A Queen

Chapter 1,189 Fifty people, twelve people! (Listing names, counting numbers is the most troublesome)

Chapter 1189


He is still a little unwilling...


The giant shadow of the hammer overshadowed Chu Xiuling.


Pierced by a sword.

Chu Xiuling raised his eyes in surprise, but saw a sword.

The sword passed through the hammer.

After one sword pierces...a hundred swords shine...

The huge hammer was crushed into pieces, and the sword energy cut across and covered Qi Yuanwu...


The defensive armor collapsed.


Qi Yuanwu looked at the countless flying swords in front of him in disbelief, then fell to the ground with a thud.

Before he died, he stared at the person slowly walking behind Chu Xiuling.

This person is...

"It's not that there is no one in Nanlin, it's just that you haven't met him..."

The famous sword's voice made Chu Xiuling couldn't help but laugh and turned to look.

Shengxue in white clothes, an ordinary sword...

"I heard not long ago that you had a battle with Ye Rang from Tianqiong Sword Valley in the third ring, and defeated him directly with Xiaobai Sword... and then you had a battle with Feng Yingxun, how about it?"

"Failed," Bai Jian returned to the sheath, Famous Sword said directly.

"Defeated? What you just used was the Perfect Little Hundred Sword. How can you still be defeated like this?" Chu Xiuling was a little unbelievable. He had seen Feng Yingxun before. Although he was powerful, he was not that powerful.

The strength of the famous sword had just reached the peak of the middle third level.

"It wasn't Perfect Xiao Bai Jian before. It's normal to lose." Ming Jian had already walked to Chu Xiuling's side.

Um...Chu Xiuling's breath suffocated.

"So what you're saying is...you've had another breakthrough?"

That's Xiao Baijian. How can this person's breakthrough be like eating and drinking?


"Haha, it's true... when it comes to swordsmanship, you are really number one in Nanlin."

"No" Ming Jian shook his head. She knew there was someone who could hold her down.

After a pause, she glanced at Chu Xiuling: "You are about to break through, right?"

"This is a serious injury, not a breakthrough."

"The bloodline of the Overlord of the Chu family has a certain ability of Nirvana. A small Nirvana will occur once a hundred battles break out, and a Great Nirvana will occur once a thousand battles break out. It is also because of this characteristic that your family suffered a disaster... This time you It’s the Nirvana of Qian Zhan, right?”

Mingjian's words made Chu Xiuling's expression change. Then he smiled: "You know very well... It seems that other people know a lot too. Yes, this is the power of my Chu family's overlord bloodline, but it only happens once every time. It means that you have to suffer the crisis of nine deaths, but you get nirvana. The more likely you are to die, but you have to pay some price to gain strength. It doesn't matter if you come. I can no longer fight and must leave the Chibi battlefield to break through... You kill me. To avoid wasting my points, it's a pity... I thought I could meet her."

The implication is... that you want to give the points to that person?

Famous Sword raised his eyebrows slightly, and gently unsheathed his sword.

“It’s not a pity”


"It's destiny"


When Chu Xiuling was speechless, Mingjian's sword cut directly through his neck.

then. Chu Xiuling's only thought was: This man actually drew his sword so quickly! And...what does that last sentence mean! When I make a breakthrough, I will definitely challenge you to compete!

Facts have proved that the famous sword that has always been as clear as the breeze and bright moon is also a sinister tyrant in the Southern Forest.

That’s it, Miss Cat. Mi Lingbai, Chu Xiuling. Qi Yuanwu and four others died!

On the other side, not far from the famous sword, Ning Jingyuan faced Feng Yingxun.

"Have you heard?" Feng Yingxun asked as soon as they met each other, and he was very angry.

Jingjing Yuan tilted his head, "What?"

"Still pretending to be stupid... Junzili... Wanaidanlin" Feng Yingxun gritted his teeth, but he refused to say the complete words that Junzili defeated Wanaidanlin.

Jing Jingyuan nodded and raised his eyebrows: "So...is something wrong?"

"Maybe I'm not her opponent, but I can still kill you all." Feng Yingxun said expressionlessly, "I accidentally let the swordsman escape before. I wanted to chase him, but I didn't expect to meet you first. This time...you will definitely die."

"Then you should be lucky that you didn't meet her..." Jing Jingyuan turned her wrist,

"She made a breakthrough, a big breakthrough... although I also made a breakthrough."


Feng Yingxun was stunned.

another side.


Daili's sword pierced a man's head.

This man said something before he died:

"We, Liyun, will not let you go, you will definitely die."


"Ah~~ Splitting Cloud's killer... really has a lot of points. It gave me 500 points more... but his name is Shi Shiliu. I thought he was a girl, but he turned out to be a boy... He's still taller. So ugly”

Dai Li complained faintly, while thinking that there were not many people in the fourth ring, and all of them were very capable of hiding. Even if she had a powerful soul to search for, it would be quite difficult to chase her and kill them, not to mention these people. All of them can use blood escape, and can also use stand-in puppets... It's not easy to kill them completely.

So far, only Shi Shiliu has been successfully killed by her...

"But it's the same for me, and it's the same for everyone else," Dai Li said, and suddenly heard a loud roar.

Sekirei appears.

"Fourth refresh, notification, the 50 people in the fourth ring have been filled, and there is no possibility for others to carry. Now report the list of these 50 people."

List of fifty!

The list has never been announced before!

I guess there were quite a lot of people, so Sekirei didn't bother to report it, and fifty people were fifty strong, which had already attracted Sekirei's attention.

Everyone in the Chibi battlefield or on the Chibi plain was shocked at this moment, and they all sounded respectful.

"10,000 Ai Danlin, 2 Long Qingyi, 3 Feng Wenlun, 4 Dongguo Ziyi, 5 Zhongli Guiwan, 6 Gongbo Jingxiu, 7 Zi Sangyu, 8 Nie Yongshang, 9 Huang, 10 Changji, 11 Ren Yinyin, 13 Junzili, 14 Snow in the Qianshan Mountains, 15 Tranquility and Far Away, 16 Famous Swords, 17 Lanting House, 18 Ye Ziqing, 19 Hu Yanjue, 20 Yun Yiyi, 21 Clouds, 22 Wu Wuqing. 23 Fu Ruoshui, 24 Xiao Bai , 25 Qi Yuanwu, 26 burn for one night, 27 the river continues, 28 the river falls under the moon, 29 Da Xi Jian. 30 Geng Qing Mou. 31 Linghu Bai, 32 Ying Gongzi, 33 Miss Cat. 34 Mo Yao, 35 Banquet Lu, 36 Huashan Huai, 37 Su Yao. 38 Shi Shiliu, 39 Tan Mu. 40 Chu Xiuling, 41 Mi Lingbai, 42 Official Shihan, 43 Su Li. 44 Ghost Jianchou, 45 Suo Chen, 46 Pu Qianyu. 47 Feng Yingxun, 48 Xi Zhixin. 490,000 Qi Jianhan, 50 Tang Shubai."

"This is a list of fifty people. Each person has his own code name. They are all fifty elites who have entered the fourth ring."

Fifty elites, the fifty strongest people in the Qishan Road assessment!

Someone's breath was heavy, and he couldn't help but quickly write down some names he heard before on a stone tablet or book...

But after just a pause, Chi Ling said in a deep voice again.

"10,000 Aidanlin, 6 Gongbo Jingxiu, 25 Qi Yuanwu, 29 Da Xijian, 30 Geng Qingmu, 33 Miss Cat, 37 Su Yao, 38 Shi Shiliu, 40 Chu Xiuling, 41 Mi Lingbai, 45 Suo Sir, 47 Fengyingxun, these 12 people died in the battle before, and now they must withdraw."


The list of fifty elites was just reported, and now it’s revealed that 12 people have died?

Everyone accepted the incompetence, but corpses were cleared from the Chibi battlefield, and individuals appeared on the Chibi Plain.

As soon as Chu Xiuling appeared, he knew that he had to go to the Nanlin people. He pulled out his teeth and said: "I have to retreat to break through. I'm in trouble."

Before Tang Junyi and others could react, this man just sat down...

However, people are still clamoring about the defeat of Viagra. Although they have seen the battle footage before, they are still confused when they see the real person being cleared out.

Of course, some people have woken up.

"This gentleman is really going to fly."

"By defeating Wan Ai Danlin, she is the first person below the king level. It is expected that there will definitely be at least five king levels in the three thousand assessments. She will naturally be among the top ten!"

"Top ten! She is actually one of the top ten!"

Xie Ru and others felt like their hearts were being cut by daggers, and they were in a daze. They also hoped that Dai Li would be eliminated directly if he met the terrifying king.

But if it is the king level, it should have entered the fifth ring by now.

After all, who can stop them!

The people in the Demon Palace were overjoyed, oh my god, what a treasure I picked up casually on the roadside!

"Fortunately, Murong Qiushui was not allowed to take part in the assessment...otherwise...Jie Jie~~"

The words of a deputy palace master made Master Shachuancha's face turn red. She was filled with resentment towards Dai Li, but she no longer dared to show hostility on her face, because she understood... After the Qishan Road assessment, this gentleman Li was bound to fly away. Soaring to the sky, his status is definitely countless times higher than him.

Duan Ze and others were in a good mood. One of them said: "Jun Zili was an unexpected joy, and Che Yuankai died unexpectedly... Xiao Bai and Nie Yongshang performed well."

"Xiao Bai and Dong Guo Ziyi are no different, but their strength is at the triple limit. As for Nie Yongshang...this kid is still the same as before."

They looked at the Chibi list. On the points ranking, Nie Yongshang was in eighth place!

Among the top 50 who are full of strong men, he is actually in eighth place!

Let’s look at Junzili’s ranking...28th.

The gap is not small.

It seems that the hope of the Demon Palace still lies in Nie Yongshang. There is no way, Jun Zili is still a little young.

Nie Yongshang is victorious now.

"Nie Yongshang...isn't he the boy from the Lixin Palace who is against your Shen Gong Palace~~" Bai Jin stood next to Gong Jiu and suddenly smiled.

Gong Zangxue didn't have much reaction. She always looked down upon Nie Yongshang.

"I think I heard that the Lixin Palace put forward a condition a month ago. If you want to integrate the Divine Gong Palace and the Lixin Palace, you must..."

Bai Jin smiled, "Are you still thinking about it? Yes, this is about your mother..."

"No." Gong Zangxue's eyebrows were lazy, "Such a trivial matter...is not worth considering."

not worth it? So should I agree or not?

"This Qishan Road seems to be pretty good. We underestimated it before."

"Well, as you get later, you can tell how powerful these young geniuses are. Although they are still not as good as the top geniuses in my large group, they are still comparable to other geniuses." (To be continued)


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