A Queen

Chapter 1,191 Twenty-nine people, gather!

Chapter 1191

Just when the man was full of murderous intent and was about to attack the two famous swordsmen...

"It seems that I came at just the right time to catch up with the excitement."

A sound came from the sky, and everyone changed their faces, surprised that someone had arrived silently, and as soon as they saw the person...

Wow, many people took back their aura directly.

Everyone's expressions became complicated.

She is coming.

"It's you...you're Jun Zili." The man narrowed his eyes like a slit.

Jun Zili, the first person below the king level!

This title has been passed down for a long time...it's really scary.

"It's me." Dai Li and Zhong Li returned home, walked over slowly, and said lightly: "I don't know who your Excellency is, are you bullying me?"

Step by step, the momentum is not arrogant, but it is very powerful and domineering. It is very surprising domineering, cruel and sharp, making people unable to straighten their waists.

Zhongli Guiwan couldn't help but frown.

What a powerful force.


The man gritted his teeth and sneered: "Your people? Jun Zili, your people are quite weak. I'm just surprised that these two people are so weak that they can still come here..."

Most monks who are not king-level dare not mess with Jun Zili, because this guy has abnormal defense, amazing speed, and also has eye skills, so he is too difficult to deal with.

Therefore, even if a man possesses the ultimate king-level strength, he would not dare to become an enemy easily.

At least not now.

"Are you surprised? It doesn't matter if you say a few more words..." At this moment, Dai Li had arrived beside Ming Jian and the two men. He saw the man head-on and raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

"Hey, you are so ugly and you talk so much..."

Don't wait for the man's dark face to react. She flicked her sleeves and said: "Not only is it ugly, it is simply ugly, but it is also so short. Are you embarrassed?"

Don't be too vicious in your tone and words.

It is also a typical generational complaint style, from your face to your figure!

360-degree personal attack without blind spots!

Anyway, this person is a bigoted person, who bullied me. I bullied him until he was no longer human!


Zhongli Guiwan couldn't help it for a moment. He and several other monks who couldn't help it all laughed.

The man's face turned green and white, and the double-headed snake staff in his hand glowed black, and he was about to attack Daili...

"Is there going to be a fight so soon?"

Several people stood in the sky.

The flowing tail on his body is still there. Apparently just arrived.

When Dai Li took a look, there were quite a few people there.

But the only ones she knew were Dongguo Ziyi, Nie Yongshang, Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui. Yes, there is also Ghost Sword Worry.

I don't recognize the others.

"Kid...this kid..." Dai Li smiled as soon as he saw Gui Jianchou. Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan are not bad in terms of their own strength, and they also have trump cards. She is still confident, but Gui Jianchou is...

Accumulate but gain little. The counterattack was too powerful.

Although I was sure that his experiences in the past three years must be extraordinary, he was still pleasantly surprised.

"Don't call him a kid, he's not a kid anymore," Ning Jingyuan suddenly reminded Dai Li.

Dai Li smiled: "No matter how powerful you are, you are still a brat..."

Jing Jingyuan raised his eyebrows. That's not what she meant.

Gui Jianchou naturally saw Dai Li, and his tense eyebrows relaxed. But he didn't smile, just nodded to them...

After all, he is the weakest person here.

It was indeed good luck that he met Snow Fish's group of people... For some reason, Snow Fish actually took him with him.

But when this group of people arrived, Xiao Bai also arrived, and there were others around the same time as her. Due to the speed of the flow of light, they were obviously forced here by the green energy...

One group on the boat, two groups in the sky, three groups in total, there are 21 people in total. You must know that after 11 people died, plus the 5 people who entered the fifth ring, they will have a total of 34 people.

"Twenty-one... It seems that there are still 13 people left... No, they are already here."

Whoosh, whoosh, lights came from all directions. As expected, Dai Li saw Luan Qingyi, Ye Yeqing, Huang, Dongguo Ziyi... Of course, he also saw Feng Wenlun.

Although the people of the Feng King clan were a little unhappy when they saw it, Dai Li simply ignored this person and grinned at Qing Qingyi and Ye Ziqing, showing a smile.

Luan Qingyi and Ye Ziqing naturally glanced at Chao Daili, and what they saw was someone standing between Zhongli Guiwan and Jingjing Yuan...

The man also smiled particularly obscenely and brightly.


Haha~~ They also responded with meaningful smiles.

Emma, ​​why do I suddenly feel cold...

A total of 9 people came, and 4 people didn’t come.

"Haha, there are 30 people, and only 4 of them didn't come... I guess they're dead!"

"Haha, 30 people. It seems that Sekirei hopes that the 30 of us will fight to the death here and produce five strong ones!"

30 people were in the sky, on the deck, or standing on the flagpole or railing. The huge area of ​​the ancient warship was surrounded by increasingly dark green and violent poisonous gas, and there were roaring ancient weapons coming from all directions. War general...

The clouds were turbulent, the wind was rolling, and the 30 people looked at each other calmly...

The battle is about to break out.


At this moment, on the Chibi Plain, the people watching the battle in the Qishan Pavilion were more or less using the names they had recorded before to compare them with a person existing on the big screen...

"Wang Qingyi, Feng Wenlun, Dongguo Ziyi, Zhongli returned late, Zisangyu, Nie Yongshang, Huang, Changji, Ren Yinyin, Junzili, quiet and far away, fish in the snow, famous sword, clear leaves, clouds, ruthless , Fu Ruoshui, Xiao Bai, burn all night, the river keeps flowing, the river flows under the moon, Linghu Bai, Ying Gongzi, Huashan Sophora japonica, Tan Mu, Xiangxi Palace, Ghost Sword Chou, Gathering Yidan, Xi Zhixin, Tang Shubai, a total of 30 people."

Yu Ran read these names one by one and frowned slightly.

On the other side, Shang Biere said softly: "Four people didn't show up...Yun Yiyi, Loulanting, Suli, and Wanqi Jianhan."

"It's okay for the other three, but Yun Yiyi...can't possibly be dead."

Everyone was talking a lot. At this moment, on the big screen, the people in Qinhuang Pavilion saw Jun Zili asking their young pavilion master.

"Su Li didn't come..." Dai Li, who was standing next to her, turned to look at her, "Something happened?"

She still has a bit of friendship with Su Li. From the first time they met for a drink, she felt that this girl was very nice and they got along well with her. So now I’m asking one more question.

"Probably not. Unless she encounters a king-level person, she has the ability to protect herself." Zhongli Guiwan was very confident in his junior sister and smiled slightly at the moment. Just as he was about to thank Dai Li for his concern, his expression suddenly changed.


When Dai Li was thinking about whether he was suitable and asked, the other party had already frowned and uttered a sentence softly.

"Su Li has died"


Dai Li was surprised.

"In Qinhuang Pavilion, she and I are the only ones who have the slightest connection with Qinxin. I can know her safety at a glance... She died just now."

Zhongli Guiwan raised his eyes. His gaze swept across the entire venue...all 30 people were here.

With 5 people in the fifth ring, there can only be 4 other people...

And the one who is most likely to have the strength to kill Suli...

Yun Yiyi.

Dai Li took a shallow breath, Su beauty... you are unlucky to have met this cold-faced swordsman.

Zhongli had no choice but to return late. She knew Yun Yiyi's strength very well. It was very easy to kill Su Li...

But she found it strange... Yun Yiyi shouldn't have killed Su Li, after all, he had drank with Su Li. We had some friendships...

"Maybe...this is the cruelty of the Chibi battlefield...you have to kill." Her sudden words made Dai Li subconsciously look at the people in front of him.

It must be killed, indeed.


The port at the junction of Fenchuan and Beihai. People come and go, why are there so many people?

Because the fire crystals from the bottom of the sea have not been completely recovered.

Many monks came here with a sense of luck and took risks, and because of the appearance of Prince Beigong, the Sea Tribe seemed to be particularly quiet and didn't care about them at all, so these monks were all rippling~~

Everyone came...

But I don’t dare to be too presumptuous, because the Jinkui clan is still here~~

That Fire Flame Crystal is what they believe is in their pocket. If you want to snatch it away openly, you must have strong strength and shell...

"Young Master... our people salvaged these flame crystals from the water, but they cannot go down no matter how deep the sea is..."

Jin Kuili looked at the fire crystal inside the storage ring, his face suddenly darkened, and his words seemed to be grinded out from the gaps between his teeth: "Very good... Thousands of years of hard work, this is what I got~~"

Jin Quinn was sweating profusely, and Nono didn't dare to say anything...

Deep down in his heart, he hated Tai Shi Yuan so much that he said, "If it weren't for Tai Shi Yuan..."

"Shut up!" Jin Kui Li interrupted him coldly, "You can also comment on her affairs?" Jin Kui En shut up immediately, but he was sneering in his heart. It's not that you hate him deeply in your heart, you just don't dare to provoke the Taishi family. That’s all..Hmph!

Jin Kuili was in a terrible mood. He felt that the eyes of the people nearby were all mocking him. He was angry and didn't want to stay any longer. He turned around and walked towards the teleportation array, intending to return to Siam...

However, he saw a flash of light from the Beihai teleportation array, and a young man wearing a green shirt and carrying a long sword came face to face with him.

I just took one look at him and looked past him...

It was nothing at first, but Jin Kuili was in a very bad mood at the moment. He had nowhere to vent his anger. Suddenly he saw a young man arriving with a slumped handsome face and turned a blind eye to him... The anger suddenly ignited. .

His eyes turned cold, and he bumped into this person on the side of his shoulder.

His strength is at the king level no matter how you say it. This person can be broken into pieces if he touches him...

Peng! !

Jin Kuili took a step back and looked at this man in disbelief...

The man paused in his steps and turned sideways to look at him. His originally dull and indifferent eyes turned cold, his eyes were fierce and extremely cold.

Jin Kuili's heart skipped a beat, and when he came to his senses, the man was gone.

"Young Master, Young Master, what are you doing?..."

Jin Kui'en was suspicious and walked forward, but he heard Jin Kui Li ask thoughtfully: "Where did that person go just now?"

"Fengchuan..." (To be continued)



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