A Queen

Chapter 1,186 Dragon Claws VS Tiger Claws, Brutal and Bestiality!

It's all a slap in the face.

Her goal in life is to get slapped in the face!

At this moment, Wan Ai Dan Lin's breathing was slightly astringent, and he said numbly: "The true meaning of martial arts, you used two kinds, and there is a third one, which is to increase your speed..."

The true meaning of martial arts is similar to the special skills exclusive to swordsmen such as the Dajiu Sword and Xiaobai Sword. It is not something that people with martial arts can master. It can only be learned by those who are particularly talented in martial arts and can glimpse the essence of martial arts. Therefore, Daili Yi uses martial arts. To be honest, others should understand that this person's attainments in martial arts are beyond doubt.

Of course, Daili studied the complete Chen Gong martial arts volume. The martial arts he understood was much more advanced than others, and the true meaning of the martial arts was much stronger... and easier to comprehend.

This is the sharpness of a good practice.

"The vision of the second son of Jiangwang Pavilion is indeed extraordinary. It is much beyond that of Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion... Yes, I use the second true meaning of martial arts, the moment of martial arts," Dai Li replied with a smile.

The second child... Wan Ai Danlin's eyes turned cold, while the people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion froze in breathing.

Damn it, this guy has nothing nice to say!

"It is indeed a very powerful true meaning of martial arts, but it's not like I haven't seen the martial arts instant... your martial arts instant is much better than others."

"There is no way, there are differences between people..." Dai Li flipped up his long hair, and suddenly stared at Wan Ai Danlin and smiled: "For example, my martial arts moment is definitely better than your martial arts moment... And I His martial arts is even better than yours."

In one sentence, the three people from Xiangxi Palace who were fighting in the distance were stunned.

What does it mean?

Is Wan Aidanlin practicing martial arts?

I thought it was magic control before~~

After being exposed, Wan Ai Danlin's breathing sank slightly, and his eyes became much darker, "I forgot that you are still a pupil master... you can actually see through my hidden... That's why you don't use your sword and switch to martial arts , want to fight with me?"

"Of course. When it comes to fighting, swordsmen versus swordsmen, warriors versus warriors are the most interesting... and more valuable for reference... To be honest, until now, except for a few of my own people, I have never met anyone who can Let me fight with martial arts.”

"The way of a warrior is to fight. If you don't fight because you are familiar with someone, your martial arts will not be much better." Now that Wan Ai Danlin has been exposed,

It's not surprising to see his own strength.

At this moment, the aura was released, and the overbearing martial arts aura... was like an ancient white tiger that had been released from its cage.

A wild and ferocious coercion exuded from his body. There is a faint golden light between the eyebrows.

The momentum was several times stronger than before.

If it was approaching the triple limit before... it is already the limit now.

"It's not because they are too familiar...but because they are women...I never like to fight with good-looking people...especially women." Dai Li folded his hands and stood in a very reserved and elegant posture.

She watched Wan Ai Dan Lin Jiang release all his martial arts energy.

"It seems that your martial arts is the Canghuang Golden Tiger Martial Arts."

Martial arts are divided into human ways and animal ways. Humanity is always in the atmosphere and artistic conception. It pays attention to the clever use of force and one or two pieces of gold. The one who walks away quietly is Renwu.

The beast path is closer to the origin of power and is the most primitive instinctive attack image of ferocious beasts in the world. It's purely about strength and fatality.

In terms of power, the latter is stronger, but it is difficult for humans to train. The former is actually not weak, but it requires high talent and understanding. If the understanding is insufficient, it is difficult for this person to achieve any great achievements in martial arts. On the contrary, he will be far less powerful than a swordsman.

Therefore, there are very few strong people in martial arts.

But if it is a strong person, it must be a terrifying human martial arts master who can intimidate people to kill with just one look, or he can be as powerful as an ancient ferocious beast.

Obviously Wan Ai Dan Lin practices the latter kind of martial arts, animal martial arts!

It is still the martial arts of the vast golden tiger.

Cooperating with the domineering general...

At this moment, Wan Aidan Lin was so terrifying that the three people in Xiangxi Palace had to stop attacking.

This kind of fierce battle between strong men is not to be missed...

"Wan Ai Danlin is so powerful. He is worthy of being the second in the King's Pavilion...maybe even stronger than Yun Yiyi. I'm afraid this gentleman will be defeated." The people watching the battle from a distance muttered...

Just as he finished speaking.


Wan Aidan Lin roared in his mouth, forced the king field downwards, and struck down with a punch!

The tiger is majestic!

With a roar, the dust in the space shook, and Xiangxi Palace actually saw the stones on the ground and in the air cracking in an instant!

Damn it, this is a sonic attack!

No, it’s the power of martial arts!

Martial arts is more powerful than swordsmanship. The stronger the power, the more powerful a person's martial arts will be.


The terrifying power of Tiger King's martial arts came, and the space around Dai Li was distorted, as if it was being squeezed up and down. Xiangxi Palace was worried that Dai Li's thin body would break in the next second~~

But this distortion... was straightened out in an instant.

Because a stronger power appears!


The power of the dragon statue!

The powerful pressure of the dragon statue on Dai Li directly pushed away the tiger force in front of him...

Opening it inch by inch means twisting it back inch by inch.

Quack quack!

The space is making a twisting and breaking sound.

And the dragon statue is getting clearer and clearer...

A colossal image of an ancient dragon formed around Dai Li's body.

Dragon head, dragon claws, dragon tail, dragon body...what else does she lack?

The dragon body structure is complete!

Even though a perfect true dragon cannot be achieved, there are still absolute half-true dragons.

The semi-true dragon was a illustrious existence in ancient times. It was much more advanced than the Canghuang Golden Tiger.

After all, Dai Li is pure dragon power.

Coupled with the majesty of the Grand Prince.


The tiger force that had just been pressed with all its strength cracked angrily when the giant statue expanded to a diameter of five meters!

The power and aura fluctuated.


Dai Li has already shot out from the spot!

The moment of martial arts!

The speed of the physique coupled with the increase in the true meaning of martial arts...

The king is in front of you in an instant!

Viagra Lin's breathing froze and he couldn't avoid it!

Her speed is indeed faster than his!

Wow, he raised his hand, and a huge golden peak tiger claw appeared, tearing it apart fiercely!

He also has the true meaning of martial arts!

Martial Arts Attack and Martial Arts Instant...of course. And martial arts courage!

He used martial arts courage to follow up and attack!

They all increase attacks!

At the same time, Dai Li, who was shooting up the sky, also raised his hand, Dragon Claw!

Tiger claws versus dragon claws, tear them apart!

Dai Li has already used three martial arts true meanings, but the martial arts spear is relatively weak, and the martial arts instant increases the speed...just a martial arts attack...

There is only one increase for Dragon Claw, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat it...

Then come the second one!

Martial arts courage!

Also Yong?


The dragon's claws and the tiger's claws tore apart the sky respectively. Leaving behind two hideous claw marks...

However...the tiger claws were somewhat broken.


Unexpectedly lost to Dragon Claw!

"Damn it. Her physique is much more powerful than mine with the General Field...and her true martial arts skills..."

Wan Aidan Lin cannot complain about people's physique, because physique is often related to bloodline, and the bloodline of his natural descendants is not that of ordinary people. But he thought... his true intention of martial arts was more pure and powerful than his opponent's...

It turned out to be a failure!

He used it to increase the king's field!


Wan Aidan Lin only lost a tiger claw, and the power of his own king field kept him motionless!

Even the remaining dragon claws couldn't capture half of the king's field!

For a moment, he folded his hands and the giant tiger behind him condensed. Roaring...the claws tearing at the space crazily...

Swipe, swipe, swipe, half of the sky is forced by thousands of claws!

"Oh my God. It's horrible!"


When the three people in Xiangxi Palace saw this, they all stayed away from each other, because at that moment, the hundred paths of Lin Claws were attacking at random, and could cover the entire big screen, as long as they were directed in the right direction. They will be attacked in a chaotic manner, unable to find the trajectory and unable to avoid it.

Xiangxi Palace, which carries a tortoise shell on its back, is not bad. Da Xijian and the others were miserable, even though they retreated quickly. He was still caught and seriously injured, and before he could stand upright, he saw the large dense scale claws still fighting and tearing apart half of the sky, and the other half of the sky.

Dragon claws tear!

Quack, quack, quack!

The whole screen is filled with thousands of dragon claws and tiger claws scratching...

It is absolutely brutal to the extreme.

A hundred miles away, the two men who happened to be fighting fiercely stopped breathing when they saw the claws all over the sky.

Which of these two perverted gadgets is the crueler thing?

So animalistic!

If Dai Li were here, he would definitely recognize that one of these two men was Feng Wenlun, and the other... Mi Lingbai.

He came in, did he win the battle with Jingjing Yuan?

Not far away, there was a passing shadow.

"Did we, the Western Monster Clan, do it? I don't remember any tigers or anything like that coming in... Dragons are even less likely." Miss Cat was surprised.

She came in too? Could it be that Snow Fish was defeated?

Feng Wenlun frowned when he saw Mi Lingbai and Miss Cat here, turned around and left...

"Hey, I'm really cautious...but I'm very suspicious. You actually thought that you and I would join forces." Miss Cat was a little surprised when she saw Feng Wenlun leaving.

Mi Lingbai looked at his back and frowned: "This person is very thoughtful and cautious. If you and I join forces, our strength is comparable to the triple limit. If it is not good for him, he will naturally have to leave... The Wind King clan is indeed the number one figure." "

Feng Shaoling is so disappointing, far inferior to Luan Yidan.

But this Feng Wenlun... is quite threatening.

After all, the deeper the scheming, the more hidden methods.

"What kind of future can such timid people have? Even if their survival ability is stronger, the possibility of future breakthroughs is very low...unless his talent limit is very high..." Miss Cat said nonchalantly, anyway, she I really look down on this kind of person...

But then she thought about it, and she looked at Mi Lingbai with a smile, "But it is indeed more dangerous for you and me to be separated in the fourth ring~~ It would be safer if we join forces."

There are many strong men in the fourth ring. The gap between one and the other is actually not big, but this will make it easier to lose. Only by joining forces can we remain invincible... (To be continued)



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