want to see the outcome of the battle between Mingjian and the others!"

"What other outcome could there be? Dongguo Ziyi and the others must have won!"

"But this is..."

on the big screen. It is no longer the battle between Mingjian and others for the four teleportation positions.


The fight in the first section of the third ring.

who is it?

There were corpses everywhere, at least thirty. Not a single living person.

There was only one man who shook off the blood on his knife with an expressionless face, turned around and walked into the teleportation array.

It was a scene that flashed by. On the Chibi Plain, you could vaguely see the corpses of those on the ground. Some of their faces were...

"Damn! It was Zhuo Yu, the heroic swordsman that day. Didn't he have three levels of strength? Why..."

"There is also Gu Feng, he is not weak, but he was also killed."

"Who is this guy?"

The scene disappeared in the blink of an eye, and everyone could only be horrified. Thirty people were killed... Among them were those at the third level and the second level. One can imagine the identity of this person...

"The corpses are all very close to each other, not far apart. Obviously when he was killing, no one else could escape... It was probably a one-hit kill in a short period of time. This person's strength was terrifying. It was also a gentleman who left them." This is first-rate." (To be continued)


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