A Queen

Chapter 1195: Demon Palace, internal strife!

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Chapter 1195

At this moment, he blocked the sword brazenly. Black Feather's wings flickered, and the wind force from his body surged out in an attempt to deflect the sword against his heart...


The sword bounced away~~ But what about the people?


People are above his head!

Not far away, Linghu Bai, who was sitting peacefully, slightly moved his cold and cold expression, "Swordsmanship and Wu Sanxiu..."

Martial Arts!

A spear rises, instantly, attack, kill, brave!

Perfect ice magic control!

Add sword intent!

How terrible is it to practice the third level of cultivation?


The spear of pure ice made of complete ice, stabs down!

In an instant, Mr. Eagle couldn't avoid it at all, his wings twisted and his hind wings raised!

Wow, countless metallic black feathers were spinning and overlapping on top of the head!

Staggered cutting sharp sword feathers!

Eagle Feather Sword!

Face off against the Ice Magic Spear!


The spear pierces the sword feathers that are cut at high speed!

It's like a thorn piercing the saw-shaped gear. Did the gear crush the thorn, or did the thorn pierce the gear?

Hiss, hiss~ The ice and snow were cut and flew out, like endless heavy snow~~~

Beautiful and moving~~

At the other end, Fen Yiye's perfect sword had already pierced Luan Qingyi's seal!


It is the perfect sword intention.

The sword is a medium-sized small sword.

A person with 60,000 Yunjian Yuan is already proud of many people here in terms of energy reserves.

How strong is he?

With one strike of the sword, a long river of flame ignited in the sky!

At the end of the long river of flames is a giant rotating green light seal controlled by Luan Qingyi's palm.

The four of them are all extremely powerful, absolutely powerful, both in terms of basic strength and moves... far beyond ordinary people.

A king versus king decisive battle.

But on the other side...

When Chuan Xia Yue showed his perfect level one sword intention. Many people thought that Jing Jingyuan was about to be killed instantly, but in fact... they had already fought with more than a thousand moves!

Compared with Fen Yiye's fighting style of using special moves to dominate at every turn, they obviously followed a high-speed and fierce fighting style.

One sword after another, delicate and powerful.

One punch at a time, supreme and majestic.

Chuan Xia Yue's talent for swordsmanship is very strong. Although he is young, his swordsmanship is already natural. The knives are continuous like mountains and oceans. Calm and majestic.

And coincidentally, Jing Jingyuan's martial arts has always followed a grand style.

The majestic versus the majestic, the atmosphere versus the atmosphere...

This is an unparalleled fierce battle of swordsmanship. Some people looked at them and forgot about the disparity they thought before. Almost all the swordsmen were watching them fight.

But there are still some swordsmen and swordsmen...most of them watch famous swordsmen and swordsmen constantly.

Knives and swords have always been enemies.

Now it is obvious that Dao Kechuan is getting stronger!

He also has a perfect first-level sword intention, but his sword is much more domineering than Kawashita Yue's. A sword can cut through mountains and rivers, just like the sky.

Even more domineering than Wan Ai Danlin from Jiangwang Pavilion!

It's rare. The speed of his sword is extremely fast, so fast that many swordsmen who are also at the Extreme Lord level cannot see clearly.

The famous sword is in danger?

Ming Jian has always had one characteristic, that is, whether she is at an advantage or at a disadvantage. He always gives people a sense of Tsinghua University that is neither arrogant nor arrogant, neither humble nor overbearing.

Fighting with swords, fighting with knives. Not for victory or defeat, just to break through her own swordsmanship!

Don't regret but kill your heart. Her swordsmanship was so pure that Chuan Chang was slightly interested in it at the beginning and later...

Get lost in it!

"A rare swordsman genius, with such a swordsmanship... let me teach you a little more!" Chuan continued to increase the frequency of his attacks, but did not fully explode...

"This person will regret it in the future," Dai Li muttered while touching his chin. She felt that Mingjian was one of those people who could break through with just a few blows.

"It's really not good to face your opponent not to kill him directly, but to let him go," Nie Yongshang said expressionlessly.

People from the Demon Palace never like to give each other a chance.

Some of the styles are similar to killing, killing with one hit regardless of before or after.

Nie Yongshang is the latter extreme type.

Dai Li glanced at him: "What I said is that the more suppressed the famous sword is, the easier it is to break through. This is the same as me."

Is this a boast? So shameless.

Nie Yongshang's face was still paralyzed: "You will not have a chance to break through, I will not give you this opportunity."

He's really confident...but at least he's smarter than a donkey like Cha Yuankai.

"I don't need this opportunity either." Not many people understood Dai Li's words, but Nie Yongshang vaguely understood that the other party seemed to have a trump card.

Both people are confident, but there is always one loser who is arrogant.

Nie Yongshang's body was ignited with black energy... Most of the demonic people were full of evil energy, and this was the evil energy.

But Dai Li, a bastard who just joined the Demon Palace and couldn't even figure out a few doors, didn't have this kind of thing - she didn't learn any Demonic techniques.

"Actually, I'm a little surprised why someone like you suddenly came to me." Dai Li couldn't help but ask.

"You don't seem like a curious person"

"I have to know why you want to kill me, and then I can determine why you want to kill you."

She touched her chin and said, "Huo Jiangli is blind, and Cha Yuankai is stupid. You should be much smarter than the two of them... It's really strange that you took the initiative to come to me." The one who was named No one is paying attention to how wonderful the expressions of the two dead people are now.

Because Nie Yongshang was silent for a moment and said, "You will know before you die!"

"Okay..." Daili could only sigh.

Before she even sighed, her sword was already unsheathed!

Nie Yongshang was with her almost instantly!

You must know that Dai Li's speed is far faster than others, but Nie Yongshang can keep up with her!

In addition to being on high alert... he must also be good at speed!

The demonic energy...is fully activated!

60,000 magic yuan! Amazingly on the same level as Fen Yijian!

And the demonic energy condensed directly into a huge field!

The extremely cold magic field!

"Ice Demonic Field!! Ah! This person..." Xiangxi Palace cursed, but it made Fu Ruoshui laugh: "My mistress is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry..."

"Concubine? What concubine? Snow fish?" Xiangxi Palace raised his eyebrows, and then sneered: "What kind of look, even such a scumbag can look at..."

"..." You said it as if you weren't the one who showed affection to others before.

Ice magic field. Similar to General King Field, it belongs to a series of special skills.

However, Nie Yongshang's ice magic field is obviously stronger than Wan Aidan Lin. How much stronger?

The 40,000 demonic energy body energy... was directly mentioned as 60,000!


Daili is 40,000!

The energy gap is 20,000 clouds! It is much stronger than Tranquility and the essence of the famous sword itself!

This made the people watching the battle...faces change slightly.

Ye Ziqing frowned, pursed his lips, and curled his fingers slightly, as if he wanted to touch the sword, but he did not move the sword after all.

Trust her. Just like she believed in me.

Even if the gap is too big!

Under the ice magic field. Nie Yongshang raised his right hand and pulled, and a hole opened in the sky. A magic knife fell from the darkness...

Point your finger!

The Sky Sword of "Magic Secret"! go!


Come with a knife!

The sword just came out.

40,000 blood energy, 60,000 magic energy... In fact, the difference is not that big.

She is in a state of absolute killing...

Once out, the gap immediately becomes shorter.

After all, the horror of the realm is obvious, and the absolute level of killing realm is n times more powerful than other realms.

The biggest gap is still in the killing skills.

After all, no matter how strong Nie Yongshang is, he is only at the ultimate king level. And the ultimate king level...

What can kill is skills!


A sword comes out!

Immortal dragon!


Sky Sword versus Undead Dragon~~~

The heavenly sword kills the dragon, the dragon kills the heavenly sword!

The sword and the dragon collapsed at the same time.

Nie Yongshang frowned. This was somewhat unexpected, but the most unexpected thing...

Dai Li rushed towards him directly!

"court death!"

Nie Yongshang controlled the ice magic field and pressed directly over it!

Ice magic killing technique!

The ice blade rotates, killing like a madman. This is a demonic field and a demonic killing field!

With a flick of your fingertips!

The sword comes out!


Thousands of swords flying over each other... Thousand Machine Sword Network!

The most abnormal thing about a swordsman is that besides his strongest single attack skills, his group-killing sword in the form of a sword formation is also the most powerful. The flying swords flying all over the sky were definitely a big scene with a lot of bloodshed.

Although the Ice Demonic Field is powerful. But Daili's Qianji itself has a sharp advantage, just like the dragon whip in Xiangxi Palace, which has an absolute advantage in weapons, and Qianji Sword Net... is a relatively BT skill.

One thousand physical Thousand Machines Flying Swords rotate and cut at high speed...

In the blink of an eye, the powerful ice magic field was blocked!

"It actually blocked... almost the same power. They are really evenly matched."

"It's indeed powerful. That Junzi Li used so much less basic energy to block it... But this high-cost ultimate trick relies on endurance. This Junzi Li didn't have enough basic energy, so he was defeated in the end..."

The people watching the battle had good vision, but they never expected that just after finishing speaking, someone would Shi Shiran merge into the Seven Swords Under Tianshan combination sword style.

Well, I've seen this before, it's nothing.

The problem is that she also added two hundred flying swords to it.

Double the frequency.

Nie Yongshang frowned, and as a last resort, he also increased his output...


Sword blood points ghost hero merges! Comes with two hundred flying swords and doubles the frequency.

Nie Yongshang was in disbelief and his face turned pale!

The Ice Demonic Field made a rattling sound... and was forcefully pushed back by the Thousand Machine Sword Network...

the third time..

A little bit of red from the Central Plains blends into...

Directly six hundred flying swords plus three times the frequency!

Two thousand flying swords plus five times the speed!

Can't stand it anymore!


Nie Yongshang simply couldn't keep up with such power output, so... the ice magic field trembled...



The Thousand Machine Sword Net directly crushed the Ice Demonic Field. Nie Yongshang flew out, only to see an undead dragon flying out of the Thousand Machine Sword Net!

not good!

boom! ! !

Nie Yongshang was knocked on the head by a dragon and flew out. The generals who fell outside the warship piled up... Naturally, those generals were crazy and wanted to kill them with their claws and teeth...

"Get away!"

The demonic energy roared, and more than a dozen generals were frozen into ice on the spot, while the undead dragon in the sky was swaying with a flick of Dai Li's finger...

Swooping from the sky...

One dragon and one sword, one sword and one dragon.

Nie Yongshang, who had just been ejected from the ground, was directly locked by the sword shadow of the undead dragon...

boom! !

The undead dragon turned into a sword and pierced... (To be continued)


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