A Queen

Chapter 1,192 I don’t understand your literature and art

Chapter 1192

"Fengchuan?" Jin Kuili was not familiar with this place name.

"Yes, Fenchuan is where this Qishan Road assessment will be held... Miss Taishi Yuan also went there before... Hey, young master, where are you going?"



The green poisonous gas was clearly visible. Inside the ancient warship, the condensed Qi of 30 people pushed the space aura outward, and dust spirals entangled outside the warship...

At this moment, Daili had already learned the identities of some people here from Luan Qingyi's transmission.

The man who stood in the corner leaning against the flagpole and looked like a dim and introverted young man was another one of Liyun's trump cards, and the strongest one, Zi Sangyu.

This person was reminded by Luan Qingyi as soon as she arrived. After all, Daili and Splitteryunzhang had not been together once or twice.

"Except Zi Sangyu, you should also pay attention to someone named Chang Ji. He is the ultimate king."

"Chang Ji? That one?"

"Well, you recognize it?"

"Well... I said not long ago that he was short and ugly."

"...You want me to compliment you on your good eyesight?"

“Thanks for the compliment”

Tsing Yi was speechless, and she slightly raised her lips: "It seems that you don't care about this person... The man and woman he used to live far away from are Ren Yinyin and Huashanhuai from Tianqiong. If you defeat Ye Rang, these two people will not let you go easily. You, but their strength is not too strong here...The next thing you need to pay attention to is these people..."

What Duan Qingyi was pointing at was what Dai Li had noticed from the beginning.

There was a young man leaning on the railing beside Ye Ziqing. He was good-looking, with a gentle and elegant temperament, and a slight smile on his face. Compared with Dong Guo Ziyi's comforting smile, his obvious indifference was much more distant, and he was the kind of person who didn't care about anything. Laugh as you please...

It can also be called heartless.

This person's name is Yun Duan. Ming Jian and Dai Li just reminded him...a person who seems to have an old relationship with her cousin.

Also talking to her dear cousin at the moment.

Beyond the clouds, there is a man named Wuqing. His face is expressionless. He is really Wuqing. Nothing else can be seen. I just think this man's eyes are very beautiful.

It's as beautiful as a black jade gem.

The next three people are the ones that everyone is paying attention to, Fen Yiye, Chuan Chang and Chuan Xiayue.

Two men and one woman.

Their identities can also be guessed from their last names.

Descendants of the two ancestors of Fenchuan.

Fen Yiye is a tall and handsome man with short hair, but it is dark red. His pupils are also red, but they are different from Dai Li's cold and weird red. He is a very hot and dazzling flame red.

He used a sword.

As for Chuan Bangbang, he had black hair and blue eyes. He was slightly thinner than Fen Yiye. He was carrying a long, thin-handled knife on his back and had a very cold expression.

The woman next to him has slightly similar facial features to his, but his face can only be regarded as handsome, but his sister is very beautiful. She has the kind of exotic and capable temperament and beauty, and there are two big strings hanging on her ears. Moon Earring is very tall, very tall, about 1.75 meters tall. She is dressed in a blue robe that makes her taller and taller. Such a beautiful and heroic woman carries a long knife with the same thin handle.

There are very few women who know how to use a knife, because they can't control the domineering and arrogant nature of the knife, but in her... aura is very appropriate.

Very eye-catching.

But...after all, she is not as eye-catching as another woman. In other words, the most eye-catching woman here is this woman.

There are beauties in Qingyi, Xiangxi Palace, Snow Fish and other beauties with different looks. It can be said that they list all the beauties in the world, but compared to this woman's pure... beauty that most seduces men, it is still a little inferior.

According to Dai Li, you are all too serious and too manly. What men like most are white lotus green tea bitches and vixens.

You are still far away~~...(Are you embarrassed to say this?)

She was sitting on the canvas balance beam on the left side of the ancient warship, facing the strong wind. Her long robe with silver patterns on a white background moved in curves with the wind, and it was vaguely visible that the silver patterns were an enchanting and perverse fox...

She sat, hanging down one of her slender and extremely beautiful legs, which was half covered by her robe. The legs were really long, but one-third of her calves and the skin under the ankles were exposed. The curves were almost voluptuous, without any fat, and smooth. And Yingying is as white as jade and crescent moon, and her feet are bare.

This is very obviously coquettish, but her face is expressionless, as if she doesn't care at all..

Wild from the core.

"This woman..." Daili thought thoughtfully.

This woman was like Daili when she first appeared at the hero statue.

At that time, I was looking at the statue, and I already felt that this man had a bit of inner charm, but he was also very cold and unfeeling...two very inconsistent temperaments.

Now that I see this real person, I know how moving these two temperaments can be when they are completely integrated into one woman.

There is a kind of fairy who is so beautiful that you cannot insult her, and there is a kind of indifferent fairy who is so beautiful that you dare not talk to her.

This is Linghu Bai.

"I remember that you also lived like this on Linglong Ship..." Dai Li suddenly sent a message to follow Qing Yi and said.

Tuan Qingyi was stunned for a moment, her expression was a bit strange, she glanced at her vaguely, and said back: "I didn't show my thighs."

"...."That was not what I meant! I just want to say that you also caused many people to turn into wolves...

Daili covered his face...

The cold and cruel Young Master Eagle stood behind her obediently like a stone sculpture, with a distance of three meters, as vertical as a bamboo pole, like the most competent British aristocratic gentleman butler, without saying a word.

With the presence of such a person, Guan Shihan's handsome or ordinary face is like the gravel forgotten by the sea in the blink of an eye. No one will notice that Gui Jianchou, the new and talented male god, is a bit There is a sense of presence, and then there is Pu Qianyu, Xi Zhixin and Tang Shubai.

Look at Xi Zhixin at will...

"I didn't expect her to come too... It seems that all of us underestimated her."

This is how everyone feels.

And Xi Zhixin was also the first among the Jiuge and the Outer Five Pavilions to reach the fourth ring... No, it can be said that the people from the Outer Five Pavilions were basically eliminated in the third ring.

She has no sense of existence at all, but this girl is here now, and like Gui Jianchou, she is receiving suspicious looks from many people.

However, after all, Xi Zhixin has a strong reputation as a top student and has a mass base, so there is no one who would make rude remarks.

After all, in a verbal dispute, who can win against this academic master who makes the elders of the four pavilions speechless?

Okay, Mr. Jun has browsed through all 29 people. Luan Qingyi has fulfilled the glorious and great responsibility of "populating various social relationships and basic knowledge for an illiterate person" that she has always been accustomed to. Finally, she still added a sentence. .

"Loulanting didn't come"

Dai Li understood the vague hint in the other party's words, and his eyes flashed: "If he doesn't come, there is nothing we can do... At this moment, I want to know how big this battle will be..."

Is it a group fight or a one-on-one fight?

Silence is meant to be broken. The first one to speak was Dongguo Ziyi, who had always been gentle and elegant: "Everyone, we have refreshed four times. Two hours have passed, and now there is only one hour left... one by one. The challenge is too much of a waste of time, so why not just fight in a melee?”

During the melee, many people's eyes flickered, and Changji smiled sinisterly: "It depends on whether it is an all-out chaotic fight or a group fight...if some people join forces..."

Besides speaking, he also deliberately glanced at Dai Li and Ming Jian.

Of course it means something.

Let’s just say this guy is ugly, short, and talks too much!

Dai Li looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "What you say is really meaningless. If you don't have the ability to kill everyone here with one move, of course you have to pick people to kill. When you pick people to kill, you have to pick the ones you hate the most. .. Just like me, I will definitely kill you first when I take action!"

Nowadays, few people know Jun Zili's name, and no one does not know that this person's behavior has always been different from others, and he will retaliate and kill at will, so her murderous intention at this moment is not surprising.

After all, Changji's hostility just now was very obvious.

It's just that... there are very few people who can express the full murderous intention in such a soft and magnetic voice so movingly, and it sounds like it's a joke, but everyone thinks it's true. of.

Chang Ji took a breath and sneered, "Then I, Chang Ji, will wait for Young Master Jun to take action... I'm afraid you won't be able to protect the two weak little sheep around you..."

"Your name is Changji, which chicken?" Dai Li said expressionlessly.


Chang Ji cursed in emotion, and suddenly someone interrupted.

"Your Excellency Changji, if you want to take action...count me in." The person who spoke was...Feng Wenlun.

People from the Wind King clan.

He had a helpless look on his face. Chaodaili looked away and said, "Master Jun, you killed my brother and my family... I have to take action regardless of emotion or reason."

"Oh" Dai Li nodded and said, "I forgive you."

Um, this line is wrong. Shouldn't you be so angry that you swear? What does it mean to be so generous and kind?

Feng Wenlun: "...Well, I'm not asking for your forgiveness."

It would be terrible if someone from his Wind King clan saw him... His original intention was to show off his elegance and etiquette...

Daili: "Why are you saying this without asking me to forgive you? Do you still need a confession before fighting on the battlefield? I really don't understand your literature and art..."


The originally solemn atmosphere was ruined by someone's expressionless words.

Feng Wenlun simply wanted to die!

Xiao Bai was also speechless. The already weird and difficult Chun Shisanniang had already tortured the seniors in the Demon Palace to the point of death. In the future, this new evildoer would be a perfect match for her...

Just by opening your mouth, you can expand the diplomatic territory of the Demon Palace N times.

"There is no need for any rules. It is a life-and-death battle. It doesn't matter who kills whom... the weak must die." Fen Yiye concluded the coffin with one sentence and glanced at everyone: "Chi Ling led all of us here, no? I just want to see who are the five people who survived in the end..." R1152

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