A Queen

Chapter 1,194 I’m not a shemale

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Chapter 1194


Dai Li remained motionless, letting the sword pass through her side.


The air behind the back is pierced with white blood and brought out of a person's body.



Zi Sangyu stared in disbelief, is he dead? Just now, I thought I had successfully sneaked into the two-meter radius around Daili and was preparing to attack her with a critical strike!

Just die?

She did it on purpose!

Jun Zili did it on purpose!

The leaves are clear...


The snow-white black air sword whirled around, and the flying sword was in hand. Ye Ziqing's face was pale, but she told everyone invisibly that she was also the ultimate king.

Fu Ruoshui and Xue Zhiyu are natural enemies and have always been rivals. Their grievances are too long to describe. Of course, this is all from Fu Ruoshui's point of view. Princess Xue rarely takes her seriously anyway...

It means attaching importance to it in tactics and despising it in battle.

But no one thought that at the beginning of the opening massacre, the two men's attacks were not aimed at each other, but...

Tang Shubai and Young Master Ying.

The result is...


The poisonous water swarmed in. Tang Shubai's feet flicked and he flew up. The book closed...


Pull out a flash of beautiful and smooth white light like Yunhong, bang!


The river of poisonous water was pulled away and torn apart,

The water surges...

"Eh?" Fu Ruoshui was surprised, his body dodged, but he didn't make another move.

And on the other side...

The ice and snow spread for no reason, and the frozen sky was very fast, and a handful of sharp ice crystals condensed in the blink of an eye...

Stab Young Master Eagle between the eyebrows!

Young Master Eagle had no expression on his face. He stepped back and raised his eagle talon~~


The ice edge was shattered by his palm.

Bits of ice crystals...

But it turned into countless ice spikes!

Swish, brush, brush!


What a powerful ice spell. Completely controllable? This snow fish...

Young Master Ying's face froze for a moment, and he opened his mouth...

Eagles cry!

Powerful sound waves swept...

Bang bang bang!

Ice spike blast!

Frost blast!

Poison water blast...

A moment...

The storm subsided.

Dust floats.

The smoke stops slowly.

On the battlefield, the figure of the undead dragon faded, and several corpses fell on the ground.

And the entire warship or the sky...

There are still 20 people left!

I wiped out 10 people~~~

It only took a few breaths, and all the triple masters were directly brushed off, and most of the ones left behind were probably at the extreme king level.

"No, there are still quite a few who haven't taken action yet."

"That's right. Then Linghu Bai, the Chuan brothers and sisters, etc. didn't take action."

People on the Red Cliff Plains breathed heavily. No one dared to divert their attention, for fear that they would miss the most exciting battle if they were not paying attention.

Of course, don't think that they are just watching the fun. In fact, many monks have already realized this while sitting cross-legged.

The reason why geniuses are geniuses is because they are better than others, receive the best education, and naturally perform well. It is also worth learning.

This is especially true for many casual practitioners whose inheritance is not systematic.

Therefore, the Qishan Road assessment is also a feast for national progress...

In the big screen. Xiangxi Palace said with a smile: "There are actually 20 people... It seems that my tortoise shell is not very safe."

You are the safest, okay?

A moving fortress!

Everyone was too lazy to pay attention to this wealthy beauty. The young master Ying stared at Xue Zhiyu and said, "You are very powerful in ice magic..."

Snow Fish smiled lightly: "Your claws are pretty good."

It's as if these two people are going to have a fight!

Fu Ruoshui's White Lotus Mode instantly turned on... "So Princess Snow, are you going to abandon me?"

Transference and love. Have a new love and forget the old one?

Snow Fish glanced at her faintly and nodded: "I never wanted it, so why abandon it?"

Fu Ruoshui: "..." Cha!


These words are hurtful enough. Dai Li couldn't help but laugh, this woman was really ruthless as always.

Daili's smile was too uncovered. Fu Ruoshui rolled his eyes at her, feeling secretly resentful in his heart. If he had known that this guy had made such a perverted progress, he should have killed this scourge long ago, so that he would not be as strong as he is now...

Well, I have to admit that even at the Extreme Lord level, this undead dragon is a terrifying move.

"If Miss Fu lacks an opponent, then I, Xiangxi Palace, will be a bit aggrieved... I will accompany you." Xiangxi Palace finally caught the opportunity to increase its sense of presence.

Fu Ruoshui looked sideways... A certain beauty was covered in purple light. Her underwear, robe, trousers, and boots... were all purple light!

Her expression froze.

Hunan tycoon, why don't you hide and grow mushrooms? Why do you insist on jumping out!

But since he has been challenged, a girl like Fu Ruoshui, who is soft on the outside and dark on the inside, has no reason to refuse. There are many masters here... It is better to challenge someone with high defense than to challenge someone with high combat.

Weak ones are meaningless.

For example, the famous sword is far away from Tranquility...

"Is Miss Sichuan a warrior?" Jing Jingyuan suddenly asked.

Chuan Xiayue looked at her, nodded, smiled, "Yes"

"Maybe a fight?"

"Even if you don't say it, I will say it," Chuanxiayue smiled.

Warriors versus warriors, women versus women, a perfect match!

Chuan kept looking around... Fen Yiye thought he would challenge him, absolutely...

"I'm very interested in your swordsmanship...your name is Mingjian?" Chuan Bianjie, the top young master who was tied with Fen Yiye for the nth generation of Fenchuan power, looked at Mingjian at this moment.

The famous sword tapped the hilt with the tips of its slender fingers and looked at the strong man.

Even among the extreme kings... this person is probably top-notch, even though he has never made a move...

Just for a moment, Mingjian nodded and said, "I'm willing to fight."

"Haha, everyone has chosen an opponent, who should I choose...Zili, maybe we should have a fight?"

Zi Li meets Zi Li again.

Everyone looked at Huang, was this woman having an affair with Jun Zili?

It's not that they think too much. But Jun Zili's luck in love is really too prosperous. Iceberg fortresses such as Cong Ling Qing Yi and Gong Zang Xue, which are difficult for ordinary people to conquer, are all close to her. There are countless other beauties. It is not surprising that there is another Huang.

But it seems that this love luck is more evil, this Huang is obviously going to fight with Dai Li...

Is there any grudge?


Before Daili, the person being challenged, could react, someone said calmly: "We'll have to wait until she fights with me."

Huang looked at the person who made the sound in surprise. Then he glanced at Daili teasingly: "It seems that your popularity is really not that good... except that you are better with women. Men don't seem to have a good impression of you."

"This is inevitable...women are good at luck, but men are naturally unlucky...I'm not a shemale, men and women suck together."

Everyone: "...."

This is self-defeating. Or a gangster?

However, it is indeed quite astonishing that Nie Yongshang from the Demon Palace would be the first to challenge Dai Li, and in detail...

"I'll kill you! Apart from her, there are four elites in the Demon Palace, three men and one woman. Except for one Xiao Bai, who didn't make a move, the other three have all fought against her..." Many people on the Chibi Plain began to discuss. It’s also drunk on someone’s relationships.

The Demon Palace is also a little embarrassed. This internal strife once or twice is nothing. These three circles are...

"Nie Yongshang is always cautious and restrained. Why did he take the initiative to pick Jun Zili this time?"

"I don't know... From a rational point of view, he should choose someone else. After all, they are all from the Demon Palace."

Most rational people know how to deal with the outside world and the inside world, and they are not people like Xia Houdun who are full of crap. Nie Yongshang is not low in IQ and EQ, so why is he revealing his hostility towards Dai Li now?

At least we have to clear out some of the other people before talking~~

The people in the Demon Palace were very curious. On the other hand, Duan Ze and several deputy palace officials looked at one place thoughtfully.

"Women are not a disaster, beauty is..." Chun Shisanniang sighed with emotion...

On the big screen...

The solemn and murderous atmosphere was solidified, but was broken by one person.

"If you want to kill, I would like to help you with a song." The strings Zhongli Guiwan pressed on his fingers were slightly moved.

A green sound.

Buzz~~Fen Yiye's sword... was drawn out, and the fire light entered the sky.

It was a sword of pure blazing flames. It came out of the scabbard and was more dazzling than the sun. The flames, the extremely hot flames, were all controlled by this sword!

The sword soars into the sky!

"Fire Sword Intention...Perfect Level" Famous Sword gently squinted his eyes and said slowly...

She was gentle and gentle, but her sword captured the sky, and everyone watched.

She gathered her green clothes and spread her right hand lightly, a blue light appeared, and the French words floated...


The seals are bright and vast.

Reflecting with the flame...

But there is an extremely cold light spreading in the space.

Perfect level one control of ice!

The ice sword stabbed Young Master Eagle!

"Snow Fish, she is also a perfect first-level Ice Mystic... amazing!"

Of course it’s awesome!

It turns out that the perfect level was extremely rare, but two of them suddenly appeared here!

One sword is perfect, the other is mysterious...

Young Master Ying comes from the West. The West is a place where monsters are rampant. He also has a certain amount of monster blood, and his physique is different from ordinary people. He is not too abnormal in terms of his talent for understanding, which is most important to humans, but...

Bloodline is enough!


The speed of an eagle!

The terrifying ice sword thrust forward, Young Master Ying flashed in an instant, the afterimage was broken and frozen, and the surrounding area was pale and cold.

"Eagle Light!" He shouted in a low voice, and his body suddenly transformed...


His whole body transformed into a huge black-feathered eagle!

The wingspan is more than thirty meters, which is very scary.

Flap your wings, Brilliant~! ! !

Black storm!

Scratch, scratch, scratch, the ice is broken...

Snow Fish's expression didn't change at all, and his index finger and middle finger clicked together, buzzing~~the ice-condensing giant sword!

With a simple flick of his fingers, the ice sword... changed its direction!

call out! !

Headwind stab!

Quack, quack, the black wind was torn apart~~

Peng! !

The tip of the sword pierced the black hawk's wing~~~

There was a violent sound of metal hitting.

Hiss, hiss, the ice and snow wind howls, and the giant eagle cries~~

"Snow Fish, even though you have extraordinary ice skills, you still don't know that the physical defense of our Flying Eagle clan is incomparable to that of your human clan!"

Although he is not an orthodox demon clan, he can still be regarded as half-blooded. If the demon blood is high, he will be more powerful than most demon clans, so Young Master Ying has always been confident in dealing with humans. (To be continued)


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