A Queen

Chapter 1,199 The ultimate rich man! (I would like to exchange my smile for indifference and his jad

Chapter 1199

It all rebounded!

Fu Ruoshui stared, what is this?

Daili and the others were also drunk. What the hell is this?

Purple gold suit?

"Do you think that as the master of Wanbaozhai, I will only wear twelve pieces of purple gold equipment? To tell you the truth, these are not 12 ordinary pieces of purple gold top equipment, but a suit created by a chain of 12 swords. Each suit is equipped with They are all imprinted with a magical power, which can only be activated by using the chain combination... This is also the first time I have used it, and it feels okay, but the purple light is a bit hurtful to the eyes..." (Have you seen the rich aura of the beautiful woman from Hunan? This is He is really rich...)

In other words, even if she has a good relationship with Xiangxi Palace and has hooked up and traded many times, or even if she has known her since childhood and grew up together, or even if she is a Chuan who thinks she is rich and good-looking, Brother and sister...or maybe they are as indifferent as Zhongli returns home late.

I was so stimulated by these words that all my internal organs were shifted!

Is this human talk?

Just 12 pieces! general! Pass! of! Purple gold top equipment!

Well enough! ! !

It hurts the eyes so much!

We are all blind, okay!

Fu Qingyi pressed her temples and said, "Okay, come down...otherwise Miss Fu will get so angry that she dies."

Why do you feel that this little friend feels even more embarrassed when he beat her, but he can actually attack everyone in a group?

Miss Fu was really angry to death and threw her hands away: "I lost!"

That tone was almost like...I'm going to quit this job...

After flying down, she said to Xue Zhiyu: "It turns out that there is such a domineering, shameless and rich woman in this world, who is a thousand times more annoying than you... I actually wasted my time fighting with you before... I really regret it when I was young frivolous and ignorant”

Snow Fish: "..."

Why does she have the pride of an old mother lamenting that a daughter in our family will eventually grow up?

"Eight people escaped...there are still twelve people,

It's time for theatergoers to move." Huang finally spoke up, twisting her wrist slightly. Her eyes flickered over Lian Qingyi, Zhongli Guiwan, Daili, Snow Fish, Ye Yeqing, Clouds, Tang Shubai and Tan Mu. Xiangxi Palace. Linghu Bai is ruthless!

Twelve people!

It doesn't mean that they are in the top twelve of the fifty, but it definitely means that five of them must be in the top ten!

"Twelve people. Just right. If someone doesn't want to fight one against two or three against three..." The person who spoke this time seemed to be Yun Duan who had only spoken to Ye Ziqing before.

For this young man, Dai Li always had a sense of crisis, because the way he looked at his cousin was a bit wanton.

And she has always been very good at judging people. This young man is definitely a frivolous and unruly person.

This kind of person is not suitable for her cousin. (Which kind of person is suitable? Sister control!)

Dai Li secretly stared at the cloud, but the cloud appeared in full view after saying a sentence. His eyes glanced in front of Dai Li, and then looked at Ye Ziqing.

His eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Um...do you have a jq?

Huang glanced at Yun Duan and chuckled, "Then let's fight. If we don't fight, the five people in the Fifth Ring will not be able to wait any longer... If someone allows them to occupy two teleportation slots in advance..."

We can definitely only stop at the fifth ring!

Who doesn’t want to be first!

Huang's words were dignified and elegant, but also full of enchantment. It stirs up the greed and ambition in people's bones.

In the blink of an eye, I felt that I was locked in!

A raised eyebrow! Among the 11 people in front... one person disappeared!


The disappearance of that man set off the nerves of others...

Almost at the same time.

In front of Luan Qingyi's eyes, there was a sky full of ice and snow, and that absolute martial arts ice spear!

Is it the strongest kill when you meet each other?

Look up. The fish of snow comes on the ice.

Raise your hand, a three-diamond-shaped seal!


When the ice spear pierced the top... the force of the thrust was terrifying, but it made a hissing sound for a moment.


Ice spear turns into water!

How can it be! Previously, the Snow Fish's ice spear had frozen Young Master Ying directly. Even Young Master Ying's ability could not break the ice, but this seal actually...

Snow Fish: "Three French characters are burned on it, shield, defense, and fire! This is the talent of the seal of the first bloodline of the Blue Emperor... It is really powerful."

A shield and a defense were able to block her ice spear, and then a flame... burned it!


Tsing Yi rolled his sleeves with his fingers and smiled at Xue Zhiyu: "So you want to be more direct? Use your strongest martial arts..."

Like Dai Li, she has always been somewhat tolerant towards women. Perhaps strong women have this mentality.

Although Snow Fish can be considered a strong person, but...

"Of course I have to give it a try, even though you are very strong..." Xue Zhiyu raised her hand. She was using martial arts. When she used the true meaning of martial arts, she noticed a flash in Luan Qingyi's eyes.

It's interesting that she uses the martial arts she learned from Jun Zili.

And Lian Qingyi... may not have learned the formation method from Jun Zili.

Complete martial arts vs. martial arts...

What about strength and weakness?


On one side of Dai Li's waist, the space where she had been standing was cut by a short-handled sickle. The blade pointed directly in the direction she avoided.

The sword glowed with black light. .

Black lines and streamlines, a very strange sickle. .


Dai Li, who was stuck vertically on the side of his waist to block the blade, remained motionless and looked at the man in front of him who was bending in ambush.

"Tan Mu, you are worthy of being the killer elite of Lanyue Tower"

Dai Li's words did not surprise Tan Tan Mu. He raised his head, the blade slowly turned, and he was face to face with Dai Li, only two fists apart.

The gentle and delicate face was expressionless.

"You are worthy of being the person who put Lan Yue Lou and Li Yun at the top of the bounty list..."

"Heh, how high is my reward?"

"Only below the king's level"

If Dai Li was recognized by Linghu Bai as the first person below the king level before, and his defense speed was the first, then it was also for the entire three thousand assessors.

But what was said in the conversation was that Lan Yuelou and Liyun had secretly raised her threat level to above that of all monarchs.

You must know that the strength she showed at that time was less than the second level. It is conceivable that if it were not for these two forces, someone would see through her strength. Just value her potential.

Potential is also a threat, even the biggest threat.

Dai Li smiled when he heard this. He didn't know whether he was happy or sarcastic, but during the conversation, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he said, "But you are too arrogant."



A black streak on the blade suddenly bounced off the blade, like a black spirit attached to it...

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Dai Li's abdomen~~~

Extremely poisonous!

Terrifying poison!

Than the green poisonous gas in the sky. Fu Ruoshui's Poison River is much more terrifying!

"The tarsal bone!" Fu Ruoshui is an expert in playing poison. The immediate look was a glare.

"This is a poison that some kings must be careful about..."

Tarsal bone! Fu Ruoshui's voice startled Chuan Xiayue, Mingjian and others. Before they could ask more questions, they heard the terrifying sound of corrosion...

But blink. Dai Li's body was covered with black worms, corrosion!

He was eaten clean before he could even breathe!


Chuan Xiayue and others were frightened, but also extremely doubtful. Jun Zili died like this?

"Not yet" Ming Jian glanced at him. The corner of his mouth curled up.

The six senses and heavenly consciousness can only capture your trajectory... Daili, how strong are you already?

Tanmu is a killer. One hit will kill him, no matter what method he uses, he doesn't care, as long as he kills his opponent. Now that the gentleman could not escape from an accident and was killed very smoothly, he felt uneasy.

Uneasiness comes too quickly, but a sword is faster!


The space behind Tan Mu was directly torn apart by a sword...


The conversation flew out. There was a burst of burning fire on the back, the invisibility technique!

no. Locked again!

Damn it! This man is too fast!

Eye magician Eye magician! He can't let her lock him, otherwise he will definitely die when the pupil technique comes!

Outsiders would not understand Tan Mu’s madness at that time, hiss! He burned his essence and blood to escape! ...

He escaped with blood after just a few hits...

What is this thing called?

The people watching the battle were suspicious.

Phew, a dark shadow appeared vaguely and translucent on a rock three thousand meters away from the warship, and as soon as he stepped on it...

"Are all killers so slow?"

look up...

A sword.

A dragon.


People and stones were devoured by the dragon.

Talking about the curtain, death.

"Such a fast speed. Is this the insight of a pupil master?" Chuan Xiayue was also stunned. She originally thought that Ning Jingyuan and Mingjian had accumulated a lot of experience and surpassed Junzili from behind. It really depends on Junzili's action. This man is the real killer.

One move after another leads to death.

"To have insight, you need to have physical speed... Her physique..." Chuan kept shaking his head, "Even the average king-level physical defense can't compare to hers."

Although the king level is not afraid of the ultimate king level attack, he does not dare to use real attacks that are resistant to nakedness, but Jun Zili did it.

Compared with Xiangxi Palace, this kind of person who doesn't have any magic weapon in his body... is even more terrifying.

In the sky above the place where Tan Mu fell, Dai Li frowned slightly... It was too weak, unable to reach the limit she expected... with so little evil energy.

Fortunately he is a killer.

Only Jing Jingyuan here knows some of Dai Li's thoughts, and his eyes flicker slightly. This person seems to be very wary of people like Hu Yanjue, otherwise he would not do everything possible to increase his strength.

Obviously there aren't many people here who can match her...


The sudden terrifying pressure made Jingjingyuan instantly frightened, and they all turned their heads to look.

Sound of the piano, wake up!

The space showed twisted ripples. The ripples were very long, with an arc length of over a thousand meters. They spread out from where Zhongli Guiwan was.

"Soul Sound Attack!"


Chuan Xia Yue and Chuan Chang couldn't stop such a sound attack, because the sound attack targets the body and soul. The soul can't bear it, and it's useless no matter how strong you are.


Several people had to retreat, so Daili and Jingjingyuan were still standing together. Daili glanced at them and ignored the fierce fighting for the time being... Ye Ziqing and Yunduan, as well as Xiangxi Palace and Ling. Hu Bai and Wu Qing didn't even move. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you to He Shibi who was willing to exchange a smile for the indifferent children's shoes yesterday. I will add an update today. Thank you also to Young Siming Chenyu for the fairy flower reward. If you add more, it will be counted as tomorrow.


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