A Queen

Chapter 1,203 Instant kill, cruel!

Chapter 1203

But... twisted ripples suddenly appeared in front of him, phew!

The bloody light pressed against his neck...

Too fast and too hard, his pupils shrank...


Cut his throat with a sword!

The sword is sharp, but there is no leakage...

You can't even feel the intensity of the attack.

I could only vaguely see a person emerging behind the twisted ripples.


The wind was blowing, and a wisp of bright red blood drifted away.

There was no trace of the majesty of a king from her body, but that sword really cut through Yun Duan's neck.

Others didn't even know when and how she took action.

Fast, too fast.

Yun Duan is a king-level master who can withstand Ye Ziqing's ultimate sword! But he was still caught in a close second!

Linghu Bai took a deep look at Dai Li.

She felt a great sense of threat from her.

"Even if it's not the king level, it's still better than the king level. This speed is too fast." Xu Liu sighed and smiled again. He deserved to lose to the king level.

People like Xie Ru were going crazy. How could they be so powerful? What happened just now!

"Then Ye Yeqing had seriously injured Yunduan before. Junzili took advantage of the opportunity to attack...it's easy to get the advantage...what's the fuss?" When Feng Shaoling said such words with extreme reluctance, many people looked stupid* Look at him with the same look.

IQ is not without it, but once the mind is blinded by jealousy, there is no lower limit to IQ.

This is well reflected in people like Feng Sanshao and Xie Ru.

It's just because they fell so hard that they haven't recovered yet.


Yun Duan caressed his bloody neck, looked at Dai Li, and suddenly smiled. He stepped forward, his body was already translucent, like a human-shaped floating cloud, and he half-integrated into Dai Li's body. He hooked his fingers around her neck and pressed against her. Whisper.

"It's better to block than to open up. I don't believe you can't see it, but you still don't want her to take risks... You are really gentle... But you even killed your own fiancée... to divorce, you are really cruel."

Breathing like orchid, with a little complaint, the clouds dispersed, and the clouds fell.

But before his death, many people, including Linghu Bai, people in Qingyi and Chibi Plain, saw the phantom of his face, showing an expression like this: (⊙﹏⊙)b! ! !

He is her!

That face...so beautiful!

The fairyland beauty in the clouds!

It is as beautiful as the most beautiful jade statue in the clouds in the wonderland of the sky...

There seems to be no people from Daxia here, but people from Nanlin have seen it, so their expressions are purple: ( ⊙ o ⊙ )Ah!

It's her, it's her, how could it be her!

"Yunduan...Yunduanxue...how many perverts are hidden in Daxia!" Linjiang Xue and others wanted to vomit.

Forget about the passing of one generation, there is still dusk snow in thousands of mountains, and now it is still snowing in the clouds...

Do these people come out and want to take over the entire Qishan Road?

And what do you want from each of you who are dressing up as men?

Isn't a famous sword enough for us women?

I feel like I can’t love anymore.

In one place in the Chibi Plain, a group of people is not conspicuous, but one person in this group of people is very conspicuous. He is sitting on a chair, with his long and slender legs crossed, his hands folded around his chest, watching the scene on the big screen , the corner of his mouth curled up.

"Fiancée? This girl wasn't so well-behaved before... I'm afraid she's angry with Ye Ziqing."


Bao Zifeng's expression was distorted, that's my son-in-law!

"My fiancée..." Yiye* looked at Shang Biejie.

Shang Farewell smiled: "I feel very surprised too."

Haha~~ It doesn’t look like a big surprise.


A cloud suddenly exploded. This cloud not only forced Ye Ziqing to fall into the devil's path, but also revealed the identity of his fiancée...Think of the relationship between Ye Ziqing and Daili in daily life...

To be truly loved is to be hated to the core. For this reason, he will not hesitate to force his love rival to become a demon and die at the hands of his fiancé and lover.

Everyone's imagination suddenly opened up, and then they looked at Shang Bielie not far away...

If you add the blood of Gong Zang who once enveloped Jun Zili, and the ambiguous Luo Qingyi, Mingjian, Ning Jingyuan...

Very good, the epic "The Bloody Palace Fight: Our Love, Hate and Enmity with the King" can be finalized.

Tang Junyi thought that if he wrote a novel as an outsider, he would become famous.

But in the end, there were only five people left in the fourth ring.

"Finally there are only five people left, but Ye Ziqing is still in the demonic stage and has entered trance. I'm afraid he won't be able to enter the sixth ring..."


The people outside the Chibi Plain were sighing, but they were also relieved. The fierce battle between these thirty people was much more exciting than the previous fight of more than two thousand people.

The standards are too high, the fighting is too brutal, and there are endless counterattacks. Haven't you seen that those people in the large group area have been silent for a long time.

I have nothing to say.

"Luan Qingyi, Jun Zili, Qing Qing, and Linghu Bai. These four are the final winners. They can enter the teleportation array..."

Emperor Ming laughed and said, obviously he was very satisfied with this result, because Jun Zili was the person he liked.

But soon, including Dai Li and others... they were all confused, because inside the ruins of the warship, there were clearly teleportation arrays, but... there were only four of them.

"Four? Not five?".

Everyone is shocked!

"Four...she can't go in, four is just right." Na Wuqing suddenly spoke, his voice was hoarse and light, giving people a heart-warming sense of friction.

Dai Li glanced at her, then at his cousin, thought for a moment, and sighed: "Then four people."

Although I am a little unwilling to do so, some things are just like this...there is nothing I can do about it.

Fortunately, Ye Ziqing can be considered among the top twenty no matter what... If we count his true strength, he is definitely among the top eight!

It's a pity that there has to be a battle to become possessed.

The four of them did not want to waste any more time in the fourth ring, so they flew to these four teleportation positions.


"somebody is coming!"

The four of them looked to the left sky at the same time.

When the camera zoomed in, a person was also seen slowly approaching on the Chibi Plain.

Clothes are flying, and people are like swords.

Who is that?

Count who hasn’t come yet...who is already dead...

Excluded, only one person qualifies.


"Yun Yiyi"

he came.

He came just now!

"It's just the right time." Dai Li narrowed his eyes. It was obvious that there were only four teleportation slots.

There were six of them, excluding one Ye Ziqing.

Five people, four teleportation positions.

One more person must be excluded.

But what was more palpitating in their hearts was another thing.

"There are four people who haven't come before: Yun Yiyi, Loulan Ting, Su Li, and Wansi Jianhan. Su Li has died, and Yun Yiyi is in the fourth ring, so the six people in the fifth ring are... "

who is it?

Dai Li's words slowly made the other three people fall into their thoughts, and Yun Yiyi was already at the front.

He also saw the people in front of him, their expressions remained unchanged, he just glanced at the four teleportation positions, and his eyes slightly deepened.

"Looks like I came just in time."

This sentence has some murderous intent.

Qingyi smiled: "It's just right... I thought Lord Yun had already entered the fifth ring."

Dai Li was more direct: "Did you kill Su Li?"

Yun Yiyi: "No"

no? Then who can kill Suli? Luan Qingyi suddenly thought of someone...

Could it be Lou Lanting?

"It's probably not your subjective will that makes you show up now... It's because you are forced to show up now..." Ling Hubai's sharpness made Yun Yiyi's eyes flash and he looked at Ling Hubai. Fox white.

"I was defeated...severely injured by a sword, and had to escape with Blood Escape...recuperate until I become a fairy."


Even if Linghu Bai had already guessed it, he still gasped as Daili followed Qingyi.

How terrifying a power is that?

"Who is that person?"

Yun Yiyi pursed his lips: "I don't know you."

What a ridiculous answer, he Yun Yiyi couldn't even recognize who was seriously injured...

"It's very simple. The elimination method... Loulan Ting, Wanqi Jianhan, choose one of the two." Dai Li waved his hand, "You said that person uses a sword. From my understanding... it shouldn't be Lou Lanting. That person doesn't Likes to use a sword"

Loulan Court, this name is very unfamiliar to everyone, who would care about Loulan Court.

Only Dai Li, who followed Qing Yi, knew how terrifying this man was.

Maybe Bai Jin also knows,

But what annoys them the most is... the name Wanqi Jianhan is actually even stranger.

Who is this person? Never heard of it.

But since there is Yun Duan and Qing Wu Zhu Yu in front of them, it is not surprising that there is Wan Qi Jian Han.

This Qishan Road Examination can be regarded as the one with the greatest gathering of talents.

The biggest highlight lies in these dark horses!

Each one is so black and shiny.

"Hey, that's not right! Even if we count Wanqi Jianhan, there must be five more people in the fifth ring. Who are those five people?"

Dai Li and Qing Yi looked at each other.

"I know Qianshan, Hu Yanjue, Mo Yao and Yan Lu must be in there, plus a Wanqi Jianhan, five, and one more..." Dai Li said in his voice transmission.

"Loulanting" returned in Tsing Yi.

"If it's him, who can do this poisonous gas and the general? It's obviously him too, the time doesn't match up... There were five people inside at the beginning, Wanqi Jianhan and him seemed to be in the fourth ring, unless... "

Dai Li and Qing Yi looked at each other with horror in their eyes, it's impossible! If that's the case... then Lou Lanting's strength must be so abnormal!

The two people looked surprised and uncertain, and the atmosphere became strange.

"Five people, four teleportation positions... Obviously if I want to join, I have to defeat one of you," Yun Yiyi said without any emotion.

Of course.

Linghu Bai, ruthless, Qingyi or Junzili, who will Yun Yiyi choose?

Obviously these four people will not take the initiative, because Yun Yiyi is very powerful, and it is not a good thing to be picked by him...

At least... it takes time to defeat him, but those who are not selected... can enter the fifth ring earlier.

This is the gap.

Many people looked at the big screen and thought like this at that time.

"According to general rules and absolute inertia, Yun Yiyi should choose..." The people in Nanlin muttered silently...

Shang Bieji was already ready to hold his forehead, Gong Zangxue rolled his eyes. R1152

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