A Queen

Chapter 1,200: The Tarsal Bones

Chapter 1200

There is also a gap between immobility and immobility.

Xiangxi Palace complained a little at this moment: "The music player is still so fierce... This sonic power can instantly kill everyone below the extreme king level... Fortunately, I have a suit... but the constant glow is really annoying~~"

Having to retreat, Chuanxiayue and others silently vomited blood.

Does this thing have soul defense skills?

I really want to die!

Daili: "Do you know what you look like to me now?"

"Shut up, you won't say anything nice."

"Like a ripe eggplant"

It's not Yu Jie, it's Eggplant.


Xiangxi Palace turned around with a ferocious expression.

"You are the eggplant, and all of you are eggplants!"

One of the family members... Ye Ziqing suddenly turned his face and glanced at Xiangxi Palace.

The sword tip was suddenly slightly unsheathed, and his eyebrows were filled with seriousness.

I wipe it!

This woman's aura was so terrifying that Xiangxi Palace was shocked and didn't react yet...

Ye Ziqing's sword has come out!

At the same time, Dai Li felt that the space in front of him was distorted...the clouds in the sky were pressed down!

What is this power? Direct space power?

Strong, really strong!

Ye Ziqing's sword has arrived, piercing this space!

On the other side, there is a silhouette in white clothes behind Dai Li...

A book, a sword drawn.

The sword is in handshake...

Stab it brazenly!

The perfect first-level sword intention of Yun, the perfect first-level...sword intention of killing!

Cloud, also kill.

Double sword intent! Double perfection!

Where did this kendo pervert come from?

Xiangxi Palace was stunned and subconsciously looked at the famous sword.

So there is more than one famous sword in the world?

There is also Tang Shubai.

That Tang Shubai holding a book like a rotten scholar?

Xiangxi Palace felt that he was blind.

The sword is too fast. The sword of Yunsha is ethereal and sharp.


The sword penetrates the bone.

Inserted into the earth's veins.


The ground suddenly cracked open with dozens of cracks.

Tang Shubai, who was holding the sword, stood in mid-air, holding the sword in both hands. The afterimage of light appeared behind him, and Dai Li appeared!

Qian Ji stabs the sword!

You kill me from behind, and I will kill you from behind!

Repay him with his own way!

Tang Shubai's eyes flashed and he drew his sword!

boom! ! !

Sword to sword, cross block to kill!

Face to face, scholar to gentleman!

The cross pattern starts to kill... from behind~~

The momentum is even more terrifying!

The sweeping light waves covered all the scholars and young masters.

Only then did everyone see a white cloud sword with black energy traveling through the sky, and a man whose whole body seemed to be shrouded in clouds and mist.

The leaves are clear and the clouds are above.

"These two people... are more than the limit." Even though they were shocked and suspicious, Chuan Changjie, Fu Ruoshui and others were not sure.

Because the word "king level" is too far away.

Almost everyone here has the strength of the ultimate king level, but there is still a clear distinction between strength and weakness, and the king level... that is another absolute realm.

Is Ye Ziqing a king? Is the cloud king?

"You want to kill her?" Ye Ziqing pressed the hilt of the sword and looked at the clouds with an expressionless face.

Yunduan nodded: "Yes"

One is that Ning Jingyuan and Mingjian were stunned. When did the clouds focus on Dai Li? It seems that... he means more than just killing for Qishan Road.

Now it’s certain... the previous attack on Dai Li was a double kill!

Yun Duan and Tang Shubai are going to kill Dai Li!

"If you don't kill her, how can you fight with me?" Yun Duan smiled.

Ye Ziqing: "You think too much, it's not difficult to kill you..."

"It's really heartless..." Yun Duan folded his hands,

Her fingers were very beautiful, slender and beautiful, with white clouds lingering around her fingertips, making her look like a fairy.

But her aura...original power revealed fifty thousand clouds...and was superimposed with terror.

It became 80,000.

How strong is 80,000 original energy?

That power formed a mist-shrouded...snow-white giant behind her.

It was a giant beast like snow and clouds.

"Embrace the clouds and step on the snow!" Everyone present was very knowledgeable, but for a while no one knew what this giant beast was. Only Xiangxi Palace stared in disbelief and subconsciously looked at Lian Qingyi.

At this moment, Luo Qingyi, who was fighting with the Snow Fish, had already seen the giant beast from a distance, and his eyes trembled.

Dai Li actually recognized this giant beast, but she had always been illiterate. The reason why she knew about this thing was because it was in the memory of the real dragon.

It seems like this thing...is related to the Seven Clans.

I vaguely remember...

Daili is in doubt...

She and Tang Shubai's swords clashed again!

Face to face, eye to eye, Dai Li actually still had some doubts about the background of the person in front of him.

It's so low-key, unheard of before, but now it looks...very profound.

As they looked at each other, she suddenly saw the corner of the other person's mouth curl up, and the dark and bright light in his eyes became... terrifying!

What light is that?

Gray, dull...


There is a power awakening!

Power, absolutely terrifying power!

Ominous, cold, violent...this aura is unsettling!

Jing Jingyuan and others were immediately shocked, what is that!

Even Ye Ziqing and Yun Duan also paid attention.

one look.

Tang Shubai... is it still Tang Shubai at this moment?

The fair-faced and gentle scholar, with golden eyes and white hair, lips like blood, was full of evil.

The most important thing is the smell...

Let Dai Li and others react immediately.

"No, he's stiff!!!"

The expressions of Ning Jingyuan and Ming Jian suddenly changed!

Zombie, under Ghost Cry and on Quinn Island did give them a lot of frightening memories, especially when King Zombie bit Xiang Daili's neck, they shuddered just thinking about it.

Now... another freeze!

Still an almost human zombie!

I don’t know how many times smarter than the Zombie King!

Dead zone!

Many people have thought of this word, this terrifying area,

"There are people coming to the Zombie Territory!" Everyone including Liu* and others were surprised, and they were more thoughtful.

Why is Zhan interested in Qishan Road?

"Zhang..." Shang Biejie raised his eyebrows and looked at Yiye*. Yiye* said in a low voice: "Zhou is not all in the Zombie Territory. There are also human monks, but the one who calls the shots in the Zombie Territory is still Zheng. For several..."

When the two of them were talking, Bao Zifeng had already crushed the teacup and looked at the person opposite him: "It's so tense. As an inspector, why don't you react at all?"

"What kind of reaction can there be... During the Fenchuan Qishan Road assessment period, the door is wide open, as long as the rules are not violated..." At this moment, there were two people sitting in front of Bao Zifeng, Tu Rufeng and Fu Chong, two high-ranking supervisors.

It was Fu Chong who spoke. This profiteer from the Flame Mountain shocked many people.

Of course, not many people know his identity.

Suddenly, Fu Chong turned to look at Tu Rufeng: "Now you have to tell me who you are waiting for, right?"

"One of these twelve people? It can't be my daughter."

"Your daughter is still a little behind, and the person behind me doesn't like her."

Tu Rufeng's words were very disrespectful. Fu Chong sneered: "A thousand-year-old bachelor has the nerve to say this. If you have the ability, give birth to one! ... He can't be Lao Baozi's son-in-law."

"It's not her." Tu Rufeng lowered his eyes, "You will know after the fifth update... You will also know in the future... This person will overwhelm many people in the future."

This person will be eliminated + but he can still rise in the future after being eliminated = this person is very young and has terrifying talent.

Who is it?

When Fu Chong and Bao Zifeng were suspicious...

A person came from Chibi Plain.

This man appeared silently and very low-key, carrying an ordinary sword on his back. He didn't pay attention to other people, but just looked at the huge light curtain.

"Stiff...?" He frowned.

In the distance, Tai Shi Yuan, who was also looking at the light curtain, suddenly felt something and turned around to look over...

This person...


"Zhang...you are actually Zombie." Dai Li's expression was also a bit wonderful. She also thought of King Zombie who was very greedy for her blood.

But her second reaction...

"Why are you so good-looking...that King Zombie is so ugly?" The second sentence that popped out of Dai Li's mouth made Jingjing Yuan and others who were worried about her in the distance instantly...let her die, die, die!

Tang Shubai didn't make a sound, and he never made a sound. At this moment, he exerted force with his arms... There were slender golden blood vessels slightly protruding under the pale skin...


Roar! !

Dai Li was pushed back by a huge force!

The Thousand Machines in my hand were forcefully forced back...


He was bounced ten meters away, and just as he waved his hand to remove the terrible stiffness, a black shadow flashed across his eyes.

Clang! ! !

The sword speed, sword power, and sword light all increased five to six times!

Strength surges!

There is a hint of strength that reaches the threshold of king level.

Peng! Puff!

Fierce battles, the fierce battles between zombies and vampires are destined to be fierce and direct.

boom! boom!

Blast into the warship buildings one after another and explode!

Penetrate again!

Cut off!


Full of violence, they are not afraid of those sharp edges cutting into their bodies.

This is the most extreme close combat!

Whoosh, whoosh...

When the sword light struck together again, Dai Li and Tang Shubai faced each other again, their swords crossed...

Strength is rising!

Everyone discovered that...even if Tang Shubai's strength suddenly increased, this gentleman was still undefeated!

"Speed... Her speed is still higher than Tang Shubai's, and with her defense... she is invincible."

Most monks believe that attack is the most important, but it is undeniable that absolute speed and defense are also terrifying.

And Tang Shubai...


His wings suddenly opened from behind!

Pure golden metal bat wings! The eight wing bones were ferociously released from above!

Spread your wings!

Space is distorted!

No, power! ! !


Dai Li took a step back, and in an instant, a thousand meters away, Tang Shubai had jumped up, and the sword in his hand was like his claws, he raised it and cut it down!

It was so cruel and cold that the sword was instantly like a stiff tooth!

"It turns out to be Zombie Tooth, no wonder it's so strong." Dai Li turned his skills a thousand times, and when the Zombie Tooth Sword was slashed down...

There was a faint flash of blood behind her... Mingjian only glanced at it and was suddenly shocked!

Then...she couldn't see anymore!

Even the six senses and heavenly consciousness cannot see it, let alone other people?

Linghu Bai frowned and let out a light sigh.

Huh what?

The Zombie Tooth Sword cuts down and breaks through the air! The person is missing!

And Tang Shubai...

He felt a strand of hair brushing his cheek.

Cold assassination!


Thousands of opportunities enter the body.

What speed is this! It was several times faster than his previous burst! I can't grasp the opponent's attack trajectory at all..R1152

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