A Queen

Chapter 1,182 The 4th Ring! 7 people!

Chapter 1182

"But we didn't realize it before! How strange!"

This is the first act.

Everyone was surprised and suspicious.

In the second scene... there is also only one person standing, Shengxue in white clothes, with a glazed sword.

But there were no bodies on the ground.

Clean and tidy.

There were three teleportation slots behind her, and she casually chose one of them and walked in.

In the third act, Qi Yuanwu from Peach Blossom Spring pulled out his knife from the abdomen of the last person. Blood was dripping from his body. He turned around and looked over... Ye Ziqing's back had already disappeared into the teleportation array...

"Ye Ziqing...hum!"

The hostility and murderous intent are obvious.

In the fourth scene, Feng Wenlun and Uncle Jingxiu stood far away, and the two of them entered the teleportation position calmly...

Fifth, sixth, seventh...

In each scene, there is no doubt that each strong person slaughtered a group of weak people and won the teleportation position to enter the fourth ring.

Perhaps the weirdest thing was the scene in Qianshan Duxue, but no one thought too much about it because there were so many masters...

The real fierce battle is in the fourth ring.

"Now all the elites have entered the fourth ring...haha, what's to come is going to be great."

"Yeah yeah.."

But privately... Zi Weiyang and others were thoughtful.

"It may not always be the fourth ring... it may be the fifth ring..."


Sekirei appears for the third time.

"The third refresh, the dead have exited... There are still 15 vacancies in the second ring, 20 vacancies in the third ring, 12 vacancies in the fourth ring, and 5 vacancies in the fifth ring. The progress is much better than before. , but it’s still slow...but there are only 5 vacancies in the fifth ring. If the people in the fourth ring don’t speed up..."

Sekirei's words made the face of the person who had just entered the fourth ring suddenly turn green.

"There are only 10 candidates in the fifth ring, and now there are five?"

"Who is it?"

"This speed is too abnormal!"

You must know that the space intensity of the fourth ring is a hundred times stronger than that of the third ring!

Daili has already felt the power of the distorted space, which is very repressive.

Did those five people rush to the front at the high speed from the beginning, and no one could fight with them?


Anyway, the strength is not bad.

But the fourth ring also has an advantage...

The area is small, much smaller.


The strong men of the fourth ring...the king meets the king!

For example, as soon as Dai Li came in, he saw seven people in front of him...

According to Seki Ling, there are still 12 vacancies in the fourth ring, which means a total of 38 people have entered. Minus the five people in the fifth ring. That's 33 people...

As a result, she met 7 people~~

This hand is black...you can use it as ink to write directly.

"Well...it seems I'm lucky." Dai Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes passing over these seven people.

Obviously, some of these people have just come in, and some have been here for a long time.

Four of the seven were fighting.

Four people are naturally two pairs. One pair is Wanai Danlin and Nalu Yidan, the other pair is Xiangxi Palace and...

The man was unfamiliar to Dai Li. He looked a bit heroic and had a very cold expression. He wields a sword, which is very long. But it is very slender, very similar to a Western sword, and the sword speed is very fast, when fighting Xiangxi Palace in the sky. The attack frequency is very strong.

The weapon used by the Xiangxi Palace is a long whip...

The whip was covered with dragon scales... it was filled with light and its momentum was astonishing...

It is a bit more powerful than the Red Flame Moon Yue.

Because he was not familiar with him, Daili didn't look at this person much. Turning to look at the other three.

There are two men and one woman, one is Da Xi Jian from Jiange. One is Jingxiu, the uncle of the Confucian Taoist Pavilion, and the other... This woman has a very obvious temperament.

It looks like a sea of ​​beautiful flowers.

These three people were also watching Dai Li, and they were obviously a little surprised that Jun Zili could reach the fourth ring.

They didn't see this person's fight before, and those who could enter the fourth ring were at least second level high level.

Does Junzili have this strength?

It's just a surprise, because this person's foundation was so poor at the beginning that it was difficult for people to associate her with a triple high-level player...

Their minds are not that wide open.

And these three people... Fortunately, Da Xijian has never had a direct conflict with Dai Li. He is just looking at it out of curiosity. The beauty in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers only nodded politely to Dai Li...

The people from the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, who are regarded as models of etiquette, are the most rude. When the uncle Jingxiu saw Dai Li, he twitched his lips coldly and said lightly: "Junzi Li... you are indeed lucky... to have you. Deliver it directly to me."

Gongbo Jingxiu is very good-looking, very delicate and clean, with red lips and white teeth, and cold eyebrows. He looks like an aristocratic young master everywhere, not to mention the gentle demeanor cultivated by Confucianism and Taoism, which really makes him very dazzling.

Of course, this kind of dazzlingness is completely opposite to that of Daili.

A decent Confucian, Taoist and elegant person?

Someone is walking in a unique and charming way. If it is daytime, it is the scorching sun. If it is dark night, it is the bright moon.

In comparison... Gongbo Jingxiu's Confucianism, Taoism and gentleness seem a bit hypocritical and pale.

Face to face, a hundred meters apart there was a vague sense of competition.

The uncle Jingxiu naturally does not have to hide his disgust for Dai Li... After all, the conflict between Jun Zili and Confucianism and Taoism has been fully fermented for a long time, and now... it is the peak!

Daili had completely given up on reconciling with the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, otherwise he would not have chopped melons and vegetables along the way and hacked to death the two elites of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion. Seeing Gongbo Jingxiu's direct provocation, she raised the sword on her waist. , smiled: "The only person who can let me send myself to my door... is the best-looking person. Obviously you are just average."

These words are really...so heart-wrenching.

"Weak and humble people can't stand up to the power of my Confucianism. Just retreat." Gongbo Jingxiu directly released his pressure, making both Da Xijian and Da Xijian raise their eyebrows, and then calmly retreated.

Anyway, this conflict does not involve them, and... Jun Zili is indeed weaker.

If it’s not Uncle Jingxiu, it could be someone else... Anyway, there will definitely be no weak left in the fourth ring!


The pressure suddenly crushed...


The bloody pressure is released...


draw? It actually blocked it!

Uncle Jingxiu has the strength of a triple high level!

Although he is not as good at controlling his aura as Jiang Wangge, Confucianism and Taoism are also powerful!

The majesty is much stronger than that of ordinary monks, but this Jun Zili's bloody aura...

Very scary!

The beautiful woman looked back and forth between the two of them, then gently closed her eyes.

This gentleman has an outstanding temperament. He actually completely suppressed the pressure of Uncle Jingxiu!

When the pressure of contemporary divorce was released, Da Xijian and the others were horrified and speechless for a moment.

"Although it's a little difficult to pass the Qishan Road exam, it should be easy to give your Confucian and Taoist pavilion a grand slam..."

What does this mean?

Grand Slam?

Dai Li raised his left hand, ruffled his beautiful short heroic hair, hooked his right hand on the hilt of the Thousand Machine Sword, and crossed his legs.

"I don't know what Grand Slam means? It's actually..."


The sword is unsheathed!

40,000 blood can explode!

The absolute killing realm opens!

Thousand Machines No. 21 - Broken Jiangchuan!

"Kill you!" she spat out.


A solemn slash with the sword!

Cut off the river and divide the sea!

County 82!

Caught off guard. Extremely horrified... Uncle Jingxiu has not yet reacted. That's it...

boom! ! !

The man was chopped out with a knife!

It split a thousand meters and smashed a small warship.


In the middle is a huge knife river that is one thousand meters long and one hundred meters deep.

There was blood in the river.

Da Xijian took a deep breath and said, "Miss Su Yao. Can your beautiful dream shield in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers block this knife?"

Su Yao shook her head: "can't"

After a pause, she said: "Unless I can trap her soul with beautiful dreams from the beginning."

The people in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers are not good at close combat, nor are they good at long-range attacks, but more ethereal illusion attacks.

But the premise is that the other party's soul and character are not too strong. Moreover, his physical attack speed will not be higher than hers.

In a battle with the people in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, it largely depends on who makes the first move. Whoever wins.

"But uncle Jingxiu was defeated like this?" Su Yao, the contemporary number one in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, glanced at the festering warship...

Raise your eyebrows slightly.

Not yet.

Snap, a sharp light shot out from the warship.


Uncle Jingxiu rushed out of the warship, naturally looking a little embarrassed. The body surface is emitting purple light...

that is not..

"Haha, Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is indeed not short of money. The top elites have all put on purple-gold magic weapon defense clothing... Jun Zili. Compared with them, you are very poor... and you don't have any decent clothes. I can’t even put on the equipment..."

At this moment, Xiangxi Palace, who was fighting with the man, was still interested in teasing Dai Li.

certainly. These words also have the intention of slapping Confucianism and Taoism in the face...

Look at you, the number one in the Confucian and Taoist pavilion, you were beaten until you had to wear purple-gold level magic weapon clothes...

Frustration or not~~

Uncle Jingxiu's beautiful face suddenly darkened, and he glanced coldly at Xiangxi Palace, with even more murderous intent towards Dai Li.

Dai Li, who was holding the sickle, looked casual, raised his brows, and complained to Xiangxi Palace: "Since you know that I am poor, why don't you, a wealthy woman, give me some good clothes?"

"You are not my keeper, it is my turn to give you away?" Xiangxi Gong chuckled and squinted at her: "Why don't you go find Ling Qingyi... That woman is not poorer than me."

Sure enough, the girl in Tsing Yi was involved again...

It's as if this woman wouldn't feel comfortable if she didn't pull out her only best friend at any time and shoot her several times.

"But...if you really want it, I don't mind giving it to you..." Xiangxi Palace smiled like a fairy, and then added.

"Would you like some obscene pants?"

Hiss, can you say yes?

This is the rhythm of begging for sex~~ Girl and cousin will join forces to cut you into pieces...

And who am I?

Daili smiled and said politely: "I want the triangular one, but I don't want the four-corner one."

Xiangxi Palace: "..."

On the other side, Luan Yidan and Wan Aidanlin were also stimulated by the previous battle, and they were extremely surprised.

Luan Yidan: This pretty boy from Lao Shizi is actually so powerful...much better than me...but it's still annoying to look at. (To be continued)


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