A Queen

Chapter 1,183 Uncle Jingxiu, battle 1! (Orange slightly astringent and Shibi+)

Chapter 1183

Just when I heard these two people flirting and flirting so shamelessly,

Na Lun Yidan was a little annoyed: "Jun Zili, what do you have to do with my sister Qingyi! Don't mess with her reputation!"

Um... I seem to have forgotten that there is a person from Qinghuanghai here~~

Daili was still more polite, and responded from far away: "You are actually the elder brother? You were so obedient before, I thought you were the younger brother."

Heartache +1.

What a brother you are!

Xiangxi Palace: "Brother Yi Dan, you are wrong. She rarely messes with you. She has always been serious and worked hard to mess with your sister in Qingyi. Linglong Ship will... live in the same house with her... Really It’s really shameless~~”

Daili: "Xiangxi Palace, what are you talking nonsense! Don't act like this on purpose to attract my attention just because I don't like you. Just give up. Even if you give me ten pairs of obscene pants and a cart of cucumbers, I won't fall in love with you." !”

Xiangxi Palace: “Bah!”

Heartache +9.

Sister Xiang, I love you with all my heart, can you please stop worrying about me so much.

After adding them up, the heart-stopping skills reached the max!

Long Yidan's face also turned dark.

Da Xijian and Su Yao were both silent. The image of masters and elites they had just established collapsed like this?

So smooth.

But their opponents were a little annoyed.

The main reason is that it is really annoying for Daili and Xiangxi Palace to show affection like no one else.

The man opposite Xiangxi Palace gave him a cold look and suddenly intensified his offensive: "Xiangxi Palace, you seem to have forgotten that you still have an opponent."

"Oh...yes..." Xiangxi Palace turned around, "By the way, who are you?"

That man could kill three flies between his brows. Hold back each word: "Suochen"

I really don’t recognize this name, but there are quite a few casual cultivators in the Qishan Road assessment.

The gold content of these people is even higher than that of some people from big forces and big families, because they come from poor backgrounds and their talents can be imagined.

Suo Chen is one of them.

His strength is not weak. At the beginning of the third level, his strength is as high as 45 counties...

But when facing Xiangxi Palace, he always felt powerless and being played.

Even if the other party is a great beauty...he is a little annoyed.

So the attack surged!

But the uncle Jingxiu was even more annoyed. How could Junzili be so strong? This unscientific....

However, compared to Xiahou Dun's good-for-nothing character, he was infinitely better than Yu Shanliu, and he soon regained his composure. With a sharp look in his eyes, the embarrassment on his body was restored.

Clean and beautiful as ever.

Seeing Dai Li's unhurried and leisurely attitude, he took a deep breath: "Jun Zili, you did exceed my expectations... but the ending will not change."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows. The tone was not very kind either: "You people in Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion always like to talk nonsense. Don't you know that I have cooperated with you many times?"

It seems that this is indeed the case...for Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion. She seems very patient...

——Slowly, the opponent's soul and dignity were completely trampled under his feet and crushed to pieces.

Death is not the most terrible thing. The most terrifying thing is that he died in despair.

So Dai Li gave some time to the strongest elite of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, whom she disliked.

Let’s see what kind of strength he can unleash!

"You are not ashamed of your words, watch your moves!" Gongbo Jingxiu said six golden characters a little coldly.

Dark golden light.

The power is obviously much stronger, hitting County 70 directly!

By the way... each big character has 70 counties!

The six characters combined. It's even more difficult to deal with than the 85-county attack alone.

Thinking about it, this person is still worried about the speed of the generation, so a six-character joint attack is the safest.

speed. It is also more than ten times faster than the second elite classmate Shanliu!


Six big characters attack from six directions along different attack trajectories!

pressure, shock, poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, righteousness

Boom boom boom!

Six bombs!

Six afterimages...six sword lights!

Six simultaneous explosions!

They were all shattered by a sword in an instant!

As the light from the explosion dispersed, Uncle Jingxiu was not in a hurry and suddenly changed the seal...


A huge golden character appeared!


It is a Confucian character!

The seventh largest character of Confucianism and Taoism, and also the second most powerful character, boom!

Press down!

The power is greater than the six characters combined, because it is full of the pure spirit of Confucianism and Taoism. It can eliminate most evil and unbearable things in time, and blood energy... should also belong to the power of the dark side, not to mention generation and separation. Her murderous aura is exactly opposite to the modesty of Confucianism and Taoism, so her strength itself needs to be restrained.

Because of this, Uncle Jingxiu is very confident.

"Defeat me!"

"Ru... I don't hate this word, but I hate people... so give it to me!"

The attack of the true meaning of martial arts increases!

One sword...


Confucianism was torn apart by a sword!

The sword comes again~~~


Uncle Jingxiu was thrown into the warship again. Dai Li rushed down and cut off the river with another sword!


The warship was cut into two pieces!

The streamer escaped...reflexively, it was seven characters!

Pressure, shock, poetry, calligraphy, etiquette, righteousness, plus a Confucianism!

The seven large dark gold characters in the sky were rotating and majestic, and their Confucian and Taoist righteousness made many people feel uncomfortable.

After all, few monks these days follow orthodox Confucianism and Taoism. Even if they have justice in their hearts, they generally don’t like rigid Confucianism and Taoism.

And this kind of Confucianism is different from the Confucianism pursued by King Yan. The kind of Confucianism like the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is rigid, rigorous... and tends to be superficial, while the latter is open-minded and indifferent, and can look down upon life and destiny. Yu's..

The difference can be imagined.

In fact, the gap can be seen from the words and deeds of Yan Qi, the Confucian and Taoist successor of King Yan, and Xiahou Dun, the Confucian and Taoist disciples of the Confucian Taoist Pavilion.

Let people like Xiangxi Palace choose, they must like the latter kind of Confucianism, the former kind...

It feels like being lectured by a bald Mediterranean, a wretched, short and fat dean.

Very unhappy, very unhappy!

Dai Li was also very unhappy. Vampires hated this kind of thing the most... I felt like I was seeing the Pope of Light holding a Bible in his hand to promote transactions...

The feeling of pain in the balls.

So...daili has taken a step forward!

Swish, brush, brush!

A direct combination of three swords!

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

The blood of the sword divides the ghost hero!

Central Plains is a little red!

Kill six characters!

Unstoppable! This murderous aura is too strong. The spirit of Confucianism and Taoism could not be suppressed at all, Da Xijian and the two secretly sighed.

Uncle Jingxiu couldn't stop her either.

too strong.

And the last one...

Still Confucian!

Dai Li, who had killed Wuji with three swords in one step, immediately got close and planned to strike out with the fourth sword!

Just after the word "Confucianism"...is Gongbo Jingxiu!

Destroy Confucianism and kill the uncle!

However... Uncle Jingxiu suddenly smiled ferociously, "If a gentleman leaves you, he is doomed!"


Dai Li raised his eyebrows and suddenly saw an extremely powerful aura coming from this man...

The aura skyrocketed, and the original energy skyrocketed from 50,000 clouds to 60,000!

Then...all the original energy was concentrated between his eyebrows

Light. Extremely intense.

Suddenly. She seems to have really seen the Pope of Light...

Well, of course it's not the handsome face of Augustus, but the old pope from the previous generation...that hypocritical and wretched old man.

Smiling with a chrysanthemum face...reciting...

God said,...let there be light~~

The light has come~~it is the Tao here!

A huge Tao word!

One Confucianism and one Confucianism! The pinnacle of the most powerful technique in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion... Confucianism and Taoism!

County 90 storms!


The four people from Xiangxi Palace and Da Xijian were all shocked for a moment.


Junzili is directly covered by the characters Confucianism and Taoism!


"She is defeated! Jingxiu is the number one genius in our Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion. His Confucianism and Taoism are unstoppable!"

"Elder brother is so awesome!"

"That gentleman is bound to die!"

The people in Rudao Pavilion were so happy that they just had to open the champagne to celebrate, but they were indeed elated, just before. Jun Zili suddenly exploded and slashed his uncle Jingxiu away with his sword, as if his dignity had been shattered by all of them.

It took a lot of effort to glue the glass heart together...pop! The second sword broke into pieces again!

Fortunately...she didn't have the chance to use the third sword.

Defeat is certain!

"Hey. I didn't expect that uncle Jingxiu would have a strength close to the peak of the third level... It's really surprising... I thought that Jun Zili could achieve better results."

"Indeed...but it's scary enough that she has reached this point. After all, in terms of the speed of progress...it is estimated that no one among the three thousand assessors can defeat her."

"That's true...this man is really powerful."

From being suspicious and noncommittal before, to now she is respected even if she loses. Even a king-level person cannot despise her.

This is effort. It's the gap.

Junzili has risen.

There is a magic palace with such talent. She is destined to step into the world of strong men and make a name for herself.

People from large groups know this well...

They know very well how much the Demon Palace values ​​talented elites...and this requirement is very harsh, and only a few can be valued. But once you are taken seriously...

Carp leaps over the dragon's gate!

Transforming into a dragon is a matter of course!

"It's a pity, but it doesn't matter."

This is the same thought that many people have at the moment. This is a general trend that Xie, Kun, Xu, Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion and even the Feng King clan cannot stop. Although they have no choice but to give in, this is the only way.

"Fortunately...she was still defeated, and..." Xie Su murmured to himself and suddenly froze. Staring straight at the big screen.

what is that?


"No!! Impossible! How could you..." Uncle Jingxiu was a little crazy, looking in disbelief at the man who was motionless under the suppressive light of Confucianism and Taoism.


The pressure was on her head, but she couldn't suppress it any more!

That dazzling light just bathed her body in brilliance, making everything about her even more dazzling.

Snake disease! Even Confucianism and Taoism in 90 counties can’t suppress you! Can you bend down and lower your head a little bit?

He was stunned and motionless!

Is this another form of hand-to-hand combat?

No matter who it was, they all felt deeply humiliated.

He raised his hand and tapped the big characters Confucianism and Taoism that were close to his head.

Daili's expression was indifferent: "I have always been very thick-skinned...many people know it" (To be continued)


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