A Queen

Chapter 1,201 Pure Demon, Emperor’s Sound

Chapter 1201

"Soul quenching poison!"

No, it’s not just that!

14 Eye Technique--The Bite of the Moment!


The soul is being devoured!

Swallowed silently!

Fu Ruoshui and others were originally unable to capture Tang Shubai's soul aura, but they were able to capture it now because his soul aura was reduced too much.

Just like a bucket of water being poked into a hole and leaking out, it passed quickly...

However, they had no idea that Tang Shubai had just been subjected to the pupil technique by Dai Li, because the pupil technique was hidden in a sword.

The soul is quenched with poison, and that poison is the eye of the moment.

This was also the case, so Tang Shubai lost his defense. After all, everyone knew that Junzi Lihui Eye Technique, and when he sensed the fluctuations in her soul, he naturally also had his defenses...

Standing on the wrong side, Dai Li pressed Qianji with his fingers, turned sideways and looked at Tang Shubai, who was already disappearing, and was suddenly startled.

Tang Shubai's demonic state was dissipating... revealing his original scholar appearance.

He was obviously defeated with his soul eliminated, but his expression was...

Daili seemed to see him smiling at her.



The body dissipated into smoke.

Dai Li is thoughtful


The people on the Chibi Plain were also frozen in that disappearing smile.

Anyone who is even slightly emotionally sensitive will not think that smile is ordinary, but can feel a lot of strange feelings from it.

"Then Tang Shubai... knows Jun Zili?"

"Why do I feel that feeling of laughing a little bit, falling in love, killing each other, and then being killed without any regrets..."

"You have such a big brain,

But I actually think it makes sense! "

Everyone was talking about it, and they were trying to use this opportunity to open their minds...

The big screen was suddenly covered with ice and snow.

The sudden drop in temperature makes people's nerves tremble, and they step away from their feet, crushing the ice. Look up...

Thousands of vertical and horizontal frosts are like an ice lotus blooming wantonly, with the Snow Fish as the core, blooming!

It was the blooming of ice magic with the fierceness of martial arts.

Wu Zhilian.

Perfect control.

But above Wu Zhilian, a seal...

Four methods of sealing, four layers of methods of inscription...

You can vaguely see the patterns of blue dragon, white tiger, red bird, and basalt.

"Four Directions Mysterious Beast Seal!" Wu Qing and others looked over, their expressions were not calm.

The mysterious beast seal suppresses all directions!

Press down!

boom! ! ! !

Wu Zhilian collapsed!

The mysterious beasts from all directions roared...

The clouds were stirred by the roar...

That is... king-level power.


"Luan Qingyi is indeed king-level"

“It’s really a king’s level.”

Regardless of whether it is to replace these assessors. Or a spectator on the Red Cliff Plains. Most people feel this way at this moment.

It's not that I wasn't shocked, but I easily accepted the result.

"Qinghuanghai is a clan that is good at cultivation, so it is natural for them to make rapid progress in cultivation. It is inevitable that Qingyi will reach the king level."

This statement is recognized by people from large groups, Fenchuan and Qishan Pavilion.

When a person's talent has been recognized, her achievement limit has already been infinitely stretched by others.

King level...the first bloodline of Qinghuang obviously cannot stop here.


"How many people know that she is the same age as me?" Dai Li touched his chin and smiled softly.

King level for less than 30...

People from the Wind King will vomit blood.

"I lost." Snow Fish's defeat was too simple, and she herself was also very simple.

A flick of the sleeve. He turned to Qing Yi and nodded: "Thank you for not killing me, but after I watch your decisive battle... I will kill myself."

Since he was defeated. And the opponent also has the ability to kill her, so her points will naturally be contributed to the opponent.

Princess Snow has always been very energetic.

But Luo Qingyi shook his head: "Although points are important, the assessment criteria for Chiling are definitely not based on killing the opponent."

Really... Yukinoyu, Kawashita Yue and others were all surprised, but when they thought about it, they had already lost anyway. These have nothing to do with them.

"Now...all that's left..." Snow Fish subconsciously turned around to look, and suddenly the sound of a piano trembled in her ears.

The sound of the piano is absolutely perfect.

Dai Li saw Zhongli Guiwan sitting cross-legged and playing the piano quietly. Her hands were pressing the strings, silently.

Why not send it?

Dai Li felt that this girl must have many more powerful piano sounds that she had yet to produce. only...

A finger was tapped on her neck.

An extremely slender finger.

Lighting her Adam's apple.

In front of him was Huang who was bending down.

Behind the phoenix is ​​the extremely gorgeous and arrogant red phoenix.

Raging flames, twisted space, suddenly rising temperatures...

The terrifying pressure made Zhongli Guiwan unable to move and did not want to move.

"Pure demon..." Zhongli Guiwan sighed softly, "I didn't expect to see it in the Qishan Road assessment."

A pure demon is a real demon.

A true demon race does not contain any human blood.

Just like a real dragon like Prince Beigong.

So Phoenix...

"You are the demon phoenix." Zhongli Guiwan looked at the giant statue behind Huang.

"You have a good vision." Huang gently closed his fingers and lifted Zhongli Guiwan's chin.

When they first met, Dai Li knew that this person was not a pure human. Later he found out that he was a demon, and a demon... was a demon!

A slight movement can bring out the charm and bring meaning to people's hearts...maybe also bewitching and charming.

The gentle and gentle noble young pavilion master had his chin lifted by a demon.

Those sharp fingers seemed to be about to make a gash on Zhongli Guiwan's thin, snow-white skin.

This scene has some thrilling danger and beauty.

"Thank you for the compliment..." Zhongli Guiwan remained calm.

Suddenly, Huang clasped Zhongli Guiwan's slender and soft neck and lowered her head, strands of hair falling down, touching Zhongli Guiwan's beautiful side face.

"But if I'm not wrong, you haven't tried your best yet."

Zhongli Guiwan naturally did not use all his strength, because Daili and others did not hear the most powerful imperial piano sound of Qinhuang Pavilion at all.

As the young pavilion master. She won't?


"The demonic finger of the phoenix is ​​stuck in the throat, how can I play the piano?" Zhongli Guiwan sighed softly.

It's not that she is weak, it's that Huang's speed is too fast.

No matter how strong a violinist is, he still has weaknesses.

Huang also smiled and suddenly retracted his finger, "Then you should move on. Anyway, I want to see something."

Very arrogant.

Zhongli Guiwan smiled slightly. "good"

With a flick of her finger, her aura suddenly changed!

The gentle aura that was originally pure and elegant suddenly gave off a pressure that was even more terrifying than Wan Ai Dan Lin's General Field.

Imperial power!

The fingertips lifted a string.

Phantom sound!


Everyone's souls seemed to have been extinguished for a moment...

"not good!"

River Moon. Chuan Bubu, or Fu Ruoshui... their expressions changed in an instant, but they didn't retreat yet.

The second string moves!


Soul Trill..

The body goes soft...

Chuan Xia Yue and the other three fell down directly!

Apparently among some people here, their soul defenses are the worst.

And the other side. The expressions of Snow Fish and Xiangxi Palace also kept changing.

The second string has already pushed them to the limit...

Xue Zhiyu turned around to look, Dai Li's expression did not change. Ning Jingyuan and Ming Jian only frowned slightly, obviously they still had some energy left. As for Linghu Bai following Qing Yi... and Qing Qing, Ye Qing and the clouds above the sky...

"There are as many masters as the clouds," Xue Zhiyu said with a smile, not giving up. Instead, a sense of ambition arose in his eyes, and there was a piece of ice spreading deep in his soul.

What about the third string?

Here comes the third string!

Snow Fish closed her eyes and she fell down.

Xiangxi Palace's face turned pale. But he hasn't fallen down yet...

Famous swords and tranquility are far away...

"Haha, the sound of the Emperor's Qin is indeed terrifying. It's a pity that the Qin you are using is not the Qinhuang Pavilion's most treasured Qin, or there are not many people here who can stop you." Huang lowered his eyes to Zhongli Guiwan's Qin.

It's just ordinary and doesn't have much magical power. It's strange that the majestic young master of the Qinhuang Pavilion doesn't use a better Qin. Even one at the top of the Zijin Pavilion can easily get it, but this Qin... is very ordinary.

"It is my first piano. It has been with me since I was a disciple for more than fifty years...it will be there until I die," Zhongli Guiwan said slowly, while playing the fourth string.


Mingjian and Jingjingyuan finally began to be unable to stop them, and the purple light on Xiangxi Palace began to fluctuate.

Huang frowned, and a cold light appeared on his fingertips.

For a moment, a cold light hit the center of his eyebrows.

"But it can only withstand the fifth note, so let's end with the fifth note..."

If you say fifth, it means fifth!

The strings are pulled up and dropped.

The sound of the piano is coming...


The emperor's majestic killing sound!

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan frowned and glanced at Dai Li.


Soul annihilation.

And Huang's fingerlight had already landed on Zhongli Guiwan's neck.

In an instant, the soft neck... the glass smoke dissipated, turning into countless burning crystal light notes, and along with the dissipated piano...

The finger light broke through the air.

Huang frowned, looking at the blood mark left on the back of his hand, and suddenly smiled: "What a young master of the Qinhuang Pavilion, who only uses an ordinary piano to play the fifth emperor's music, and refuses to die in the hands of others..." So proud”

Not only was she proud, but in the end she even used the ordinary strings to draw a bloody mark on the back of her hand.

What's the meaning?

It's telling Huang... It's not that I am defeated by you, but that I just don't care.

So proud!

He was so proud that Huang smiled, and as he smiled, he became filled with murderous intent.

The dignity of a pure demon cannot be desecrated.

Let's kill together...

The sky suddenly burst into thousands of ravines.

Buzz~! ~~

A clear black and white sword, cut down!

One side of Huang's body...


One-fifth of the huge ancient warship was destroyed.


This power is so terrifying, it's...

King level!

"Your cousin is too perverted," Xiangxi Gong said to Dai Li.

Dai Li glanced at her: "This suit of yours is powerful enough to last until now."

"That depends on who uses it." Xiangxi Palace's smile was very meaningful.

"Be careful, there will be a powerful king-level move to break your turtle shell later!" Dai Li rolled his eyes at her, turned to look at the sky, and suddenly felt suffocated.

Turn around and look...

Linghu Bai and Na Wuqing... finally released their auras.

The former looked at Xiangxi Palace, and the latter... looked at Huang.

Xiangxi Palace turned to Dai Li and said, "Don't talk to me in the future. You are too cunning." (To be continued)


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