A Queen

Chapter 1,193 Start clearing the place!

Chapter 1193

He reached out with his hand and grasped the big sword on his waist. He closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Let's take action"

He took hold of the sword and the others….

"Kill!" Someone yelled!

The whole place erupted!

30 masters whose average strength is at level 3 Lord...

The killing intent has begun to lock in.

Well...there are 12 locked on her.

Damn it!

kill! ! !

At that moment, many people actually thought that the Golden Triangle would reunite and form a triangular joint killing trend!

Including Snow Fish, she had seen the power of these three people working together, but that was when they were still quite weak. Now the strength of the three of them has changed drastically. If they join forces, the power will definitely be even more powerful, so she directly avoided them. Three people...

Unexpectedly, Dai Li broke away from the two people behind him.

Kill Chang Ji?

Her target is me!

Feng Wenlun's pupils shrank, but he had locked onto Dai Li's Qi before, so he was not panicking now, he just used his strongest power...

"Triple limit? Me too..."

His hand opened... Feng Xuan... The sixth level of "Wind King's Strategy"! Much more powerful than his idiot brother!

The Wind King clan was all pleasantly surprised...


There is no more.

Dual-core operation, 40,000 blood energy, absolute killing state, the dragon statue is activated, and the dragon's power is increased!

A sword comes out!

Broken Sword River!


The wind whirlpool of Feng Wenlun has not yet come out,

The person has been torn apart by a sword.

Bang, the body-protecting purple gold underwear fell to the ground...

Although it is purple gold, you can tell at a glance that the quality is not very good, and it is completely different from the perverted rich people like Xiangxi Palace.

Limit versus limit?

Is there a gap? This gap is between a person's powerful soul and her pupil technique that can be called an upgrade bug!

With just one glance, I know all your weaknesses!

So... Feng Wenlun's head flew up.

The fault was not that he was weak, but that he thought Dai Li was weaker than him.

The secret method of the Wind King clan gave him too much confidence, but he didn't know how fast someone who used the martial arts instant was!

Feng Wenlun died the fastest!

The second quickest person to die was Chang Ji.

No one could have imagined at the beginning that Ming Jian and Ning Jingyuan would dare to join forces to attack Chang Ji, who has the ultimate monarch-level strength in the first moment!

"Kill me, it's up to you!" Chang Ji said the same as Feng Wenlun. They are all prepared. Because he thought the first person to attack him would be Jun Zili.

It turned out not to be.

It was Ning Yuan and the famous sword that he had ignored from the beginning!

Damn it! These two little bastards deserve it!

His double-headed snake staff was shining with black light and was about to explode...


Hundreds of swords explode!

This was a sword that Chu Xiuling had seen before, an extremely stunning sword. The sword that instantly killed Qi Yuanwu.

"Perfect Little Hundred Swords!!!" Many people's hands were shaking!

But soon their hands shook for the second time, because the light wheel in Jingjing Yuan's hand...

Yin Yang Tai Chi? Qingyuan Martial Arts? Or... "Chen Gong Martial Arts", Gong Zangxue, Ming Emperor and others silently recited this name in their hearts.

Three martial arts, the fusion of the essences of the three martial arts masters. This nimbus is terrifyingly powerful!

Weak in origin?

Less than 20,000? If you don’t have the explosive power of the Dual Core, what should you do?

Kill him with technical flow!

Absolute technical prowess!

The combination of the monster of swordsmanship and the perversion of human martial arts...


Chang Ji's double-headed snake staff was blocked by force.

He was furious. Extremely shocked, he roared: "Kill me? Go to hell!"

Go to hell?

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan didn't even have to make eye contact. At this moment, their palms pressed together.

The light is blooming...

The light of kendo, the true meaning of kendo! ! !

Kendo also has eight true meanings. Attack, defense, light. Shadow, kill. Sword, Yuan, Realm.

However, it is much more difficult than the eight true meanings of martial arts. Kendo is one of the most difficult ways, so each of the eight true meanings is very difficult to understand.

It can be said that people in martial arts can understand the true meaning of martial arts, but it is difficult to understand the true meaning of swordsmanship. However, people in swordsmanship are very suitable for the true meaning of martial arts, because people of swordsmanship are good at regular martial arts, and they also have a lot of understanding of martial arts.

Of course, it doesn't mean that martial arts must be weak. As I said before, the strongest martial arts master is very scary. It depends on whether the martial arts of this person can reach a limit and whether the talent can reach a certain level...

Jing Jingyuan is obviously very abnormal.

And the famous sword is not weak. At this moment, with the palm of your hand pressed, the true meaning of the sword...

Sword attack! Similar to martial arts attack, it also increases attack power.


The sword attack is coming!

Jingjingyuan also took action...

Martial arts attack!

Martial arts courage!

Double martial arts! Plus one kendo...


The magic weapon on Chang Ji's body cracked and she roared... "I won't give in!!"


Chang Ji, the second one to die!

What about joining forces to kill Jun Zili?

The three couldn't breathe and were killed separately.

The people on the Red Cliff Plains were breathing abnormally, and they didn't even bother to roll their eyes.

Although Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan's counterattacks were outrageously powerful and jaw-dropping, some people noticed Dai Li. After all, this person was at the ultimate king level and could still kill instantly.

The two people in front worked together.

"Is that how you defeated the family leader and cut off Jiangchuan with one move?" The people of the Xu family had originally criticized Dai Li's defeat of Xu Liu, but now they couldn't help but admire him.

"Awesome, this sword is really powerful."

Xu Yidao had no intention of competing and just smiled bitterly: "It's a pity, brother... If you hadn't met this person, you would have been among these twenty-nine people."

The difference in ranking is one, which has a huge impact.

Later achievements also have an impact.

"Same." Xu Liu shook his head and said calmly: "With my strength, even among these 30 people, I will die. Look inside..."


Xu Yidao and the others continued to look...

On the big screen, the brutal fighting has no opening buffer time at all. Straight to the end!

Luan Qingyi faced off against Xiao Bai!

The number one elite in Qinghuanghai and the Demon Palace...

Xiao Bai hasn't sneaked into the double kill yet, a magic seal...

It was a strange seal of a sword with two wheels rotating at high speed...

Her expression changed!



She is the ultimate monarch!

Xiao Baiyun, the third one!

The fourth person to die was Gui Jianchou, his sword met Fen Yiye's sword!

It’s the ultimate king level again!

Can't stop it!


Xi Zhixin was facing Tang Shubai, a very delicate and quiet young man who just now was holding a book and reading. Now kill together. He just closed the book and said to Xi Zhixin: "I know you have three levels of strength, but you are not good at fighting. The seal attack like the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is useless to me, and it can't stop others...you What do you think?"

Xi Zhixin smiled, "I noticed you from the beginning... I guess you didn't come here for the so-called Qishan Road assessment reward... for people or things."


"A person's words, deeds, and eyes can easily reveal everything about him. I will look at people and then look at people... But you are right... I do not intend to fight to the death, nor do I intend to die at the hands of anyone. Goodbye, interesting person. "


Tang Shubai smiled lightly: "You are also very interesting."

Just after he finished speaking, he heard the sharp sound of breaking wind and turned his head to look.

Dongguo Zi Yi Po Feng's sword. Under the sound of the piano... broken!

Dongguo Ziyi Suya just had a wry smile on his face, "The peerless voice can kill people invisible. I'm convinced."

After saying that, his body disappeared in a strange way.

A double killing sound for the soul and body!

Crack! No wonder he is the young master of Qinhuang Pavilion! He is also the only confirmed young master of the Four Pavilions!

Come on, no one within a kilometer radius dares to get close to Zhongli Guiwan.

Zhongli Guiwan pressed the music. A slight smile on your face is best.

On the other side, Weng~~

The huge Green Emperor Jade Tree appears!

It was Lun Yidan, and this guy was actually forced out of his old position now. One can imagine how brutal the fighting was at the beginning.

Who forced him?

Xiangxi Palace, who was fully armed but ignored, was watching a show. Suddenly he saw the Green Emperor Yushu and turned his attention. Just as he was wondering, he saw the Green Emperor Yushu... cut off with a sword and fell down! It was a sword with blazing flames, as if it was going to burn the entire sky.

The man stood facing the wind, his eyes like fire.

"Luan Qingyi, your Qinghuanghai race's talent is just that! Fight with me!"

From so far away, across so many masters, his declaration of war was so domineering and fierce!

Luan Qingyi, who had just killed Xiao Bai, turned around and took a look.


She responded.

At the same time, Ren Yinyin and Huashan Huai from Tianqiong transformed into two giant swords, one dark red and one green, and directly attacked Daili with the powerful lethality of the combined swords.

The two swords formed a combined sword array.

A very powerful sword formation, one of the special skills of Tianqiong Sword Valley.

Only a male and a female can practice cultivation, and their minds must be united and their physiques must be in harmony, so the power that can be unleashed together is also terrifying.

The ultimate king level... is even sharper than Dai Li's domineering Duan Jiangchuan!


Come with a sword!

The spaces on both sides were torn apart and squeezed...

The blocked qi machine and Dai Li in the left and right spaces maintain the sword-drawing posture at this moment.

Drawing a sword?


The sword is drawn.

A dragon was pulled out, a completely black dragon with nine hideous claws and red flames.

Its scales... are swords!

Countless swords were attached to its surface and became her scales.

Sword and dragon, overbearingly sharp!

Ang~~ The dragon is roaring, and its power instantly reaches the top of the place, directly covering and squeezing out the aura of slaughter.

The dragon that dominates the field!

What dragon?

Thousand Machines No. 22 - Undead Dragon!


The combined swords were swung by the huge dragon's tail, clanging!

The combined sword formation cracked!

The two forelimbs have claws on top and bottom.


Two people were caught and killed!

The sword was also broken.

The difference among the Extreme Lords no longer lies in their combat power, but in whether their special moves are strong, whether they are capable of breaking defenses, and whether they are difficult to deal with.

It's just like the level 70 special moves that many game professional characters in a game have at level 70. The special moves are all different and have their own characteristics, but in the end they are different in strength and weakness...

Obviously, this Immortal Dragon Sword is a skill that can overwhelm the entire field.

The appearance of the undead dragon brought the murderous atmosphere of the battle to its climax. Just a second after that, a pure white sword with black clouds penetrated the sky... and stabbed Daili from a distance of ten thousand meters! ! ! (To be continued)



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