A Queen

Chapter 1,204: Transformation into King’s Blood, the First Transformation!

Chapter 1204

Do you still have doubts?

Definitely is...

Yun Yiyi glanced at him, paused, and stopped on one person.

"The statues of heroes and you are connected...and neither you nor I like our territory to be occupied by others...then, just leave one."

Sure enough, many people rolled their eyes.

There is really no surprise at all. This person really has an unshakable character and no limits, so he is extremely unlucky!

From the initial indifference to the direct challenge now, Dai Li quickly cursed in his mind.

Now you really value me! Damn it!

But she still smiled gracefully, then turned to Qing Yi and said: "Go in, give me three minutes, I will come to you in three minutes."

three minutes!

Did you hear that right? Emperor Ming and others thought they were hallucinating.

Tuan Qingyi was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face, "Okay"

After saying that, he stepped into the teleportation array without looking back.

Dai Li felt Linghu Bai's eyes glancing at her, and when they met, he saw a strange glint in the other person's cold and clear eyes.

Um...she's really demonic.

Wuqing has stepped directly into the teleportation array, as if he has no curiosity at all.

All three were gone.

There were only three people left.

One Ye Ziqing enters concentration, and the other Yun Yiyi leaves the gentleman.

Yun Yiyi was about three to four hundred meters away from Dai Li, his fingers clasped around his sword, his eyes like lotus.

Lian, who is cold and noble, seems to be dirty in his eyes to everyone else.

He is full of pride in his bones.

"Even Hu Yanjue would not dare to say in front of me that he will defeat me in three minutes..." Yun Yiyi said calmly.

Dai Li stood in front of the teleportation position. When he heard what he said, he just raised his eyebrows and chuckled. The right hand hooks Qianji, as if drawing a sword, and the left hand hangs down to the left side of the waist, with the fingers slightly bent.

"Many people say that I, Junzili, have been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all the way. I have been broad-minded since I was a child. They often think that I am just a cautious and lucky person, but they don't know... what I want. It has never been this side of the sky."

Yue said. The smile on her face faded, and what emerged was an arrogant spirit.

What kind of blood is that?

The top talent of the pure-blooded prince of the vampire clan - the blood of the transmutation king. There are nine changes in total, crazy blood, evil blood, and burning blood. Ice blood, killing blood. The blood of the general, the blood of the king, the blood of the king, the blood of the emperor.

The first change: crazy blood!

With the power of blood. Crazy power increases blood, and with the madness of my blood clan, I will slaughter everyone in the world!

Twenty thousand blood can surge violently. Transformation!


Thirty thousand, thirty-five thousand. Forty thousand, forty-five thousand, fifty thousand...

One hundred thousand!

Seeing the situation of being unable to breathe, this person who originally only had 20,000 blood energy suddenly increased to 100,000...

King level? This is the real king level!

Jun Zili is the king!

What 20,000 yuan, what the king’s number one person! It’s all fake!

Yun Yiyi's eyebrows suddenly jumped with a sense of crisis, and his eyes were horrified.

not good!

Clang! ! !

The always arrogant Yun Yiyi, the number one swordsman of the Jiangge, took the initiative to draw his sword in front of someone other than Hu Yanjue for the first time.

He even drew his sword in panic and urgency!

And... directly use the strongest sword!

What is the strongest swordsmanship in Jiange?

"Nine Swords of Tiangang".

This is the sword pavilion that is shelved, and only the main line of the sword pavilion, that is, the swordsmanship of the pavilion master's lineage is passed down from generation to generation.

In addition to the pavilion master, the only thing that the retired pavilion masters have... is the sword skills that the next pavilion master can use.

It is used in both the combined stage and the Mahayana stage. I heard that this generation of pavilion masters can only practice to the eighth sword. Except for the ancestor, there are only a few pavilion masters in the past who can practice to the ninth sword.

This is a very high-end swordsmanship, and it is a superb swordsmanship that is admired in large groups.

Yun Yiyi had never used such a sword technique before, not even against Hu Yanjue, but now, he used,

It also means that after Qin Huang Pavilion, the young master of Jiang Pavilion was also exposed.

Yun Yiyi, the Young Pavilion Master of Jiange!

He directly used his sword to sacrifice it!

Tiangang's first sword! He's done it!

In addition to the first sword...the perfect second-level sword intent of water and gold, plus...

Perfect Xiaobai Sword!


What a powerful combination!

The power of 150 County's sword suddenly cut out a hundred-meter black river of sword path, and the black river continued to spread...

And at a distance of 150 meters.

Short distance.

Dai Li's blood surged to 100,000 yuan with a flick of his hand!

Qianji seemed to be twisted, and it was a terrifying and twisted sword light, like thunder and thunder in the sky.

Wherever the thunderbolt struck, black holes collapsed, stained with blood and red light.

The blood sword struck the Tiangang Sword with a thunderbolt!

Sword to sword, boom!

King versus king?

The perfectly tilted thunderbolt, the rushing red light... Tiangang is collapsing!

A one-sided collapse!


Yun Yiyi was instantly covered in red light..

At that moment, he only made one sound: "Two hundred thousand"

With a burst of blood, it's one hundred thousand, and with a burst of dual cores, it's naturally two hundred thousand!

Then there was an attack from two hundred counties!

How he is undefeated.

Hula... The red light is like a torrent breaking through a dam, overturning everything covering hundreds or even thousands of miles.

Like an exploding blood-red star.

Towards the last ray of Yun Yiyi's soul, Daili inserted Qianji into the scabbard and said: "I can't kill you in three minutes? Hu Yanjue can't do it, so he can only be Hu Yanjue, not Junzili."

The soul finally dissipates.

For a second, red light shone and white snow floated in the fourth ring.

Only a ring was separated, and a space was avoided, which was where Ye Ziqing was.

Dai Li took a deep look at her, raised his chin slightly, his short hair flying, smiled, and then turned around and left.

Cousin, I will help you take back the glory that belongs to you.

And three minutes...just left for less than half a minute.


The Chibi Plain was icy cold, and the people in Jiange... seemed to be dead.

The scary thing was not that Yun Yiyi was defeated, nor was it that he was killed instantly with one move.

But he lost to Jun Zili.

Twenty thousand clouds, two hundred thousand clouds? How did she do it?

Hidden strength?

How much money do you have to hide? Were all the things I said before just to tease you?

The people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion who used to be reserved and preached with their orchid fingers raised were basically dead, and the elders refused to say anything. He was embarrassed as soon as he said a word, and no one was able to speak.

As for people like Xie Ru... they are untenable.

Two hundred thousand~~ One shot of the original energy breath can crush your physical body to death!

You don’t even need the pupil technique!

General Ye Ran was stunned for a long time before taking a deep breath. No wonder, no wonder, sister... you want to hide her so deeply.

It's because it's so possible for her to go there and expose everything.

But if you know what I'm thinking. I'm afraid you might blame me.

Ye Ran will think of the feelings that just emerged between Dai Li and Ye Ziqing. The wry smile became even worse. He seemed to have made a wise but wrong decision.


"Two hundred thousand, two hundred thousand..." Feng Shaoling was dumbfounded. Ru Sang Kao Yi, why, how could this happen? It was the first time I saw that person. Even the strongest attack could only reach 20,000 clouds. It turned out that it was only a few months ago. The original body Yuan Libiao is worth 200,000 yuan!

Feng Wenlun closed his eyes. He had to think about how to describe to his family how his talented and noble brother got into trouble with a peerless monster.

"Awesome. Awesome, so awesome!" Mr. Fen Sanye gave three high-fives and laughed, breaking the silence of the audience, and everyone came back to their senses.

Tai Shi Yuan lowered her eyes and asked: "She was like this before?"

Zi Weiyang tilted her head slightly. Smiling brightly: "No, it's more dazzling than before..."

It was so dazzling that she almost seemed to grasp the brilliance.

"Really?" Zi Weiyang lowered her eyes, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

It seems that I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

——If you think about that scene again. (Eating and sex. The big guy picking his feet is really bad.)

Of the fifty people who entered the fourth ring, nine people had already entered. There are only two people left now.

One entered samadhi, and the other...has stepped into the teleportation position.

At this moment, Sekirei appeared.

"The fifth refresh, the second ring is completed by ten, and the fourth ring has killed thirty-nine people. It's good, I'm very happy."

Damn it, you will be happy when more people die, right?

This is so unnatural!

"Compared with the progress of the previous rounds, the fourth round is very exciting, barely better than the previous ones. But I have to remind you... the time is only half an hour. After half an hour, everything will be over. Settle!"

The sound was perfect, everything was quiet, and the picture on the big screen flashed past Ye Ziqing, who was in trance, and fell into the twisted and terrifying space of the fifth ring.

And the dead who were defeated...

was refreshed.

Naturally, it is not just a bunch of people like before, the number of people is much smaller, and the most conspicuous ones are naturally the elites of the fourth ring.

For example, people like Xiangxi Palace faced hundreds of thousands of looks after they appeared one by one.

Among them, Yun Yiyi received the most looks.

There is no way, whoever makes him the strongest is defeated the fastest.

And as soon as he appeared, he sat down immediately.

"Did you realize it?"

"Well...it's really..."

On the other side, these people from Xiangxi Palace have also entered samadhi one by one.

The famous sword, Ning Yuan, let alone Ning Yuan, was originally a realm breakthrough, but now it can no longer suppress the trembling bottleneck when it comes to the Chibi battlefield.

So one by one enter samadhi.

The dead people who were swept out in the first, second and third rings all had very wonderful expressions.

Are you pretending? Or did you really have an epiphany?

Can you gain enlightenment even after defeat?

Soon they discovered that this was really no joke.

The halos that ignited on each of them were mysterious, some were based on cultivation, and some were realm-based. In short, they were all kinds of enlightenment, all kinds of disturbing.

"It seems that after fighting in the Chibi battlefield... these people broke through very quickly." Someone noticed that people like Chu Xiuling actually made rapid progress, which was jaw-droppingly fast.

"Is it because of the Chibi battlefield?"

People like Emperor Ming were thoughtful and wanted to ask people like Chu Xiuling, but they had no chance because they all had an epiphany.

Forget it, I’ll ask later, but I guess there’s something mysterious about this Chibi battlefield.

Also, not everyone has an epiphany, at least not Yun Duanxue. She stands out among these people who have an epiphany. (To be continued)


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