A Queen

Chapter 1,184 Your dragon whip is pretty good

Chapter 1184

The body of a great prince-level vampire plus an almost complete dragon body...

County 90? Breaking defenses is a problem!

Is this self-deprecating?

Many people are no longer able to complain... If this is such a black thing, please be black!

"You..." Uncle Jingxiu was speechless. He tried all his methods, but he couldn't hurt the other party at all!

I finally understand why this man has been taking things easy...give him enough time...

It was basically expected that he would be helpless towards her!

"Even so, you may not be able to hurt me... At most we are equal..."

The tie is not finished yet.

The Sun Wukong underneath the big characters "Confucianism and Taoism" disappeared.

A glimpse of the afterglow!


With the third sword, Gongbo Jingxiu was hit.

It was an extremely stunning sword, so stunning that even one's soul could not capture it...

When he saw it, Uncle Jingxiu's body and purple-gold magic weapon clothes had been directly broken. As the light scattered, his body smashed into the broken warship for the third time.


The warship was completely annihilated into nothingness, creating a sinkhole a hundred meters deep.

The flesh is weak.

I can’t tell which one is the face and which one is the legs.

"What was that just now? What speed?"

Da Xi Jian is a swordsman. He is naturally the most interested and sensitive in swords, but what he can't imagine is that... he didn't even see the trajectory of Ding Dian's sword just now.

what does that mean?

This means that this sword can easily kill him instantly.

Just like killing Uncle Jingxiu instantly.

The physical attack has not improved, County 85, but the speed is too fast, forming an unparalleled edge. The lethality is like a marble-sized stone falling from a height of 100,000 meters...it can easily smash through the watch case of a car. !

The fastest speed is the best attack.

And such an attack...they can't see it yet!

This is impossible!

Da Xijian is so steady and calm, a man with a tough mind like a sword wants to cover his face and scream wildly.

"The only one who can make me unable to see the speed of the sword so far is Yun Yiyi, that pervert..."

Da Xijian's muttering to himself surprised Yunyao. She was not a swordsman and could not distinguish the horror in it. But when she heard that Da Xijian, who was not weak in strength, was so panicked, her heart skipped a beat.

This gentleman was countless times more terrifying than she imagined.

But at the same time, "Beautiful~" Xiangxi Palace laughed freely.

Dai Li turned around and looked: "Are you talking about a person or a sword?"

Could this person be more narcissistic?

Xiangxi Palace's beautiful eyebrows were about to fly up, "Tsk, I mean he died beautifully!" This man had a sweet smile, but it made Suo Chen angry, "Miss Xiang! Please be more serious!"

Be serious! This is a fight!

"Oops, I forgot about you again... But if I take it seriously, you'll be doomed," Xiangxi Palace said with a smile, when Suo Chen suddenly felt bad...

The light on the whip suddenly became a little more intense, and the dragon scales completely transformed into a purple-gold color...

The pressure skyrocketed...


Dragon roar!

When the whip was whipped, it was like there was an afterimage of a floating shadow floating in the sky. During the crack, the space seemed to be distorted, and a dark and deep black hole was cracked, and a purple light split from the black hole...


The peak-level dark gold sword that Suo Chen could have blocked was struck by purple light..

Sonorous shattering! There is no ability to resist at all...

The purple light shot directly into Suo Chen's eyebrows...


Suo Chen's body seemed to be torn apart from the inside by purple light..



The purple mist dispersed, and Suo Chen, who was so powerful as the third level, was instantly killed with one blow.

Even... that dark gold peak-level sword was like tofu, disappearing into nothing.

The hearts of Da Xijian and Su Yao sank.

They all stared at the dragon scale whip in Xiangxi Palace's hand and their hearts trembled. This weapon... was too terrifying.

"The purple-gold peak magic weapon isn't that powerful, right?"

"So perverted, I feel like I have the breath of a dragon"

Dai Li was also surprised. She had also acquired a lot of dragon scales. Naturally, she could see that the dragon power on this long whip was much stronger than her Qianji...

"Xiangxi Palace, your weapon is powerful enough..."

Xiangxi Palace raised his eyebrows, "Nonsense, is my weapon still powerful? It was also built recently. How about it? This baby is not bad. It can be long or short, thick or thin, and can be controlled as desired~"

In the voice transmission, she also told Dai Li that this thing used her nearly ten million dragon scales, and the condensed dragon essence was several times that of Dai Li's. It was also forged by top masters in large groups, so its power was natural. Unparalleled.

As he spoke, the whip changed as he pleased, looking very powerful. This woman was also very proud. It was obvious that this whip made her very satisfied.

"Your dragon whip is pretty good..." Dai Li nodded in admiration.

"Yes, yes, wait...say it again!"

Dragon whip~~what the hell!

Xiangxi Palace's face suddenly turned blue and white, and Su Yao also looked embarrassed. As for Da Xi Jian... he was really choked.

This Jun Zili really has no taboos. From now on, Xiangxi Palace will be heartbroken when seeing this weapon.

You see, my baby is not bad...

When people take a look, they see a very long dragon whip...

The compliments and compliments that I had prepared were suddenly blocked. How should I say this?

Shopkeeper of Xiangda University, your dragon whip is really powerful, it can be long or short...

One sentence made Xiangxi Palace's eyes burst into flames, and on the other side...a terrifying and powerful aura erupted~~~

Dai Li and others turned around to look. In the sky, there was the green vine on Yi Dan's body. It was a very huge emerald jade tree with thousands of roots and stems. The vine branches and leaves grew majestic and took root in the sky, covering a large area. The picture spread thousands of meters...

Horrible, very terrible.

The tyrannical vitality made people look at him, and the aura... was also persevering to the extreme.

"This is..." It was the first time for Dai Li and the others to see such a thing, but it was obvious that Xiangxi Palace was no stranger to it. "It is the racial talent of the Qinghuanghai clan... Qinghuang Tree, the stronger the talent, this The more powerful the Green Emperor Tree is, it can take root in the world and absorb spiritual energy to replenish its strength, and its defense power is amazing... This Lun Yidan's talent is pretty good, the Green Emperor Tree has reached the third level of the Lord..."

Xiangxi Palace's explanation shocked Dai Li and the other three, it was so powerful!

But it was just a feeling in words. As soon as the Green Emperor Tree appeared, Luan Yidan shouted in a distant voice: "Wan Ai Danlin, you'd better show your strongest general king field, otherwise you can't be my opponent." ..."

If he had been suppressed before, now that the Green Emperor Tree appeared, Luan Yidan's strength more than doubled or tripled.

As he spoke, the Green Emperor Tree had already shot out hundreds of thick vines, squeak squeak!

One by one, they broke through the air... Each one was just like Suo Chen's strongest sword before, breaking through the air and exploding with a crackling sound that made people's eardrums vibrate.

Bang bang bang!

The space in front of Wan Aidan Lin was distorted, as if an invisible aura blocked the hundreds of vines. The vines pierced the invisible shield one by one, the energy exploded and twisted, and the power exploded... It reached an impressive It reached the lethality level of 80 counties.

It's just that the scene is much more astonishing than a single attack, and the green emperor tree is constantly alive, and the vines are constantly growing and piercing...

The invisible shield also made a trembling vibration.

"With three more waves of piercing, this shield will be broken!"

Dai Li was surprised by Luan Yidan's strength, and also surprised by Wan Ai Danlin's power.

He can actually block it!

This person's strength is definitely at the peak of the third level!

"The racial talent of Qinghuanghai... is indeed powerful... but unfortunately it is not invincible... let you see the real king's field in my king's pavilion!"

Viagra shouted loudly...

Put your hands up!

Buzz~~~The bright yellow golden energy escaped from his body, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a three-meter-diameter golden ball in his body like liquid gold inflammation.

The surface of the sphere twisted, and a hissing breath escaped, as if all the air in the ten-mile space was evacuated. Originally, the space strength of the fourth ring was very tough, and even a triple-level monarch-level blow could not break through the space. High Duan's can break through the air, but a faint breath like this can distort space...

Definitely at the triple peak!

The pinnacle of the best!

Only below the king level!

"I am invincible under the general's field! Go!"

Wan Aidanlin has opened the most powerful general field in Jiangwang Pavilion. He is domineering, too domineering. With a command, a golden spear condensed in his hand, phew...

Break the sky!

With the king's field covered, his speed increased tenfold!



One shot swept...

Hundreds of extremely tough vines were cut off directly, and during the leap, the body became tall and tall, and a golden colossus rose!

One shot of the general and stabbed him!


The golden spear spikes...

Luan Yidan took a deep breath... Wow~~ The Green Emperor Tree completely gathered together... and turned into a giant shield of densely packed roots!

The tip of the needle is exposed..

Blue Emperor's Shield of Thorns!


The spear pierced the shield.

The space seemed to tremble at this moment...

Complete triple peak pressure!


Dai Li's four figures swung around and were blocked by three giant shields! ! ...


The wind passed by, and the green light and golden light escaped a little.

Three giant shields clang and clang...

"It's still unstoppable...just a little bit." Da Xijian smiled bitterly and looked at the shield in front of him, while Su Yao next to him also shook his head...

But they all turned their heads and saw the intact shield of another person next to them...

Everyone's heart sank.

This Xiangxi Palace...is really rich.

The Purple Gold Peak Shield~~is a shield~not a defensive robe...but a completely real defensive shield!

"Are you armed to the teeth? Can you be more shameless? With this thing, no one below the king level can beat you!" Dai Li looked at the terrifying purple and gold shield speechlessly.

It's like a humanoid fortress.

Xiangxi Gong flipped up his long hair and glanced at it: "If you have money, you don't need it. That's crazy! But I am an external weapon. Compared to someone like you who has practiced his skills to this extent... I am much more polite."

When she mentioned it, Da Xijian and the two noticed that Jun Zili, this pervert, didn't even use a shield! R1152

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