A Queen

Chapter 1,196 Instant clone

Chapter 1196

More than half of the thousands of generals within a ten-mile radius were wiped out.

A deep hole in the ground.

The blood hissed out on the charred earth like gas after burning.

"Nie Yongshang is missing..."

"Up there!"

"No, down there!"

Above or below?

Who is right and who is wrong?

All right!

Below, Nie Yongshang turned into a rapid stream of magic sword!

The strongest blow!

Above, there is Nie Yongshang in the sky! The exact same Nie Yongshang!


"Oh no! It's the incarnation!"

Avatar, a distraction-level skill, cannot be used by distraction. Generally, it is rare to see avatars above the king level, but avatars... many people present have them, but they are still in the incubation stage. After all, they I'm still young and can't separate myself...

But Nie Yongshang can!

"The one on the ground is the instant clone! No, but it's powerful enough..."

Instantly cloned, the second Nie Yongshang appeared instantly and turned into a magic sword to attack. The main body held a bow in his hand.

That's the scariest thing.

What kind of bow is that?

"The Centrifugal Bow of the Demonic Palace's Centrifugal Palace!"

Many big forces have this information in their hands, including the Divine Gong Palace and the Lixin Palace, which have relatively rough histories. The number one divine soldier in the Divine Gong Palace is naturally the one in Gong Zangxue's hands, while the Lixin Palace... is in the hands of Nie Yongshang. In hand!

This is unexpected. You must know that Gong Zangxue is the master of the Divine Gong Palace and is a super genius, so he was given this bow. But this Nie Yongshang...could he be the next master of the palace?

But this bow is really scary.

Xiangxi Palace felt that his dragon whip was trembling.

"Extraordinary...Legendary extraordinary treasure! Abnormal!"

This bow definitely scared a lot of people when it came out.

Daili couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. What a powerful bow, it's just worse than the one that hides blood. Anyway, among the magical weapons she has come into contact with so far, this bow ranks second. .

"Jun Zili, you are defeated!"

The bowstring was drawn, and the frozen magic arrow was unstrung.

One pull, one release...

Time has no meaning. It doesn't make sense to most other people anyway. Because the speed is too fast.

Perhaps, only a few people can see clearly and see the trajectory of the arrow. The dynasty is far away from the eyebrows.

How long does it take to shoot an arrow from an extraordinary treasure bow at a distance of three thousand meters?

0.1 seconds, maybe...

Anyway, at 0.01 seconds.

Dai Li also had an extra bow in his hand. The beautiful and domineering blood bow, the bowstring was pulled. Once the blood arrow strikes, it is incomparable to the opponent's momentum, but...

When the arrow is sent out...

Whoosh, whoosh~~

The two arrows were staggered in the air!

Eh. It seems that Daili's insightful eye cannot catch the frozen magic arrow, otherwise how could it be staggered? Shouldn't it capture the opponent's arrow?

Parallel lines are staggered...

One after the other. But... Dai Li's arrow hit Nie Yongshang first.

0.02 seconds later.

The sword of Nie Yongshang's clone and the arrow of Nie Yongshang's main body both hit Dai Li.

This is the rhythm of dying together!

The faces of everyone in the Demon Palace were darkened. There was no way that the two elites from the Demon Palace who had clearly reached the top 30 would take the initiative to die together. If word of this gets out...

The giants of the upper three halls would crush them all, the deputy hall masters, to death with just one thought!

The hit is only for a moment.

What matters is the results.

The arrow exuding absolute ice magic struck Dai Li's raised palm... He closed his palms, grabbed it, squeezed it, and broke it.

As for the magic knife... when it struck her body... it had already landed with a clang.

With the clang, Nie Yongshang also fell to the ground.

So soft, his soul was weak, and he didn't even have the strength to support his body.

Xiangxi Palace and Fu Ruoshui, two people who had never fought seriously in the first place, were watching in silence at this moment...

I don't know how to describe this feeling for a while.

The child is silent about the strange power and chaos...but they really want to say...you are a monster!

"Being able to quench soul poison on arrows, even king-level people have to be careful... Invincible defense against king-level attacks... The number one king-level person deserves the title."

Finally, someone spoke out what many people were thinking, and the person who spoke... was Zhongli Guiwan. She was playing the piano, and the music was so sultry. There was a lot of fighting on the battlefield, but her piano never stopped.

What a strong determination, what a high vision!

Many people now understood why Nie Yongshang was mysteriously defeated.

Soul quenching...the soul master's exclusive secret skill.

A secret skill that scares all monks.

Everyone is still amazed...


A violent sound came and everyone turned to look.

A sword, broken.

The person who burned for a night... was pressed under the seal of the law.


Everyone: "...."

What's going on? Fen Yiye was defeated? Still dead?

Luan Qingyi looked at Shang Daili with a look on his face and said, "Although it is very unpleasant, but after all, I am a member of the Qing Royal Family... and others cannot be bullied."

Long Yidan didn't know how he would feel if he heard this sentence.

Everyone else was on edge anyway.

In fact, the big beauty is quite domineering.

But from the perspective of Xiangxi Palace, this woman seems to be saying: You cannot bully my people.

Looking at what Daili said...

snort! What a show of affection! Xiangxi Palace snorted with jealousy, and took the initiative to attack Fu Ruoshui, leaving Fu Ruoshui speechless...

"Shopkeeper of Xiangda University, you are too..."

"My net worth is very high. Any injury is a huge loss."

Do you mean that I am worthless because of my rough skin and thick flesh?

Fu Ruoshui, who was still in White Lotus mode, smiled: "Then there's no need to wear outerwear, underwear, underwear, shoes, weapons, etc., and get them all at the Purple Gold level."

That weapon is so close to the extraordinary level!

"You are wrong." Xiangxi Gong said with a smile on his face.

"Oh?" How could she be wrong!

"My belt, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and even rings are all purple gold."


Damn it!

That's enough!

Fu Ruoshui could no longer hold back his poisonous water, the poison roared loudly, pkpk I want to pk with you!

From Daili's perspective, the fight between the two women was like a top-notch flower full of exaggeration, luxury and arrogance fighting an unknown plant with a white lotus on the outside and a pitcher plant on the inside. The outcome was not important. . The process...is even less important.

Dai Li sighed and looked at Nie Yongshang, "Now... it's time for you to tell me why before you die."

"Then tell me first, what species are you?"

This statement can be extended to Wei: You are not human.

Paralysis, as a prisoner, you still call me a human being!

"Superman" someone replied expressionlessly, and asked: "As a courtesy, please tell me. Why is your clone so weak?"

Nie Yongshang's expression froze and he said coldly: "I have only recently been able to summon an instant clone, which has one-third of my original strength."

"The main body reflects the clone?"


"....You are so unenterprising. You chose the simplest reflection of your true body."

Grass mud horse! How many can incarnate? You have such a high vision, get one and try it! !

Nie Yongshang, who was vomiting blood in his heart, frowned, and then said: "Then let me tell you... Gong Zangxue and I are an engaged couple... if she..."

This is definitely a shocking secret! The bow hides blood? Nie Yongshang? Everyone present was surprised, even Linghu Bai looked over...

It's just that they didn't expect the ending.

Nie Yongshang hasn't finished speaking yet. puff!

Someone stabbed him in the head with a sword!

Poke it to pieces.

Clean the sword and put it away.

"Insanity. She can even say such things... She would yell at people like me to beat and kill people. Just like you, an unmarried couple... Unless she is crazy and depraved and wants to take revenge on society..."

At the end, the man added seriously: "That woman will never get married in this life. I bet a cucumber in the universe."


Gong Zangxue looked at the close-up picture and Sekirei's amplified voice, not knowing whether it was intentional or accidental...

She took out her magic bow and wanted to shoot an arrow at the man's head!

Cao Mu Ma, if you have the ability, don’t let me come out!


Killed Nie Yongshang. Fen Yiye was also killed, and next...

Swordsmen and warriors.


Jingjing was forced to retreat ten thousand meters. The martial arts energy in her body was ups and downs, but Chuan Xia Yue's condition was much better than hers, and she seemed to be unscathed.

The gap is still very big indeed.

Is it really impossible to beat him?



Ning Jingyuan, Chuan Xia Yue and even Dai Li and others were all suppressed by the sudden burst of terrifying sword intent. Turn around and look.

Wangchen's sword intention to punish and his sword intention to kill.

Double sword intent!


All exceeded the perfection level!

I go!


Dai Li didn't even know that the famous sword's sword intention had reached the perfect level before. She had killed the opponent with the Perfect Small Hundred Sword before, so she didn't see much of the sword intention. But what happened now?

Double breakthrough, double perfection...

Damn it!

"Ha, interesting! Come on!" Chuan Bianjie, who was so cold and indifferent, was laughing out loud at this moment. It was the joy of meeting a powerful enemy. He watched the aura of the famous sword surge wildly and lifted the sword in his hand.

"Double Perfect Level 1... Then try my Perfect Level 2 Sword Intent one after another!"

Perfect Level 2?


A sword is still a perfectly condensed sword intention, but it is level two, much more powerful than level one.

One sword at level two, perfect level one against double.

What is the result?

boom! ! !

Sword attack!


Chuan continued to retreat three meters, while Mingjian retreated twenty meters!

The gap is not small.

Chuan Banjie laughed: "It's still a little bit behind, the time is almost up... Famous Sword, you'd better lose!"

Chuan Fujie finally became serious. In fact, he was already serious when he used the Perfect Level 2 Sword Intent, but he was even more serious now.

You can't let a person whose origin doesn't even meet the third level standard be evenly matched with him.

And he vaguely felt that if he really allowed this famous sword to fight with him, the opponent would probably break through more...



The sword rises and falls, seemingly without any skills, but in fact it is a return to nature.

Chuan Bubu's strongest sword, Guiyuan's sword, can be regarded as a sign of respect for Ming Jian, a swordsman with amazing talent.

Defeat, genius swordsman from Nanlin.

About to lose?

Jing Jingyuan blinked for a moment, and suddenly saw Daili's eyes looking at the famous sword from afar... (To be continued)


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