A Queen

Chapter 1190: Is Chi Ling naughty again?

Chapter 1190

"It also depends on age. The age of these assessors is generally a bit higher. If our geniuses are at this age... they are all beyond them... even if they are older than this, there are quite a few who have reached the king level. "

As a result, Fenchuan and the monks outside the large group domain anyway heard the praise and criticism of these proud sweet potatoes, and then the large group domain xxx reached the king level before he was a hundred years old, xxx When he first entered the king level, he jumped over the level and killed a high-level king level... xxx was able to sacrifice his clone when he was at the king level...

All in all, it’s all kinds of heart-wrenching.

Damn it, you are a genius in a large group domain! But it’s none of your business!

Is it your daughter or your son or your godson?


Although I am unhappy, I have to admit... the geniuses in large group domains are indeed powerful.

Jealousy envy hate ah.

"I wonder if the top few in our Qishan Road assessment can compare to those people."

"I don't know. Let's wait and see what strength these people can unleash. They haven't used their full strength yet."

There is already one more person beside Liu*, Yuan Qi. He was eliminated in the third ring, and his strength is only at the level of a first-level king.

Being able to reach the third ring is already quite impressive.

Liu * glanced at him: "Your cultivation talent is only average, but your brain is much smarter than the average person..."

"Is this a compliment?" Yuan Qi's expression didn't change much, and his smile didn't reach his eyes, but he wasn't annoyed at all.

Because he didn't originally have the mentality and ability to compete for first place on Qishan Road. He knew this well, so he could just meet his original expectations and balance his own plan.

"It's not a compliment, it's just a matter of fact... Anyway, you have to work under that person in the future... If you want to stand out there, if you want to be valued by her with your cultivation and talent, even a hundred Huyanjue can't reach it... there. There is never a shortage of geniuses and masters... What we need are smart people, people who can get things done... Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Yuan Qi smiled faintly.

Only when the power reaches the sky, can one have such confidence...


However...he will not give up the pursuit of strength easily...when he thinks of the feeling of being chased and suppressed by that person before...

He can't breathe easily,

Just thinking about it, his thoughts drifted away again...the people in the image of Beihai...are they? It doesn't feel like...

That man... is so dazzling.

Subconsciously, Yuan Qi has fixed Zuo Wei as a man. He has been used to it for a long time. Even though he knows that this person is a woman, he has rarely seen her in women's clothes... I don't think he has ever seen her.

Yes, he hasn't seen it.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to overlap the two images. After thinking about it many times, he still eliminated this possibility.

Is there a time when that guy who is more fierce than a man can be so charming?

How can it be!

Just when Yuan Qi was deep in thought, someone suddenly shouted, "Look!"


Everyone looked at the big screen, and saw an overwhelming green gas on the big screen, spreading at a terrifying speed.

"what is that?"

"I don't know, we can't feel it at all, no, look at those ruined buildings!"

Although everyone can't feel it, they can see that the ruined buildings on the big screen are all corroded into green powder after being touched by the green liquid. You must know that this is the fourth ring space, and the intensity of the space inside It's very scary. I've seen people of Daili's level before who can easily destroy these buildings in fierce battles, but most of those around the third level don't have this ability.

But this green liquid...can be done easily!


A very terrible poison!

"What the hell is this...eh, those corpses!"

There are not many corpses in the fourth ring... well, I am talking about the examiner's corpse. There are still many other corpses, all over the mountains and plains. Those are the original corpses in the Chibi battlefield. At this moment... these corpses are all moving!



Everyone stood up, grabbed their weapons that had been buried for countless years, and stood up!




"Kill, kill, kill!"

The ancient warriors...resurrected!

Could it be that Sekirei did this? Everyone thought so, secretly complaining that this Sekirei was really ruthless. It was not enough to create a completely killing battlefield, but also revived the ancient warrior...

"Do these generals also have points value? Look, someone has met these generals!"

In fact, every examiner has encountered it, because the original corpse is everywhere.

On the big screen, Gui Jianchou's figure appeared. His foot was grabbed by the hand bone of an ancient warrior. He frowned, slashed with his sword, and black light flashed...

Karcha! The hand bone is broken!


The ancient war will rush out from the ground, and the broken hand bones will be restored after a rub!

Gui Jianchou's face darkened, and he struck again with his backhand!

Clang! ! ! Confronted with the opponent's ax...


Gui Jianchou was shocked out.


Vomiting blood!

Gui Jianchou's breathing changed rapidly, he looked at the ancient warrior in disbelief, turned around and ran away! !

This general is actually at the peak of the second level!

The second peak?

Why is his luck so bad!

Haha~~Are you having bad luck?

At this moment, Dai Li looked at the ten generals who had climbed up from the ground in front of him and twitched his lips.

"Ten third level? This Sekirei is too cruel!"

Before the other party could join forces to take action, Daili directly opened his bow from left to right and quickly slaughtered these generals. However, he had just finished...

What did she see?


"I go!"

Dai Li shouted loudly, turned around and ran away!

In the rapid flow of light, I saw the layers of green energy coming towards me... I didn't dare to break through, I could only avoid it!

You can only avoid it in one direction!

"what happened!"

"Damn it!"

"So many ancient masters!"

"On the day, I met a king-level triple ultimate warrior!"

Run for your life, run for your life!

Run in one direction!

At a glance, the examiners who were originally living in different places, either fighting, lurking, or hiding their cultivation, were all blown out. They met each other while escaping quickly!

Daili happened to meet Zhongli Guiwan.

"Have you encountered it too?"

"Well, it seems that Mr. Jun is too." Zhongli Guiwan met Daili for the first time on the Red Cliff battlefield, but he had already known that this man's small universe exploded and killed Wan Ai Danlin. Although it was not too surprising, it was still a bit... Unexpected.

Maybe it was because he was so different from the young master Jinxiu he saw on the Qinyuan water platform that evening.

This makes people who are very powerful in killing actually cook for others by themselves...

A gentleman stays far away from the kitchen, and most of the strong men stay far away from the kitchen.

Junzili is an exception.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing, and then met other people...

Upon meeting each other, there was hostility, but most of them didn't recognize or be familiar with them, so they had nothing to say and just focused on avoiding the terrifying green energy behind them and the numerous ancient warriors.

Soon, they discovered...

"That place ahead... the green energy can't even come close!"

"It's a warship..."

"What a huge warship!"

Previously in the third ring, Daili had made her name on a large warship. This time in the fourth ring... she saw a warship that was more than twenty times larger.

A ship is like a city.

At this moment, there was a tall tower at the highest point of the city. A cloud of milky white light escaped from the top of the tower, dispersing the green air and clearing out a huge open space.

Outside the open space, there were so many warriors that it was impossible to enter.

"Is this Sekirei's doing?"

"It really is.."

Whispering, streaks of light quickly fell on the huge deck of the warship. Dai Li didn't seem to be the fastest, but she could see the people on the deck of the warship from a distance, including Mingjian and Jingjing Yuan. , as soon as I saw them, I felt relieved and happy.

Ha, these two are here too, great!

It turns out that Daili was worried that they would be eliminated... It seemed that she had underestimated these friends.

However, others were surprised by the appearance of the two famous swordsmen.

"Is there any mistake? These two people actually..."

"Isn't their strength very low? How can they enter the fourth ring and not die yet..."

Many people present had strange looks in their eyes...

Looking at the eyes of the two people, there are many temptations and inquiries, and perhaps there is an imminent murderous intention...

"Quack, quack, I didn't expect that there are two lucky fishes who slipped through the net... and they came here with such weak strength. Not bad, not bad." The two of them did not know this eerie and sly man named Jian.

So Ming Jian asked Jing Jingyuan: "Do you know him?"

Jing Jingyuan shook his head: "The face is unclear and unrecognizable. I can't remember it even after seeing it."

Famous Sword: "Oh"

A few words made people feel heartbroken, but the man was really handsome, short, with a cone-shaped face, pointed ears and monkey cheeks...

In Daili's words, his existence has seriously lowered the average level of appearance in the world of immortality.

And those who say these words are exactly the male gods and goddesses who can significantly raise the average level with just one face.

This man is angry! Screaming: "Where did these two little turtles come from? You don't even know me!"

Roaring angrily, the man also directly summoned a double snake dragon staff. It looked like a staff at first glance, but the snake on the staff seemed to be alive and climbed up the man's arm to his neck. Go up, hiss and swallow the snake letter, staring at Jing Jingyuan and the two men very fiercely.

This person's method is different from ordinary people, and they don't know where the examiner comes from. They have never heard of it before, but they are not afraid no matter how powerful he is.

"It's him! I'm afraid this swordsman and the two are going to get into trouble."

"This person is a triple ultimate king"


"Yes...many people have died at his hands... It stands to reason that he is only ranked below the king level..."

Some people nearby looked on with cold eyes. After all, this was the Chibi battlefield. Unless they were very well connected, who would rush to save others... hoping to fight as hard as possible so that they could benefit.

Most of the dozen or so people present were unfamiliar faces that the two famous swordsmen didn't recognize, and no one spoke up to rescue them. If you are reading this right now!


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