A Queen

Chapter 1,197 Anomalies Beyond Sword Dao

Chapter 1197

No regrets, no worries, just absolute trust and persistence.

She actually doesn't care about their victory or defeat, because she can be the most patient and tolerant, and she can also give the most generous support.

But she has extremely high demands on herself and is so cruel.

Jun Zili, you don’t seem to know that becoming your friend is actually quite difficult. Pride, dignity and strength must coexist, otherwise we cannot be friends.

Just like Shang Biere... She certainly didn't blame her for her suffering at that time, but she hated herself for being weak. Otherwise, why would you have been in danger again and again, so in the end she chose to fight against the odds with a narrow escape!

What about us?

Jing Jingyuan saw the flesh and majesty of the famous sword crumbling under the sword, and also saw her graceful manner without taking a step back.

Fight without defeat, fight without defeat!

Since we are fighting, we must be undefeated!

Also fighting to be undefeated!

This is how great it is!


Jing Jingyuan's body suddenly shone with a dazzling light, the surging light of martial arts...

With a rumble, a spiral pattern of Tai Chi light swirled in the sky, with white clouds and black clouds covering the top, and Tai Chi in the sky!

Everyone seems to have seen a giant face~~

The giant face tore open the sky, and saw Jing Jingyuan, with extremely majestic brows. He opened his mouth and let out a sound...


The gods of heaven and earth are powerful!

How much power does one of them have?

"Hey, it's so rare, it's so rare! I actually saw the mighty Martial Immortal General of Heaven lowering his Martial Arts Immortal Light!" Chi Ling spoke rashly, which also brought the stunned people back to their senses.

Shock, huge shock.

Linghu Bai, Wu Qing, Yun Duan, Ye Ziqing and others all looked towards Jing Jingyuan.

Such an encounter... is not bad compared to the encounter on Qishan Road.

That was the martial arts fairy light descended from the Tiandu Martial Immortal, which contained absolute power and the essence of martial arts.

If his martial arts talent hadn't reached a terrifying level, there would never have been such an opportunity.

"How can it be!"

"Even the martial arts geniuses in my large group have received such favors, and it's not so sudden... It's still in a remote place like Fenchuan."

There are actually two key points in what these people in the large group domain say, that is, in the large group domain, such opportunities are not unavailable. Anyway, there are those geniuses, but outside the large group domain... can such opportunities be obtained? There are very few people, very rare, which also means Jingyuan's martial arts talent...

"Must be admitted into my Demon Palace! This person must! I will contact the palace master and the others immediately!" Duan Ze was excited, very excited, but he received a message from Chun Shisanniang.

"You're so excited! You're really not calm."

"Master Thirteen, Jing Jingyuan is a rare martial arts genius. If he earns enough money, he will definitely be able to enter the Third Palace. Then you and I will make great contributions..."

"You're stupid! Didn't you see that Ning Jingyuan was having an affair with Jun Zili? Gong Zangxue and Bai Jin had contacted her a long time ago. If she wants to increase her power, she will definitely choose our Demon Palace first! If you guys If you are too impatient, try to intimidate me or something, and I won’t make a choice... I might drag Jun Zili away with me... You’ll be so miserable!"

"....!!!okay, I get it!"

Duan Ze, who had always been very wealthy, was as obedient as a sheep at the moment. He immediately suppressed his excitement and took a deep look at Chun Shisanniang and Gong Zangxue...

Amazing, your vision is so amazing... Junzi is far away, Jingjing is far away... How come you guys have met them all!

Gong Zangxue: "I guessed it right. This quiet and far-reaching achievement is greater. Now you still think it is a famous sword?"

Bai Jin: "Of course it's the famous sword. Don't you know what birds of a feather flock together? In my opinion, since the three people in Nanlin are called the Golden Triangle, they must not be too different. She, the famous sword..."

Bai Jin suddenly stopped talking and looked ugly.

Because the famous sword has been covered by the sword light...

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Nan Lin and others, who were still satisfied and happy, or the owner of Qingyuan Building were stunned.

"The situation is not good, that famous sword..." The owner of Qingyuan Building frowned, maybe because of Aiwu Jiwu, Ning Jingyuan is an absolute martial arts genius. Mingjian is not a peerless genius in swordsmanship. Could he really be defeated by Sichuan today? Constantly in hand? Although it is already amazing to know that she has such achievements, but...it is still a pity.

The golden triangle... rise together and reach the top together... this is a great story.

If one person is one step behind...then it is not the Golden Triangle.


The shortcomings of Daili moved slightly. Daili knew how good the famous sword's blood was, but as a good gay friend, she couldn't suck it no matter how much she wanted to...

Seeing the flesh and blood of the famous sword burst out, Dai Li's pupils turned red in an instant, and he held Qianji in his palm.

kill him!

Chuan Bujie suddenly felt a terrifying energy locking on him. He was very sure that the other party could kill him instantly.

But... who can have such strength? Absolutely only the king level can do it.

Which king level? Is there a king level here?

He subconsciously looked at Linghu Bai... He put on his green clothes and his leaves were clear...

I haven’t seen the generation separation yet.


Daoguang was forcefully forced back.


"what is that!"

The ignited milky white sword light was like a flash of light on the top of Mount Everest.

From tiny, to expansion, to overwhelming splendor...

The milky white sword light filled the sky, like scattered petals.

Force the sword light back.

There is no room for retreat!

Dai Li saw a person standing in the light of flying sword flowers.

Flowers are not flowers, fog is not mist.

Man in the fog, sword in the flower.

All things in the world are in bloom, but she remains the same.

He stood from beginning to end and never bent down.


In the fifth ring, Qianshan Muxue stood sideways on one side of the blade cliff, facing the wind, looking sideways in the direction of the fourth ring.

There was a little surprise on his face, and then he smiled again.

"I actually broke through now... earlier than I thought... an anomaly outside the realm of kendo"


The fourth ring, the flower is floating, is the flower that makes anyone’s heart palpitate.

Not charming, not gorgeous, not romantic, just a few pure sword lights.

This is a kind of vision, which is different from the celestial phenomenon of opportunity obtained from external objects in the heaven and earth just now by Jing Yuan. It does not come from heaven and earth... as if... from an individual.

Daili's soul is definitely the strongest here. Just now, she had opened the Eye of the Moment, and when she was worried about the famous sword, she looked at it, but her eyes immediately hurt.

Not enough level to watch!

It shows that there is definitely a very terrifying power awakening in the famous sword.

"What on earth is that..."

Dai Li couldn't see it at all and could only feel its power. But before Chuan Biji understood what was going on, he suddenly felt a fatal crisis.


The sword light broke!

A sword is coming!

It passed through the white sword flower, passed through his knife, and entered his body.

The knife cuts off, the meridians are cut off!

But not dead.

Chuan was constantly in disbelief, and so were the people present.

Until the light dissipates.

A man holding an ordinary long sword in one hand...

She frowned slightly, and the light and shadow fell on her face, elongating the shocking beauty. It was as pure and beautiful as a glazed sword in the hand of Qianshan Duxue.

Clear, noble, and superb, it is like a treasure that was born to be enshrined in the core of the temple, so that no one dares to desecrate it.

Even though she was dressed in a mess... her hairband was even broken by the light of the sword and fell to the ground. The crown prince's hair, which had been held tightly, was now scattered and splashed on her shoulders.


She raised her eyebrows lightly, took a few steps forward, bent down... and held the hair tie on the ground with her beautiful fingers.

That long hair is...

Sloping down like a waterfall...

Trace by trace, strand by strand...

It gives people the feeling of caressing it with their fingers and letting it flow by.

The green snow is dotted with beauty, and a branch of plum blossom is leaning against the corner.

The plum blossoms are in bloom.

The sword is reviving.

The beauty comes again.

Not far away, the half-kneeling Chuan Fujie looked straight at him... as if he was bewitched by inner demons.

Dumbfounded, obsessed, dazed...

He completely forgot that this was the person he wanted to kill with one sword just now and defeated with another sword just now.

If he is like this, what about others?

The beautiful wrists and hem exposed under the broken sleeves are slender and smooth calves..

The exquisite curvature of the body... Although the heroic spirit is still weak, there is an intoxicating charm in the heroic spirit.

How many people were instantly refreshed!

Xiangxi Palace couldn't help but gasp, famous sword? Famous sword? It's not like she didn't know that this person might be a woman. After all, she would have seen her in the Dragon Slaying Valley...


It wasn't so beautiful before! Is it like this in a year?

Or is it the famous sword that took off the men's clothing three years later... is this what it looks like?

"You're crazy. You've been like this for three years? Why haven't I become more beautiful?" Xiangxi Palace couldn't help but muttered...

Fu Ruoshui looked at her: "That's what happens when you get older..."

pkpkpk! I want to kill you!

Unlike Xiangxi Palace, who already knew it, others are not so receptive. What!! Is this a famous sword? Is it a famous sword? yes? ? ?

The people in Jiange are drunk! The elders all have question marks carved on their foreheads!

female? female? female?

Xi Liuying and other girls who have a deep love for famous swords were also shocked!

Where is the male god? My male god! (The transformation of Qishan Road in Golden Triangle Contest for the Whole Universe, well, it’s Jiang Zi!)

But these people are not as messy as one person...

"Where's my brother! Where's my brother! Where's my brother! That's my brother?" Ming Keqing is like a repeater, holding up her orchid finger... She wants to cry but has no tears~~

Poor child, for decades, he didn't know that his brother was actually his sister.

The People's Committee of Nanlin really felt pity for her, so Lin Jiangxue and Tang Junyi both repeated: "She is your sister, she has been your sister for decades... It doesn't matter, you have been kept in the dark since birth." That’s all”

Two good knives inserted.

Ming Keqing was quiet.

Chu Xiuling was stunned. Where is the outstanding man that he promised? What about resisting the rise of yin and the decline of yang?

we agreed..

Um, but there seems to be an advantage. The famous sword is not for men... Na Daili and her... Ha, Bai Shutang is not here either, and Ying Zheng seems to have accepted his fate... r1152


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