A Queen

Chapter 1,187 A general, not a king, dares to dominate!

Chapter 1187

Killing one is one, and adding one more is one.

The rewards for the Qishan Road assessment are very generous.

Mi Lingbai thought for a while and then glanced at her: "You are too stupid and weak to lose to Snow Fish... I don't like it."

Then he turned around and left.

Miss Cat was silent for a while, and then suddenly roared: "Damn it! My ancestor is an ancient civet cat! It's unparalleled in intelligence, much smarter than human beings, you're just a piece of wool! Aren't you just a killer and a thief? You say I'm defeated?" Snow Fish, you haven't been defeated by Jingjing Yuan...wait, don't leave! Speak clearly."

"I didn't lose to her, it was a draw."

"What a draw! Your Yuan Power is so much higher than hers! It's a draw!"


Miss Cat cursed and chased after her...


The dragon claws and tiger claws were still tearing apart in the sky, but Dai Li and Wan Aidan Lin were no longer where they were.

Peng! ! !

The dragon statue collided with the tiger statue!

Under the giant statue, the two of them fought with fists and kicks, and the attack speed was so fast that Xi Jian and Su Yao could not see clearly.

Xiangxi Palace could see clearly because the man was wearing something like glasses, a magic weapon!

Another magic weapon!

Da Xijian and Da Xijian looked at the purple light emitting from this thing... and silently opened their eyes. They couldn't look at it. The more they looked at it, the worse it became.

Bang bang bang!

Space energy exploded, the earth shook, and warships and ruins collapsed wherever the two of them passed.

Martial arts close combat is indeed scary, and the attack speed of the two is getting faster and faster...

"This Wan Ai Danlin must be the King of the King's Pavilion. It seems that he has reached the limit of the King of the King."


"That Junzili is also amazing..."

Although I can't see the attack speed clearly,

But many people can be sure that Jun Zili is not far behind.

This is completely different from the original idea.



Dai Li suddenly felt that Wan Aidan Lin's Qi had become more than half stronger. In surprise, he found that the king's field had suddenly changed.

"Force me to use high-level generals, Jun Zili, defeat me!" Wan Ai Danlin's sudden outburst made everyone who originally thought that Dai Li could successfully counterattack instantly overturn their original assumptions, and they all pinched orchids and pointed. Daili: Oppa, you are dead!

People who are not from the Four Pavilions of Fenchuan may not know that the King Field is divided into two levels. One general field and one king field. Junior high school and senior high school... Well, it's the same as the grading of China's twelve-year compulsory education. Some elites, such as Jiangwangge Genius, are the lowest junior level. Feng Yingxun is considered to be at the beginning of the intermediate level. Previously, Viagra Danlin used the intermediate peak...

There is a big gap, but they are not as good as high-level generals. This is also the trump card of Wan Ai Dan Lin.

As soon as the trump card comes out...

This guy's general's field is directly seven or eight times stronger. The martial arts power that was originally on par with Dai Li suddenly exploded!

The peak power of the king!


The space is shattered!

The moment of martial arts~

Dai Li turned her body sideways, and the tiger fist hit the position where she was just now.


A five-meter-diameter hollow space.


It flies away from the body into a flowing curve. Boom boom boom!

Wan Aidanlin's fists flew repeatedly, and the space was bombarded with holes.


The wind twists and shadows fly.

Daili does have an advantage in terms of speed...

But that's close combat!

Weng~~ Wan Aidanlin folded his palms and opened them again. The power of martial arts is concentrated in the palm of my hand...the spear of martial arts?

No, it’s a martial arts golden gun!

The tiger head roars!


The golden tiger head spear pierced a ferocious black ravine in the air, like a piece of cloth that simply cut open the space.

The speed is much faster than using the martial arts instant.

In the blink of an eye, he was forced to step into Daili.

A moment of light and shadow...

The tip of the spear reached directly in front of Dai Li's heart...

So close~~

The separation is neither urgent nor slow. Pull your palm up and down.


The tip of the spear penetrates...

A shield!

A golden martial arts shield!

Spear, instant. Attack, shield, brave!

She surprisingly used the fifth true meaning of martial arts! Martial arts shield!

"What! She actually understood the true meaning of the five martial arts!" Wan Ai Danlin was also surprised, but refused to give up.

"It doesn't matter whether you have a martial arts shield or what kind of shield you have, I will defeat you!"

The king's aura burst out in awe, his hands were folded, the golden light was bright, hula~~ The twisted golden light was infiltrated by a drop of gold liquid offered by Wan Ai Danlin between his eyebrows, and it surged!

"Defeat me!!!"

With a roar, the royal field was twisted into a mighty giant statue!

It was a mighty golden tiger.

The lord of martial arts!

Under the strong will to fight, this guy actually realized the dominance of martial arts! ! !

This is so...

Xiangxi Palace's expression changed. Damn it, this person originally followed the domineering style of Showangba. If coupled with the absolute domineering and powerful martial arts tyrant in the true meaning of martial arts, the result...

Daili is definitely no match.

Unless she wants to expose other...

Use your sword, you idiot!

What about your eye skills, idiot!

The hearts of those watching were like lightning strikes, and they were all worried about Wan Aidan Lin and Dai Li's twists and turns and his final breakthrough.

Daili is...

"Hegemony? You are just a general, not a king, but you still dare to claim hegemony! Break it for me!"

Raise your hand.

The dragon claws in the palm are like scales.

The blood flames were burning, the red flames were shining, the dragon was roaring... an almost complete true dragon colossus was entrenched behind her.

This is not a powerful force, but a dragon statue that is truly condensed from the soul!

A half-real dragon.

The soul is as powerful as a dragon.

That’s why there is such a dragon statue.

The dragon statue appears!


Dragon image sound attack!

Qi, twisted and cracked.

Dust and powder are annihilated.

The golden tiger tyrant... was attacked by sound... twisted and roared in pain, and the golden shimmer on the body was twisted and bombarded layer by layer.


The dragon looks like it lifts its claws and tears them apart!


The moment the domineering image was shattered.

Senior generals are directly exposed!

Daili flipped his palm. Here comes the martial arts spear!


The spear of martial arts, the instant of martial arts, the attack of martial arts...

Triple martial arts! not enough!

Martial Arts Kill! !

It doesn’t matter whether you are a tiger, a tyrant or a general!

Kill them all!


The golden spear's light was solid, and its tip was purple...



A flash of light...a massacre in the blink of an eye!

Everyone really just blinked.

General, break!

Viagra Danlin... was poked out by a spear...

Boom boom boom!

It smashed into three huge warships one after another, and finally crashed into a mountain wall.

The dust and smoke billowed like a storm, and the dragon statue entrenched itself high in the sky with great power.

The three people from Xiangxi Palace have retreated to a distance of five thousand meters. At this moment, looking at the space that was completely razed to the ground from a distance... I couldn't speak for a long time.

Luan Yidan was also stunned... Is this still the third level of power?

They are approaching the king level~~

"The first person below the king's level...is none other than Junzili"

"Wan Ai Dan Lin... General of Jiangwang Pavilion. Defeated!"

"We actually lost.. We are defeated like this."

The space in the fourth ring is small, and where there is fierce fighting, other people can react faster to the news. The fierce battle between Daili and Wan Aidanlin attracted many people from the fourth ring. Now there are many assessors within a 10,000-meter range watching the battle. Seeing the end...

The results were unexpected and touching.

Junzili. The number one person below the king level, this was a fact that none of them had to admit.

"Too perverted. Many kings are no match for her."

"Don't ever meet her"

"Run if you encounter her!"

The assessors all made their decisions together and did not dare to stay at this moment, so they turned around and ran away.

On the other side, the body protective magic weapon of Viagra embedded in the mountain wall is faintly revealed. It is also a purple-gold peak defensive magic weapon.

It's just that it's cracked. It saved his first life, but it couldn't save his second life...

Wan Aidanlin, who was seriously injured and almost dying, watched Dai Li approach. He was not nervous, but he said with an expressionless face: "You are the most hidden person among the three thousand assessors... everyone underestimates you."

"Maybe. But are you not nervous? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? You must have a substitute puppet or something on you. Blood Escape is not impossible. I may not be able to catch up." Dai Li hung in front of him, feeling silently in his heart. added.

——If I don’t really want to chase.

"Blood Escape? The people in Jiangwang Pavilion never bothered to escape...nor did they bother to use stand-in puppets." Wan Aidanlin's expression was cold.

"Oh, I like your habit...although I may not be able to do it myself." Dai Li does not have such a good character. If it is not necessary, her life is the most important.

"But even if I am defeated, don't forget that I still have one person in the King's Pavilion...you are definitely no match."

"Hu Yanjue?" Dai Li frowned slightly. This man was indeed a bit troublesome. He must have been at the king level.

"Who else could it be..." Wan Aidanlin lowered his eyes, "I'm not even capable of his tricks. Even though you are stronger than me... you're about the same. Besides, I don't only have one Hu Yanjue in the King's Pavilion."

He suddenly looked at Dai Li with a half-smile but not a smile: "There is also Ye Ziqing... When we enter the General's Pavilion, it is impossible not to fight. I am curious about who will win between the two of you."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows: "She is better than you?"

"Maybe" Wan Aidan Lin didn't answer directly, he was just vague, and after saying that, before Dai Li took action...


The light shattered.

Dai Li sighed softly: "You are not willing to die in my hands... You are really strong and strong. Compared with Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, the gap is huge..."

She was not stingy in her praise for her cousin's employer.

As for Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion... she was also generous enough to express her disdain.

"You have eliminated all the second-ranked men in the king's pavilion who have been in the palace for ten thousand years. No one below the king level is your rival. In the first fifty years, you are at least close to the first twenty... That's awesome, Mr. Jun." Xiangxi Palace laughed. No taboo.

Dai Li glanced at her and said, "Then you have to kill a few more people to get points..."

As soon as he said this, the number of people watching the battle within a kilometer radius decreased by 90%.

Run away, otherwise who knows when this evil star will chase you.

Especially if the other person knows eye skills, don't be too perverted in your pursuit of people.

Da Xijian and Su Yaolao wanted to leave...but they were followed by Xiangxi Palace and Yi Dan locked their energy.

I can't leave, eh...

Xiangxi Gong laughed: "So you want to kill me?" (To be continued)


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